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Qt/r OF 30^. ^ /I'm soaey. x \ I THOUGHT you ASktO, ) Y'ufuy Po you shoug J Xn^^m e 7 " Captain Ribman By John Sprengelmeyer and Rich Davis a i 'CAN'T GO^S i kTHEV HAVE)I ^joes^/ 1 /^COOL/SV I'LL DRESS \ LIKE GANDALF/ J Gongfarmer by randy regier lsombrero \Wjr CBZ /1 k/eepep a break from mV shado^A ^ 7 lTJugT wasn't FUtl(4V ANVHQRg T W' Cheese BY NATE CORBIN / THE GAMECOCK k y - ^MKOkL ^ j f t?& ^g _ © 2001 Tribune Media Services, Inc ,. 11/30/01 AB rights reserved. 4 Japanese-style Solutions grill 5 Grassy expanse 6 Support 7 Itsy-bitsy 8 Outside 9 Pig in the movies 10 Beside 11 Panama neighbor 12 Exclamations of surprise 13 One way to vote 22 Undertaking 24 Gentle 27 Foot control 28 Escape by circumlocution 30 Vote in an incumbent - 41 Eye problem 56 Border shrubbery 32 That is to say 46 Make happy 57 infamous political 34 Reeking 49 Ten years boss 35 Child’s playing 51 One who gives 59 Hatching place marble his heart? 60 Server 36 Dots and dashes 53 Military officer 62 Had lunch 37 Charged atom 55 Unrefined £3 Bagel topper I HOROSCOPES TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (NOV. 30) - Your enemies define you this year more than ever. They also motivate you and keep you sharp. A tough partner is essential to your success. Choose someone who won’t let you lose faith in your own abilities, or your faith in love and truth. You can find the information, technology and financial backing you need. ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19) - There’s too much on your agenda. How are you going to do it all? If you find yourself double-booked, get a friend to represent you at the events you can’t make. TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20) - The money is finally headed your way. Wrap up the deal you’ve been negotiating. You can take the pressure and hand some out. GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 21) If you have a strong partner on your side, you can talk anybody into anything. If you and your mate disagree, the fur will fly. Things will get very interesting either way. Yes, there is a happy ending. CANCER (JUNE 22-JULY 22) - Take time and do calculations carefully. No need to hurry. Make sure you avoid mistakes because there might be confusion. Stay cool and help others do the same. LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22) - You don’t have to do everything now, relax and let some of your friends take over. They’ve got some good ideas that should be quite effective. VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22) It’s time to make your report on recent activities. Management wants to know what’s going on and will be asking questions. Luckily, you’ve got a good memory. Give them the facts and get your next assignment. LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT 22) — Think you could get off work early? There are places to go and people to see. If that’s part of your job, even better! If possible, take your sweetheart along. SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21) - If the game were easy, you’d be bored. And this game sure isn’t boring. You have a whole bunch of choices to make involving your money and the money of others. Heed your roommate and/or your mother’s advice. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) - Don’t argue with a person who’s trying to set you straight. Accept the coaching and become more effective. Divvy up tasks in order to accomplish more. CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19) - You could make a hefty profit now by finishing up your own lists. Get to work on all the stuff you’ve jotted down, from good ideas to obligations. Do the obligations first. It’ll clear your head. AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18) - You’re vindicated. You didn’t need to know everything. The situation’s back to normal — or close enough — and you can finally relax. Schedule an evening full of your favorite people and favorite things. PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20) - More changes are under way, both in your career and at home. This causes confusion, but you can find your way. You might find something better than you had before. Levereaux Library sends you all the way to ’70s CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 experiment with biochemical weapons, maybe it should start with some of the stuff growing in the library. I bet we’ve got mutated strands of mole} and fungus that would scare even the most dedicated terrorist. So, as you head off to the library to cram for your finals, remember what makes up Thomas Cooper: active mold and the worst that 1970s interior design had to offer. Levereaux is a third-year student in the Darla Moore School of Business. CeLeBrate the Life of tBe Leaf dtch JAdams Tuesday, December 4-7:30 p.m. Russell House Ballroom Sponsored by the Department of Student and Alumni Services Bicentennial Student Events Committee