i raustar .1 . surreptitiously lifted-were unusually pensive. "It Is strange that you live in Grau. stark and have not seen its princess before," she said, laying groundwork for Inquiry concerning the acts and mhereabouts of the real princess. "May it please your highness, I have not lived long in Graustark. Besides, It Is said that half the people of Gan look have never looked upon your ftce." "I'm not surprised at that. The pro portion is much smaller than I imag .lned. I have not visited Ganlook, strange as it may seem to you." "One of my company fell in with some of your guards from the Ganlooki garrison day before yesterday. He learned that you were to reach that elty within forty-eight hours. A large detachment of men has been sent to meet you at Labbot." "Oh, indeed," said Beverly, very imuch interested. "They must have been misinformed as to your route or else your Russian escort decided to take you through by the lower and more hazardous *ay. It was our luck that you dame by the wrong road. Otherwise we should not have met each other, and the lion," he said, smiling reflectively. "Where is Labbot?" asked she, in tent upon the one subject uppermost in her mind. "In the mountains many leagues north of this pass. Had you taken that route Instead of this you would by this time have left Labbot .for the town of Erros, a half day's journey from Gan look. Instead of vagabonds your es cort would hive been mattide uls of loyal soldiers, well fed, well clad and well satisfied with themselves at least." "But no braver, no truer than p1y soldiers of fortune." she said earnestly. "By the way, are you informed as to the slita of affairs In Dawsbergen?" "Scearge ly as well as your highness must h." he replied. "The young prince - what's his name?" she paused, looking to him for the na3me. "Dantan ?" "Yes, that's it. What has become of him? I an terribly interested in iin." "Ile Is ia fugitive. they say." "They haven't captured him, then? Good! I am so glad !" Baldos exhibieI, little or no interest In the fresh topic. "It is strange you should have for gotten hIs iame," he said wearily. "Oh, I do so miany ridiculous things!" com1plined Roeverly, remembering whoi she was supPOSed to be. "I have never seen hii, you know," she ad((le(d. "It Is not strange, your highness. Ie was edlucatedl in England and had seen but little of his own country when) he was called to the throno twvo years ago. You remember' of course that his moth er was an Englishw~omnan, Ladiy lida "I-I think I have heard somec of his history. A very little, to be sure," she explained lamely. "Prince Gabriel, his half brother, is the son of Prince Louis III. by his first wife, who was a Polish countess. After hter death, whten Gabriel was two years old, the prince married Lady Ida. Dantan Is their son, Hie has a sater, Candace, who is but nineteen years of age." - "I ant ashamed to-confess that you know so mucht moro' about my neigh bors than I," she said. "I lived in Dawsbergen for a little while and' w~as ever interested in the doings or royalty. That is a poor man's privilege, you know." "Prince Gabriel must be a terrible mant," cried Beverly, her heart swelling with tender thoughts of the exiled Dan tan and his little sister. "You have cause to know," saId he shortly, and she was perplexed until she.. recalled the stories of Gabriel's misdlemeantors at the court of Edel 'weisa. "Is Pritce D~antan as handsome as they say hte is?" she asked. "It is entirely a matter' of opinion," he replied. "I for ond'do not conaider him at all prossessing.'" The day wvent ont, fatiguing, distress lng it its length and its happenings. Progrecss was ntecessarily slowv, the perils of theo roald iucreasing as thte little ('avalende wound deeper and dleleer Into the wviiderness. Thero.wore times when the coacht fairly crawled along the edge of a preeipiee, a pro ceedintg so ha'zartdous thtat Beverly shuddered as if it a ciil. Aunt Fantny slept seronely most of thte time, antd Baldos took to dreanuing with his eyes .wide open. Centrary to her expecta tions, the Axphainians did not appear, and if there were robbers in the hills they thoughtt better thatn to attack' the Valorous looking party. It dawned npqn herl.DAally..thuat the Arnh~alnlana IL - I ~ GEOROE.: URR ?~ k * Author of "GS Sark" 0 COeWtt. 1904. 6y Dodd. 4 . * Mead and Compay W were gua-ding the upper route and not the one over which she was traveling. Yetive doubtless wag approaching Gan look over .the northern pass, prpvIded the enemy had not been encountered before Labbot was reached. Beverly soon found herself fearIngptor the safety of the princesg fea af last became almost b rd . Near nightfall they came te Gtaustark shepherds knd iea d tiat Ganiook could not be reached before the next afternoon. The tired, bungry travelers spent the night in a -snug little valley through which a rivuLet 'bounded onward to Ahe river below. The supper- was a scait one, the fora gers having poor lutk in the hunt for food. Daybreak saw them on their way once more. Hunger and dread had worn down Beverly's supply of good spirits; she ias having difficulty in keeping the haggard, distressed look from her face. Her tender, hopeful eyes were not so bold or so merry as on the day before; cheerfulness cost her-an effort, but she managed to keep it fairly alive. Her escort,, wretched and half starved, never f4rgot the def erence due to their charge, but etgode steadily on with the doggedqess of martyrs. At times she was impellea (to disclose her true Identity, but discre tion told her that deception was her best safeguard. Late in the afternoon of the second day the front axle of the coach snap ped in two, and a tedious delay of two h'ours ensued. Baldos was strangely si lent and subdued. It was not tintil the misfortune caie that Beverly observ ed the flushed condition of hIs. face. Involuntarily and wrh the compassion of a true woman, slhe touiied his hand and brow. They were . burning hot. The wounded mani was In a high fever. le laughed at her fears and scoffed at the prospect of blood poisoning and the hundred otlier possibilities that sug gested theiselves to her anxious brain. "We are close to Ganlook," he said, with the setting of the sun. "Soon you may be relieved of your tiresome, cheerless company, your higlmess." "You are going to a physilan." she said resolutely, alive and active once more, now that the worst part of the Jiouriey was comilng to an1 end. "Tell that ian to drive in a gallop all the rest of the way." CHAI'TER VIII. Y tills time they were passing the queer little huts that mark ed 1lhe outskirts. of -a habitable Icommiunity. Thicse were the homes of shepherds. hunters and oth er's whosti vocations relatetl esipeelal iy to the nmountains. Farther on there were signs of farming interests; the homes b erenm e more numerous andl mlor'e preteniou la411 i appuearance. The rock lined gorge broadened int..a Ier tile valley; the road was smooth and level, al condition which afforded re'llaf to the travelers. Rtavone had once more diressedi the wolunds infieted by. the lion,. but he was unable to provide anhythmu' to subdue the fever. Baldos was undeniably ill. Heverly, between her (exclaiatons of joy and relief at being in sight of Ganlook, was profuse in her expuresslons of concern for the hero of tihe Ihawk and Raven. The feverish gleaml in his dark eyes anmd the pain that miarked his face touched her dleeply. HSulferinmg softened his lean, sua i brlo\vnedC features, obl1iterating tile mocking linies that had impressed her so unfavorably at the outset. She was saying to herself that he was hand sonme after a most unusual cast; It was aln uinforgettable face. "Youmr highness." lhe said earnestly, after she had looked long and anxious-' ly at his half closed eyes, "we are with in an hour of Gaulook. It will be dark before we reach the gates, I know, but you have nothing to fear during the rest of the trip. Franz shall drive you to the sentry post and turn over the horses to your own men. My friends and1( 1 must leave youi at the endh of the mountain roadl, We are" "Rtidicuious!" she cried. "I'll not permit it! You nmust go to a hospital." "if I enitr tihe (Ganlook gates it will be the same as entering the gates of death," lie protested. "Nonsense! You have a fever or you wvouldn't talk l'ke thamt. I can promtse you absolute secnrity." "You do not undlerstand, your high Mess." ".Nevertheless, you are going to a hospital," she 'firmly said. "You would die out hero in thme wilds, so what are the odds either way? Aunt Fanny, 'will you be careful? Don't 'you know that the least movement of those bags hurts him?" "Please do not mind me, your high ness. I am doing very well,"'llessaid, 'The t u Ii- frot otodsi1de Sfi 0 time of. Ie So esbtherS gatl e Oabot t 0p window. A c( e e a 1W "Aunt Fanny, oUm you be carefte? versation in a tongue utterly incompi hensible to Beverly took place betwe Baldos and his followers. The lati seemed to be disturbed about son thing, and there was no mistaking I solicitous air with which they regal ed their leader. The pseudo prince was patient as long as possible ai then broke into the discussion. "What do they want?" she demar ed in English. "They are,, asking for Instructioni he answered. "Instruct them to do as I bid," a said. "Tell them to hurry along a get you a doctor; that's all." Evidently his friends w-re of t samne opinion,for after a long harang in which he was obdurate to the I they left the carriage, and he sa back with a groan of dejection. "What Is it?" she anxiously demal ed. "They also insist that I shall go tc surgeon." he said hopelessly. Ills ey were moist, and he could not meet I gaze. She was full of exultatic "They have advised me to put myr' under your protection, shameless that miy seem to a man. You and y alone have the power to protect me I pass beyond the walls of Ganlook.' "I" she cried, all a-flutter. "I could not thrust my head into t jaws of delath unless the princess Graustark were there to stay th< fury. Your royal hand alone can tu aside the inevitable. Alas, I am he less Aind know iot what to do!" Beverly ('alhoun sat very straight a silent hes'ide the lnisgui11(ded Balh After aill, it wats not within her pow\ to protect Ilim. She was not the pr iess, and she had absolutely no in enee hi Ganlook. The authorities th cOuld not beP deIVC(i as had been the ignorant 111011 of the 11111s. If sie him Into the city it was decidedly 'prc able that she nilght he taking him .a ommangl Onee atpvea wds cozfident s eould save t 6e-n .wh'o dia4 done so much for Or,'., n U GauoC was many miles from Edel reiss; and there was no assurance thai Int'erention could be obtained in time On the other hand, if he went back to th' hills hewaq likely to die of the poison ous fever, irteverly was In a most tn happy state ot mind. If she confessc( to him that she was not the princes! be would refuse to enter the gates o: Ganlook, and be perfectly justified li doing so. "But if I should fall?" she asked a last, a shiver rushing over her an( leaving her cold with dread. "You are the only'hope, your high ness. You had better say farewell to Baldos and let him again seek thi friendly valley," said he wearily. "W, can go no farther. The soldie:s mus be near, your highness. It means calp ture if we go on. I cannot expose m; friends to' the dangers. Let me be pu down here and do you drive on t safety. I shall fare much better thai you'-think, for I am young and- stroi and" PNo! I'll risk iti" she cried. "Yoi must go into the city. Tell them sc and say that I will protect you with m; own life and honor." ,e- Fever made him submissive. He en eyes gave him confidence. Her voic er soothed his fears, if he possessed their ae- Leaning from the window he calle he his men together. Beverly looked oa -d. In wonder as these strange men bad ss farewell to their leader. Many of ther ad were weeping, and most of them kisse his hand. There were broken sel id. tences, tear choked promises, anxiou inquiries, and the parting was over. l," "Where are they going?" Beverl; whispered as they'moved away in th he dusk. nd "Back into the mountains .to, starv poor fellows. God be kind to their he God be good to them," he half sobbec u his chin dropping to his breast. H .st was trembling like a leaf. nk "Starve?" she whispered. "Have the no money?" Id- "We are penniless," came in muffle tones from the stricken leader. a B6verly leaned from the window an ,es called to the departing ones. Itavon er and one other relnctantly approachie( m. Without a word she opened a sma c: traveling bag and drew forth a leav as purse. This she pressed into the hantz of the student. It was filled wit Graustark gavvos, for which she ha exchanged American goltl Ili Rjussia. "God be with you!" she ferventi he cried. lie kissed her hand, andi tlh two stood aside to let the coeh ro r on into the dusky shadows that sel arated them from the gates of Gan look, old Franz still. driving, the ot one of the .company left to serve hi I leader to the very end. )S "Well, we have left then," muttere Baldos as though to himself. "I mht never see them agalii-never see thet again. And how true they have beeni! W- "I sh'all send for theia the momuen , I get to Ganlook. a mI I'll promise pai Sdons for them all!" she cried rashly I 0( her compassion. "No." e. exlainied fiercely; "vou ar thUuc-o thor drew it4 hdhA began to 1 life was in her -wet and the t .e was' 04 must stant betwOeithint Und .004s. "Where atre thesd iunted olde0 o A yours?" lIe suddenly asedd - - a Irony In his voice. "My soldiers?" she paid faintly., "Isn't it rather unuspal thitt i of trouble and uucertinty Aie s 61) 1 be able to approach w liin aMie o t one of your iost Impdtat vtithl", W out even so much as seeing 4 .. Iet of Graustark?" She felt that he was scoffing but It mattered little to her. "It is a bit odd, isn't it?" size tgreed "Worse than that, your hight 0ss." $"I shall speak to Dangloss abolut It," she said serenely, and he looked up In new surprise. Truly she was ;fn ex t traordinary princess. Fully tbree-quarters of an hour pas ed before the coach was checked. Bey. .prly, looking from the. windows, had seen the lighted windows of cottages growing closer and closer together. The barking of roadside dogs was the only sound that could be heard above the rattle of the wheels. It was too r dark Inside the coach to see the face a of the man beside her, but something told her that he was staring intently I Into the night, alert and anxious. The I responsibility of her positton swooped D down upon 4aer like an avalanche as i she thought of what the next few mhi I utes were to bring forth. It was the sudden stopping of the coach and the sharp commands from the outside that told her probation was at an end. She could no longer speculate; it was high D time to act. "The outpost," came from Baldos, in strained tones. "Perhaps they won't know us--you. I mean," she whispered. L "Baron Dangloss knows everybody." he replied bitterly. T'BE cONTINUED.] A cold is mtich more rasily cured wh-en the iowils are opened. Kennedy's L L'xative Honey and Tair opens the bow els and drives the cold out. of the sistem in young or old. Sold by Pickens'Drug The Flight of the Sun. 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