ilE SEN IN.0.. Entered 'April 28, 1908 at Pickens, B. 0.', as second classimatter, under not i rbongrbes of March *,'89 VOL. XXXVIII PICI3N1, SO!! CAROLINA, TIUMDAY, DECExIM 19f Ganderbone's Dec. Forecast. Copyright 1007 by C. 11. Rieth. D cember of the drifting snow And yule-Jog blizing brighh A December, w-hen the cold winds blom Across the fields of white; W hen winter's ring ia in the grount And nights are clear and still, And the boys go belly-buster dawu The slick and shiny hill. December of the Christmas And childhoods brightest dream; December of the ecstacy Of hallowet Christmas e'en; When the last sweet lullaby is sung Aud children's whispers cease. And the wee sweet stocking. all ar( strung Along the nantel piece December of the drum and horn And bundles slyly hid; December of the one great morn Of mornings for a kid; When chime, of sweet and mellov bells Are weloming the dawn, And the house rocks with the merr, yells Of kids with )ig hties on. December was the nineth month it -the old Roman cab-ndar, and iti name is from decemn (ten) Wher .Julius Cesar became Big Stick of th< empire, the month cont ainel but 20 day". He add-d twu more- ont :iore to make ready for Cbritmai -an1d another to recover from it -Christmas gifts oriaii..attd with th< C reeks. Hence the sa ing, "Bewar< of the Gieeks bearing gifts." Santm -Ciaus was invented by the toy man u facturers of Neuremburg, Germany -Where the Teddy Bears came from. The motto for the month will be -"Shut the doorl" Mr. Roosevelt aU \M3r. Bryan will be the leading presi .dential candidat a and prohibitior will contioue the burning issue. Th. liquor interesti will build a wal around Peorit, Ill.. St. Louis Louis Mille, and Milwankee, and their war balloon will make daily observatiune .of the movements of Mrs. Nai'.n. The Anti-Saloon League has comn 4'nutedto let the $ulatice - this yiear begin at 7 p. w. on th 22d; but there must bW no MA'likiia .a14 every one munt he in Iy cife-Y .The 21st'will be the abeutest das in the year". This will be on Satur day, and if you are at church next day atid stav fr the sermon yoi will aotice that the 22d, is much 0ger The moon will be full on the 19th and the sign of the zoaiae for the anonth will be Capricorua the Goat T'his will make but ter go 4apand send \&ids to Sunday school. "'The old mill pound will free-ze again, And every one will skate: Th e molycoddle moedest awain, A 1003* attv 'osg -aq yo puw sqffno a ej uojrjnaug sagoenluI puv 30 Mau puw poojq A~ Will thither go with Kate; 81.''1 lip in such a way that she Will see a brilliant star, And he will deeply blush to see How long her stockings are. The money scare will quiet down I --unhappy eircumstanc-and money will fr quent again the pocket of our pants The new gold coin they're making now- without "In God We Trust," will turn up in the hat at church as prized as any dust. The scrip we haye will be retired and real dough will' lopk good, but the old subscriber will insist on paying up with wood. - On the 2d, Speaker Cannon will assemble himself at Washington, where he will re-elect himself and re sume khe enactment of law in the presen .e of the Drmocratic minority and'other onlookers. The final edi tion of the President's message will be read, Wall street will be given another physic; and it will be official ly declared that this country cannot exist half capital and half water. Mr, Fiirbanks w!!! tike re'uge in the dignity uf the Souate from his cocktail persecuators, and several new n'mbers will be taken into that ex elusive club of multi-millionaires. Congress assembled will take up great public- q'wstions like the need of federal building at Podunk and Coyote Center: The growing demand fur a nwore elahtic currency, and why i-body will atay in the army at the generous inducement of $13 a month and found--dead in t'ae Philipines. Persons born inder the sign of Capricornus the Goat, are great orn tors, thinkers and teacher-; qelf.con. ecious and not meddlesome; good sto ry tellers, eat too much, have style and pride, talk too much, are dis trustful, and can keep a secret (if wales). They are selti-h, and never get the hot end of it in exchange of Christmas gifts. Tihey continue to hang up their stockings when it is a hardship upon others to fill them Girls born in Capricornus are hard to win, generally ;referring a parrot to the stork. 'Ibo want-wolt's wail will ride the blast -Whe overty prevaila; A few late laggard geese will pass With winter on their taila. The sleigh will jingle up the road the lines around the whip, and George and Nellie. in the robes, will love's own honey sip. The sleigh will hit a 10-foot bank, and they'll go rolling d'wn -vith Nellie's foot in George's face -and walk six miles to ton'n, The new rules~ for farmers promul - gated by th Farmhlad's, Union will go into effect on the 1st, viz1 Fa m. era will provian a.toneohiles for alt dodAH PU, ! JeAl irn~anu .r~$o3d help, and will serve as chauffeur. they will eat at the second table, ae< sleep in the hayloft; they will rise a 4. do the chores and serve breakfas to the hands in bed at 9; they wil provide a phonograph and the oum rent magazines; hands will supervis farm wirk from 11 to 12 and from to 3; the -earnings of .the farm will b placed in a bucket every Saturda and poured through a 'ladder place horrizorntally on two chaire; whit goes through the hands get-an what- sticks cn the rungs goes to th farmer. Santa Claus will make the usua rounds on the night of the 241b Men will get cigars, neckwear am and mustache cups. L adies will ge the money-which they would muel rather have. - Children will- get th stomach acbe and its coinplication And theL comes January ill To plague us with some ancient bil As only January can Dieturl" the bappiness of man. Then Leap Year dread ebiall comL again with Nineteen Hundred Eight when wcmankind of growing year ano single up to date, will hit th bachelor's plain trail-the unpropos ing wretch--and make that' woith; for awhile exceeding hard to catch. For a Christmas present, nothin( nicer than D,>minocards; the grea combiiation game set, do-nino shuipe with card colors: Play cards, domi noes and new games, "Show Me" an' "Hig Stick." Parents fascinat. d children delighted. 56 parts in at tractive box postpaid 50 cents. BoyE and girls make Christmas money, at agents. Dn't delav. Write to-day Dominocards Co., 1807 Chouteau, St Louis. Mo. CITATION. STATE OF BOU'TR C AROLINA, County of Pickens. By J. B. Newbery, Probate Ji go: W 1i E R E A S, y. G. ry a t made suit to me to grant hin letters of Adminietristion of the estat, mad effects of J. E. Wyatt, These are therefore to ofte and admon ih ill and singular the kindred . and creditors of t i sail J. E. Wya l deceased, tbat they be and appear before me, in the Conet of rQEte too. be held at Pickena (i, ilis 12t0A day of Dtq; ne~t, after publiu-tron hereof, ht,1 o'oleok iW the forenoon, to show ean if stay they have, why the said Administration should not he granted. Given nuder my band this, the 26th day of Nov., Anno Domini 1907. J. B. NRwBERY, [Sealj J. P. P. 6. )ver-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Intpure Blood. All the blood in your body passes throught your kidneys once every three minutes.g The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil -. ) ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu matism come from ex ~ ' co3s of uric acid in the -----blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble cauces quick or unsteady heart beats, and mnakes one feel as though they had heart trouble. because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poiaoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseascs have their bcgin nmng in kidney trouble. li you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamap-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful eures of the most distressing cases and 13 sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty cent and'one-dollar siz c5. You may have a ' " sample bottle by mali Some or awamp.nloot. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmrer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's S"amp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, SOME STATEME t REGARDINI Followers of Cooper Aq Reason for Thel Wtth a theory that human health is ependet on the stomach and with a D medicine which hensays proves, this theory, L. T. Cooper. a comparatively .young man, has built up an immense following during the past year. Cooper has vjsite4.most of the lead ing cities of the country, and in each city has atoused-a storm of discussidn about his .belefs and.his medicinos. Wherevet 'he has. gone, people have called upon him by tens -of thousands, and his preparation has sold in iut. mense quantities. The -sale .of this medicine hah 'nO'w spread over the entire country, and is growhig enormouBly each day. In view of this. the following statements from 't*o. of the great number of followers .which he now has, are of gnrl in. terest. Mrsi. Agnes Viggenhouser, of 942 St. .Lolis Avenue Chicago, has the follow ing to say on the 'ubject of the Cooper preparations: "For more than 'ten years I was broken down in health. I could not sleep and I was very ner 3 vous. Gradually I began to lose my memory, until I could not remember things from one day to another. I had nevere pains and cramps in my body, and I would at times see dark spots before my eyes. I was unable to do any work whatever, as my strength I was failing. I had no appetite, nor L could I take any medicine. 0I had about given up hope of ever bein" well again when I read of Mr. Lool F 0 R C HI Santa Clas - *A lot of goo< the little folkes, big folks, y and all kinds of folks. I for them all. The Irrg ried in Pickens from to the fiuest choc Bons. Orang pies of the varietie en'ough you all. A of sta and fa - grocer and in we cai just m1 anythi you ne Wishing you Christmas. We trade you ma SAsh more & Youns Mens Suit Fall Desi Exclusive The young man who is reall something different from the or, our distinctive collection of "Cor a style and pattern sure to strike There are three-button Sack breasted styles for street or dires smart and fashionable. These backs and come in all the latest Jutst the style smartly dresse this fall, at prices ranging from. $15 T( END 120 Main Street ( NTS R NEW THEORY > d His Novel Ideas Givi r Belief in Him. Cooper's remedies. I decided-to te them a trial, and I began to feel b ter, at once. After taking the medicine for two weeks I can say that I am a new woman. I can eat with enjoyment, the pains in -my body have left me, and I am stronger than I have been fez years. "I cannot say enough for 3W. Cooper's remedies. They are wondeL% ful, for. they have done everything claimed for them in my case." Another 'statement by Mr. W. R. Stewart, 109 W. Madison St., Chicawj, is as follows: "I have had stom#acbs trouble for years, and anyone who I afflicted this way knows what an awtf3 distressed feeling it causes. Many * time I have felt that I would give mOs. any price to be cured. It was by Wgi cident that I heard of this uss Cooper's remedies. I immedlat . made up my mind to buy a treatmeM of him.. I used it for about two weef and it is impossible to tell how mubfa good it has done me. I feel altogether different. '1 have more life and energy than I have had for years. This med. icine certainly does stimulate aW strengthen the0 wholo system. Tired feeling and weak condition of the stomach has entirely passed away. S feel well again." We asll Cooper's colebrated medi cines which have made this wonderfut record in all parts of the country. -Pickens Drug Co. SOut I S T M A S Will Want :1things for, oung folks, old folks and Ve have got the very est line of candy car a "Big Red Stick" olates'and Bon es and Ap. very best s and for big line ple ncy tes fact rry ost ng ed. a merry appreciat any y give us. Nimmons s and Overcoats gns and Patterns y looking for smart clothes dinary products will find in rect Clothes for Gentlemen"' his fancy. Suits in single and double s wear that are wonderfully are mostly with form-fitting shades and fabrics. d college men are wearing i$35 IE L, Croonville. S. C.