The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, November 12, 2003, Page 4, Image 4

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Hark CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 could be considered. The Hark Resolution, a piece of legislation intending to bolster Student Government’s support of Harkj is yet to be reviewed. At this point, Hark and the controversy over his personal Web site remains unconnected to his role in RHA. Hark said he is, however, willing to answer questions about why he person ally decided to post the picture oi} his Website. “I will respond to those charges on their merit, and I will do so with disagreement,” Hark said. He has no plans to remove anything from the Web site. Comments on this story?E-mail BRIEFLY Iraqi insurgents hit U.S. compound BAGHDAD, IRAQ (AP) - America’s top soldier in Iraq said Tuesday a “blanket of fear” that Saddam Hussein will return prevents Iraqis from giving U.S. troops intel ligence vital to curb the grow ing insurgency — stepped up attacks underlined by a late night barrage on the heart of r... ... tsagnaaa. Late Tuesday, insurgents fired mortars toward the U.S. headquarters compound, known as the “Green Zone,” in Baghdad. The Coalition Provisional Authority said there was no damage to coalition headquar ters, located in the Republican Palace. After one detonation, white smoke could be seen ris ing from an area just north of the palace. ....—.. "i The harmcflij ofTre^h iwrejie t\f*, i*> topic fojjociriiwfft Delicious Specialty Pizzas Fresh Baked Calzones Spring Water Dough Pretzels Monumental Hoagies Scrumptious Salads 24 high-quality "Shroom Taps" (draught beer) oj»en 7 n «e«K/ cz4 NmfjJW ru^h/ _ e (or fwo) from (A.S.C - » yoG are under fhe age of 21 it* aganst the law to buy alcoholic beverages, AU ABC regulation* enforced POLICE REPORT Compiled by Alexis Stratton. Each number on the map stands for a crime corresponding with numbered descriptions in the list below. DAY CRIMES (6a.m.-6 p.m.) □ Violent O Nonviolent NIGHT CRIMES (6p.m.-6a.m.) ■ Violent ® Nonviolent CRIMES AT UNKNOWN HOURS □ Violent ® Nonviolent Saturday, Oct. 11 t ® MINOR POSSESSION OF LIQUOR, INTERSECTION OF BLOSSOM AND SUMTER STREETS Reporting officer R.B. Baker saw William Propp making an illegal U-tum at the intersection of Blossom and Sumter streets. Baker pulled him over. He asked if there was anything in the vehicle that should not be there. Baker reported that Propp produced a silver flask he said contained vodka. Friday, Oct. 31 ® LARCENY OF CELL PHONE, WELSH HUMANITIES BUILDING, 1614 COLLEGE ST. The victim said someone took her silver Samsung cell phone. Estimated value: $350. Reporting officer: J.M. Simmons. Wednesday, Nov. 5 # LARCENY OF BICYCLES, CAPSTONE HOUSE, 902 BARNWELL ST. The victim said someone stole from him two bicycles and two bicycle locks. He also said someone took a purse, American Eagle wallet, Clinique lipstick, an NCAA 2003 football GameCube game and memory card from him. Total estimated value: $315. Reporting officer: D. Pardue. Friday, Nov. 7 ® ILLEGAL USE OF TELEPHONE, CLIFF APARTMENTS, 1321 WHALEY ST. The victim said she has received several obscene telephone calls. The victim provided reporting officer J. A. Clarke with a description of the subject, Denise Gray, as well as a call-back number. © PETIT LARCENY, MCMASTER COLLEGE, 1615 SENATE ST. The complainant said someone took a cordless phone with an answering machine from a secured room in McMaster College. Estimated value: $60. Reporting officer: R.A. Whitlock. © MALICIOUS INJURY TO PERSONAL PROPERTY, 1200 BLOCK OF BARNWELL STREET The victim said someone damaged the left side of his vehicle’s front bumper. Estimated damage: $150. Reporting officer: J.M. Simmons. O THREATENING (VERBAL), DOUGLAS RESIDENCE HALL, 614 MAIN ST. The complainant said that while in his room, Frederick Mueller threatened to kill him. Reporting officer: G. Kerwin. Saturday, Nov. 8 © LARCENY OF TELEVISION, RECOVERY, BATES HOUSE FRONT DESK, 1423 WHALEY ST. The victim said Brian Mowry removed his television without permission. The victim located his television and called USCPD. Mowry furnished a written statement admitting to the incident. A second subject, Steve Vik, also said that he was involved, and he was placed on trespass notice. Mowry was issued a student violation of policy notice. Estimated value: $500. Reporting officer: D. Pardue. Sunday, Nov. 9 □ AUTO BREAK-IN, PETIT LARCENY, GRAVEL PARKING LOT, 1401 BLOSSOM ST. While conducting surveillance, reporting officer J.R. Merrill saw Shelton Sherrill and Maurice Mickens walk into the parking lot and directly to a black Chevy Blazer. Sherrill lifted the back cargo door and entered the vehicle. Then, Sherrill opened a passenger door and Mickens entered the vehicle. Sherrill Mickens repeatedly exited the vehicle to look around. At one point, Mickens entered another vehicle later determined to be his. The reporting officer said that based on experience, this activity was thought to be consistent with criminal activity and called other units. Officer R.B. Baker approached the vehicle on foot while Sherrill and Mickens were inside and saw them trying to remove the radio by force. They were then ordered out of the vehicle at gunpoint and taken into investigative detention. © SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY, BULL STREET GARAGE, 600 BULL ST. The complainant reported suspicious activity in the Bull Street Garage. Reporting officers: B. Timbers, D. Pardue. Monday, Nov. 10 f$. ILLEGAL USE OF TELEPHONE (HARASSING), BATES HOUSE, 1423 WHALEY ST. The victim said two Spanish-speaking males called her cell phone repeatedly between Nov. 2 and Nov. 10. Reporting officer: J.L. Meador. @ GRAND LARCENY OF MOTOR VEHICLE, S-8 LOT, 1328 WHEAT ST. The complainant said he parked his vehicle at the above location and that someone took it. Estimated value: $5,000. Reporting officer: T. Means. ® MALICIOUS INJURY TO PERSONAL PROPERTY, E-2 PARKING LOT, 1328 WHEAT ST. The victim said someone scratched the driver’s side and hood of the victim’s vehicle. Estimated damage: $300. Reporting officer: L. Davis. M AUTO BREAK-IN, COLISEUM LOTI, PARK AND BLOSSOM STREETS The victim said someone broke out the passengpr’s-side window of his CKx vehicle and took a radar detector ,aj{ from his secured vehicle. Estimated value: $150. Reporting officer: L. Davis. ® LARCENY OF BOOK BAG, PARTIAL RECOVERY, THOMAS COOPER LIBRARY, SECOND FLOOR, 1322 GREENE ST. The complainant said someone took her book bag, one textbook, a set of car keys, a debit card, driver’s license and USC ID. The book was recovered by a witness at the South Carolina Bookstore. Total estimated value: $110. Reporting officer: Taylor. 116] AUTO BREAK-IN, PETIT LARCENY, COLISEUM LOT 1, 900 DEVINE ST. The victim said someone broke out the right passenger’s-side window of the victim’s vehicle, entered and removed a radar detector. Estimated value: $75. Reporting officer: D.W. Friels. The second victim said he parked his vehicle in the Carolina Center parking lot B. He said he found his vehicle with the passenger’s-side window broken out and his radar detector taken. No other items were taken. Estimated value: $200. Reporting officer: E.A. Adkins. ® ILLEGAL USE OF TELEPHONE (THREATENING), PRESTON RESIDENCE HALL, 1323 GREENE ST. The complainant said an unknown female caller made a threatening phone call to her. Reporting officer: C. Taylor. 1 In the heart of every Gamecock, there is one spirit that wndsus student Government Are you... concerned about classes? worried about potential professors? encouraged to inform others? • Grade your professors • Describe your personal experiences in a class • Indirectly help others • Allow professors to cater to the students Student Government is launching a campaign to promote the use of and keep USC within the top three schools that actively use this web site. . r X Please come and support Week November 10-14 \ O 12-3pm \ Greene Street @ the Russell House m. Ik Jr Si 5P m C m * i § @ n Seawell’s Parking lot ■ 1125 Rosewood Drive Across from The ROCKET" at the State Fairgrounds. Sponsored by Alcohol & Drug Programs. Paid for, in part, with student activity fees, Actual time or event may change due to funding or programmatic decisions. For additional info, call 777-7130. Department of Student Life * Division of Student Affairs