The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, June 06, 1907, Image 6

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The Love a Yaller Dog Has? for a Nigger. Thore's it rudo m1oun1d Im . onler , graveyarud a'.Id, I.~httt 1, . 1 ' 1jet dt."1i d .ti1 : And lie that iad nd11in(1 tmti'l V I it t ' ; o il N t. i h i ' ",.' i' . :tv ie i(ed( 1n sh! va rat , r> t C: (I did be own, Aid bie left noIta. sou t 1)be ail, I ,Cy gave him hi-; fr;cdl-n twd( I. wanere((rd alone; At (111.1 lyal (r oi(:g was al! that h< had. 'ihey dug him a grave atd laid him aw1'a) T1his 1r0or, (,ld Woruontt slave. Not si prayer for hi rest did any" ot.( say, )4ut his( dog hIty lw .o in iin Aud thara you se imt dayt\ a1,1r . At Imornilg, tt ni ght er at i. i, And the daititst mor=els c n't ii. [p hitu away Fromn the s:(1, r.egnio- of Ote eoon. He lies I h( r(; andltl mrt :,(I. I he whole long duty For ob.ody el doS( h( e care; .Neither iiintice nor ihreats (tin drive him away From the grave of the nigg<r laid ther;. l'here's a mighty line montumeunt standin'g right nigh, But to me that rude m1,ound1 seems bigger, 1'or thero's a monutment that money can't buy - The "yaller" dog's love for the nig ger. ---Chruicle. Six Mile. Well, as we have had a n co rait to-day and your scribe can't be i that old field, 1 will pick up my peit and try and give a few dots from our little burg. The big May meeting is over, and hl the good things de voured. Well, I will hurry up with my writing, for I am looking for some one, and when he gets here I can't write a word. C. W. Garrett and family have moved back from Seneca to their home. Pink Willimon has set himself up to a fine organ. Wonder what has become of "Sun flower?" Think she is off visiting these long summaer day.. Ge, bomne soon and give us the news from your section. There is a good Sunday school going on at Gap Hill now, The nice rains we have bEen hav ing are making the old ladies' gar dens look fine,. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Mitchell, a flne girl. Mrs. L. L. Willimon spent Friday of last week in Seneca. Crops are looking very well in this community, but some had to plant their cotton over. Miss Sophia Mauldin spent a few days in the beautiful little town of Liberty last week. R' obert Mauldin is on the sick-list iweek. 01.1 RIII1:. iiThe most unique method of delivering aat I that employed by steamers ( assl the islands of the Tonga group, ein t P4citic. 0O) account of many r'eef lal1iilg Is extremely dangerous, an fq't tters to bo delivered are st h 1t@i e skyrockets, which are ~ d~uN,e the shore in safet;y. E 4Qy.andary. S'nt fmrktadbefore go ud ieid eggs. in or te .'t% tB~~y he put tjcmm veh. ~uC~f rr Fnc.i'lie 13I h,! I lovhtf4 lqi 11r e Oasm. em s a e ci vdQ 2sg 1t nO A C ,on 4 tt is in .rm ufteB Aut.opof ttn a t -tThe .....ates.i.od "Ptimif BAC 'RMRE .ITIA tt haidsing So meting' toeB tt mak At7e ai mortaue n a thtwilfte the hIr at bete w rm whLTI OE 'oAngs ont t h t h Ann t ombt h b res a es timnin g "eaoly evor oe ks yafi." hairdessin.. Soethingn,toes FHRYPCORL make thdey had Bmo mange abe;t O up t" en a maenys aSoctthis to a time, bregurires-oe he B Wietehar will bue femnga tiolbremai eet thelonur-- - geon'sI toka tapofel.I a Thateisuchaimedticier A-Hair Nearly hoeveri oned ebyfn h Crresg Sometigt mtaed the ie moe manyge abeak,o kwoen and frmcuedin toorouho from alftmofcrncsik-n will e the hir you wthe ony ge htea chnce. Tr tecob Sold byu ido al rgits andodeal- l - ersin.1.0 bottlvesxyye . ''1 wore a s ore fofou rites Mrs. S. LJ . rs a ,o U.. icney woud help me RAft ry man av myot sp 'THERE'S A C Not the mere terr not the little hF ABSOLUTE Rheumacide uric acid in t tt a strong an: the blood of ural method SWEEP! aes. CURE Differeni ulatest scien ases CURED Al sicians but got no re mle of ever being wel tt RHEUMACIDE,]I I have taken two 1 wonderful medicin gotten a "new lea, . of the disease has be MRS. LAU 13 tt Sample bottle and bo if you send five centsI 100 LOTS FOR SALE T h e G r i fi r lands have beer cut into lots anc la id off in streets They are leve and well locatec and the sizes var3 from one-hali t< five acres. Thii is a golden oppor bunity for you t< >Wfl a home ir :he best town o: she Pied m o nt R~eal estate is ad rancing rapidly >u.t the prices on ~hese lots have een made foi inick sales. First )ome, first choice. 3'or Plats, Pnices mid Terms see J. McD. Bruce KIL L THU COUCH 'D CURE THE LUNC8 WITH Dr. King's New Discovery (70NSUMPTION Price FOR ioUOus and s0c as$1.00 Oj0LDS Free Trial. S3ureat and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB.. TflS, or MtONEY BAOKC. A Card This in to certify thait all dirggists ne nithorized to refund your mloneOy if Fu >y's Iloney and Ta,r fails to enre yon ough or cold. It stops the conghl cahi the lungq uand preventai serious re uits from a cold. (Curea la grippe cong1 na preCventH pneumonia rand conanmpi ion . .Contains no opiates. Thme Genu n~o is ini a yellow package. Refuise aut: titt. Parkins Pharmacy, Liberta LIRE FOR RH iporary relief that the lp that the doctor's p AND COMPLETE Ci does. Rheumatism is he blood. It is an interi I vigorous internal rei all its germs and yet s that it builds tip the ALL POISON TO STA t from any other reme bific discoveries. At i Rhe TER 16 YEARS. of t Baltimore, Dec. 10th. a ave suffered terribly with as treated by leading phy- and lief. Long since I despaired I again. But hearing of sti decided to give it a trial. >ottles, and, thanks to this and , I now feel that I have e on life." Every vestige en driven from my systems Blo( RA D. GARDNER, 01 James St., Baltimore. oklet FREE or Postage BOBBITT CHEMIl PeerlessIP Sullivan C L < .Aiui*ng iih' er at,i th.. Clochks n ith wegh ta, Araid a *ew line , ,t' 8] S:Ilver WATOlIl-8. A gat*o.s to fit, uyes. Ati I H. SNIDER, EU. .A.. GENERAL. MEROHANI WIRE FENC HORSE HIGH, y Bull Th Strong Chicken HoProof Tight. SNothing can run thro it.. or climb o EUMATISMI" ol: "remedies " gave, rescriptions give ; but JRL. That is what caused by an excess of al disease and requires, nedy that will cleanse act through such nat a entire system. S 8Ttl BLOOD. Y CURED. dy. The result of the he'same time it cures umatismit'sweeps out he blood.the'germs'of other blood diseases, cures Indigestion, Con ation,'Catarrh, Kidney Liver XTroubles, La )pe and 'Contagious )d Poisons. OUR DRUGGIST $ELL~IT. AL CO,, Prop's, BALTIMORE, MO. itable Engines Ar the bie jst (ceuietal P'urpose Vnagiues lo the world. Wo earry them in stock. We are the IeadIquarters for Peerless Eng nee, Saw Mills, and Threshers. Also Atlas Englncs3and Boilers DeLoach saw Millk and Shingle Mills, &c. We carry a treinendous c:taek of al)ciuds of ii., INi aandt .'iA4l INEItY Mup. pit"a. Write us for anything t the M:f cltittery liue. Hardware Co., av-a gooda4 lin,. ort I--ca nmendable old stylIe Meithi Thloma S hIi(h T am 8-lin at a -eial batrgains. LV ERW A1RE. A ." solid Gold and oe Ii:,. of 8!'-t acles ; I guarantee tiuals of repair t oa k in the jswalry line. - - Enisley, 8. 0. RICH EY, 118E AND COUNTRY PRODUGE, JL.U. THE HENT ING oN EARTH!J ~EWEL Ugh it- r w n e vit. and break it