The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, August 08, 1907, Image 3

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Busin _ss il No shog fresh an~do WN, irts aV:. All ptr and fp wu thec gradi rom~ Cof] G ra u date rugar 40 I fgo( W. E, 'I -' etthat : d ther ca ~~o1 c KiNR{Y 1E tmeuts. Abrariau. - logne .o ipany rytra K *' F he Hek but i1he dull seagot we must push Wafter, b ains and we want your trade. 91;s 'to-ork oft. Everything new and C-66 that wil catcl you if you call on us. .ys: Pants ew Lot Just Received 60, $1.66, $1,76 and $2.00 Every own price. ed lawn 5c straight marked down to 4c, es at 5c. 10 "$1 ~1~lbs for W along the line at &A THE OLD STAND." Co we pay highest market prices for country 5h or trade. lord College PARTANBURG, S. C. ELSON SNYDER, M. A., LITT. D., LL. D. PRESIDENT. -Gymrnasimn under competent director, Athletic Grounds. 84*ce Hall. Fiftyfourth year begina September 18, Jcea .. A. GAMEWELL, Secy. No Insurance vill insure any onie having any trace of (idney Trouble ce of Idney trouble igeliminated by will be paid liv the Inter sII* tate UJhemiical Co.. of Bal timotre*, Md. for anycase oft Idner L e VA i S I HoL help. FNordl to the Wishb! ens Drug Company, Pickens, S. C. OROANIZED 1901. . O'DyLr.. H. C. S orsuAv, ET Y BANK, LIERTY, S. C. ~ CTORS. Buy Yur N1 Or Sell F YOU have ag Buy enough t have only a ft us take th em up N one that is ot. It is not neces by Sept. 1st 8s th( CRAIC One-1 'Bridget Whist. bov yez been this avenin'?" ader of O'Toole. S e -been playing- Bridget 4jolhe game, It is." "irliget hIst?- An' how do yez play thot?" "01 sit f he kitchen wid Bridget and ate pln' -enke an' chicken,. un.d when Brielget hec'tra the :uistress com in' shle. siays 'Whist. an' 01. hide in the S11l11111011 f4)l' eile. (Comiiint SevdI STlAi* 01' SOU'Iii (CARi~lNA County of Plekens x In Commuon Pleas courth Pairrott, WAin..Iacksi-n Rice. lIeb~ecca. AdualIine T'omxlin. Atdolphas (Collinis.ielomar lIllenb~urg, Ida liryant and I)eani Col lins. PhItitiff. .against. Claytont Collina. Leora Ilurlnm, anud E-ugene Collius, the lsat two namend being m~iinr' over fourteen years of age. D~efendsants. To the Defendants abovo tnmed:. You are hereby summnoned and re'unired to answer tiie compllaint In this action. of whtich a copy In herewith served upon you, and to serve a copay of y(tianswer to the said cousnplait on the subs ilera at their oitee at, - iekenss C. II. H. C., within-20 (days after the service hereof, exclusive of thle dby of such servie:~ andu I1 -ou faitoaniswer the complaint within the ime afrsi.the plntifis In this netion will ap. ply to the court for the relief di emtanded in the Complaint. - t)RGA N & 3IA L'bLIiN, Dlated .June 15th, 1967. P' ahitIlf's A ttys. 'To the absent defenidant, Cliyton t 'ollhns: [Please take niotIce that the snumons and comn p laint. In the above st~ated nation were flied in t he ollece of clerk of court f'or P'Iekes counity on the 15th day of .June, 1907. .1 une :20tf - Morgan & Mla uldin. P'lainttlif's Attorneys. J. F. HARRIS, PI(CKENs, S. C. KILETme COUCH AND CURE THE LUNOS WiTH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR ioL a T,?a~Fe AND ALLt TIIROAT AN~ NO TROUBLES. GUAR ANT D ISPAC ORY O MOEY , DED, aighbor's Coupo Yours to Your (a Wiib n88 Ho Mi odd start toward a Tal o get the required am ,w sell them to your n vith dishes. We will sary tor coupons to al y will be redeemable ZESPECTFULLY, SBR OTI Price Cash Stc JUST ARI f li T ailor Us?~ to1 I IIS Neighbor. king Machine ount. If you eighbor or let redeem every 1 be turnedin after then. IE RS )re. UYD - ~ - 4, es. .. Su mrstyles se anHnbyefcsa blid, - Grenvile p