The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, March 07, 2001, Page 4, Image 4

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School shooting kills two, injures several by Ben Fox Associated Press SANTEE, Calif. — The “angry young man” accused of killing two fellow students had fired randomly and still had eight bullets in his gun when police cornered him in a . school bathroom, investigators said Tuesday. Friends said the scrawny 15-year-old freshman accused in the nation’s latest high school bloodbath talked about his plans over the weekend, and they took him seriously enough to pat him down before classes started Monday. One adult even warned Charles Andrew “Andy” Williams not to commit ^‘a Columbine,” and tried to call the boy’s fether but didn’t follow through. But no one is known to have reported the threats that preceded Monday’s attack that also wounded 13 at Santana High School. During a news conference, authorities said the carnage could have been much worse if not for the swift actions-of a sheriff’s deputy and an off-duty police officer who was on campus to register his child in the school. When Williams surrendered, his .22 caliber revolver was fully loaded with eight • rounds, its hammer cocked, investigators said. He came to school with as many as 40 rounds, investigators said. “I do believe that if it had not been for the conduct of the people involved... it would have been even worse,” Sheriff Bill Kolender said. The boy fired indiscriminately, sheriff’s I Lt. Jerry Lewis said. Most of the hit students were struck as they fled down a hallway between the school’s library and administration office. “The information we have from the evidence and the witnesses (is) the suspect was firing randomly at anybody who was going by,” Lewis said “Any student who was going by, he was shooting at.” Authorities said the boy was cooperating in interviews, but they couldn’t shed further light on his possible motives. “(Witnesses) all said he was mad “' i at something. We don’t know if he was mad at the school, mad at students, made at life, mad at home,” Lewis said. “He was an angry young man.” Although school was closed Tuesday, students, parents and others gathered outside to grieve and place flowers at a makeshift memorial site. The school is to reopen Wednesday to give students a chance to talk about Monday’s shooting. College Press Exchange Brian Kays prays in front of Santana High School in Santee, Calif., the scene of a shooting rampage earlier in the day. 2000 census count officially accepted ■ Announcements comes despite estimates of 3.3 million mostly minority undercounts by Genaro Armas Associated Press WASHINGTON —The Bush administration declared the actual “head count” from the 2000 census to be the official population numbers for congressional redistricting, despite estimates snowing 3.3 million people, mostly minorities, were missed. Commerce Secretary Don Evans agreed Tuesday with a census Bureau recommenaauon mai me initial, raw count provided the most nearly accurate snapshot of America. Democrats and civil rights groups had called for the use of a second, separate population tally statistically adjusted to protect against the undercount. But supporters of adjustment had expected Evans’ decision following the bureau’s recommendation this past week. It might quiet — but not end — a long political dispute between Democrats and Republicans over whether, and how, to count missed Americans. Evans called the initial figures the most accurate census in the history of the nation. The first numbers, for New Jersey and Virginia, are expected to be released Wednesday, and all states must have their redistricting data by April 1. The numbers will be used by state lawmakers to redraw congressional aismci oounaanes 10 reflect population shifts, as is required every 10 years. States will be able to use the figures to remap state and local legislative district boundaries as well. Also, the numbers could be used to redistribute more than $185 billion in federal Census seepages ‘We have achieved i quality count.’ Don Evans Commerce Secretary News Briefs _ ■ Navy admiral gives testimony on sub collision PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (AP) — A series of missteps by the crew of the USS Greeneville paved a destructive path that led to the submarine’s fatal collision with a Japanese fishing boat, according to testimony from a Navy admiral. The mistakes varied from the submarine rushing to get back on schedule to vital sonar data not getting to the skipper, Rear Adm. Charles Griffiths testified Monday, the opening day of a at Navy court of inquiry into the Feb. 9 collision. Griffiths, who conducted the preliminary investigation, described a submarine crew so consumed with putting on a good show for 16 civilian guests that standard procedures fell by the wayside. The nuclear-attack submarine was demonstrating an emergency surfacing drill for the guests when it smashed into the Ehime Maru fishing boat. J TIGHT? 1 EARN CASH AND SAVE 1 1 LIVES DONATING PLASMA M j§f New donors can earn W TIL $65 this week! || % Help Sera-Tec help others hy M M donating life saving plasma. || MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YRS. OLD, AT LEAST HO LBS., AND HEALTHY /fed BRING PICTURE ID AND SOCIAL SECURITY CARI — Ready to slime someone with a little— Deltaiataj 1st Amri Trtk Tq ..... ■ March 24th @ 2 till you lose on ■ ! Field F " Tug of War in Green JELL-0 ■ 8 people + $40 = 1 TEAM ■ " Contact Jill 544-0906 or Amanda at ■ ■ 544-2265 for more info ■ b ALL $ goes to Brennen Elementary ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection medroxyprogesterone acetate and estradiol cypionate injectable suspension LUNELLE” Monthly Contraceptive Injection (Itfce all hormonal contraceptives) is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted This summaiy contains important information about LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. It is not mean to lake the place of dis cussions with your doctor and it cannot replace your doclorb advice. Only your doctor can assess the benefits and risks to decide If LUNELLE” Monthly Contraceptive Injection is right lor you. Talk to your doctor oi pharmacist, or other pre scribing healthcare professional, if you do not understand any of this information oc if you want to know more about LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. CEPTTvl INJECTION7 M0NTHLV C0NTRA LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection is a type ol homtonal birth control Dial is giwn as an injection (a shot) in your arm. thigh, or buttock once a month to prevent pregnancy, k contains hormones which have elfccts similar to the nafura hormones, estrogen and progesterone, produced in your body. Similar combinations ol hormones are found in some oral contraceptives also known as 'birth control pills' or the pill.' When you receive your injections ones a month as pre scribed, LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection is as effective as birth control pills. Wher given according to the prescribed schedule, LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection is effective in preventing pregnancy during Ihe cycle tn which it is given Clinical studies have shown that when women receive LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection according to Ihe recom mended schedule, the failure rale of this method ol birth control s less than 1% per year. Cigarette smoking increases me risk m serious cardiovascular side effects from hormonal contraceptive use. This risk increases with age and with heavy smok ing (15 or more cigarettes per day) and Is quite marked in women over 35 years of age. Women who use hormonal contra ceptives are strongly advised not to smoke Some women should nd use hormonal contra ceptives. For example, you should not lake LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection if yd are pregnant or think you may tie pregnant. You should also nd use LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection if you have any of the lot lowing concfidons: • A history of heart attack or stroke • Blood dots in the legs (thromtxjphlepitis). lungs (pulmonary embolism), or eyes • A history d blood dots in the deep veins d your tegs • Chest pain (angina pectoris) • Known or suspeded breast cancer or cancer ol the lining of the uterus, cervix or vagina • Unexplained vaginal bleeding (until a diag nosis is reached by your dodor) • Yellowing ol Die whiles of Die eyes or ol the skin (jaundice) during pregnancy or during previous use of the pill or other hormonal contraceptives • Liver tumor (benign or cancerous) • Known or suspected pregnancy • Allergy to any d the ingredients contained LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection • Over age 35 and smoke 15 or more cigarettes per day Tell your healtti care provider it you have ever had any of these conditions. Your health care provider can recommend a safer method ot birth control. ME THERE OTHER THINGS IQ. CQfL S1PER BEFORE TAKING LUNELLE" MONTHLY CONTRACEPTIVE INJECTION? For the majority ot women, hormonal contracep tives can be taken safely. But there are some women who are at high risk ot developing certain senous diseases that can be life-threatening or may cause temporary or permanent disability. Tell your health care provider it you have: • Breast nodules, fibrocystic disease ot the breast an abnormal breast x-ray or mammo gram, strong family history of breast cancer • Diabetes • Elevated cholesterol or triglycerides • High blood pressure • Migraine or other headaches or epilepsy • Mental depression • Gallbladder, heart ot kidney disease • History of scanty or irregular menstrual periods • Smoke, especially if 35 years or older Women with any ot these conditions should be checked often by their health care provider it they choose to use LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive •Injection. Also, be sure to inform your dodot or health care provider it you smoke ot ate on any medications. Yt^AKJ«BBIBffnClffF8WrTH 1. Risk of developing blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes muou uue d!VJ urucwye ui uiuuu vu&ueis eue u c most serious side effects of taking hormonal con traceptives. In particular, blood clots can occur in the legs and can travel to the lungs and can cause sudden blocking of the vessel carrying blood to the lungs. Rarely, clots occur in the blood vessels ol the eye and may cause blindness, double vision, or impaired vision. If you lake hormonal contraceptives such as LUt€LLP Monthly Contraceptive Injection and need elective surgery, need to stay in bed for a prolongs) illness, or have recently had a baby, you may be at risk of developing blood clots You should consult your doctor about stopping hor monal contraceptives three to lour weeks before surgery and not taking hormonal contraceptives for two weeks alter surgery or during bed rest You should also not take hormonal contraceptives soon after delivery of a baby. It is advisable to wait for at least tour weeks after delivery before using hormonal contraceptives such as LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive injection. (See also the section on Breast Feeding in WHAT PRECAU TIONS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED DURING THE USE OF LUNELLE MONTHLY CONTRACEPTIVE INJECTION?) Hormonal contraceotives may also increase the tendency to develop strokes (stoppage or capture of blood vessels in me brain) and angina pectoris and heart attacks (blockage of blood vessels in the heart). Any of these conditions can cause death or disability. Smoking greatly increases the possibility of devel oping blood clots or suffering heart attacks and strokes. Furthermore, smoking and the use of hor monal contraceptives greatly increase the chances of developing and dying of head disease, particu larly if you are over 35 years of age. 2. Gallbladder disease Hormonal contraceptive users probably have a greater risk than non-users of having gallbladder disease. 3. Liver tumors In rare cases, hormonal contraceptives can cause benign but dangerous liver tumors Thesebenign liver tumors can rupture and cause fatal internal bleeding. In addition, a possible txjt not definite association has been lound with hormonal contra ceptives and liver canters in two studies, in which a lew women who developed these very rare can cers were found to have used hormonal contra ceptives lor long periods. However, liver cancers are extremely rare. The chance of devetojing liver cancer Irom using hormonal contraceptives is thus even rarer. 4. Cancer of the reproductive organs and breasts There is, at present, no confinned evidence that oral hormonal contraceptives increase tie risk ot cancer ol tie reproductive organs in human stud ies Studies to date ot women taking the pill have repotted conflicting findings on whether pill use increases the risk ot developing cancer of the breast. Most of the studies on breast cancer and pill use have lound no overall increase in tie risk ot developing breast cancer, although some stud ies have reported an increased risk ol developing breast cancer in certain groups ot women. Some studies have lound an increase in the inci dence of cancer ot the cervix in women who use oral hormonal contraceptives. However, this find ing may be related to factors other than the use ot oral hormonal contraceptives. Studies have lound that women who used injectable hormonal contraceptives (Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection) had no increased overall risk ol developing cancer ol the breast, ovaty. uterus, ot cervix. However, women under 35 years ot age whose first exposure to Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection was within the previous 4 to 5 years may have a slightly increased risk ot developing breast cancer similar to that seen with oral contraceptives. Women who use hormonal contraceptives and have a strong tarnily history ol breast cancer or who have breast nodules or abnormal mammo gram should be closely lolloved by their dodors. 5. Changes in hone mineral density Use ol injectable hormonal contraceptives con taining the progesterone-type hormone lound in LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection may be associated with a decrease in the amount ol mineral stored in your bones. This could increase your risk ot developing bone fractures The rale ol bone mineral loss is grealest in the early years of use ol this type ol contraceptive, but alter that, il begins to resemble the normal rate ol age-related bone mineral loss. b. Anergic reactions Severe allergic reactions have been reported in some women using injectable hormonal contra ceptives containing the progesterone-type hor mone found in LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. Allergic reactions occurring in women using LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection have been mainly skin reactions, and not respira tory in narure. Serious allergic reactions require emergency medical treatment. ESTIMATED RISK OF DEATH FROM A BIRTH CfflfJRQl METHOD OR PREGNANCY All methods ot birth control and pregnancy are associated with a risk ot developing certain dis eases trial may lead to disability or death An esti mate ol the number ol deaths associated with dil lerent methods ot birth control and pregnancy has been calculated The risk ot death Irom any birth control method is less than the risk ot childbirth, except lot oral hor monal contraceptive users over the age ot 35 who smoke and oral hormonal contraceptive users over the age ot 40 even if they do not smoke For women aged 15 to 39, the risk ol death was high est with pregnancy (7-26 aaths per 100,000 women, depending on agti. Among oral hormon al contraceptive users who do not smoke, the risk ot death is always lower than that associated with pregnancy lor any age group, although over the age ol 40. the risk increases to 32 deaths per 100,000 women, compared to 28 associated with pregnancy at that age. However, for oral hormonal contraceptive users who smoke and are owr the age ot 35, the estimated number or deaths exceeds those for other methods ol birth control. It a woman is over the age ol 40 and smokes, her estimated risk ol death is lour times higher (117/100,000 women) than the estimated risk associated with pregnancy (28/100,000 women) in that age group. An Advisory Committee ol the FDA discussed this issue in 1989 and recommended that Ihe benefits ot oral contraceptive use by healthy, non-smoking women over 40 years ol age may outweigh the possible nsks. However, women ol all ages are cautioned to use the lowest dose oral contracep tive that is effective, and are strongly advised not to smoke Call your doctor immediately if any ot these adverse effects occur while you are taking LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection. • Sharp chest pain, coughing ot blood, or sudden shortness ol breath (indicating a possible clot in the lung) • Rain in the call (mdicaljng a pcesibie dot in the leg) • Crushing chest pain or heaviness in the chest (indicating a possible heart attack) • Sudden severe headache or vomiting, dizziness or tainting, disturbances ot vision or speech, weakness, or numbness in an arm ot leg (indicating a possible stroke) • Sudden partial or complete loss ol vision (indicating a possible clot in Ihe eye) • Breast lumps (indicating possible breast cancer ot fibrocystic disease of the breast; ask your doctor or health care provider to show you how tn PYaminp v/nnr hrKrctc\ • Severe pain or tenderness in the abdominal area (indicating a possibly ruptured liver tumor, ovarian cyst or pregnancy outside the uterus) • Difficulty in sleeping, weakness, lack ol energy, fatigue, or change in mood (possibly indicating severe depression) • Jaundice or a yellowing ol the skin or eyeballs, accompanied frequently by fever, fatigue, loss ol appetite, dark-colored urine, or light-colored bowel movemerts (indicating possible liver problems) • Persisdenl pain, pus. a bleeding at Hie injection site • Unusually heavy vaginal bleeding WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS DE LUNEllE™ MONTHIY CONTRACEP TIVE INJECTION’ 1. Vaginal bleeding Most women using LUNELLE1" Monthly Conlraceptive Injection experience alteration ol menstrual bleeding. Bleeding patterns may vary from a single monthly bleed lo no bleeding at all or slight staining between menstrual periods to Irequenl, prolonged, and/or unpredictable bleed ing. In any given injection interval, approximately 50% of women using LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection experience withdrawal bleeding that begins 20-25 days alter tie injec tion. Withdrawal bleeding lasts more than 7 days in 42% ol women during tie first month ol use and in 29% ol women at the end ol one year ol use. In any given injection interval, approximately 15% of women may have no bleeding al all and 10% may experience bleeding or spoiling at vari ous times in tie cycle. Irregular bleeding oten occurs during the first few months ol LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection use and may per sist with continued use in up lo one third ol women. Your menstrual blood flow may be heav er ot lighter, and there may be no bleeding, fewer lays ol bleeding, or more days ot bleeding than what you have previously experienced. Such aleeding usually does not indicate any serious aroblems. It an altered bleeding pattern persistsor he bleeding is severe, discuss it with your health are provider. There is also a small risk that [painful) cramps may be associated with bleeding 2. Weight change Weight gain is a common side effect in women jsing LUNELLE” Monthly Contraceptive Injedion. The average expected weight gain is 4 pounds in the first year ot use Some women gain more than 10 to 20 pounds in the first year. Women have gained as much as 49 pounds or lost as much as 48 pounds in one year ol use. Clinical trials showed wide variability in individual weight change with an increasing percentage ol LUNELLE” Monthly Contraceptive Injedion users axpetiencing weight change in excess ot 10 and 20 pounds with continued treatment. 3. Contact lenses If you wear contact lenses and notice a change in vision or an inability to wear your lenses, contact your doctor or health care provider. 4. Fluid retention Hormonal contraceptives may cause edema (fluid retention) with swelling of the fingers or ankles and may raise your blood pressure, fi you experience fluid retention, contact your dodor ot health care provider. 5. Other side effects Other side effects may include br^st pain or ten derness. acne, change in appetite, nausea, headache, nervousness, depression, mood changes, changes in sexual desite, dizziness, loss ol scalp hair, rash, and vaginal infections. It any ot these side effects bother you, call your health care provider. WHAT PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED DURING USE OF LUNELLE" MONTHLY CONTRACEPTIVE INJECTION? traceptives before or during early pregnancy You may not menstruate regularly after you receive an injection of LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. If you have received your injections regularly and miss one menstrual peri od, be sure to inform your health care provider. The risk of unexpected pregnancy for women receiving injectable contraceptives as scheduled is very low. If you have not received your injections as scheduled and missed a menstrual period, or if you missed two consecutive menstrual periods, you may be pregnant. Check with your health care provider immediately to determine whether you are pregnant. Do not continue the injections until you are sure you are not pregnant, but use another method of ccniraception. There is no conclusive evidence that oral hormonal contraceptive use is associated with an increase in birth defects, when taken inadvertently during early pregnancy Nevertheless, hormonal contraceptives should not be used during pregnancy. With Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection, there have been reports of an increased risk of low birth weight and neonatal infant death or other health problems in infants conceived close to the time of injection. However, these pregnancies are uncom mon. Children exposed in the womb to one of the hormones found in LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection (MPA), and followed to adolescence, shovied no evidence of any adverse effects on their health including their physical, mental, sexual or social development. If you think you may have become pregnant while using LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection, see your health care provider as soon as possible. You should check with your health care provider aboE risks to your unborn child from any medica tion taken during pregnancy. 2. While breast feeding If you are breast feeding, consult your health care provider before starting hormonal contracep tives. including LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection, Some ol the drugs in hor monal contraceptives are passed on to the child in breast milk. A lew adverse effects on the child have been reported, including yellowing ol It* skin (jaundice) and breast enlargement. In addi tion. hormonal contraceptives may decrease the amount and quality of your milk. To insore the best quantity and quality of your breast milk, you should wait until 6 weeks after chikjbirth before you start using LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection. II possible, do not use hormonal contra ceptives while breast feeding. Breast feeding provides only partial protection born becoming pregnant and Ibis partial protec tion decreases significantly as yoo breast leed lor longer periods ol time. You should use another method of conbaception while breast feeding and consider starting hormonal contraceptives only alter you have weaned your child completely. 3. Laboratory tests It you are scheduled lot any laboratory tests, tell your doctor you are taking a hormonal contracep tive Certain btood tests may be affected by hor monal contraceptives 4. Drag interactions Certain drugs may interact with hormonal contra ceptives lo make them less effective in preventing pregnancy or cause a change in bleeding patterns. Such drugs include aminoglutethimide, rifampin, drugs used lor epilepsy such as barbiturates (tor example, phenobarbital). carbamazepine, and phenytoin (Dilantin is one brand ol this drug), phenylbutazone (Butazolidin is one brand), herbal products containing SI. Johns Wort (hypencum perforatum), and possibly certain antibiotics. You may need to use an additional contraception method when you take drugs which can make hotmonal contraceptives less effective Drug inter nntinn nh irfioc Kntm rvrvf hnon onnWi intorf noth LUNELLP Monthly Contraceptive Injection. 5. Sexually transmitted diseases This product (like all hormonal contracep tives) is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against transmission of HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, genital her pes, genital warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, and syphilis. 6. Weight change LUNELLP Monthly Contraceptive Injection may cause weight gain of more than 10 pounds WHEN DQI GET MY LUNELIE™?MQNIH: LUNELLP Monthly Contraceptive Injection can only be effective if you receive your injections at tie proper times. First Injection • Within the first 5 days of the start of your normal menstrual period. • If you are presently using another type of birth control, your health care provider will decide the best time for you to start LUNELLP Monthly Contraceptive Injection. This will help make sure you have continued contraceptive coverage • If you have recently been pregnant or had a baby, discuss with your health care provider the best time for you to start LUNELLP Monthly Contraceptive Injection. Next Injections • LUNELLP Monthly Contraceptive Injection must be given monthly, every 28 to 30 days and no later than 33 days alter your last injection. The time for your next injection is determined by the number of days since your previous injection, and not by the timing or amount of your menstrual bleeding. Even il you do not have any menstrual bleed ing, you should still return once a month tor your injection ol LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection. • It is important that you receive eacti of your next injections at the right time. It you cannot receive your injection on time, contact your health care provider to receive an earlier iniection. What Happens it I Miss an Injection or Wait Longer than 33 Days Between Injections? • You coukl become pregnant il you miss your Injection or wait longer than 33 days between injections. The more days you wait, the greater the risk that you could become pregnant • Ask your health care provider to recommend another type ol birth control (such as condoms or a spermicide) lor you to use. • Talk with your health care provider to find out when you should receive your next injection ot LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection. • Your health care provider may do a lest to make sure you are not pregnant before giving you your next injection ol LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection. Pregnancy Due to Failure with LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection The incidence ol failure with LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection resulting in pregnancy is less than 1 percent (i.e., one pregnancy per 100 women pen year) it given every month as directed. N you think that you may be pregnant, be sure to call your health care provider. What If I Want to Become Pregnant? You will need to stop your monthly injections of LUNELLE" Morthly Contraceptive Injection Most women begin to produce eggs again (and could become pregnant) atxxrt two to three months after their last injection. There may be some delay in becoming pregnant alter you stop using hormonal contraceptives, inclu ding LUNELLE” Monthly Contraceptive Injection. coyAA/ianj' ii juu rrau mcyuiar 11 nx wti uai uyuiw before you started using hormonal contraceptives. There does not appear to be any increase in birth' delects in newborn babies when pregnancy occurs soon alter stopping hormonal contraceptives WHAT SHOULD I KNOW ABOUTA POSSIBLE OVERDOSE Of LUNELLE™ (MONTHLY CONTRACEPTIVE INJECTION)? Serious ill effects have not been reportad todowing ingestion ol lage doses o( oral Immoral cortocephes by ycuig chMm Overdosaga may case reuses and wihdmal bleeding in tales. In case cl ovettteage coned you beam care provider Of pharmacist Keep this and all dregs out of the reach of children. OTHER INFORMATION Your health care provider will take a medical and family history before prescribing hormonal contraceptives You should receive yearly physical examinations by your health cate provider. Be sure to inform your health care provider if there is a family histoty oi any of the conditions listed previ ously in mis leaflet. Be sure to keep all appoint ments with your health care provider, because mis is a time to determine if there are earfy signs of side effects of hormonal contraceptive use. II you want mote information about hormonal contracep tives, ask your health care provider or pharmacist lor a mote technical leaflet called the Prescribing Information that you may wish to read. Rx only Manufactured by: Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Kalamazoo, Ml 49001, USA CB-2-S l Lunelle' kad monthly contraceptive mjeclion metJrcjciprgesierse acetate & estradd cywnate npcube suspension Your ad here. ip • f get connected to * over 30,000 readers. Advertise in The Gamecock. Call 777-5064 for Bmore information. W$&0amcock