The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, February 26, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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qua^hbrtn«^f Western chi nng(leath toiint^,aa I BY AUDRA ANG THE ASSOCIATED PRESS KASHGAR, CHINA - Hundreds of aftershocks rocked western China on Tuesday, claiming more lives a day after a major earthquake crumpled thousands of homes and schools. The death toll rose to at least 266 people, with another 2,000 injured, state media reported. The latest deaths included res cue workers who were struck by debris as they pulled victims from the rubble during aftershocks, and residents who succumbed to their injuries' from Monday’s powerful earthquake, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. Chinese officials put the mag nitude of Monday’s quake at 6.8, while the U.S. Geological Survey recorded it at 6.3. More than 500 aftershocks jolt ed the area overnight, including one before dawn that registered magnitude 5, Xinhua said. Aftershocks could be felt as far away as Kashgar, about 180 miles from the hardest-hit part of the remote region. “I felt about three and they lasted for a minute each. Everything was shaking,” said Kashgar resident Ani Abdul. The disaster zone stretched through an isolated western sec tion of the'Xinjiang region near China’s mountainous border with Kyrgyzstan. Xinhua said that nearly 9,000 houses and hun dreds of other buildings were de stroyed. About 600 of the injured were hospitalized in serious condition, officials said. Rescuers dug through debris by hand on Tuesday, fearing that PHOTO COURTESY OF KRT CA'MPUS The earthquake occurred in the Xinjiang region of China. heavy equipment could further injure survivors, said a volun teer in the hardest-hit village, Chongku Qiake. Officials said 90 percent of that town’s 30,000 peo ple were forced to leave damaged homes. The government sent 9,000 tents to the disaster zone, but there was no immediate figure on how many people were left homeless in the subfreezing tem peratures. Almost all the dead were in Bachu County, where flimsy building construction seemed to have contributed to the death toll, officials said. The neighbor ing county of Jiashi was closer to the epicenter but suffered lit tle damage; its homes have been reinforced following severe quakes in recent years. Relief supplies and rescue teams with search dogs began ar riving early Tuesday from Beijing, about 1,750 miles to the east. People in the regional cap ital of Urumqi donated clothing and supplies. Businesses in Xinjiang collected $300,000 for re lief. Some of those killed were chil dren whose schools collapsed in the tremors. Xinhua said 900 classrooms were wrecked. Officials said that at least 12 stu dents died. Photos in state newspapers Tuesday showed residents bun dled against the winter cold standing in the street alongside salvaged belongings. A wrecked schoolhouse was shown with one cracked brick wall left standing, displaying tattered posters of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong. Earthquakes are common in Xinjiang, especially its far west, which includes the foothills of the Pamir and Tianshan moun tains. STATE Execution ban gets approval of House COLUMBIA (AP) - A bill that would ban executing the mentally retarded won key ap proval in the House on Tuesday. Under the bill, defendants determined to be mentally re tarded before trial would face a maximum sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole rather than death, said Rep. Jay Lucas, R Hartsville. The bill provides no lesser sentences as alternatives, tak ing away some of a trial judge’s authority in sentencing men tally retarded defendants, said Rep. Joe Neal, D-Hopkins. “The judge shouldn’t be told he has only one choice that he , can make,” Neal said. “I have a problem with the Legislature dictating to the court and lim iting its options. I think that’s a mistake.” Other legislators felt that life in prison was an appropri ate sentence for someone con victed of murder even if the de fendant were determined to be mentally retarded, Lucas said. Sanford not among reservists called CHARLESTON (AP) - About 15 reservists from Gov. Mark Sanford’s Air Force Reserve unit have been called to active duty, a reserve spokesman said. Sanford was not among them. Those called up were mostly flight nurses and medical tech nicians from the 315th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron. They were ordered to active duty Monday, said re serve spokesman Lt. Col. Chris King. The squadron has about 120 members, King said, adding that he knows of no plans to call up the governor. Sanford is a first lieutenant and a medical administration officer in the Air Force Reserve. However, he has not received the training he would need to be rated as fully quali fied for the position. Sanford has said he would follow any mobilization orders to meet his military obligations. Constitutional questions have surfaced about Sanford’s Reserve commission. State constitutional law experts have said Sanford should seek a court opinion on whether he can be governor while holding his officer rank. NATION Bush says he doesn’t plan to tap reserve oil WASHINGTON (AP) - The government’s emergency oil stocks will not be used to dampen soaring energy prices, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham told sena tors Tuesday, but the Bush ad ministration will move quick ly to draw on the reserves if severe supply shortages ap pear. The emergency stocks “should not be used to address price fluctuations,” Abraham told senators, worried about soaring fuel costs. “We will and we can act quickly to use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve... to offset any severe disruptions if it’s needed,” Abraham told a Senate hearing. He said, how ever, the 600 million barrels held in the reserve on the Louisiana-Texas coast would be used only “to provide ener gy security.” “We do not believe it should be used to address price fluctuations,” Abraham said. Appeals for government intervention grew louder Tuesday as spot prices of nat ural gas briefly soared to nearly double the record high of two years ago, in the midst of the California ener gy crisis, and the price of gasoline lingered at over $2 a gallon in many parts of the country. Cardinal testifies before grand jury BOSTON (AP) - Cardinal Bernard Law testified Tuesday before a grand jury investigating whether crimi nal charges should be filed against him or any other top church officials for their han dling of priests accused of sex ual abuse. Law had no comment after a full day of testimony at Attorney General Thomas Reilly’s office. His lawyer, J. Owen Todd, said the grand jury and assis tant attorney general Michelle Adelman focused on the evo lution of the archdiocese’s pol icy with abusive priests dur ing Law’s tenure, which be gan in 1984. Law resigned as Boston archbishop in December after a year of revelations that he and top aides reassigned priests who were known mo lesters to different parishes. WORLD Colombian explosion in Caracas injures four CARACAS,VENEZUELA (AP) - Two powerful explosions dam aged the Spanish embassy and the Colombian consulate minutes apart in the Venezuelan capital early Tuesday, injuring four peo ple and raising tensions in a city still recovering from an anti-gov ernment strike. The blasts twisted the steel gates of the buildings and blew out win dows in residences almost a block away. Leaflets supporting President Hugo Chavez were found outside the Spanish Embassy. “We believe these were very po tent bombs judging by the damage done,” said the mayor of Caracas’ Chacao district, Leopoldo Lopez. The first blast was outside the Spanish embassy in eastern Caracas. The second explosion rocked the Colombian consulate. The blasts slightly injured four people, Lopez said. Chacao police chief Leonardo Diaz said there was a “direct rela tion” between the blasts, which came two days after Chavez warned Colombia and Spain not to meddle in Venezuela’s domes tic affairs. Chief weapons inspector says Iraq cooperating UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Iraq is providing inspectors with new in formation about its weapons pro grams and has reported the dis covery of two bombs, including one possibly filled with a biologi cal agent—moves that show signs of real cooperation, the chief U.N. weapons inspector said Tuesday. President Bush, however, pre dicted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein would try to “fool the world one more time” by reveal ing the existence of weapons he has previously denied having. He urged the United Nations to “hon or its word” and back U.S. action against Iraq. Bush was referring to a unani mous U.N. Security Council vote in November that gave Iraq a fi nal opportunity to disarm or face “serious consequences.” But the council is now deeply divided over whether Iraq has squandered that opportunity. Canada, which isn’t on the Security Council, was trying to bridge two competing plans that were introduced Monday: a U.S. British-Spanish resolution that seeks U.N. authorization for war; and a French-Russian-German proposal to strengthen U.N. in spections and continued them at least into July to disarm Iraq peacefully. Roh takes South Korean presidency BY JOSEPH COLEMAN THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - Roh Moo-hyun took power as South Korea’s president on Tuesday and faced the immediate challenge of a defiant North Korea reportedly urging its people and military to be ready for a U.S. attack. A North Korean statement, re ported by the South Korean news agency Yonhap, accused the United States of planning massive war games in the Korean Peninsula in preparation to attack North Korea. “The United States can launch a pre-emptive attack on us at any time,” the North said. “This re quires our military and people to mobilize all our resources to be fully ready for any contingen cies.” Yonhap said that the North did not elaborate. The latest statement was not unusual in the supercharged at mosphere of recent weeks. But coming hours after Roh’s inaugu ration, it was a reminder of the forces that will shape his coming months in office: a hostile com munist regime and a Bush ad ministration determined to stop its nuclear weapons development. Roh Moo-hyun (pronounced No-Moo-HeeYun), a human rights lawyer untested on the global stage, laid out his vision of trans forming his country into a peace ful and powerful economic hub in an inaugural speech just hours af ter news that North Korea fired a short-range missile into the Sea of .Tartan The new president then met with Secretary of State Colin Powell, who is trying to gather support in the region for persuad ing China, Russia and Japan to be come more closely involved in ne gotiating an end to the standoff over North Korea’s nuclear ambi tions. Roh pledged to press ahead with his predecessor’s policy of building ties with the North, while arguing for greater inde pendence from the United States, his country’s top ally and trading partner. “I will seek active international ♦ KOREA, SEE PAGE 8 |Contraceptive InjectionI &,rtK control *ou-tkink a&out just medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable suspension DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive injection (medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable suspension. U$P) This product is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases. What is DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? DEPQ-PRCMRA Contraceptive injection is a form of birth control tlvtt is erven as an intramuscular injection (a shot) m the buttock, or upper arm once every 3 months (IJ weeks). To continue your contraceptrve protection, you must return for your next injection promptly at the end of 3 months (13 weeks). DEPO-PROVERA contains medroxyprogesterone acetate, a chemical similar to (but not the same as) the natural hormone progesterone, which is produced by your ovaries during the second half of your menstrual cycle. DEPO-PROVERA acts by preventing your egg cess from ripening, If an egg is not released from the c*anes during your menstrual cycle, it cannot become fertfaed by sperm and, result in pregnancy DEPO-PRCMERA iso causes changes in the kiirg of your uteros that make it less likely for pregnancy to occur. How effective « DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? The efficacy of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection depends on following the recommended dosage schedule exactly (see "How often do I get my shot of DEPO-PRCMiRA Contraceptive Injection?"). To make sure you are not pregnant when you first get DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection, your first injection must tie given ONLY during the first 5 days of a normal mensti'ual period; ONLY wttnin the first 5 days after childbirth if not breast-feeding; and if exclusively beast-feeding ONLY at the sixth week after childbrth. It is a longterm ingctabfe contraceptive when administered at 3-month (13-week) intervals DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection is over 99% effective, making it one of the most reliable methods of birth control available. This means that the average annual pregnancy rate is less than one for every 100 women who use DEPO-PROVERA. The effectiveness of most contraceptive methods depends in part on how reliably each woman uses the method. The effectiveness of DEPO-PROVERA depends only on the patient returning every 3 months M3 weeks) for her next injection. Your health-care provider will help you compare D6PO-PRO/ERA with other contraceptive methods and give vou the information you need m order to decide which contraceptive method is the right choice for you. The fofiowing tabic shows the percent of women who got pregnant while using dilfcrent kinds of contraceptive methods. It gives Loth the lowest expected rate of pregnancy (the rate expected in women who use each method exactly as it should be used) and the typxal rate of pregnancy (which includes women who became pregnant because they forgot to use their birth control or _ because they did not follow the directions exactly). Percent of Women Experiencing an Accidental Pregnancy in the Ffrat Year of Continuous Use Lowest MethodExpected__Typical !;.MKVW. V' 0-3 lmp4snh (Norptint)0£02* f-rmate stmi/ation_ 0204 Mate fleriarinn_Oil OIS Oral contraceptive (pi) - 3 Combined 0.1 Progestogen only 05 — — | Progestasert 10 CopperT 38QA0B..„ Condom (without spfrmxde)2 >2 L>m*ny ..yah (xi Kiki__618 _ten* a>:-2-IS jAfoixtraw*! _ 4 18_ Perxidx absanenreM>20 Sftemxodc atone 21 Vaginal Sponge used before rhidbirth 6 18 -.mid after chtdbrih_928 No named. ift..—.. fi Saucer Tnisscll et at OtoPet Gynecol. l990-?fkS.58-567 •From Norplant* paefege mien _ Who should not use DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? Not all women should use DEPO-PROVERA. You should not use DEPO-PROVERA if you have any of the following conditions: r . • if you think you roght be pregnant • if you have any vaginal bieeding without a known reason v • if you have had cancer of the breast • if you have had a stroke • if you have or have had Wood clots (phlebitis) in your legs • if you have problems with your liver or fiver disease • if you are allergic to DEPO-PROVERA (medroxyprogesterone acetate or any of its other ingredients). What other things should I consider before using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? You will have a physical examination before your doctor prescribes DEPO-PROVERA It is important to tell your health-care provider if you have any of the following: • a family history of breast cancer • an abnormal mammogram (breast x-ray), fibrocystic breast disease, breast nodules or lumps, or bleeding from your nipples • kidney 'disease • irregular or scanty menstrual periods • high blood pressure • rrayraxie headaches • asmma • epaepsy (convWsions or seizures) • diabetes or a family history of <*abetes • a history of depression • if you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications This product is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against transmission of HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, and syphilis. What if I want to become pregnant after using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? Because DEPO-PROVERA «s a long-acting birth control method it takes some time after your last injection forks effect to wear off. Based on the results from a large study done in the United States, for women who stop using DEPO-PROVERA in order to become pregnant, it is expected that about half of those who become pregnant wii do so in about 10 months after their last injection; about two thirds of those who become pregnant will do so m about 12 months; about 83% of those who become pregnant will do so in about 15 months: and about 93% of those who become pregnant will do so m about i 8 months after their last rejection. The length of time you use C0\>PRCVERA has no effect on how lone it takesyou to become pregnant after you stop usmg it What are the risks of using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? I ineguhr Menstrvol Bkv&v The side effect reported most frequently by women who use DEPO-PROVERA for contraception is a change in their normal menstrual cycle. Dunng the first year of using DEPO-PROVERA you might have one or more of die folowing changes: irregular or unpredictable bleeding or spotting, an increase or decrease in menstrual bieedm or no weeding at all. Unusually heavy or continuous bleeding, however is not a usual effect of DbPO-PROVERA; and if this happens, you should see your health-care provider right away. With continued use of DERO-PROVERA. Weeding usuaHy decreases, and many women stop having periods completely In clinical studies of DEPO-PROVERA. 55% of the women stutfed reported ho menstrua! bleeding (amenorrhea) after I year of use, arid 68% of the women studied reported no menstrual bleeding after 2 years of use. The reason that your penods stop is because DEPO-PROVERA causes a resting state in your ovaries. When your ovaries do not release an egg monthly the regular monthly growth of the lining of your uterus does not occur and, therefore, the bleeding that comes with your normal menstruation does not take place. When vou stop using DEPO-PROVERA your menstrual period will usually in time, return to its normal cyde. 7 done MinenH Charges Use of DEPO-PROvERA may be associated with a decrease m the amount of mineral stoned in your bone* This could increase your nsk of developing bone fracture* The rate of bone mineral loss is greatest >n the early years of DEPO-PROVERA use, but after that, ft begins to resemble the norma rate of age-related bone mineral toss. iCancer Studies of women who have used different forms of contraception found that women who used DEPO-PROVERA for contraception had no increased overafi nsk of developing cancer of the breast ovary uterus, cervix, or liver However women under 35 years of age whose first exposure to DEPO-PROVERA. was withm the previous ft to 5 year s may have a sightly increased risk of developing breast cancel' similar to that seen with ora! contraceptives. You should discuss this with your health-care provider • Unexpected Precnoncy Because DEPO-PROvERA is,such an effective contraceptive method, the risk <?f accidental pregnancy for women who get their shots regularly (every 3 months [13 weeks]) is very low. WWe there have been reports of an increased'iisk of low birth weight and neonatal infant death or other health problems in infants conceived close to the time of injection, such pregnancies are uncommon, if you think you may have become pregnant while using DEPO-PROVERA for coniracepticn. see your health-care provider as soon as possible. tiAikrgK Reoctkvis Some women using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection have reported severe and potentially life-threatening allergic xeactiors known as anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions. Symptoms include the sudden (nset of hives or swelling and itching of the skin breathing dtflkuftjes. ar.d a chop in Wood p^feure. dOlherPkks Women who use hormone-based contraceptives may have an increased risk of Wood clots or stroke. Also, if a contraceptive method fails, there is a possibility that the fertilized egg will begin to develop outside of the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). While these events are rare, you should tell your health-care provider if you have any of the problems listed in the next section. What symptoms may signal problems while using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? CajJ^our heaWvcare provider immediately if any of these problems occur blowing an njecton • sharp chest pain, coughing up of blood, or sudden shortness of breath (indicating a possible dot in the lung) • sudden severe headache or vomiting, dizziness or fainting, problems with you- eyesight or speech, weakness, or numbness in ah arm or ieg (indicating a possible stroke) • severe pam or swelling in the calf (indicating a possible dot In the teg) • unusually heavy vaginal bleeding • severe pain or tenderness in the lower abdominal area • persistent pam, pus, or bleeding at the injection site What are the possible side effects of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? 1 . Weight Coin You may experience a weight gam wtvle you are using DEPO-PROVERA About two thirds of the women who used DEPO-PROVERA in clinical trials reported a weight gain of about 5 pounds during the first year of use. You may continue to gam weight after the first year. Women in one large study who used DEPO-PROVERA for 2 years gained an average total of 8.1 pounds over ' those 2 years, or approximately 4 pounds per year. Women who continued for 4 years gained an average total of 13.8 pounds over those 4 years, or approximately 3.5 pounds per year. Women who continued for 6 years gained an average total of 16.5 pounds over those 6 years, or approximately 2.75 pounds per year. 2 Other Side Effects In a clinical study of over 3,900 women who used DEPO-PROVERA for up to 7 years, some women reported the following effects that may or may not have been related to their use of DEPO-PROVERA Irregular menstrual Weeding, amenorrhea, headache, nervousness, abdominal cramps, dizziness, weakness or fatigue, decreased sexual desire, leg cramps, nausea, vaginal discharge or irritation, breast swelling and tenderness. Moating, sweing of the hands or feet, backache, depression insomnia, acne, pelvic pan, no hair growth or excessive hair loss, rash, hot flashes, and joint pain. Other problems were reported by very few of the women in the dinical trials, but some of these could be serious. These inckide convulsions, jaundice, urinary tract infections, allergic reactions, fambng, paralysis, osteoporosis, lack of return to fertility; deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, breast cancer, or cervical cancer. If these or any other proMeros occur during your use of DEPO-PROVERA discuss them with your health-care provider_ Should any precautions be followed during use of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? i Missed Peixxfs Dunng the time you are using DEPO-PROVERA for contraception, you may step a penod. or yoir periods may stop completely If you have been receiving your DEPO-PROVERA injections . regularly every 3 months (13 weeks), then you are probably not pregnant. However, if you trunk that you may be pre^ant see your health-care provider ?lobortmy Test Interne Pons If you are scheduled for any laboratory tests, tefl ytxx health-care provider that you are using DEPO-PROVERA for contraception. Certain blood tests are affected by hormones such as DEPO-PROVERA. IDux tntenxOons Cytacfren (aminoglmethimide) is an anticancer drug that may significantly decrease the effectiveness of DEPO • PROVERA if the two drugs are given dunng the same time •f Nursing Mothers Although DEPO-PROVERA can be passed to the nursing infant in the breast nvlk, no harmful effects nave been found m these children. DEPO-PROVERA does not prevent the breasts from producing milk, so it can be used by nursing mothers. However, to minimize the amount of DEPO-PROVERA that is passed to the infant in the first weeks after birth, you should wait until 6 weeks after chid birth before you start using DEPO-PROVERA for contraception. How often do I get my shot of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection? The recommended dose of DEPO-PROVERA is ! 50 mg every 3 months (13 weeks) given in a single intramuscular injection m the buttock or upper arm. To make sure that you are not pregnant at the time of the first injection, it is essential that the injection be given ONLY dunng the first 5 days of a normal menstrual period If used following the delivery of a child, the first injection of DEPO-PROVERA MUST be given within 5 days after childbirth if you are not breast-feeding or 6 weeks after chikftte'th if you are exclusively breast-feeding. If you wait longer than 3 months (13 weeks) between injections, or longer than 6 weeks after delivery your health care provider should determine that you are not pregnant before giving you your injection of DEPO-PROVERA Rx only CB-7-S Pharmacia Pharmacia & Upipin Company Kalamazoo. Ml •ftSoi.USA 4 PETER KLEIN PRESENTS THE GERSHWINS’ PORQY aod BESS a LIVING ARTS PRODUCTION Monday. March 3 • 7:30 p.m. Koqer Center for the Arts On sale now at Carolina Coliseum and all Capitol Tickets outlets. Call 251-2222 to charge using Visa or MC (M-F, 9a.m.-5p.m.). For more information call 251-6333 or visit us online at