The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, June 06, 1907, Image 1

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TIT_ SENTENEL JOURNA . . r tere(i April 23, .1903 at PickenH, S. (., a secoud clast maItter, under act of Congress of MDarcb 3, 1879. Peeken a){4v ' Il) 41 " 1h ( LodgeII Full of M;1 iests-T-'lIhe G1 4lalSl! ' > nle tilr prt"t the s'er ier: of onr t .vn1 htvo beeti utp-gratle and Mastiniy, in part has ieet (" vy active, 1mt tnr they havi' the oplrtnnity the gr'aspoed it, '10nd last ni;;ht tho, tuted a li;oyal Arch Chapt(.r 23 memb--rll .1. T Illowin ).g J lrso"ns were -hv o frttttistod tili--r for ihr i tntg of t, tomopl, : :A hmnlr , l;. Iu 1R , T . j-, 7 I, E. 1 \V -bb, F. I. Cox, TI. J. dlitn, (i"-i-'rp (;h.Ipmon, \V A. .1. M . ( ,o tt, J. N. Iflh tn, 1%rre k.B. ai m,J T 11 The IweIr a vl od sound fir nbly in ti,O TenliiIle, onel wI~tHIm RaUised inl Good1.Tim (r used. 4ttt(d wit hi '03 Members ea it" t1 rr ~ . . "' Erst eries-Th le Hiaaha vull o1 i ests F i ll of1 En th.u alldl Good Chever. .t tr- Hi twalth1, where plates for 50 gucsts rtt th],uu1 b,'eni Itid! and a splenudid repat l,was served rs. Harris had the entire supervioion of prtep) trint; the w htcollaboration ttnd everyt.hing waE hac'fuelyv Itprepred and- well served, and . the baxt,qutler1S were loud in theit ra",ise of th)e nie"e spread. MIint bost Harris t"xcelled him)self,antd pro those" tu sunt.edS eath g;uest with at handtsona rl"ar incon] catrd, done iln f;",d letter"ing, , I wals iul two parts antd tiedi L)>gethiel J L'with tinaihl ribbon. The follow mgtt 'Ii inscription WasH on thtemr: B ruco.a B A NW ICT ' - ichtey, L4 (.u.m lwr.: ire, ROYAL AR CI ' i AS nr.4 GodCer .44 l.~ )4,1 4141iiIIWAHA IIOl'E (!41 wui t14berv4llI rh. r w-ars; hdL e he tie81 i' 4 01 fpe i gtl I11ol I --- ( 1' PD-k|i4 , a 1 n g41 i t w a t ha 4 th 1'i l Fre ch rea fat I l4( i es rtlc (co bl . L (ns C iinty a:i J). . Lmal ia ah ea;hs '1ItNre New'J iPitaloos id ron i1n-:4 s .), ..597 ItI <Er,'0 Vaila WFI Flavo ofthe hobie>rs PacPi Salted Walnu ts French Coflee This was at spl)lendidl It did c"lit to 1'icleaty. It was tnuch bet ter tim an yi that, are given in mn1h) larg;cr citit-. After the gtc-sts were served l r. C. F. (Grauily, acting as toast ililister, itrodncaeeI (1h orge 1'. 3ry a, T. J. .\lauldiu, L, N:thlschild, antd J. 1"'. 130;;;, in the: crdler tnanoed. Th1ettr r,naurks were all timuely and well, bI.ut Mr. l3oggs brourght down the house with his local hit, a conversation over long distatne telephone for medicine 'for a doctor and at the same time trying to sell a preacher a barrel of peas. An afterthought was a call on 13. Lewis for a speech. He was, how ever, not caught napping and his few well chosen remarks brought the baiuietters to their feet. Most of the visitors left on the morning train for their homes, lotid. ly singing the praises of Pickens and all of them were genuinely that they were given an opportunity to visit us and partako of our hospital ity. The local chapter is instituted and read;, for work. At a called session to-day they will elect their oflicera. OLD SOLDIERS' DAY.' Pickens' Hospitality. OPENS HER DOORS TO THE PEOPLE OF THE COUNTY. A Large Crowd Present. On Saturday, June 1st, the Old Soldiers held a meeting o re un111n, comm tnemsorating the death of JeffIrson Davis. This is ' not his birthday, but on uccount. of June :3d, his birthday, falling on Monday. and that the day for opening the summer term of court, the Daughters decided to 1old their commemorative exor. -cises on Saturday. The exercises were held in the courthouse, the Old Soldiers assem - bling at the Methodist church and marching ill a body under stirring nusic furnished by the Easlev mill bind to the court house, under the contunand of Wiml. B. A ilgood. They were all given badges and seated on the froat, be i eh es, where they c,iutld t) comfortable and enjoy the exer. cisies t, tlho fullest extent,. I'lilip A. P rter was ccoloir-hearer and(c narch.ed at the head of tho column bear-ing aloft thle Stiars aind Unrs1-. This~ companmy of Johnniiay Rebs elicited iimnehi favorable emntinen(1t an id were iroundly11 che ered , ind 31w hen the haindl iendered "'Dixmuithe "H1ebel Yell'' Swas given, ini whlich the spectators heart,ily joined. T hhe in vocation was by3 the R.ev. John T. lei, who ~l( put up an able prayir for lhe p eace of thle Ol)d Sold (diers and t he prosperity of the coon try. '.Then followed the addresm of welcoime by thle Mayor0 whot, becauseu of his timidity, bucd this pleaisanIt tastk iuponl Solicitor .1libuis . lh>ggs, who is aliways5 remdto I)1a mlk, andl hiis re tutr-ks were Limnely antd weilh it fact, nit-y fipokt of 1. ms the best effirt 13f his hife. Thle (Oh!i Stiltern were wvel. comned in that r*tyal style and hiospit a uol(i mi:m8 for which Pitckenis is so we lcted.l Th'e kt-ys of the~ city' we-re I:ti:ed over to ilhe Old V-ttiraims and(1 thi- were tohlin totartake- of our m ii aits aindI 8ht silhty adl itnouie htostages: if uis as thmey sawi~ lit. The tieaitedi u- rotyally, tot hbe pirison-i (i - of wV 3, andt -htowt''h us thiat t-y wee-i bonnoil atit heat, becusue thley gave us oif the tir )l p lur and enii -ijoy. I mcie timort: than they took amay We would f:ke to be their" h atatges oftener. antld in) f hese rPtrmalrk we. vo,ice the true s(mtiment of the entire cit.izaiship of 'ickens, and we long for the return of the day whena we can again d: ).olior to the bnave and d"'e' (i oildc buers of the "1,ost bthwie by% the 1111d was fl"v(lowed yiv the attmlial address. delivered by the l.icrv. ,1, F. i lal heson, who s"loko tituely and well. His address was full of meat, not only for the Old Sol. diers, btt, it was tueat for the rising generation who had heil compelled to stily sec(sHsion historv fro I at Nrthern viewloint. le gave facts and figures which showed much thought and study on his part, and frot an educaitional point of view were astouncling facts to his hearers, some1 t-tatistics being unknown, even ta those wvho wore so proudly the gray. Mr. Miathesou's address Was a m11ost able ono, Wats liste3ned to with very m1arked atten tion, and he wias highly coptulilented by those who heard himu. ()(r only regret is that his remlarklt were lige ly xt"n>peore, alldt we ire nnable to p'i bl hli tlewi v(erbaitit. I.loweve"r, if we can get him to give u the giat of it, we will, in the near future, publish what we can of it. It con h,ati a fiir,d of inrformation that is of lim- all e v;lu l ) t lt e risin gen r pti.n o Tlh.,.- wi O w(- wre t 1 tle obe p(n- 1(sdtlt missed t r"tare t fetIt. Ari mi s it b t he band Iv I 11111 the pr seltatiol of Weros (s of milr toWok in)(et,t owing to a dety in the r,cipt of thei cross s, they havin to be engtaved with thme name of the recipient, the ladies pinned rosettes on t,hasr. who were entith-ed to the crosses, and at. at Iater day these souvenirs will be dist.ribu)ted. The benedict.ion "f God was in voked upon the audience by 1 ev. I. 1). JoneB, lfter which the Old Guard was held together and mnarch ed to the grove in front of the Metho. dist ch(lrcl, where i bountiful repast wits served in picnie st yle. ''he crowd in town that. (113' was a large (ine, something ike 2,00) peo ple betun; present, and was at2 o dorly and well-bwhavted 1(on(e, an1d whllu the keys of the city wire given into the inods of the Old Soldiers, lie hnor of the City was not violated by themu in a'y particular. r 218 l) di(s andti children c;une to town thti (ay, ndi the beauty as well ats the chivaalry of our couty" was pre:"ent to help) nuak the daay anl a1U.spiciolsi one. It was ia remiarka 1 1bl0 falch.t tt you2 ng nmi 20 el olks )ullSJ absent. Thei dl.y was one 0121 th1 mos 2)t pllels. tint ever' spen1t by the Oh)I Sohle20rs m2 PI?ckens2, bult there1' could( not but21 stea21l2't 12.r 1us ( the flehng of hladness8 thalt ill coni o32ver the4 IiOl~I t t ltero were( somle her l'IIIast yea1r whio were no0t hIere thi year)12. and2( wel won0 derI wh'o of tIll vast. assOemi 2ge that21 wasi here11 thIiis year1 wnill be debarred 214 bly 1the griml reaperU, D)eathI, frlom with friends onI June1 Ist, ini P~ C<021, so hve, mlad act, that whomui the( E.lerne monster102, IDeathi, ealls, t hey 1212 saiy, "Thy13 will be2 done."' Alluh oif 11he p)lealsure 2222d en2j(.y. men'It of thei (OcolnioltWn asui etribu1ted by Ih p2 iGal ey \l ill BIandI, wholl for m218hed2 the muIi:0, and12 moeb:l very' fa:vorledl 0.munen222t was hlea:rd (on al1 lidesi for thieir' gool playing. As the (eveninlg 1had4.s apltpeared1 oI,ring the we!1wishes of tIhe Pick 2ns people2 and2( the deire. thaIt niext shtow tIhl am>r)ieciation anid love we Iave for those who during the trcing d(}S of of '(1.--41 so nobly boro arms in the defense of their homes atndi -'' what t.hIey construed to be their in. alienable rights. And while they ar(, 'ne by one, droppin." eut of rankcs, l-t us, with the tnself15hness 1+o feely(IS iiiedI)iI froml1 th1onm, cherish the n a a howet our lOve and 1 bloss ing upon theIll, andl(1, inl a measure, s'ow to h1101 that while, tt the limtio, tlhey fou;;ht for a "Lost. t':ause," they did nlot ";o down inl i;~not'iny' and lufeat, but that their caus is CVeu more deeply imllbeddcd in the hearts of their progeny than it Was engrtav. en on their own hearts. Heroes of '61, adiau! Pickens'Graded~ School Closing. The Pickens Graded School closed its session of 1906-07 last Friday and [it night the scholars gave an exhibi tion that did credit not only to them 3elves but to their prectiptors as well. The siudents all acted their parts w;ll and displayed at great dal of tbility and tallont and showed that much thought had beenit sx ded, on. L1aeir training. The progra11me waS not. at very long oe bit. it. uta ww4ll selch 1 and. well rer(cu((d antd displayed oh1ilt pith. Thel( weoath1er1 wast Very) Inc-mllent, bIut the house V.asH ptcled andl antuk aIt t('ut"1Oll Was haaidI to tho4 h"o ;raunlne. '.Very1on1 (LigaIged. (lid 5pi:n(li(lly, 1)1 some did except1ion ally well. The programme was about two hours long and was as follows; Prayer hv Iev. I), D. Jones. Battle Ilymnl of the republie' by the school. Ilialogue - Massage Treatmt,nt. Canltata--Concert of Nations. Costume 8ong-Timid L i t t I e Maidens From Japan. )ialog;te--- Tile Bobtown School. Wand Dh-ill. Motion Song -- The Jolly Old Crow. )ialog;ue--I;urglars. Sang- iobby Shaftoo. Son g- L'lag of the Free. So--T -'en Little Nigger BoyH. Dialogue A miarial and his Boys. Song- -Goodbye. 'Ihe Song, 1 obby Shaftoe by Mae tb+r" I/l LoI e TIhornlev and little MIissos ittrt atd A ttalway was the best mutaber renldee(d a11(1 it Met with a marlty enore. Ti 'len Little Nigg.r lioys' was lvill 11nr .and crated a1 grex2a , t It is Out of0 thet Ill province of tihis pa. >er' to go ito detaitls for we could lIt ido ju stica e to the oca21fsion. Hfow :ver, saallise at. to esay they alhl acted veil thei(0r part and11 th aere all the hon T1he schol wvil open~ in Septemn >er agan ithii '.ibithatering pro)sp(ects, I 'rot. ,1. WV, Swittenbulrg hasi been11 tender a l th 1supe21Jirin11teinlencey of the~ whI ol 1for an I Iother session1 , and)4 Iih vill very proably11) ne1cep Jt. lI is ta 1ap!end41id teneb(e2 r and (will have, no loubat, even1 a1 better' school thuan tIhe pr enflt 011e. Theii asistat 11,1tehers will be electd l(141Iater21. 'Th e a wer no,11 grOadIu altes at this SO- iaa oIf scho' l ' on1(I aIccount o if the rals tees la'' Inag aIdded furlrthar gr'ad(e. to the( cours0 r f stuidy and1( nlext seH, iona i.t wilb pne sahg Card of Thanks. To( those who 1( have W bet n1 'vi th utt inr oura bearealvemena't 1a114 by, kottd wvords an1d kinliy aicts have t raed to lesse our so rrow oV4ver' the death1 oi(f ou1r tbe, lo)ved wvift, we0 extend 14 OIl lCince4'r' thaunks for thueir' svmtathvy.