Rickets. Simply the visible sil are not forming rapidly Lack of nourishment .Scott's Emalft entire system. Stimulai Exactly what baby n ALL DRUGGISTS: 60c, THERE Is NC ROA But there is a chance for ever By buying from me, you'll pra under any circumstances wil charge, and about 99 times ou from a few cents to a few doll We carry a general line of r being sold -at as close prices a< give you the chance to wi'i a 1 Range Fr '.o you. Come and see how "Better be born lucky than i Are you lucky ? Then show your pluck by tr D. The man who never misre' back if not satisfied. Business Locals. Notices of Stile, Vants, Swaps, etc. inserted in this Columin at 5 cents per line for each insertIon. Nothing taken for les.s th n 10cents. We do not cut quality, therefore we cannot out prices. Pickens Bottling Works. ~Sugar and( coffeo at 0. 1). Moore's. WPanted, to buy 1,000 lhens, 1,500 doz' en eggs nad all the roosters that we cai! get. Vn, E. Freeman & Co. F'lour and meat at J. D). Moore's.' WVhen in Easley' put up your stoel at B. P, Martin's feed and livery sta ble. He also handles all kin(ls o feed stuff. 38-tf Call and see me if you want a grout or any! work ini the photograph line. May 2913 E. M. FARIMER, Opposite Folger, Thornley & Co. We have just received a solid ear o Zanuesville stone wire conisisting o churns, pitchcrs, etc. The churns wil be sold ait 10e thei gallon. Ask to se< this beautif ul ware whether you want t< buy or not. Craig Brothers, Tobacco & can goods at J. D). Moore's I will pay top) prices in cash or tradi if you will bring me your chickens ant eggs J. D). Moore. I would like to fill a limited numbec of b)ilIs for houses with first-class rougl lumber at $1 per 100 at mill. 45. miloe west of Pickenis. A. WV. Giravley, Route 3 Pickens. rau, shorts and chops at Craig *fros A few first class sewing machines slightly used to be sold at greatly re dutced prices. Also sewing machinecs re palired. Call at Graig Bros 0. P. Knight. Juist recoived, a fresh supply of.Pos umn, rolled oats, eocou aind Bakera .julatine and1( cannedl goods at ID. Il Coopers. Call on W. U1. (Chastain, Ri. F. ID. 3t 5 miiles North of P.ickensi, if in need o butilding lumbier, oak or pine. All order; will recOive prompt attention. For sal-126 acre farm four mile wvest of Easley, three good honses ain< dii (necessaryo uildings, etc., 75 ae in cultiv tionblaice in timber. Prici $45~ per,acre. Terms to suit. 11, M. ILESTER. We mnake ouri drinks, not on the plai Of how chietip, bu how good. Pickens Rottling Works. Fresh Mitch Cows for Sale. n that baby's tiny bones enough. is the cause. on nourishes baby's tes and makes bone. eeds.. AND $1.00 t :1 0R O Y A L B TO WEALTH J one who practices economy. tice excellent economy. Never l you pay more than others t of ioo you'll save anywhere frs. iice, ne^v merehandise that is you can buy anywhere and we andsome -ee of Cost it will be done. ich." .ding with B. COOPER. -resents goods. Y utr im( n'y Nursing Mothers and Over-burdened Wonen in all stations of life, whose vigor al vitality may have been undermined andi broken - down by ovet - work, e xacting Social duties, the too fretuent, hea;rin of children, or other e;atse. will find int I)r. PIerce's Favorito Prescriptioni the most potent., invigorating.rostorat ive stren th giver ever devised for their special hene lit. Nursing mothers will fiid it especial ly vaIable in sust;aining their str armth and lromoting an abundant nourish To*unt. for thi~el child. E~xp ectanTit mtheiir( t.oo will find it a priceless bn to) prepa re thei ,Systemi for batby's coin g aid renideing. tIlm ordeal compiaratively patinbIe-es. It *canT do no harm in any state, or cond ition of the fema~lo system. D elicate, niervouis, wea k womieni, wiu, su ffer fromr fretenTOt headhn-hles. baick niehe, dlra gginTg-doiwn d ist.res~s lowv hb,wn in thO abdiomen, or* fromiii' painful or irr. tressedl senstiion in Mtomiia ch, dizz orv ' Ifaiint spelis, see ima;ginary spieCks ort apots f10loatn be(forei 0yes, tiave isagrrabe pelvie caitairrhal dra in. prola p-iTs. anTte vers ion or retr o-ershion or theitr iSph-e mletS.r ofToanily organsi fromh wea lm-ss of parts wvill, whet her they e~xperiIi(nce nintv or only a few oIf the- above symlp tomIs. iindreliefr anida permaniTent enre; by Th1'iis wvorld-famed.c sleille for1 w'omanT's wea knesses and# peenTIir ailmienits is a putre gilyceric extIrac. of the ch(ocest na tiv'E, miedicinial roots. without ai driOn i alcohonl In its Trnake-up). All its inar.i-di entts printed ini phmiin linglishi oni its i.:e P.it-rte t.hnsx inivites t he fullest inve-ti'.-~ tin of his formnla knowinig that. it ' i be foun id to conta in only the best,a reit knowni to the most adva nced medic lal science of all the d i tferen t sche os of pra c ile for then enTri of w'omanti's pie-ni CrT weatknei(sses anid a ihnienits. If you want, to kn ow miore abIoutTI the compilosi tiln andT p)rofessionatl emloirse ment of the "F a vorite P'rescripition."' snd postal caItrd roill est to I )r. it. V. I'iec 1 in lo, N. Y., for his free booklet treoat ing (of same11. You can 'ti afford to nelceplt as ai subi- I tuite( foIr th is remted y i of urn comoitIin a s(eret, iTpostrum i of unkniOu'nWi compoji)1i tLom. l)on't do It. Winthrop College Scholarship and Fn trance Examination. Th11:' (xamlinahtion for thin atward oif v.i. cant Scholarships ini Witlbrop ('illegi end for the admTrission (of new sI ili-ts wviib h eld iat thie Cout House Ion(i Friday Jluly 5th :et 9 o'clock , mn. years oIf iige. Wheni schlashipsn Tire valcated after ,July 5. they will bie awar ed to thoso makl(inig I le highest average att this exainjiat Iin, provided they meet Sthie conditiotns goverinig the aiward. Applicants~ for scholarships should writo to P.resideont ,Iohinson beforo the exainiion for Schiolarsipl examinia tion blanks. Scholarships arc worth $100 and free tuition. The neOxt 5ession wili open Septemberi 18, 1907. For further in for mation and catalogno, address rna,. nBn Johiman n, Bok1111 . 0 n Will cure any case c beyond the reach of me Pick" n, )rug 4 Howa Saves You Money T HE way to figure the wagon, a carriage, a b harness Is to figure the cost per yeas use it. If a farm wagon, for example, th lasts 20 years and requires only $2 ri you of that wagon is $3.10 a year. If another wagon costs only $50, at and requires $10 worth of repairs, the cost to you is $6 a year, at least. Which is thd cheaper? * * * There is no doubt about the lastin qualities of Studebaker wagons, car riages and harness. It's the material that goes int them-plus the way they are made. Studebaker farm wagons ha, deeper than others, made from Black Hickory-air-dried from 3 The axles are also re-infoce bar of steel running from the to the other. The Studebaker Pate are made from cast iron verse strength of over 3, Go t Heath Bi Pi 0o i0 of F inal 38e0111011t anld Dilal'g6. 1'CP(70111 iorhyP Me tt S w 11i Cao r.1t, on the. '27;h i u,y of Juni e 19)07, :nI 11 o'e'oek in, tim' fore.oon, or as1 sloonl It 1r, *~I ter as. said~ appl io I ion c'n he iard, fort leave~ to m) ke finaol settlei ment~ of the, esltte of l'Iluabef b (ooper, Mayv 31 I190 7i4 Puaah J1. Gratvoly, (COI altIKI is )IF <4 IAI4l,P.i'l'ON, (if (A I . LIsSTO( N, S. (. Tf2'2nd yr beg ins Sept embe (t'27. Lj tteqrsi. Sc1in(e. 3ni,nering0iii. Oneo Nchei to Detor andt Crediors. Caroin. tiving fl14 reet fulion. 1)4 Tulio ly1O.), 1 hoar dI dpy frihedi roanm ini Dor)ry0 if11to to mont h. A C, andiat man Friaym, oynt at beor ta. m. v N.1. o te oDebtrsadCeios Mly 93, or7c be .eba 0. payet;an l poron inebed oaidesae,must 'f Kidney or Bladder Diseast dicine. No medicine can do : )ompaiy, Pickons, Parken's Phariac; $UIDO Biys a Fi Sclossiiad 'iu. Don't envy the man in a nic one and know the cot And nere comntfort is not the incomparable: "Schloss" Clotl pertect fit tnd good. quality at characteristics, Concaved and perfectly rc that simply can't break or sa; that will never lose its shape, finements of skilled tailorin blothes. Best of all, they have an alt tinction you won't find in one no matter how much you pay. Other spIendid Suits and Overcos ~O.*A(wUNT FO - H. ENDI t'a1) S. .l1utn Street. : .sray ae.-n: szy.m .e rwmxns:asormem s o - -. ost to you of a square inch-25% greal uggy or a set of ments of the United Sta probably 50% greater th. as long as you The Studebak'r hubs nishing a proper foundat at costs you $60 are treated with a secret ,pairs, the cost to to their weather resisting The Studebaker slope ad lasts 10 years, greatest improvements e carrying into the See the other spi Studebaker edgeltir< -P~wh That's.it Agent Andt > b featu te dura ec axles 3X inch Studebaker is overlooked selected butt-cut Do you wonder th at it to 5 years. Do you wvonder that it '-d with a special tation behind- it? heel of one skein You cannot afford to when you can get the be nt Truss Skeins It is poor economy t< having a trans- ing out money for repaii 300 poun'h to the * Gett a Studebaker ani o the Studebaker Ageni ruce & Morrow Comp lkens, South CaroHina. Nothing but expense was spare< goods. We are satisfied that w right1 styles and the right prices. D)on't Let (Ceap Ta/k &S But examni If ourf goods are nota as r'epr'ese them. Some goods are higher1 di vidle wvith you. Wei have everyti 000 ood, $0ti0n3, UndNWeM that the average customer wantIs,r the price as low as samne goods ar When you com to G;reenville, make it pay you. A.K. I Cures Backache o Corrects Irregularities Do not .risk having not 13rih'_ Dsea-e clore. or Diabetes y, Libert. w Spring Suit-get nfort of wearing it. only feature of our lcs;--style, grace, a c .mongt their other unded shoulders, a and a coat-front are some of the re g you find in these - of fashionable dis suit in a htundred 6tS-- 1O1 to 401 , E (LOTLES :irottviilIe, S. C. .....mman - - 'i_'I er than the require. Les Government- and Ln the ordinary wagon. are large in diameter-fur. ion for the spokes. They solution, which greatly adds ;qualities. -shoulder spokes-one of the eer made in wagon bnilding the largest amor v of wood hub. They are s/.. w8t where kes are weakest. Studebaker patented round. s are oil-welded and cold-set. hy they never loosen. o on-point by point-feature re--nothing that will add to bility and long life of the lasts? is the wagon with a repu buy a "cheap" wagon, at for so little. be constantly pay bills. I save money. any n i the selection of these ehalve the igh't goodIs, the ne the quality,. IIted, yout don't have to buy I,an Ia st season, but1 we wvill mnd we( absolutely guiarantee sold aniywhere. comec to see us, wve wiI Greenville, S