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There is a two-line minimum for classified ads. Lines average about 30 characters in length. Deadline is noon the day before publication. First insertion $1.50/line • Subsequent $1.25/line To place a classified ad, call 803-777-3888, fax Box around ad $1 25 • L°9°insertion is available for an additional cost 803-777-6482 or e-mail: Sigma alpha Lambda, nat'l leadership & honors organization is seeking to be gin a campus chapter. 3.0 GPA req._ Contact: Fraternities - Sororities Clubs--Student Groups Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with a proven CampusFundraiser 3/hr fundrais ing even. Our free programs make fundraising easy with no risks. Fund raising dates ar6 filling quickly, so get with the program! It works. Contact CampusFundraiser at (888) 923-3238, or visit Get Paid For Your Opinions! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! I am visuallyimpaired and lost my elec tronic magnifier by pulse data in a black pouch at the Russell House. Looks lie a digital camfera REWARD - 665-7311 Walk to USC 5PTs/Plaza Ctr 2BR. 1BA., A/C, Disposal, Ice Maker, W/D, reserve parking, security. Available Now, For Sale or S560 rent. 777-6973 or 776 8282. GREAT 1,2 & 3 BR APTS Convenient Call TODAY! 779-2373 Awesome 2 & 4BR Apts available at Sterling University Riverside.. Call 739-0899 Today 2BR 1 BA Townhouse 139 Whisper Way located in W.Cola. Completely remod eled. 5525/Mo. Call 446-7648. F/seeks/F to sublease 2BR in a 4BR @ Univ. Comm. Avail Dec./Oec FREE. Call Amanda @ 864-494-8736 or 796-2852 F/seeks/F rmmte 2BR 2BA apt 15 min from USC. $377+util. Call 765-9888 F/seeks/F rmmte for 4BR 3BA house in St. Andrews $380+1/4 util. 750-9624 House for rent in Forest Acres - 2BR 1BA 10 min from USC. Call 603-8431. 5PTS/USC AREA - 1BR avail in 3BR house, very nice neigh. $292/mo+util. Call Allison @ 803-261-5992. APARTMENT HOMES FOR RENT 1101 Olympia Ave 1BR 1BA $300 util incld 2217 Clark St. 1BR 1BA $450 2006 Watermark PI 3BR 2BA $700 748-7755 Rooms for Rent - Utilities included. $270-$325/mo. Call 463-5129 2BR 1BA CH&A. Shandon area. S645/m 4BR 2BA CH&A downtown $995 /mo 4BR 3BA CH&A Old Shandon $1295/mo 2BR 1BA CH&A Old Shandon $545/mo Call 318-0729 2BR 1BA - blew tile, paint & appi. CH&A, $625/mo+dep. Call 345-3534, 960-4245 or 781-6642. Birth Control, Phentermine, Zovirax, Vi agra, Buspar. FREE Online Consulta tions. US Pharmacies & Physicians. FDA Approved Drugs. Overnight Deliv ery 5 piece dining room table brand new S150 OBO. Call 748-0586 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS, auto 50K miles, green w/beige interior, auto sun roof, new CD player, good condition. $9,999. Call 772-7487 Gateway computer system includes monitor, keyboard, mouse, Win 98, Of fice XP. $240 Call 796-2141. Pendleton St. Garage Rsvd. space per mit (Fall 03) for sale $80 OBO. 730-3408 Great pay Flexible hours Be your own boss! Call now 1-888-222-3065 TELEPHONERS NEEDED - Flex hours, no sales just good voices evenings and weekends. Call Bob at 779-1871. PT STUDENTS NEEDED ASAP! 'Courier needed to work 10am-5pm on call/will be driving your own car. *H/R admin assistant needed to work 11-3. Microsoft exp required. Call CES at 771 -6454x117 for more info. EOE DVH AAP Bartender Trainees Needed $250/day potential local positions 1-800-293-3985 X 300 KINGS JEWELERS ~ 1611 Main Street Help Wanted No Nights No Sundays Willing to train. Call Nate or apply in person.252-2168 Movie Extras/Models Needed No exp. req. Earn up to $500-$1.000/day 1-888-820-0167 x U279 Mother’s Helper - person to care for two afterschoolers, ages 6 & 7, 2:30-6:30pm, M-F. Errands and some lite home care. This is long-term placement. Intown. Exp, safe care & great refs reqd. Begin now. Barbara at 730-3521. Irmo daycare has PT position available 12-6pm working with 1 yr olds. M-F. Call 781-5437 for more info. Now Hiring Cooks & Cashiers apply @ California Chicken Grill 701 GervaisSt. 252-1818. ALSO Hiring delivery drivers. Earn up to $15/hr. flex hrs Our Harbisori location is now hiring for exp. cooks, bus boys, hostesses & servers. Apply in person M-F 2-4PM 252 Flarbison Blvd. Now hiring delivery driver’s & set up staff. Must be customer service oriented & energetic. Duties include delivery set up & breakdown of inflatable equip. Posi tion involves heavy lifting with mainly weekend hours. Call David @ 407-3376. TUTORS NEEDED: GPA of 3.0 will earn you $8-$10 (or more) per hr.! Highest de mand for Math, Reading & Science. Call Tutor Connection 957-6060. PREGNANT, NEED HELP? Free pregnancy test Call Birthright-765-0165 Mathematics tutoring. All levels. CALL THE EXPERT! 256-6498_ *1 Spring Break Vacations! Cancun, Jamaica, Acapulco, Bahamas, Mazatlan, Florida, SPadre. 110% Best Prices! Book Now & get Free Parties & Meals! Group Discounts. Now Hiring Campus Reps! 1-800-234-7007 Spring Break '04 with and Maxim Magazine! Get hooked up with Free Trips, Cash, and VIP Status as a Campus Rep! Choose from 15 of the hottest destinations. Book early for FREE MEALS, FREE DRINKS AND 150% Lowest Price Guarantee! To reserve online or view our Photo Gallery, visit or Call 1-888-SPRINGBREAK! Campus Reps Needed! Be a Campus Rep For The Only Spring Break Company Recognized For Outstanding Ethics! pam Free Trips & CASH! 1800-678-6386 iBBi, Orientation Leader -Benefits •Develop communication and group leadership skills •Gain professional experience working for USC •Earn excellent placement and resume references •Discover the inner workings of USC •Help new students and parents adjust to University life •Summer housing provided •Receive $12.00 an hour during orientation sessions -Responsibilities • Work during Sumer, Fall, and Spring Orientations • Attend weekly training meetings in the Spring I -Requirements •Be a full-time undergraduate student •Have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA to apply •Be in good standing with the University Informations and Applications are available in the ^_, Student Orientation Office, \ _L 345 Russell House or call \ \ 777-2780 for additional info. \ \ ) email: \ \ The deadline for \ applying is October 31. \ Some follow... . \ Others Lead ' USC Orientation Leader *74e expevieeee sf <t lifetime! -j-1-T-r FYI: Those who advertise in The Gamecock agree that they will not represent themselves in an> way as being endorsed by the University of South Carolina or The Gamecock. 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