The Quigmans by buddy hickerson “The secret of our lasting marriage can be found in Sun Tzu’s The Art of War’: ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.’” CAPTAIN RlBMAN ln I Feel URe Chicken To[K]night ^>_i^lbySprengelmeyer^^avis f I NASTY OUT WITH STRAIGHT 1 THE OLD. SPA TREATMENT. A LITTLE ",°,>UCT MEW COUTURE. “***£* i HIS NEW | ^ COMPLEX LOOK WAS redecorating. desserts. to oie for _ __d -_Jt mortco@mindspring com #181 TriC 1C CHfofliCllS i u>ge me k k.k... so wm?_ __ mwmm% tiWNMFKBM I I 9 IWHD* mbW&s T*teiT L iuweti«i» ai« , mm.. \uK(rnN& 'ftbr (iplic uWr uxoa Vc)tsCOC\;cl£JS ,corr\ MflIUlttieiT I iftmMfifle 1 HMC | | vlosrfts umkit wem, iVWfew _ro