Piokolls Sentinel-Journal PUDJHERD EVERY THURSDAY MORNINO. -BY The Sentinel-Journal Company. TtzOMPsoN & EI(fIEY, Pnor. -i. L. 0. TrHOMPtSOt:, EmTrn!.. Subscription $1.00 Per Annum. Advertising Rntes Reasonable. Entered at Pickens F.atofmce as Second Class Mail Matter 1'IOlNS, S. C. 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 2+5 1907. A New Mayor With No Money. The new intendant and wardens were inducted into office Saturday evening. There will be much howling and growling and kicking because thi new officers do not "turn over th earth," but they will just have t howl and growl and kick, for it take money to do things. There was z money in the treasury to be turne over to the new set of officers, at the street tax for this year went pay Hovey Nealey for being a m shal here. It is up to the newly-elected Offic to devise some means for rAis funds to be used on the town. H they will do it we know not, but a pose a tax on property and a busit tax will be levied. Something of sort will be done, for there is no o. way to raise funds unless some la he-rted gentleman will donate of cash to the town. Thu streets and sidewalks fixing badly, and the town mus' put in good shape. The Piedi Light & Power Co, on the 29th of March, made " trade with the counc 1 4- c....:i a m t~ tret.. and them put on every street cor nte iI the town Our suggestion would b that all ciiizenA residing on eachl sid of a certain street get together, di vide up into blocks and put in li. ht on each corner, the town paying one third the cost and the citizens th, other two-thiros. TIhis would be th most just and equitable way of th: town having the benefit of lights, amt in that way every citizen will be mor, or less benefitted. But as it is, witi the lights in front of the stores a those who constitute the power aml light company, and the lights turnec off by 10 p mn., there is no use, what ever, in the town being made pay fo them. They benefit the belated tras eler very little who does not have t go to some of the stores to trad after dlark; and the merchants hay -Their places of business well ligbte< and with the glass fronts to th stores the street is. fairly passaibb withont a "beacon" light. No, w do not see the need of being taxed ti ke( p these lights burning, and wi know the citizens will raise a tre moendous howl when such a tax il levied. They prefer, if they canno have light whlere they want it, t< continue to use the old kerosene Ian tern whlen they have to go awn: from homen after the shades of nigh appear. We are glad the chance for light ing the town is here, and( we hp the lighting compa ny and the city counl can got togther~i and formu late a planz whereby that p)art of the town that n'eeds it the moltst can be suflleiently lighited so that peedsti ans canl t ravel ou1r trheets after night. fall wii t reasMonale degree of safe 13'. When this is accomnplished all of our cit izense wvill lend subst an tial aid to the enterprise. 1ILEY8KIDNEYCURE MakesMidnva ad BldderRigh I, 'OO1$ QNV 'o (q pua pooiq 'i * qydsogdod,&~ TO' 4* - L JUSTLY PROUD. alone all lines in Pick wo years, undoubtedly, to almost every citizen, interest in the municip. ,r certainly the record f which Piekons should oud. 'os there is an awakening l whicb, generally speak roperty owner is taking eat 'than heretofore to " own more attractive and a .nt place in which to live. toing, many harve etcour :to fall in line , ad the re es are beig panted and )nos are boinR built,which to look upon. -o the busineess district, i gradually increasing in is over the entire city. ause of this onfidene upon f the citizens of Pickens'. the' uture outlooks for this Ad; it looks ecouraging, to - st,to the capitalist who has at, and ivitig to those who nild a home in a'city where n on the upward tedency. ion is not ephemeral, is of some spontaneone is due to e citizen with . sun. ahin' .i. to what Mothe ..oduce hereabout. locationis good, for South Carolina is .-tod of sunshine, and eohre. rivaling the Ito. ut into the othei he ashamed to:sing thc ekons. There may bt fifty years oid whicl ;how than wo have bui ow of those cities thirt) I ago"would not beL in t( the Pickens of today, of talking for your honc UM% i. Lt, a 111 grow on you, and resull in the Greater Pickens all are lookinF forward to and hoping to ecc in the next few years, the ciawn of which it now knockjog at our throshold. A fler a mian has spent his whole a life us the devil wvisihed, it doesni't look reaisoniable to ud ha t lhe cau he~ to the L.,rd on his deathibed1 and g' stright to heaven. - In our opinior f the talk of deait,ibed repontance has 1 kept many from entering~ the pearly gates. r L'ibor is one of the supr'eme laws -of life. Toil is honorable. The progress which the world has made is a glorious testimonial to humnan handiwork. T1hose who wvork know~ more of genuine happiness than those Swhose lives seem dedicated to idle ness. Tihe Lord had the right idea whten h e made man, lHe said it was nol good for mian to be alone, but had he~ made more than one wvife for Adam there would have been more trouble than there was in the shade of thai old apple tree. A man in R< no county, Kuan., has just bonght a sawmill and is going to begin cutting the trees he planted 30 y(ears ago in the treeless desert. Thlese I rees are t oinrg to make sa w logs 30 feet long and p)lanks 16 incher Theli kaiser's horse buy er says there are no horses in K(entucky. What, then,arec the qnadrupeds thme dark anid bloody statte has beeni sending to the racetracks.-wolves or (logs? In glorifyingy the apostate Clove. land and trying to lbelittle the steaid fast Ikynn, the Anidersoni Mail showvs it peconui.. r1a of eors. ae lS.Lxeinnnaai liv :> s;lo onAq ;V Ja'fla-O nd 0s pue '3 aggu 0$ 'aulaaaLj) Pue aaA11 30~ suigJ)uoa 1 'duinjd Waq)I sa3sux 4 "jeai c 0 uaaj!tj . aad The poultry industry is an import ant factor to-day, and will bear much study, whether conducted as a side line or as an exclusive occupation. The world's greatest men grew upward from the lower classes, while the world's meanest men grew down ward from the upper class. THE RARE EXCEPTION. A county correspondent of the Aline Chronoscope some time ago ent in an item about one of his neighbors w.o had reoei "ed a prizeifrom a matrimo. nial advertisement be had lnserthea in an Eastern paper. He lets his readers in to the sequel thus: Yes, Johnson[got married and hi, friends are all congratulating hin. his wfe is e sensible, good-lo. woman. She united with the I ist church Sunday night, and. r a warm welcome. Every old w and bachelor in the countr be advertising. fr a w' IST%'" whom his .,cCown, Secore ,ent of the Board of of the Sinking Fund. in the Estate of Calvin M. deceased. under and by virtue of process issued in the above entitled case signed by lion. Geo. E. Prince, Judge of the Tenth Circuit and dated 12th April, 19W7, wherein and whereby I was directed to sell the piece, parcel or tract of land herein after described, notice is hereby give that I will sell on saleday in June next, being Monday Juue 3d, 1907, at 11 o'clock a. in., at public auction, before the court house in the town of Pickens, in the county and state afortsaid, the following described real i s"ate, on the t-rms hereinafter s:t forth to wit: All that piece. parcel or tract of land lying and being situ:te in the county of Pickens, S:ate of South C.rolna, it Eistatoe Lon nship on east, side of IE l?.tato creek, comprising four hun ired and wt.en.y live (42) acres. nor< or Itss, (inrorr.:ctly stated in tirst adver tssemunt as 25 atcrt s. more or less) aiij. ining lands of Hester Stewart ant lainis for nerly owned by Davi Parker aid others and known as the Alpha Bart.on home place. ermls of Sale: A credit of twelvt muotlhs, the purchaser to give good suf fici.nt surety and a mortgage of th< prenass-s sol. R. M. McCOWN. A\ jril I ', Sec. of State, As Agent of the Board of Commnis sioners of t he Sink hing Funtd , Ebocheator. 15.\ pl.6 w. Sulimonis for' Relief. Coni plaint 5erved. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Pickens~ County. Court of Commion Pleas. D)avid M. Merck, Henry Merck, Elvira Satterfield, Texanna K(elley andl Mis soui Smit,h. Plaintiffs. against Laiwrenice U. Merck, Mrs. Ella Burton, B. Stewart, Kay Stewart anid W. B. Manni. Defendants. TPo the defendlant Ella Burton. You are hereby stummoned and re qutired to answver the complaint in this aiction, of 'which a copy is herewith servedi upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint. upon the subscribers at their otlice or one on~ either of them1 at Anderson, S. C. with in twenty (lays after the service hereof, exclus.ve of the day of such service; andi if yqu fail to answer the complaint wvithin thie time~ aforesaid, the Plaint,iffs mr tIs action will appiy to the Court, for the relief demandedl in the complaint, which was filed in the '.ierk's 01nice at Pickens 22d of Decembher, 1906. Dated Dec. 22d1, 1906. A. J. BOGuS. C. (;. P. E. WV. LONG, J. E. BRAZa L,F~ JULIUS lX.3OLGas, Plain tifl's Attorney. Brlidgee to Let. Th'le gnpervisors of Pickens and Oconee toni.ies will let to the lowvest resp)on sible hider the bioding, of a steol bridge across l(coweo River at Chapmn's F'ord on Mtay 8thi 1907. Pl'ans, specifi'ittins and11( termis in ad knowni on that day. Right r(servedl to reject any or all bids. April 1913 E. 1". LOOPER, gallerySup'r' Pickens Co. Iamnow ppred for work at miy gallry~ ove J , D., Moore('s store. U1 you w.tafanmily group call and see me or write meit a postal, El', M. Farmer, ..47t.2 FOLEYMIRYTA stop. She coudh and h e ...,. Get a Move And buy your DRUG and TOIl ET A 1 TI BOLT a Up-to-Date Druggists, Dr. Earle's e"1 . . re mrlore than g: asult, by fair d prices we expect low we submit I your con sid erati Graunlnted Suguir Light Brown sugar, ,i Be8t green cutee 8 1 Good parched coffee Better parched coffe 3eKt parched coffee, Meat. (rib side) 110 R3 con(" poiud pkcgK eN Galvanized wat-h-tul Heavy galvanized w, * White Ced:r water 1 Wrights fine and co $1.25, $1.50 and upwa Vrights flue and CO; men, $1.00, $t.25) and Olhildren'K 8hue. L.'dies doii't, fail to i millinery before bluyii W N. IE Freei " At the Old Sand." Bring us your chickens, eg you have to sell and rest assure of the market. J.lMcD. Bruce, President. THE PICKI PICKENS, SOUl CAPITAL ! - - PROFITS j- - DEPOSITS - - - -5 Per Cent Interest Direcl J. F. Banister, B. A. Hago J. M'. Stewart, I. Ms 1 T. N. Hunter. .H. RANGE T OGET as much as pos natural desire of all.I WILL GlET MAMV TH-EIR MONEY, for LUTELY FREE on COOKiNG RPANGE. I havre Gourd, the person FIRST guess seeds will receive the range FR p)urchase. Relmmber, I shMll Shoes, Grocer tes and General M' can buy it elsewhere in town, ar on YourseY S, STATIONE T JLES from old s ' *I. Con ratified with the ealings and low to increase. Be few prices for on: L8 lbs for $1 18 lbs for 1 3a for 81 bulk, 14' 1 - ', bulk, 16e, lb bulk, 20o ap appl1eM 25 )a, No. 0, 45o No. 1, 600 o 2, 70e Al bucketM, 1 5 nrse so11'S for men 11Rl: shoes for wo--' upward. slect, ouir line of lg. Pickens, S. . s, and in fact, any thing thiat 1that you are getting the top I. M. Mauldin, . sCashier. NS BANK rH CAROLINA. - - $20,500.00 - - 20,532,0o - - 150,000.00 Paid ,On Deposits-: tors odi, W. M. J-Iagood, /Iauldin, 3. McD. Bru.ce. L. Richey, J. P. Carey, FRE E ible for their money is the ni dealing with me SOME TIM1ES TH IE WORT H OlF I shall give away ABSO the 4th of July a high grad(e banging in my store a large ing nearest to the nu.' -' EE, one guess with ex sell you Dry Good: erchandise as cheap d( give you the Rant ~. COOPBL.