The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, November 22, 2002, The Gamecock Holiday Guide, Page 5, Image 13

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LET US CATS) YOUR STAFF b|dPAL£'}!™° osisTMAsoR rrn— — | PRE-GftNE PARTIES -RESTAURANT AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES OR WE CAN CATER TO YOUR LOCATION -COME IN AND SEE OUR MENU LOCftT&OFFHUGaSTBCTW&J TODD & MOORE AND WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF THE COLISEUM y '7aJt&abutt iAoj*At~facte! , to* & Sod? Te^mxsmt* tm lasted tatag Is a SuMime Shopping Atmosphere. Handpataled Candle* - Silk Plllowi/Texlto - Mop; Starve* - Erode furnishings Ssv^ls-ta&dBsgs-IasidmfM Jev#*y 1| Stacking Staffer *10 and under 140 State Street • West Catamhla * Visrts West Tues thru Frl; U*m-6pm • Sat Uwm-3pm the sounds Of I USC Concert Choir prepares for annual holiday concert BY JULIA SELLERS THE GAMECOCK As part of its fall tour, the USC Concert I Choir will perform “What Sweeter Music...,” a more-than-50-year tradition for the choir, to usher in the holiday sea son. The event will be conducted by Larry D. Wyatt. This will be Wyatt’s 16th year | as director of Choral Studies for USC. A.G. Chip Williams will be the Concert Choir’s accompanist. “This is our most popular event,” Wyatt said. “The church seats 750 people and we usually put out about 100 chairs, as many as the fire marshal will allow.” The Concert Choir will feature more traditional Christmas tunes, such as “Ave Maria,” “Carol of the Bells” and “Silent Night.” But some pieces, such as “What Sweeter Music,” are by contem ♦ CONCERT CHOIR, SEE PAGE 10 ,Q/frg Umvgfsify high fmm§ a bgsggfgi i^hgig gggf?g* §e? 3ffli4§? §mg4$ of ping «m4 ghailgggmg hgggg§: Hgmg gf fbg U§h hglf!ggm$> fhg Uflivgmfy Ofgb bg<m§ gHg>gm4mg pr^gfigg Mmg§? impggg^blg amgmtigs <m4 ggiivglp sgppgm the ia^ggggk high ErfoU m * E&eHlry rf bmPeR! member before ReeeRrber 12, 2002 <md pay rr 4we? »Rf»! %rmg 2pp3. gall Bras! MeB-miel at (80111WX1M