The Gamekillers OBITUARIES April 2006 (Samp 2£iUpb Joe Magner Rashid Theodore Andy Tider Ross Barton Peter Moyse Mike Choi Judd Engelbrecht MAGNER, Joe, Acton, MA It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Joe Magner's game. A game once respected for its ability to overcome great resistance. It was in the process of doing just that; charmingly dismantling the defenses of a bubbly blonde sorority girl, when Joe turned and saw someone beside them, intently watching their conversation. Alas, this person was a Gamekiller, and none other than the over-educated, pseudo academic, knower of everything, known as IQ. The Gamekiller whose sole pleasure in life is using his enormous brainpower to extricate girls just like Joe's. And so it was that IQ quickly and seamlessly steered the conversation to the dilemma . of quasi existentialism. Joe asked if the conversation was for real. Setting himself up for an intellectual pummeling. By the time Joe had finished struggling to hold onto IQ's train of thought, he had lost his hold on the girl. Natura non contristatur, Joe. Natura non contristatur. THEODORE, Rashid, New York, NY Were it not seen by many a witness at the club, the death of Rashids game would remain a mystery befitting one of the many crime scene investigators portrayed nightly on television sets. For it is a generally accepted truth that when men get off to a great start with a girl at a club, they soon expect to find themselves suavely working that woman’s torso into a tangle on the dance floor. (With particular attention paid to the rubbing of the palms, the elbows, and of course the occasional posterior.) But, Rashid's case was peculiar, and no matter how fluid his conversational flow was flowing, his game saw no moment towards the aforementioned dancing routine, most especially as it pertained to the absence of any posterior-knocking. i Instead, Rashids spicy prospect was beginning to show classic signs of eye-drift and to none other than, Man Candy, the sugar-sweet confection of a Gamekiller revered for his talents at topping cherries like Rashid's lady-friend. And indeed, another game met its demise, as it is also a generally accepted rule amongst women that candy is the truest way to a woman's heart. TIDER, Andy, Teaneck, NJ Andy Tider's game was alive and well. Busting up the place and making the ladies say, "Da-am." His game was a fine thing—full of one liners, well-timed nods and boyish smiles. He was firing smoothly while he talked to a lithe young American princess named Sharleece. Lines like, "You should ■ be called Shar LACE. Because you're beautiful, and so is lace," confirmed that his game was flying on all cylinders, until along came the future hall-of famer himself, The Bailer. The one Gamekiller with more moves than a nomad. Andy Tider could have kept his cool, could have shrugged off The Bailers play for his girl with a simple pump fake to the bar and a drive to the Sharleece lane, but instead he got caught in The Bailer full-court trap. And before he knew it, Tider and The Bailer were re enacting Detroit vs. Indiana 2005. Andy Tider, you are the first player to turn an easy lay-up into a personal foul. Somewhere up there, Andy Tider, Wilt is laughing. BARTON, Ross, McDonough, GA Approximately at dawn or sometime early like that last Saturday morning marked the death of Ross Bartons game. Which came as some surprise to Ross who thought for sure he was in the process of scoring at Club Voidance with a gorgeous pixie-raver named BunnyFlower. But such is the fate of any man who tries to score while in the chill out room of a rave, especially if that chill out t ‘ (Same Killed room is inhabited by the cuddly teddy-bear of a soul otherwise known as The Gamekiller, Sensitivo. For as cute as rave girls can be in a pair of neon purple pajamas, it is best not to tell them so when they are in the middle of wondering why the Earth doesn't orbit around love. Nor is it cool to try to cop a feel inside their fuzzy one-piece and pass it off as a momentary lapse of depth perception. Nor is it cool to mention that all this music seems to be stuck on repeat. And these were just some of the many lessons Ross learned from Sensitivo, the last of which came when Sensitivo took his BunnyFlower home at 9 a.m. to, "Just, you know, mellow out and lounge on his warm, velvet comforter." MOYSE, Peter, Washington, DC This is to mark the demise of Peter Moyse's game. Peters game had been happily working on a pair of foreign exchange students. Well aware that there's so much that can be misinterpreted as charming and witty when there's a language barrier. Peter was about to go for broke, offering to teach them the meaning of his favorite (and only) French term: menage a trois, when fate dealt him a cruel blow, for in walked The Gamekiller, The Bailadeer. A walking repository of meter and rhyme. The Bailadeer is more than a pair of ripped denim jeans and an unruly haircut. For as any music groupie would attest— especially those who could care less about lyrics—a song sung is like eight octaves better than one spoken. Peter could have kept his game alive if he'd just kept his cool. But did he? Hell no. He stepped out of his game and went all a cappella on the foreign beauties. Leaving the girls with no choice but to nightcap at The Balladeer's house where he delighted them to his latest chart-topping track, "Just the Three of Us." CHOI, Mike, Queens, NY The once valiant game of Mike Choi died this past weekend at a charming pub well known to locals as a killer pick-up scene. The evening had begun auspiciously when Choi was asked by a beautiful lass what he did for a living. To • which, Choi replied convincingly, "Philanthropy." On any other night such a cavalier lie might be rewarded with an equally generous tongue-to-tongue reciprocation, but (Same 5(tUri> on this night, Choi was unaware that within earshot of his gross misrepresentation was the Emirate for which the UAE was named after, the financier who prefers currency with his own likeness on it, The Gamekiller Switzerland calls on for financial planning, Kash Munni. And what a shame it was, to watch something as genuinely humanitarian as Chois definition of philanthropy die a quick death at the 24-Carat gold watch laden wrist of Kash Munni who needed only to turn it over once and say simply, "The limo, my lady, awaits." Leaving Choi feeling philanthropic only to Glen, the genial bartender. .•.. ■ ... . ENGELBRECHT, Judd, Brainerd, MN Judd's game was proceeding along nicely as it followed closely behind the toned and tanned posterior of his athletic date, Beth, on a bucolic mountain bike ride through the hills of San Francisco. When all of a sudden something punctured Beth's tire, leaving it and subsequently Judd's game, gasping for air. For, while Judd tried to repair the tube, along the path came The Gamekiller who has never consulted the thesaurus, known simply as Early Man. And, as all damsels in distress will do, while Judd tried in vain to remove her tire from the wheel frame, she gradually grew weary of his laundry list of excuses and began to turn her attention to Early Man whose brain might resemble a slime mold, but whose biceps require their own zip code. And before Judd could say, "Uh, Beth I thought we were on a date here," Early Man had picked up Beth, perched her on his shoulders, and took a caveman-like pride about showing her each and every hill of San Francisco, then Sacramento, then Santa Barbara, and finally, San Diego. Obituaries can be created and sent via email to friends at Keep Your Cool. Axe Dry. | 02006 UNILEVER 1