The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, January 11, 1999, Page Page 5, Image 5

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E-MAIL! Remember, we have an email address, so don't hesitate to write us. It's GCKVIEWS@SC.EDU. Write one, write all! Monday, January 11, 1999 /iv cnecDai Sewing Ihe Carolina Co mi EDITORIAL ] Sara Ladenheim, ) Rob Gioielli, Vieu Kevin Langston, Assist a, Emily Streyer, Assistan Jennifer Stanley, Special Trial too in to he disrpi It's been almost ^MjaBrT-grTr one year since the IHHUm Lewinsky scandal The impeac* broke, and now the /^/ 0Jpre< whole affair has Qmm reached its last possible episode. Within about a ? , . month we will People shou know'the fate of " attention bee William Jefferson the histor Clinton. It's quite signifies amazing that a I-:-/-'"' ' . scandal that has been so remarkably trashy has ul ended up in such a historical event m as an impeachment trial. wl This is only the second time a president has been officially im- m peached. The other was Andrew hi Johnson, who was impeached but co missed being removed from office in by one vote. in For most of this scandal, any- at thing to do with Monica Lewin- tu sky was only fit to be in a tabloid. But since it is now being discussed re in the Senate as part of an im- fr peachment trial, it will be read in L( the most traditional of history di books. in So even though we're all been tired of this entire thing since Lt only a few months after it hap- th pened, all of a sudden it's impor- T1 tant. ha The members of the Senate, da who act as jurors in this trial, have th three options after they have heard Iraqi diploi lacks perm In the years hmhmww since the Persian HHHUmmS Gulf War, we have 0ur contin let Saddam Hussem build weapons 1 in his armories, support in his peo pie, and sympathy from his former WetwedtO trading partners. with Saddam Because the atldfora U.S. did not cripple his regime when it had the chance, foolishly assum- lea ing (or hoping) that his own peo- wa pie would put him out of power, he we now have our present situation of inspectors who are losing ing a game of musical weapon facto- or ( ries and bombings which do not sioi hurt Saddam himself, but rather tim serve to rally the people behind him in his struggle with the bar- the baric Americans. the We should have learned from che the Vietnam conflict that we can- we* not win a war in a foreign land by she periodically sprinkling its civil- abc ians with bombs. We have no rea- end Thc(5mic ~ n Serring the Carolina Community The Gamccotk is the student newspaper of The I niversily ol Soul Friday during iIk1 tall and spring semesters and five times during lite sunn j perk>ik Opinions expressed in lite tiamcccxk ate those rflhe editors or a The iVsird ol Student I'uNieaiions and Gmtmunkations Ls the publisher r the newspaper s parent organization. The Gamecock Sara Ladenhelm Ixlitor iti Chief Rachel Helwig I Rob Glolelll Vieujntltils iuiiter Clayton Kale Kenley Young News iiditors Dencshla Graham / Brad Walters Brock Vcrgakis Erin Reed Features l-rlilors Charlie Wallace Rob Llndsey Kelly Maguire S/teri Nathan Brown Sfntms lulilor Katy Evans Asm Sean Rayford I'huie hiiter Matt Ryan Online hitter Jennifer Stanley IKrlstin Freestate Otjty Desk Chief Todd Money ("i'V hitler Ellen Parsons Emily Slreyer A.ssl. View/mints Kevin Langston l/liters Student Media ice Phlpps Adeemisinft Manager Carolyn Griffin lit Susan King Creatine Director. Erik Collins Sherry F. Holmes Classified Jeff Stensland (in Manager V? rodi I r minitv since 1908 BOARD C\ Editor in Chief points hditor 1 nt Viewpoints Editor t Viewpoints Editor Projects Coordinator ? nportant L garded | all the evidence. V i Hi They can do nothbment ing, and all of the x >ident proceedings will es- ' sentially have been VS-V a waste of time. /ft- ' They can cen- I , ,/ sure him, which is Vy / 1 essentially a slap jf'((j iiiise of on the wrist. Some f iccil Republicans have > ice. said they would ? ; '1 vote for censure if it included the stipation that Clinton publicly adit that he did lie under oath, hich he has denied up till now. The final option would be re- I oval from office. This has never JL J ippened before and would heme of the most important events , U.S. political history. By fore- Ih about was g Clinton to step down, the Sen- _|_ integrity o, e would essentially be over irning two national elections. jjjwpg^ ached such an important event om such seedy origins as the f jwinsky scandal. But Clinton d lie under oath and there are I iwinsky and Ken Starr,'watch le importance of this event Sara Ladenl is moved beyond tabloid scan- Columnist 1 to something that will decide e destiny of our country. thing that was democracy, the p to privacy for a! I would com VI /"I T wh?m 1 had 00111 E \/ son why abortioi KAfcWKsJ The hate was re* James Carville; As 1 saw it, ] g\ | | g\ || { f* ways been secoi ^ son with Presidt had thoughtfully son to think that ?^a con^lse( anything short of a tance at discuss nine full-fledged war Ur will stop Saddam ^ bIrMl- Hussein. He is clever, patient, powerful, nursing a recovering ego, deal and he has some- A s we have l once thing to prove to Z\ 2000, the // the world. He will -L Astantlyri continue to push us until either we ve (again), or we go to a full jflPPIHj r. He would prefer the former; is prepared for the latter. fKliik. ^ Our present strategy of bombwhen Saddam gets too cheeky )ur government needs a divern from home should not con- ^ We cannot leave the world at mercy of man who is mad at re.v,n world and holds biological, ? umms imical, and possibly nuclear l if j \\t ^ noia was spawn .pons in his hands. We need to hecies that it him up for good instead of nium as an end 'Sing the people of Iraq to no Television n or useful purpose. cast programs o their vague predi . ~~~~~~~~ would indicate th< rnfh According to som 1 UtIV bull religiously, t . si,uv / wv consistently app< li Carolina and is published Monday. Wednesday and These symbol* net Willi lire excepiion ol university luilidiys and exam with them an Gc ulhor and not tltose (it '11k- I nivcrsily <f South Carolina. , il The Gamecock lite Department ot Student Media is Symbols have TSU of tanks to the p EQ2EXI23X9 Eastern power. T All area codes are Hot pOSed to be a nUl Asa. Sms blilim -Hi , i Hdiior 777-39h will leave the ear iw fraiim5 hhmr *cly, the heightened a? v***s bum* ^? p 1 ^ckrjl,u!s^si:vjt] worried people. s blilorial Assistant News 777-7726 For the squar i:"icrtaii??i'iii 1dismiss this as t lulilur 111 777-3913 v??//v.^o Kci*-n@sc ,*i? other problem m (" rdmaior sp,.ns JI7'718,2 the nightly news.' Dinr h/r of gcks/Hirtstoc nJu & J SturU-m Miiliu Online 777-2H33 Advertising 777-3HHH 777-11H1 II \ liiwss IImuifii'r f V I M J Olliee 777-.3HK.S ewpoint The Gamecock 1 VE Been stranpep M AN ISLANt? Ft?? A U)[\\IZ ? C>N? / JOlV/ IT? ^ea/vj sg ^rm A $ VeAR.' /% . | (r-N / /*??*f ? 1 , y* locrat sees new t s I ranted and raved failures proved to me that his quest to iting time, money and portray the leader of the free world as a what seemed to me to a sexual Pariah was self-serving. be a presi- his rather ordinary, boring exisId e n t i a 1 tence, Kenneth Starr was seeking fame witch hunt, and notoriety by exploiting sex as a tool I believed, to oust his political foes, from the All this was occurring while I was bottom of not in America, and to see it on every my soul, television on two different continents that the on- was quite disturbing. 1 y reason Israeli television interviewed memKenneth bers of my traveling group about the Starr was scandal instead of about the purpose heim Placed on an(j meaning of our visit. The name uus eariu "Monica Lewinsky" was on the lips of ZIZ. ^aS ? 6 every foreigner I encountered. pure and gZ about m entire *? 1 f resident and the right ?a'ned falthftll Presld<>nt, de11 citizens in America endmg his actions as being his own itantly bash the man nal busln??e to refer to as the "rea- never scarred to me at that time i should remain legal." even Question his testimony. He was il enough to make even being attacked because it was an elecproud. tion yearKenneth Starr had al- ^he president having to answer to id-best. In a compari- ^e independent counsel made me lose snt Clinton that Time faith in our system. , ' organized for the ben- I had believed the president to be a i public, Starr's reluc- person that was not only respected and i sing his own personal protected by the public he represents, but also a person whose moral decisions Y2K problem isn' come closer to the year ^ so heavily on may be our downfall, tension level is con- The "Y2K" (Year 2000) dilemma has sing over a particular raised the eyebrows of several. We are . subject Be it left with one year to solve this problem for religious and people are getting edgy. J or techno- With the growing popularity of cornlogical rea- puters, we have used them for everysons, people thing from bank accounts to stocks. Beare in a cause many computers aren't delirious programmed to recognize the year 2000 1 frenzy over (they will simply reset to 1900), it is be- 1 the new mil- Hevable that everything will go nuts, j | 1 e n n 1 u m oume say me power grias will snut JhH (which does down, bank statements will be incornot numeri- rect> shipping services will be hindered, j 'on cally begin and much more. Some believe some until 2001). thing so simple as a date in a comput This para- er can create this mess. ted from the ancient It was only a matter of time before j. pointed to the millen- the militia groups got involved. They ? to life as we know it. believe that under a cloak of darkness, t etworks have broad- nations will wage war on one another, f these prophets and This time, the playing field will be lev- t ctions. Supposed signs el, and the militia groups are prepare beginning of the end. ing themselves. e dolts who follow this I hope I am not alone when I say v hese signs have been this panic is a load of bull. I don't think t taring. a guy who roamed the earth thousands s 5 are supposed to bring of years ago could have any clue v irth-shattering war. about the fate of humanity. The propheiged from the creation cies are so vague that anybody can read )resence of a Middle into them what they want. It's like read- r he end result is sup- ing a fortune cookie. t( clear holocaust that I also don't think the computer prob- p th in ruins. Obvious- lem will lead to our downfall. There conflict with Iraq has must be some dork out there with the t* solution, and he's waiting for the high- C] e-heads who quickly est bidder. C( anioia material, an- This whole craze is nothing new. It 2' is made its way into seems that every time something h The computers we re- strange and unknown is brought before "Submissions for eolui length I ill I [llil 777-7726 I I I I P " M L. ^ ^ H The to student. k'lti mmm her. 5 s 0 TH& Pf^???lREW We ZfeMCZR cF ~TO-ge. &ES1GH lRM 'WN\r=f"^=?'' <5itet^W/ilSi pSST im yi ^ [5 r,0^-N ^ hings in 1 "I would constantly I had come to refei why abortion shou were above that of the average Amer ican. Then, as quickly as it was pol ished by Starr's actions, the golden im age of the president seemed to tarnish No longer was he coming on tele vision proclaiming his innocence againsi "that woman, Ms. Lewinsky." Instead he calmly sipped Diet Coke whih pondering the definition of "is." Starr seemed to have changed his battle plan: No longer was he interest ed in proving an affair had taken place between the president and Lewinsky He seemed to come alive and finallj _1 1_ ! AiA *11 1 suuw wny spending minion on ms investigation was necessary. The lies the blatant peijury was what he was after. Regardless of all else, Starr wanted to make the public realize that the president was getting away with something his very constituents would go tc jail for. t the end 01 "There must be son with a solution, anc highest bidder." as, we panic. Are we so bored with ;he monotonous routine of life that ve have to create social dilemmas to teep everything interesting? So it's going to be 2000. The only iroblem I predict is what to call the iniial decade of the next century. "The 90s" rolls off your tongue with such ;ase. I don't want to refer to the next I 0 UOOrc Q c frnrAP " TU ?-?4 lv j\/Uio mo Uic LUUO. X licit WUU1U nut >e accurate, and it would be downright uinoying. I will also have to get used o dating my checks and other docunents in a different manner, but I have o deal with that every new year. By believing these wacky propheies, and by entrusting our computers vith so much, we have helped create he problem. Our greatest enemy is ourelves. Our paranoid preparations can ery well lead to these end results. If people believe banks can no longer landle their money in the next centuV, they may pull out their accounts. If )o many follow suit, there will be a anic, and a depression could occur. This, added to the general frenzy K..+U : ?j u w-rvtvi un uy uic iictuuig (jemmy, wuuiu peate social chaos. All this because our jmputers won't know if it is 1900 or 000. The prophets didn't foresee this appening. tins apt* welcome From all meml>ers of ihe (Carolina Co imnists tan only Ik* printed twice a semester. Please d? print all Idlers. letters shopld Ik* 2S0-M) words and must indue ;rs must lx* persoi\ally delivered by the author to the Russell Hoi es the right to edit all lettei lor style. lilxH or spaa- Names will i UOTE, UNQUOTE "If you think there could be something in there, don't take it." 'ick Gant, Head of IJSC's Office f Alcohol and Drug Awareness Page 5 Ui : o rI I GPAMP we | &P ^ % v?rfn&r^~" ? " r U>A?> JVZT B PAY/ . 11 / ry A % ine Starrs r bash the man whom to as the 'reason Id remain legal.'"* The more I read about Starr, the clearer it became to me that President Clinton's lies weren't to protect his family anymore, but himself. I read about a woman from Texas who was " sent to jail for three years for lying about t an affair under oath; she wasn't even ' offered the privilege of testifying in a ^ closed-circuit setting. The pieces of Starr's crude jigsaw puzzle began to fall together. He was not out to hunt down the president be, cause he was a Democrat. Kenneth | Starr wanted to show America that a , lie was a lie, regardless of whether it was about sex or not. . As strange as it may sound, I've managed to become a believer in the man I had once referred to on a daily ? basis as Satan. For what it's worth, this is one Dei mocrat who believes the truth is more important than political colors. f the world le dork out there 1 he's waiting for the We have created these problems, and by trying to deal with them in such a furious manner, we will do nothing but create more problems. It seems like our efforts are only to counter our earlier efforts. It is a continuing cycle that has plagued us in previous years, and will continue to plague us well after 2000. So as the days between us and the new millennium grow fewer and fewer, we shouldn't lose sleep over our fate. We are no strangers to chaos, and we will surely see more in the future. We must try to understand that these potential dilemmas that lay ahead may need only to be fed by our imaginations before they can become reality. We tend to think too much or draw too manv Dremature conclusions before acting. Perhaps it is too late. Perhaps we are so convinced that the world will end next year that it will. I, for one, am not too concerned with these aforementioned prophecies and this Y2K problem. The only thing troubling me in the upcoming year is that I will have to wait until April 11,2000 before I'm legally able to celebrate the new century. mmunily. They must lac 6S(i and 7SO words in diver all submissions u> Russell House room .VIA. or call le full name, plume number professional liile or year and major if a tse room ijj. 1-mail kdets nxisi ibdude the author's telephone nunv never lx- withheld