SECTI0N B THE GAMECOCK ♦ Friday, August 13, 2004 CONTACT US woody™! hAID ITt WOODY ALLEN: Eighty percent of Story ideas? Questions? Comments? success is showing up.” E-mail us at _ .■'"""===... .H.m. ——Hi.. S3.1. ..-.— Comic/record shop to open on Rosewood PHOTO BY MEGAN TREACY/THE GAMECOCK Phlii Blair sorts throiif'h inventory at Acr^e Comics. Blair Is one of the store’^four co-owners. BY MtUAIN I KtAUY THE GAMECOCK Rosewood Drive is known for being home to Rockaways, Rosewood Dairy Bar, Rosewood Market & Deli, and other Columbia landmarks that have existed for years. Recently, oth er merchants like Publix have de cided to try their luck on Rosewood, and the owners of Acme Comics think they’ve got what it takes to become another landmark. Opening August 16, Acme Comics will sell new comics, used CDs, DVDs and records, as well as vintage record players and other music accessories. “It just seems logical that there should be a place like this,” Randy Dunn said. Dunn, along with fifth-year media arts student Shadd Sutton, Phill Blair and self-pro fessed comic geek Brent Caley, decided to open the store after leaving their jobs at Manifest Discs & Tapes on 5|ush River Road. meres no retail on Rosewood,” Dunn said. “We hope to be the pioneers to move to Rosewood.” The owners envision the store being more “High Fidelity” and less “Empire Records.” They hope to bring the attitude and feel of lo-fi recordings to their store. “It’s a music store for the mu sic lover,” Sutton said. “If you can hear it on the radio, we won’t have it.” “We’re not trying to compete with music stores who do have that,” Dunn said.. Dunn said the store is a place for the discerning music fan, one who prefers the sounds of WUSC as opposed to mainstream sta tions. He credits Carl Singmaster, the original owner of Manifest, for making Columbia a cooler place and hopes to continue the tradition with Acme Comics. “If I can carry on a minor per centage of that coolness in this city, then I’ll be happy,” Dunn said. j Dunn looks to neighborhood record stores m larger cities, like Sonic Boom Records in Seattle, for inspiration. “I judge a town by its record stores,” Dunn said. “I want it to be the neighbor hood place to go, a cool place to come in and buy your mom something and yourself some thing.” The store will feature and sell work by local artist Breeze, a for mer Manifest employee, and will start selling new CDs in December. Dunn said he hopes Acme Comics will eventually become a place for people to network, where fans can find information about music they want to hear, and musicians can find infor mation on where to record and play gigs. The store is located at 2757 Rosewood Drive and will be open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday. Comments on this story? E-meU gamecockfeatures@gwm. sc. edu