Pickes Slltinll-Jourlal PUDJfIHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. - BY The Sentinel-Journal Company, TbOMPsoN & RICHEr. Pitors. .1. L. O. THO MPSON. EhnTOR. Subscription $1.00 Per Annum. Advertising Rates Reasonable. Entered at Pickens Fostofrlce at Second Class Mail Matter PICKENS, S. C. : THURSDAY, APRIL 25 1907. Nature's Awakening. Take a drive into the country now and as your eyes fall upon field and meadow, there is every evidence of an awakening of nature. The recent %bower, followed by springtime's golden sunshine, has brought forth the green so pleasing to the eye and given hope to the soul of man. What is more impressive than this change of seasons, this coming of life, where a few months ago all was death? Vieing with Nature in all her splendor, a long pent-up human ity takes to outdoors and enjoys the invigorating sunshine. The season when the merchant, as well as the farmer, wears a smile, is at hand. All humanity ever longs for Spring, when all nature animate and inanimate teems with newly given life. Spring, the real thing. Joy in its :enlity is not coil ined lto the birds, to the young lambs, to the honse? an annc the. smoke from the bmn intOxillteS j forget that ,nlhour 1. lovers will begini to s(eek somle s clues tered spot. under the bough of stmme old oak, in whose boyis compacted the rain and shinelii of manyui score years past, she pun nhing 1'hr parasol into thie sd1 and lie loiking with snehI admiration inito eyes that speak again. You once gave this samne liok. Sp1ak not lightly now of love's younmg dreami But who wvill appreciate mole the coming of Spring than the infirm and the elderly? Have they not counted the days since AbLruary and M\arch blew in several weeks ago? It is they who too, look eagerly for the wvarmuth of May and June, wvhen they, too, can again commune with Nature as the warm sunshine starts in renewyed cir culation life's fluid in their enfeebled bodies. Is it not God's favorite seas n -* when He gives His children the most impressive lessons? Is it not the sea eon of all the year when man is im.~ pressed with the immortality of the soul-the resurrection of Chrjat, the Rledeemner, and the resurrection of Nature in all her glo:-y, coming in beautiful transition fromn death to life? Surely there is somelithling ini the beauty and can of Naturo that over atwes our 101tle anxieties and1 doubts the sight~ of t.he7 deep, hblueI sky at fter1 a clear op following an A pril shower. Then the clusterinig stars ablove at event.ide seems)~ to ibmparlt a1 quiet to the miind. Natutre is lman's best teachers. She( uni f'jlds her treauresi to his seareb,, unseals is (eyes, ia heart; ain indoenc 'ie br!eathles fromi a1 tile sights and11( sCund 3(5of her exist onice N:atllre is thie mrirror refle.ig God1. All N atuore is a vast symbol. lOsm; every mia torial fact, has she 'at hed~ wIthin it a spiritunal truith. Aature .is b)eautiful, Illways beautiful, w'heth. ie im d'eaile spi ead, or of Spring time IIow 1p011 Us. There is a certtin kind of exptri ate American snolbishnetss that goes a long way toward juastify'int tlo con tempt which foreigners entertain for our fellow-citizens abroad In Paris, for instance, is an American womni who maintains a "salon" and whose boast it is that lCngli,-h is never spoken in her house. It is difficult to compre hend the luental status of such a per son, but we are ro cod to confess that it is exclusively American. Nobody ever beard of a Frenchman pluming himself on the fact thitt he never spoke French, or a German repudiat ing his own language. It is pre cisely because a certain class of Americans seem to be ashamed of their country that Europeans have a good deal of contempt for us. The Birmingham News says the corn crop of the Southern States for 1906 was worth $500.000,000. The value of the cotton crop of the South ern States for the same year was about $700,000,000. Add to these the value of the wheat, oats, tobacco and fruit crops, the value of live stock and poultrv, and the value of indus trial products in the South, and the total will make it easily understood why this vast fertile and productive region cares not a rap about the tur moil among the stock jobbers and gamblers tand get rich-quick dispatch es of frenzied finance in Wall street While in Norr-. W. j.1. .. .-,t00,000 R..t to prevelit his if Wall st:eet is opposed ny doctrine held by Presideint. [i:osevelt. it in .-- .- -ly not ao lt. blen we u+att' to fuit in 1896 .leut (1hami1pion iasts thlan Mr. The god '( o) k sa vs, "liv'e to O'e Nyole l that,i .,lietlh lhe" but that dutsu't mean ts, give a drutkard Un01e3' to buy whisky; it doeiu't ilcn to give the baby a lIantaler and !ook. ing-giss becOuse leas for it, and it loeHn'r. meno,, tat't we sta' . give to proftes il)outl begarsu w' ho traveil f4 roml town to town. Tate Bible d. -s.e. a ways~ Iluani what it says8, but it alwa'ss Th'le fa rmer's hair miay be bush, his skjin broniztd, but hi.s eyesi are cleaur, !his d igestioni is like that of aI t.h)ree-year-old mule his 'co; scie :co is like the ether 1a1ove his ! -d, and1( his banLrk account as fat as his favorite shoat. He is the miost independen t creature that wears~ 3he garb) of civil ized man. Whe a131 manl 1 ini serL1ch (of Ia home 0or busniness5 locatilon goes to) a towni and lindsi everyblodiy full of hope and( en thuisiasmii over the prospects of the p)lace, lie, too, soon0 becomes imbned with the samte spirit, dlrives do - n his stakhes andc goes to work with egnal initerest. , A ;a&rdl T[his is to certify fliat all druggista aie anIthorlied tb re.fundl( y'our moneyi0 if Fo ley's HIoney and( Tar fails to cOro yonr trongh or cold. It stops the congh, heals the lunigs and1( preOvenItH serionls re 40uits from a csold. Cure h'' a gippe) cronigh rind pr)ven(lts pneumana111 and( (OIH consum ien. CJonttalin no 14 0 pites. Th1ie Genn.1 lIE Hil in aV yellow packaiIge. ReuOiI' subl. t itutres. 'Park inlS Pharmac'1Iy, LbertyV, md1( P." (1kensJDrug (Co. nojs btiae ouh aidTar lIes the)( old from the system 414 it IS miilly 38xaltive. It is gularanuteed. D)o not risk aking uany but~ tie genlline in the voel OW packa{ige. P arkins P'h:lrmacy, Libler 3', anid PickenRS Dr)iug CJo. resul t.s from chric1 onslti pationl, wichel H ulder spokess-one iof made in wagon bluildin largest amount of u . They are s/r(n'/ wi S are weakest. debaker patented rou re ol-wrldcd and cold-. they n(ver loosen. t-point by point--featu nothing that will add ty and long lifu' of the cc wagonc with a repu a "cheap" wagon, >r so little. constantly pay Is. 'e money, ly do for nthe pment s.) of th ble Farming" ounits of experiments and rning. It is invaluable to >rodIucts and who is work r it to-day. R~KS ,(In., 1224 Candler Bldg. H OL LIS-I E'is Mountain Tea~Nuggets Busy Metficine for Bucsy P Golden liealth and Rlencw (0 for0Cosf I i"a t i(on, lud' t rouble. SIiaiciI , in' ho-. Its IHoecky Alount: e cenIts 0. bolx. (;en I RUo. ( 0P.\NY, Ala NUGGETS FOR SALt P? IS OFiF RTnY~ Younc . .-. Iy reN'uest all yolPng pesos lit' 1.i1 I heir IIIQans~ or' educatir h i ..h.''t Ito' .i'' firit. inail for ourE~ yra ha:rte (Ut!. omn't dokay. Write todaiy. kia. Bucsnes olaenit acc;.r: Ga.