Government, baseball stars waste time at House hearing ■ Evasive players don t answer steroid questions from reform committee Did anyone else watch the congressional hearing on steroids? No? Just me? Alright, quick summary: the House of Representatives' Government Reform Committee decided to call in a few former and active baseball players and executives and waste _ Lillie tWIVlllg, them questions about steroids. The utter stupidity of this idea was so mind-blowing that it took me a while to comprehend it. JAKE So I, being the BROOM nice guy that I am, have SECOND-YEAR prepared the POLITICAL I I SCIENCE following STUDENT Congressional Steroids Hearing Q & A answering some of those questions that I'm frequently asked. Q: Jake, have you ever used steroids? A: Lately, I've been noticing the way some of you have been looking at me. I've heard the whispers, and you aren't as sneaky as you think with the pointing. I'd like to take this opportunity to go ahead and clear the air forever. The answer is no. No, I, Jake Broom, have never used steroids. (This is where I would dramatically look up, make serious eye contact and slowly raise my right arm until my index finger was pointed defiantly toward you). Period. Q: Isn't there anvthinv herrer that the House of Representatives should be doing? A: No. Well, other than planning for the safe return of thousands of young troops from dangerous places across the world, worrying about the future of social security, improving and reforming the health care system, working on our diplomatic relationships with European countries, discussing alternative ways to lower gas prices, fighting unemployment and maybe even trying to formulate ways to improve our sagging educational system, no — there is nothing more important they should be doing. Q: Was Sammy Sosa pretending that he couldn't speak English enough to understand the questions the funniest thing you have ever seen? Or was it Jose Canseco stopping every three seconds to refer to his attorney? A: I'd say Sammy wins this one. How long has he lived in America? And he can’t understand the question “Have you ever knowingly used steroids?” Also, could we not afford a translator? Maybe that is too much to ask, but it can't be that hard to find somebody that speaks Spanish in Washington, D.C. Although Sammy was hilarious, Jose put up a good fight. Every two freakin' seconds, he'd turn and ask his attorney a question. This is the same man who once turned a sure out into a home run when he let the ball bounce off the top of his head and over the fence. I can only imagine what he was saying. “Would you classify the amount of gel in my hair as tremendous or just ridiculous?” u: way w«»ii i u