University of South Carolina Libraries
_ Classified "Free CD of cool indie music when you regis ter at, the ultimate website for your college needs.” Room in Ig, friendly house 3 blocks from 5PTS. All util incld. Well-lighted yard, off street parking. Vail 11/1 $260/mo + $100 security dep. Prefer international or studious students. Call 796-2276. Room to Rent in Rosewood Shandor. area close to USC 2BR 1BA, hardwood fls, ch&ac, w/d in good area. I am a grad std non-smoker. $240/mo + 1/2 util & cable. , 790-6850 Iv message Camden house to share. 3 level, pool table, pool, $320/rm. (803) 425-0982 Room to Rent near USC 4BR 2BA, w/d & park across the street storage $225/mo. 424-1952 or 254-1582. 1/2 off 1st mo. House: Rosewood near Midlands Tech, CH&A, w/d hkups, stove, refrig, d/w, hdwd floors; Lg storage shed. Lease & SecDep. SlUvA/riMV. VsCMI I IT. j^NG DISTANCE - 3c /mI^I H Call anywhere in US! Use from dorm! B CBrenda at 803-750-7279 Ext 220, ■ Monday-Friday 9am-5pm TRAVELING FOR HOLIDAYS?? Midway Airline Credit voucher to fly any where. $210.60 of credit to be sold for $150.00. 843-629-0523 1992 HONDA PRELUDE SI, white, auto, a/c, pwr-windows & locks, sunroof, tinted win dows. 102500 mi $7,950 neg. 356-2674 1989 VW Jetta - Good cond., auto, alpine sound system, a/c-needs work, good tires, sunroof. $1700 OBO. Call Chris 256-6486 CARS $100-5500 POLICE IMPOUNDS Honda, Chevys, Jeeps, & Sport Utilities. MUST SELL! 1-800-522-2730 x7481 Front Desk Positions Available Lexington Leisure Center Afternoon/Evening hours 2 positions at 20-25/hrs/wk 1 week end/mo Please contact Ann or Carrie at 957-7828 i-1 ' WEEKEND RESIDENTIAL CAREGIVER j j Student? Someone with time on your J l hands on the weekend? Epworth i • Children’s Home is looking for you. We [ | have a weekend position that would offer | i full-time benefits along with a compen-1 J sating salary. Job responsibilities would j j include but are not limited to assisting j i children from various age groups with t J everyday living needs To include attend- J | ing church services, teaching Sunday { I school classes, preparing various meals, i j participating in recreation activities, etc [ j Great for some one working on a degree j t in the various Human services areas. For t J more information, please call Ida @ 256-1 ,7394. I_l [ SPORTS MINDED 1 i Seeking aggressive, competitive [ men/women w/excellent people skills & j i neat appearance. For GREAT $$ i CALL 731-0031 I_I _ Earn extra cash for the upcoming holiday sea sons!! Political Research Firm is now seeking to employ students as telephoners. Various shifts/walking distance from campus/Weekly paychecks. Must have clear speaking voice. No selling involved. Call Roger Young @ 779-1871. A web designer/computer assistant position available in the Harbison area. Must have some experience and provide examples of web page designs This part-time position has flexible hours and great starting pay!! This job entails creating asp pages, accessing data bases via web, and familiar with egi, peri, java, sql, visual basic, visual C++, or visual foxpro, IIS and NT 4.0 Please call Kimberly at Staffing Solutions at 798-1700 RETAIL SALES POSITION - Local Dancewear store. FT & PT available. Ii " ' = Dance experience helpful. Call 782-8188 Part-Time help needed to work front desk i Recreation Center Seven Oaks Park, 20 Leisure Lane, Cola, SC. Afternoon hours weekend hours. Call Amee Sites at 345-6181 to schedule an interview. APPLY NOW $10.25/to start | Flex schedules, scholarships,co-ops | 731-8337 11a-3p. or P WEEKEND ONLY RETAIL SALES I Bell South Mobility DCS is looking for I | energetic, sales-oriented people to work | booths at retail stores Friday nights, I Saturdays and Sundays only. Pay is I $7/hr. plus $5 commission for every ] iphone they sell. Come by anytime 8am-5pm to apply! KELLY SERVICES KOGER EXECUTIVE CENTER ^Converse Bldg., Suite 115 798-0765 J WORK ON CAMPUS $10-$15/HR Great Experience 888-316-2767 x5046 j ] Applications now being accepted for i Open Door Peer Health Educators Help i students with nutrition, exercise, and stress. Earn 3 credit hours! Call i 777-8248 or stop by the Open Door l Drop-In Center for an application. Applications due by October 29. i_l Weekend & Evening Hours! ^ I The USC Annual/Fund is looking | I for a few good students to help in ■ our annual fund raising drive. We ■ I offer $5.25 an hour, great profes-1 " sional work experience, on-cam- * | pus location, covenient Tuesdays | I and weekend hours. For more in- • formation, call 777-2985 or stop I ■ by Suite 119 in the Byrnes Build- ■ * ing to fill out an application. FULL OR PART TIME Second shift available (3:00 to 9:00), up to i days a week. Complete benefit package inclc tuition reimbursement for FT. Average $375 ti $675 per week. Call 783-3909. Ask for Rober Fraternities‘Sororities ‘Clubs’Student Groups Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with th easy CIS three hour fundraising event. M sales required. Fundraising dates are fillini quickly, so call (800) 797-5743 today or visit! Telephone Specialist - Great company to work for. $174+ for 18 hrs. wk. plus incen tives. Steady work 4:30-9pm M-T. Call between 1 -6pm, ask for Ms. Walker. 216-0909 FT/PT for liquor store close to campus Call 796-2441. CIRCLE ME J High income potential for self motivated [ i individual to assist in local expansion, i WILL TRAIN. 803-216-0850 l_I Part-Time help needed in professional portrai studio/lab. No experience necessary Must b< available some weekends and good with pub lie. Phone 254-0818. i-1 Are you still looking for that job J that fits into your hectic school schedule and looks good on your i resume? [ Well Staffing Solutions Is the place to j i call. We have full time and part time i [ positions that are great for college { students. i Apply now for a part-time Administrative f j Assistant position in the downtown area, j l This well known, professional company i is looking for a sharp candidate who j posses MS Word, Excel, typing skills, j i and powerpoint is a plusl Please call I j Kimberly at Staffing Solutions to set j up an interview at 798-1700. ( i_l Student needed to help 12 yr old boy w/homework. USC area. Call Polly Morrison at 734-3867 and leave message. - r" AFTERSCHOOL COUNSELORS 5 a The YMCA needs fun, enthusiastic, ■ j I responsible counselors for the after- | school program at 2 sites (in Lexington I and one 5 minutes from the Irmo area) I Hours are 2-6pm. Will work with class I schedule Call 359-3376 Need responsible, dependable, babysitter with reliable transportation to work part or whole week M-F 2-6pm. Good hourly rate + gas. 612-7349 (digital beeper). Community Child Care Associates is now hiring PT staff for Afterschool Programs in Richland School District One. Call 798-9005 for interview. YMCA AFTERSCHOOL COUNSELORS The YMCA is hiring counselors to work with 5-15 year olds at afterschool pro grams in the Irmo area. Hours are 2:00 6:30pm. Must be energetic, enthusiastic and creative. Need Mon.-Fri and will work with schedule. For application and information, call 407-8007 x103 PT Position for experienced person in West Columbia Child Care Center. Minutes from USC from 2-6pm. 791-0884. Afterschool Camp Counselor Positions Available - Tri City Leisure Center M-F 20/hrs/wk. Willing to work with school sched ules. Please contact Shaun Jacques at 939-9309. YOUR FUTURE , LIES AHEAD > FULL AND PART TIME POSI TIONS ARE AVAILABLE *Hosts/Hostesses * *Line/Prep Cooks 'Servers 'Dishwashers 1 'Night Maintenance 'Cashiers 'Shop Personnel WE OFFER 'Top Wages 'Discount Purchase Plan 'Paid Vacation 'Weekly Pay 'Paid Training 'No Tip Sharing APPLY IN PERSON 2208 BUSH RIVER ROAD TOOGIES RESTAURANT . Now hiring cashiers, drivers, cooks and prep cooks. Apply in person between 2&5pm ■ 2009 Greene St. 252-3333 PT Cashier needed M-F 12-2PM Nathan's Restaurant. No weekends/holidays. Apply at 1840 Hampton Street,, $7/hr. 254-0484 ANDREWS RESTAURANT in the Sheraton Hotel. Now hiring for the following positions: ‘Hostess ‘Servers ‘Bus Person Applications applications accepted daily FT/PT, day or evening. Apply in person a 2100 Bush River Road Part time driver check in clerk needed foi wholesale distribution M-F 12:00 to 6:00 pm PC experience needed. Apply at HT Hackney Co. 333 Dreher Rd., W. Columbia No phone calls. Drug Test Downtown law firm seeking couriers begin ning ASAP. Call Rita at 256-4000. Small Law Firm seeks runner for 15-20/hrs/wk Hourly Pay plus mileage. Please call 790-1101 and ask for Ashley or Jodi It interested. G.R.E. /T.O.E.F.L. Classes Call 799-3452 PAPA JAZZ Cash paid for used compact discs, records & tapes. $2-5 for most CD’s. All kinds ol music. 2014 Greene Street Call 256-0095. TREAT YOURSELF - To a healthy-looking complexion. With products for every skin type, I can recommend a skin care program that's perfect for you Oct. is USC customer appre ciation month! Call Lisa Money, Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, (803) 790 8930. FREE PREGNANCY TEST Call Birthright of Columbia.Services confidential 765-0165 PRO-TYPE TYPING SERVICES: 776-9214 Thesis, term papers, resumes, etc. Fast turn around, reasonable prices. Want to graduate with better grades? CALL THE PROFESSOR AT 957-0577 Math, Phy, Chem, Assistance for the Praxis II Exam MATHEMATICS TUTORING. ’ THE EXPERTI 256-6498 I Help elementary or middle school children in nearby schools catch up in reading or math. Call One-on-One Tutoring at 777-2768 or come to Coker Life Science Room 701 SKI 2000 & MILLENNIUM FIESTA Crested Butte Jan. 3-8 starting at $329 (5nts). New Years in MEXICO via TWA Dec 28 (5nts) and Jan 2 (6nts). Book Now! 1-800-TOUR-USA www.oiuuci ucAfji coa.uui 11 TROPICAL PARADISE Start your millennium in the tropical rain forest paradise of Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Nearby private bungalows that sleep 4. Book Early!! 771-0378 See more at Put posters up on campus or get a group and go free to Bahamas, Cancun, Jamaica or Florida for Spring Break. No selling involved. Lowest prices and reputable company make it easy 1-800-676-6366 1111! Cancun & Jamaica Spring Break Specials! 7 Nights Air & Hotel, Meals, Drinks From $39911 of 6 Small Businesses Recognized for Outstanding Ethics! 1-800-678-6386 Browse for Springbreak "2000” All destinations offered. Trip Participants, Student Orgs & Campus Sales Reps wanted Fabulous parties, hotel & prices. Call Inter-Campus 800-327-6013. 1111! Spring Break Specials Bahamas Party Cruise! 5 Days $279! Includes Most Meals! Awesome Beaches, Nightlife! Panama City, Daytona, South Beach, Florida $129! springbreaktravel com 1-800-678-6386 #! Spring Break Vacations! Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, Florida. Best Prices Guaranteed! Free Parties & Cover charges! Book Early & receive Free Meal Plan! Now Hiring Campus Reps! 800-234—7007 SPRING BREAK 2000. Jamaica, Cancun, Florida, Barbados, Bahamas Book now for Fret Meals & 2 Free Trips Book by December 17tb for Lowest Rates 1-800-426-7710 www.sunsplashtours.coni ■LTYTVri%l ■ ^B Ask about our $200 per room savingsiy ■ yy d'( ” y N FREE TRIPS & CASH ■ ^OC^8TN3787extn^P COLLEGE SKI & BEACH WEEK -^DEC. 28- JAN. 2 & JAN. 2-7, 2000\ CANCUN a MAZATLAN $499* up SKI - CRESTED BUTTE $329 1-800-SURFS-UP , , Classified Advertising Rates There is a two line minimum for classified ads. Lines average about 42 characters in length. Deadline is noon the day before publication. Mastercard. VISA and Discover accepted. First insertion: $1.50/line Subsequent $125/ line Box around ad: $1.25 logo insertion available tor an additional cost To place ad: call777-3888, tax777-6482 or email: ►'t . . Large Pizza With Up To Five Toppings Offer Expires 11/30/99 Deep Oish Extra. ' VaM at participating stores only Not valid wilh any other offer Prices may vary Customer pays sates tai where applicable Delivery areas limited to ensure sale driving Our drivers carry less than $20 Our drivers are not penal _ i«d tor late deliveries M999 Dominos Piaa. Inc ( M 2 Medium 2 Topping Pizzas & 2 Liter Coke" Otter Expires 11/30/99. H Deep Dish Extra. VMk) at parhopannq stores only Not vaid with any othei otter Ptces may vary Custom® pays sates tax wliete applicable Delivery areas Hnut • ed to ensiue safe driving Our drivers carry less than S20 Our drivers are not penalised lor tale deliveries >1999 Domino's Pica. Inc i