The Gamccock of the Marlborbugh. h'ltt" :;;tuntieii of the :larliiiorttgh ()It ith i:st o f .liun , 17 -, lol heen lir1 m'Ittetl to l.ttrdt I.ertnox, who phtel;t, bini in a wn: llk, w"lere h sIr l d "w iI a :iir"t r ethiriat a otal i i t-ke le cit erv il ihei honor, or in a !. i-y .the avi'd (lie shi. She w as bin: rtkaetl fore a i 't. Ie c:tnin wa s t untul le, and many olliers, i, -indIn, hll. ."th : v.tymunr, who I~st his :trm (al'ter wa1"d1 he et l ten ri a ;oug:tint. I.'roin his sont, t':tt~n sir .I(,hm "eymnourt, i have oft Itsa:rd how the mnen were go ing dlown Ill all sides anu leaving their suns, When the co"k taounted the Stnip of' the tist and crowed, an nio"' iked ip it an instant by the first lieuten:t,t who CIrled: "Back to ytir gtnts, mie n! Itack to yout gilluns! While we live we'll crow!" And back the men went and fought like game t"o"ks nntil relief camie.-iIritish Naval (_hrontiele. The Terrible Tarpon. Somte yertis ago a boat was t'otma hcl ttinig i:t t,alve ltlt h : iin:I iln jiltr dead tro n l :tncl i t d tii an,.,ler. The lish ha: l broken the ma:n's h: .-l. A liend of1ini n , writatr (. g -'. loder in lverth ioie, was lishing wienIg a t-m ition a hatnit)i feet ist:a ut t atl a strike, Mnil ihit lish canme at trdl thte fotin'r'si b,at atnci struck his ch:air, kcnot-int_ it c verbonnrl. t)ne season a trim in F"lorbit a whatt-"rs ciun" i o a boat a u kit hed te atn:;er m-er homrd ant snt the marsnin over on to his ek. oWhen he picke himself he otma Is ipatro gone and. lookln!, over the icde, aINwl him suking :Ihem with the boat aook brought himt mp. The man was stimned, and later ext tnation showed that two rIbs were bro ken. Ietwieu tger httnting and tar pon fishing as a f steay occupation the former might be selected as the safer pastime. Schopenhauer on Masks. For all sorts of purposes men have often put on the mask of philosophy, and even of philanthropy, and I know not what besides. Women hn -e a small er choice. As a rule, they avail them selves of the iask of morality, mod ety, domestiiety and humility. Then there are general masks, without any particular charr -er attaching to them, like dominos. .. ney may be met with everywhere, and of this sort Is the atrict rectitude, the courtesy, the sin cre sympathy, the smiling friendship, that people profess. The whole of thes the. fAitf A to thei flaints easily mass, int a rile,uar wrly,paof rae is., dihusnsof hiasaoresm nuty em rercs or speiulathon.e li anmerinte arnkhont ls.The, ad the rlgony ofetoueandwhofv Buddistsles ore tonb whnationhety holyan theotheyr soe abuh objet,orthen msk tat aco,.aans ct.orseenly bowl, o thube fosink.ot plantod, hae in enraougnowl Now, ankIndfu pratice of hiseraing toehing butits hoenerain isrgener asoy supected ph rongi obetr,n it rears ouirectedtuntf od,erith hims toir setih's houtste Ieucaed autograps nof gooet sen--thtin thIs adegaes,s atsit itet honor aweich the fawhou haye ntom r their woi-kesil e. Thantdof Cnyhin aore thae relict gfa itwhse.f n dcrn Ae unnw r tIo gveand the reusgon eeratyin ofte hok atoother lshIly it, r(th holytti eoloe theri wayt ste, o the hong trn-rowhi Bdhm claed thnIn ateto. gko edeandithrcie of hoeisd )1C ofighn techng hetarg's dugers plqay Taso'suposlihtl tikn Fraa, Shakesparie'lsl hoodi Stator, 'with blechir Glethm o-Ie's houOpn eiar with itsfurnitureKnt'sod that pro aregae atoid with ethdasm. Se antd anythng or thrdIan iAmoguHer Favrie Eutred'April 2:3, 19!):3 at Pickenp Forks In England. lhe elo'11normli- rllufs so much in faor in Itr TI'udor tiime- are ro p nibe for" the inltro(luetionI of forks n Enghol.1Te dlifliculty of rAchn re' moluthon wh so (lon d mu' t hav im p a r l ii('ll tery for on asvery e O, amnl so t ho I invio n l o me m(e.1n1 of pro..: Ilon!:1gi; the r1II he(1 he an uperl at i1'ineesit 1, icl th, as deml sua c light, and I was not. b)thered. "I had a revolver With Im, in my iglit hip pocket. It hurt imc as .1 ested u1pon it, 11n1 I raisedl ill) and ook it out of the hip pocket, plac ng it in the left coat pocket. Then vith my overcoat and right arm un lcr my head, I made a try for a lit le sleep. "Pretty soon I snoozed off. Then dreamed. I dreamed that the .rain was being held up and that rece maste-d men, armed with ri les or shot guns, appeared on the platform of the car. I had got it into my head that the bandits in tended to kill me, and in my night mare I thought I sprang up and tried to barricade the door with hairs and seats. But my efforts were useless. The robbers pushed their way in and jeered me. I heard ne of them say: 'Kill him. That's he guy that has been after us.' "I felt that my hour had come, aut something made me want to die lame. I reached for my revolver nd got it and strove desperately to ire it:at ethe .villainis. But'stage*ly ,iodgli the reVoffer goui4i pQt :di ~harge. -I pulled and pulled at the rigger, but it was .owgo. ' Just then there was a crash-.~ hought I had been made the pres mt of a load of buckshot, but it vas simply the porter closing the oor-and I awoke, covered with >erspiration. I was half dazed, and t took me a moment or two to get ny bearings. Then I found I had ny revolver in my right hand, and ny index finger was gripped arouril he guard as if it were frozen there, o intense had been the strength I iad applied to the weapon. If it ad been the trigger instead of the :uard-oh, my "I then figured it out. I had eached into my left pocket with sy right hand, transferred the re olver to my right, which was un er my head. TIhie angle of the weap *n was directly over my heart when strove to discharge it. 'rho re olver was a heavy b)ulldlog, and I ouldn't have known what hlurt mle mad it gone of!. But some kind of good fairy saved me." "That ain't a bad yarn," remark d a listener. "Your friends would ave certainly said( you hadl token lhe suicidle route." '"Sure they would,'' approved the alt reporter. "All of whiich 1goes to how that1 ciricumi1Sf 1tnial 'v idence 5 solniet imes ai very iiureiam iuaqiln-. Vitality of Cats. It's an! obtl vinW iht "a '1 at ham ni it, but fromi rie' n. nllvestiga t iomn re iallyV SV'iI I I uii a :1 at I cani holy hig talk. Shoo Fly. Poley's Kidney Cure nakes kidneys and bladder right.