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SNL’s Morgan to perform at Koger Center Thursday BY RACHEL HARTLER THE (JAMEHOCK Saturday Night Live alumnus Tracy Morgan will provide stu dents with some comic relief this Thursday at the Roger Center. Organized by Carolina Productions, the event starts at 8 p.m. Morgan is recognized for a va riety of roles. SNL fans know him as Reggie Owens of "Wong and Owens: Ex-Pom Stars," Astronaut Jones, Bronx resident Dominican Lou, Tate Witherspoon of the tough-talking law firm Russell & Tate and "Judge Judy" bailiff Bert. He has been performing on the popular show for seven years, but he has also been involved with many other forms of entertain ment, taking movie roles and ap pearing in a music video. He now has his own sitcom, "The Tracy Morgan Show," which, according to Washington Post columnist Tom Shales, is "a bright new comedy and a generous act of kindness." Shales also wrote that Morgan’s show possesses "a warm ing glow that lifts it above the crowd and can lift a viewer's spir its as well." You might also recognize him as Spoonie Luv from "Crank Yankers" or Hustleman from his recurring role on "Martin." His other television appearances in clude roles on Apollo Comedy Hour," "Def Comedy Jam,” "Entertainment Tonight," "Late Night with Conan O'Brien," "Showtime at the Apollo," "Snaps,” "3rd Rock from the Sun," "Uptown Comedy Club," "The Rosie O'Donnell Show," and "The View." As far as the silver screen, Morgan ap peared in "Half Baked," "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" and "A Thin Line between Love and Hate." He also was featured as the main character in the "Notorious” mu sic video featuring Puff Daddy and Lil' Kim. Carolina Productions routine ly brings eminent talent to USC, and Morgan's comic material should appeal to a broad audience. Tickets are $5 for USC stu dents, faculty and staff, and can be purchased at the Russell House information desk. Tickets are $20 for the general public and tickets can be purchased at the Carolina Coliseum and all Capital Ticket Outlets. Morgan's ever-expanding career as a comic standout guar antees this to be a must see event. Comments on this story ?E-mail PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE GAMECOCK Tracy Morgan stars in his own sitcom, “The Tracy Morgan Show.” Summer Money Have you completed your application for Summer School Financial Aid? Apply on-line at Application Deadline April 1, 2004 at 5:00pm * Courtesy of the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships Spring Itecruitroent Come see what Kappa is all about! Thursday, f^arch 25, 2004 at 6:00pm Kappa House - 520 Lincoln St. (in the Greek Village) We will be doing an outside activity, so please dress comfortably. R5VP by 2:00pm on March 25 Email or Call 544-3141 for more information! m KOGER CENTER, GoLmkdl pe^Muj, oaU pwimU: Wfie (tymnna ''(d/w/r- (^Mo On sale now at Carolina Coliseum box office and all Capitol Tickets outlets. Call 251-2222 to charge by phone or order online at: Special student rate o! $5.00 for best available seat 30 minutes before the show starts. (Must present valid student ID.) ■ hs m I-1