The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, April 25, 1907, Image 8

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coitinop ron first )ago "One Way-- T'I he country businor elitn is rapidiy coinlg to the conIln5io that the best way to mee. the c"omi'. -titon of t..i ity merchutiit and ent .togue houses is to fiirbt thet wit their own weapons. The day whorn amlan can put ini a stock of goods arI sit dOwn and wait for businoss is past lte has to bustle for it and advertis his goods in order that people knov titat he has what they want. Th News this woek turned out tiftto1 hru sand circulars printed on botl ,ridos for one of our local firms, an, theso circulars woro used to ad "ort-is - mply two, artieles, on which the fir makes a special olfort. This same Iirr has built up r.n immtonse busilness o Jato and it has boon dono by Rystemat sc and judicious advertising.. Tho, advertise in and out of season and a "a result tnny novor have a aull spoll When things quiet down a trifle the; advertise a litio more and in this wan keen things moving all the time '' Chewing and Dyspepsia. The lean dyspeptic, taking a mouth Lul of chop, chewed it Jliterminably. "Forty chews," he paused to say "for every bite." And his Jaws begau to grind again. "Yoti make me laugh," his compan. ion, a physiologist, returned. "Meal recluires little, If any, chewing. You must have wasted a lot of chews in youir time." "(o on!" 'It's true. Vegetables require chew. mng, for they are digested largely by the aikaline mouth juices, but meat ir d es.'tedt by the acid stomach juices, : 1114 to chew It more than enough tc make it go down easily does harm in se:il of good. The mouth alkalis, ad. mix lug with it, hinder the stomach neld5' wor'k. "e'hew vogetalles indefatigahly, my s &'ni, bIt let your meat slip down un c'',uniill."--New Orleans TImues-Demo c"rat. Where Her Father Was. '1'he dau,1ght1er of the house had "jutst r ,turied from honrding school. IIer tinishing b,racnc"hes had made her a lit tIle sensitiive. "Is Vour father out in the wood shed i'itin,, wood't" the caller asked her. "No," i'plied the 'haught.v girl; "pa pa is at the town meeting spliti iig in rlnitives."--Cleveland Plain Tlenter. Ror the Next Offer: Fruit of the loom bleachil Other bleachings 1yd. w Riverside checks, 7c. D)anville checks, 6c. Other Dry Goods at p)ric< have just recived a shipment UneC con,plete and we make th .in pcCt the:se goods. We are still offering barg SI O) ES! WVomen's goo 0(every clay Men's shoes from $1 up. Nice line of Oxfords for e is to inspect our1 line andc if wer dcaim is trute, dlon't buy oIf uIs, We have a nice new lot 0 thie lete st style on which we ca Br u s 1~ 1 you r produc-a . ~get top piceQ(s for it. Moore & Decaler in General Mercha, What Do They Cure? y The abovo qnestion is oft(n :tskecl con 1 cerning 1)r. PIere's two leadiI medi a cine "olden tledical Discov ery " and -( Favorito Prescription." 'I'hel answer is that t"(olden Medical )iscoverv " is a most potent alterat.ive or I blood- purilier, ant tIloni or inlvigorator and acts espectally favor'ahly ink a cura tive way upon all the i':c ons lining sur l faces, its of the nasal :i ssages, throat. lOr1(chial tilbl es, stum :i hbowels andc( iatidetr, euring a iar"g9i -' centt, of -catar "l ihaI case's wllether the -iwease :Ii'ects the natsal pa<:a,,' the ibrna. larynx, bron.. chia. sttoniah (as eat:arrti a dyspep sita ' 3 h owel- (a,t- mhucols dliarrhr:l ), bladder, 1:1('ruls or other et' lvie organs. l'ven in tIh' clhronic, or 111eertative stages of these all'e, tit'. it is often suiccessful in atlect :inl, enre'ts. T 'avorit ' Pr'escr"ipltiO " is advised for ihi' enr t f (ne classof (11V11s1s-those !)( iar11 wi.;knesst's, dleranigelnenIts and1( trrrnibirit it-;'ntiidennt to women only. It ii pwerful yet gc"ntly ating Itvitgorat fing lonlir and nervn"il. For weak worn ont, evr-worli"dI women---no matter what has c ais(dl ti' hi"treak-down, "Favorite '>Irr:.rilpt ion " u% ill bo foundc most eti'ee t.ive hi buiih i llp tht ' Strengti, regtlating thr wornanly fitnetions. sitbdinig pain and hritgin!; about a healthy, vigorois cond it ion of the whol system. A bouk of pariuclars wraps etch bottle givitur the formtlhe of both mediines and quotig what scores of eminient med ical an1thors, whose works are consulted by physicians of all t he schools of practice as gnides in prescribing, say of each in gr,etiet entering into theiso medieinces. .The words of praise bestowed on tihe several ingredients entering Into Doctor Pierce's medicines by such .writers should havo more weight than any amount, of non - professional testitmon itts, because such mon are writing for the guidance of their medical brethren and know whereof they speak. Both medicines are non-alcoholic, non secret, and contain no harmful labit forming drugs, being composed of glycerie extracts of the roots of native, American medicinal forest plants They are both sold by dealers In medicine. You ean't afford to accept as a substitute for one of these medicines of known composition, any seet nostrum. Dr. Pterce's Pellets. sina1. sugalr-coatnd, easy to take as candy, reg tlate and in vigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Strike Has Been Settled. Toledo, 0., March li.--The Pope motor strike of machinists. involv ing over 1,000 nen, has been set tled. Sheriff Captures Negro. Columbus, (a. , March 1..-Gener al 1'ryant. a negro, wanted on the charge of inui'd erin,g Dozier HmuIca ba, a vontng white main in .\ln:tscogee ' ouniity, was arresled al Molena. a. by Sheriff Ifuling. of H-larri:.: itsnty, and placed in Muscog( e jail, .,rI for his capihure by Mrs. IIlt"l.;iha, widow or the dead m;tn and Uover nor Terroll aggregate $250. AIN kT Tw1\\o Weeks we ig at 10c. de, 5c to 9C. s in proportion to thes'. WeAT of D)ry Goods that mak(s our a prices right. Come in ant ains in this line that will open S I I OES!! wear' shoes at 75c to-$1i. ver'ybody. All we ask of you cannot show you that what we lady's hats ready trimtmed ii n save you $2 to $3o on each nything~ yon have t.o sell and Maul dini. idise, Firnitire, Stmoe, etc Cures Coughs, Colds, and Lung Troubles. Pr Pick,"ns Drug Business Locals. No ic n'e. Wants. Swapjo et..' Ittserted! in this i" 1-It,n u t t .1 cents per X line A'1rt":wlin-et"tth'. Nothing takhet for Its thtt t'ient. rI & r Y / / i A/ .gi. .p; 1F'w te A valnable uplniid farI wt.htj 6-roon dwin11!, barn and tltni bles, 20(1 yds fr lit ehirel', st1'(ore and :01hI'l liin>s . Adidre'tu, 11 0..lJones1, Greenvillt, Ir F. 11. Moon, Libcrty. 81Sugar and (!olle alt J. D). Moore's. Wanted, to buy 1,000 Iint:, 1,500 doz en eggs and tlll the roo)St.(rs thtf wo enn1 get. W, E. Freennan & Co, "lour and leat at J. 1). 1oore's. When in E Isley put up y,tur stock at B. 1','s feedi and livery sta ble. He also handles all kinds of fee(stluff. 38-tf Museavadlo and1( Portorica molasses at. Craig ;ro , Tobncco & catn gooda at J. D. Moor's. I will pay top prices in cash or trade I if Vou will bring me your chlckeu and eggs. J. D. Moore. T would ike toil a limited number of bills for houses with trs-c'iss rongh ltllbt"r ht. $1 per 100 at mill. 4'. miles welt of Pickens, A. W. Gravl~sy, Route 3 Pickens. 73ran, shorts at!dl chops at Craig Bros, A few first class sewilig llacliles, slightly used to be sol,1 at . graItly re diietid prices. Also sewing mainehies re Par ,Call at Craig Bios 0. P. Knight. tr chudren- safe. aure. Xo o.atee Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notii'" is heret-by givelI to all pershns hole lg lthilnts It:ain't the estatte ot' .Iese t' re"tn liaw tie vensetl. thitt tht"y tnnst tile the sitine witht the ni'lersignedl Iproler1y ,Iplprovctl on or beftre the first tliny ot' hiy next. or he barreil. .1. \l. :1' T .\ r , \inrl.rI t7- I:xee. A CUIRTAIN ( tttc. FOltt a Cl11NG FIIET Anen's i"oot-lase, a powler, eure 'iret, Ach ing,Sweniting, Swollen feet. Saiuplo sent l"RlI1 ais Saintple of 'oT-KtAsE SANITAY (ons l'Au, i new Inytn tion. Ada ress. Alen S. Olnsted ,, , N i Spring Cuts. Good flour', every sack guIrantee(i at "4.25 the bhil; sugar 20 lbs for 81, best I ,Itlet. 8 lbs for $1; Stai-l.rl oil from tie t. nk w:1g-1n 15t pe' ga;!n:l; a good to b:tc 3M. the poulnd; salt 100 Ilbv ini cot ton sticks 5)5e. T. D). 11 -1ris, Agent for Thornhill w1agon11 L,al F~or Sale. Wte have 7.500( hI('l's of .am1 i for saile ill trac14t' of1 from 2400 to 1,501) acres4 in Gr~eene~ c~on 'Wy (b-or)1gi:i. lan ld is Wet wvill enit the' hrge tr i.t ito 81mall1 farm andMI t give4 fi ve year )1 paimenIts w.ithI te first I);ymenr~t (0nsh. P'tien.$1 0 to $12 5ll per3 atcre. Fo r fur thier internia tijo aplyl toa Mi1CO.\lIONS & Ell) Gireensboruo, G . I rS -6?.acrA firm 5 mil.ei 'touthi of C 'lit 1Hoise', 304 acres in (31n ii ti, n balitne in innherc hi nd. 'T wo hon'e s. g<n horn1 l and1 11 onuth uildintgs. Plae well 11. M. IIESTVER. Piekans, $. (3. P iekes Coiulnty. Slusi- I ttster an ii!hml. ehe, Messetr, A(IA !NST'. Mir Ev . M-ir tin. L ,'ttie N ewton. MAbt Lie' Hetster. Myra Lavti,~ Coix. Mrs. I. M. Marinu, W. V. (Cin Itan, \bitl fit' I)iiksoni, Lttie Itht Defemh.iitls. andh r1 quired to answertiji lt the compld i iiithi n itf whiiIIt a oilt eewt Hervti Muon 2 xi .v n I ti. 1rv '.. ytor answer Ato t ev tod n phni th'e otbscrier Iat h xn ie, mi 1111(1s the serice oh:e oxn tit of th day o Mwrch )~ n the bjnewtin thetimre wilfl al to atie nnylo ti e- rel~iefP ill Dated' achiist ou. . 7 Julins 11. Bogga, To Ms. LttieNewtn:.P'Iff't Att'y. AURNP4 Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, :vents Pneumonia and Consi %companyt,' Pickl:,us, Pa,rken 's Phatrt eAre No RW Nothing but expense was sp; good.s. We are satisfied tha right styles and the right prices Don't Let Cheap Talk But exar If our goods are not as repr them. Some goods are high divide with you. We have eve Dry Goods, Notions, Undo that the average customer wani the price as low as same goods When you come to Greenv make it pay you A. K. 'and a growing bank if you plant, fertilize ai ' The most important thing i days before seeding, a plant foo pounds of high grade Virginia-Carolir per acre on fewer acres. If yc cotton will be waist high by the t sive culture" neighbors are hoein time. Then too they may h; fertilizer. Insist upon havin CAROLINA FERTILIZERS -- acc( Ask your dealer for a copy of < almanac, or write us for one-it VIrginia-Caroline SALES oF *Atlanta. Ga. Monte Memi Shrev Richu Norio charles L3altini Giarrison \ Easle3 Wholesale and I Gnian. [H ay., Floiur. ail Mu We have just received three olf H ay. X\e also have a full Chop)s, Braun, Shorts, Oats and Cole G..uano Diistributors and C Yo~u money b)y butyinig from us. P hone Or write ns, Your o Lention. IdasIey, ORCAN IZI LIBIERTI Oagita -- Fronits -- D0p0Biti -- - DiR EQ J, . NMoJGAN, .W. ~T C Accou1nts of Mo1r(chants, IFarmrnor, ]"irm Carefuli mannenmenn,an1 THE OR fGINAL LAXATIVE k HONEY and TAR Throat in imption YE.L-OW P^Cx^Am ww'y, Liberty. ired in the selection of these t we have the right goods, the Sell You Goods, nine the quality, esented, you don't have to buy er than last season, but we will rything in War; HijOr7 and hoeo, :s, and we absolutely guarantee are sold anywhere. ille, come to see us, we will Park, GreenvillIe, SC From . the cotton field to prosperity, large, constantly account awaits you id cultivate your crop with system. to apply to your soil, about ten d in the shape of 400 .to 1000 ia Fertilizers u follow this advice, your ime many of your "exten g over their crop the first we used a poor grade g only VIRGINIA :pt no substitute. mr handsome new is free. Chemical Co., FICES:'e** Savannah. Ga. - S nond, Va. Ik ,Va. ['($a[]~ un, N. C, C e,. ton, S. C. orc. Md, Vyatt &.Co letail Dealers in car loads olfFlour and thret st ..k of Cotton Seed Meal. c:orn. WVe sell the celebratec otton Planters. We can save rdlers will receive prompjt at Yours for business, !"4oai1i Ln A.A-...Ai L ED 1901. .II, C.Sin .vv es"i donI), Cashe.SI1 , IL,00N,(0 TOR S. H, andit Individua:lH solicited,. exnt to all.