The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, January 11, 1999, Page Page 11, Image 11

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Monday, January 11, 1999 Gesundheii by Vicki Smith inedical student w Associated Press mg power of hurt Adams insists HILLSBORO, W.Va. ? The hit Robin n0W; a hospital w Williams movie "Patch Adams" ends "It's \[\^e the on a feel-good note, with the audience Capra movies: W told that construction of a free hospi- get the busin tal is under way in West Virginia. sunset," he said f That's Hollywood. In the mountains lington, Va. of West Virginia, the project exists most- Others do not ly in the imagination. Susan Cafoncelh, There is no hospital, just a hodge- nurse) greW disem podge of buildings, some half-finished, after a 1997 visit. Dr. Hunter D. "Patch" Adams has ?ffe is a great been raising money for his cause it to manipulate f since the early '70s?more than $1.1 Adams dreams million, by his own account. vice hospital wh< He wants tens of millions more to tionally, physics complete the project, but some are ques- healed through fri tioning where the money is going?and holistic technique whether the movie dream will ever be Gesundheit! reality. Luchs, who has 1: The Gesundheit! Institute, a health- months, rema: care reform movement founded by "There's a ten Adams more than 20 years ago, sits on happy when the i 310 acres Adams bought on Droop jt becomes appar< Mountain. work," he said. There is a 6,500-square-foot work- "Dissenters ai shop, a half-built Russian-style dacha, there are only a f< a two-hole outhouse and a cottage with Jef Harris, an ] attached greenhouse. lives near Hillsbo The cottage has a fax machine, a senters. He has n computer and three phone lines. The sayS financial con walls are unfinished planks. Heat comes joining Gesundhe from a wood-fired stove. "Where's this n There are no patients, just two not answer staffers who answer an endless stream saicL "He's tak< of calls and letters from people suddenly years and done n< enchanted with the concept of free Adams dismis health care after seeing Tatch Adams," one who couldn't which stars Williams as a maverick relationship with PARTY f balloons tab rental stre; party decorai decorations hats ?co peanuts candi IMPRINTED o balloons et-sh WU9S*CU Guarantee) 1241A _ (803) Assembly c* fii O Cromers | MOH gl ? 8:00am j w< 7<tjSiEi Re'aX Private Rooms Tani 15% Stud< The Tan ^Beside Richland Mall Open 7 Days A Wee! ^ 14) 14) ^p 4) 4) 4) 4) 4^ 4) 4) 4^ 4^ ^ 4 CCCCCCC'C'C'CCC^CCC^I ^ 4) ^ ^ ^ ^p ^p ^p ^ ^ 4) 4) 4) Jp 4) ^ c DON'T JUST J pom BE A BASKETB/ DO SON GENERAL KNOWLEDGE OF' PROVIDE 1 MEETINGS ARE ON JAN1 JUST COME TO THE PE CENT INFORMATION C (BY THE WAY, DID W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ kP kP kP kP ^ kP ^ ^ V f'4) ^^^^^^4)4)4)4)4)4)4)4)4)* t! Institute ] ho espouses the heal- "We are unbelievably wholeson tor and compassion. We are wacky. And not everyone w that $25 million from has come to us has loved us. But 750,C ill stand. people love us," he said of his suppo end of most Frank ers. e're going to get the In his 1993 book, "Gesundheit ess and ride into the Adams said he needed $5 million 1 rom his home in Ar- construction and $1.5 million a year operating costs. Today he wants $ share his conviction, million?half for construction and h a Charleston, W.Va., for operating expenses, chanted with Adams "The fund-raising goal has chang as the plan for the hospital has evolve storyteller. He uses Adams said. "The first plan was i >eople," she said. fantile." 5 of a 40-bed, full-ser- Adams, 53, is a lean 6 feet 4 inch jre people are emo- with long gray hair and a handle! illy and spiritually mustache, iendship, humor and He dresses in colorful oversiz s. clothing and clown shoes and beha\ staff member J on outrageously just to get a laugh, ived in Hillsboro for On film and in life, he rails agaii ins a believer. the medical establishment as being < dency to become un- void of humanity and driven by gre< deal isn't realized or But since the movie's release, m< jnt it's going to take ey has become important to Gesur heit!, too. *e often loud, even if A web site that once focused jw of them." Adams' mission now begs for mom herb-store owner who "Don't wait, donate!" and "Put yc ro, is among the dis- money where your nose is." ever met Adams but For $10, donors get a red rub! cerns kept him from nose. For $25, they get a whoopee cm it!. ion. And for $75, they get a free cop) loney going? The staff Adams' 200-page book, that question," Har- Adams commands lecture fees m people's money for high as $20,000. Universal Studios I )thing." donated $500,000. ises Harris as someestablish a business Gesundheit!. MUCH? leware helium /qTA 3 mere theme [ #C\I lions seasonal rW A 1 party favors V Hon candy r popcorn \\FT I apples \l I f > PRODUCTS: irts? can coolers a ps* car tags _ Hi #|f d worst in town ssembly St. 779-1147 | Receive a box of popcorr I or a bag of roasted _ A I peanuts free with coupon i. - Sat. | thru March '99 [..seesm... e A Trip To The Beach... ithout Sand In Your Car in our 1998 model Genesis n Sundash Beds with Facial Bulbs?43 bulbs per bed! ling Supplies Monthly Rates Available int Discount Year-Round For All Seasons . M fWTI 782-0830 K IHHiH! 3308 Forest Dr., Columbia D(DCCCC,CC,CCCCCCC!C^^^ >IT THERE AND TYT A T^V T ri./\HN iLL REFEREE AND IETHING! rHE GAME NEEDED, BUT WE'LL HE TRAINING. GARY 11,12 AND 13 AT 4:00. ER, OR CALL 777-5261 FOR MORE )R ANY QUESTIONS. E MENTION THE MONEY) ^ ^ ^ ^p ^ ^ ^ Cp ^ ^ Cp ^p ^ ^ ^p Cp ^ ^ ^ kP kP ^ ^ ^ 1^ 1^ ^ ^ ^ Etc. part of the i B^H522 00 rtfor j %*? ..iSSS. i^Jk, mjfl on Robin Williams stars as Dr. Hunter D. "Patch" Adan gv> laughter is the best medicine. >er H 1^| shof Ml as I ^1 ^ H__l S1 I 1 .u ui uiuvi tu pai ^^^$Z75Bud yj 638 Harden St. 256If you are under the age of All ^ mexic/ Buv one c SECOI 1-30 combos only. Mu -The Gamecock*Page l: imagination flm m * GUB nL^j^B i is in the Universal Studios film about the doctor who belie za? ' *TXS fewest College Night I rty 21 or older to drink I ^2^^Bu^^Budligh^^zJ I DMISSION COUPON | )ack to School Special j NO COVER ; ts. 771-4010 One Per Person Expires 1.31.99] avorite College Night I a. ^ 1 1J i. I riy z,? or oiuer 10 unim EMISSION COUPON back to School Special NO COVER 2741 One Per Person Expires 1.31.99 21 it is against the law to buy alcoholic beverages. ABC regulations enforced. ,N RESTAURANT I >AmkA Qnrl NA! ! rVIIIMV HIIM HWI I if nd combo i}? ist have coupon. Not valid on Fridays ?at. - Thur. 4 - 7 p.m. ij M. K?j I * b I* 5c I