SENIOR 1996 if If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue Or walk with kings-nor lose the common touch If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute * With sixty seconds worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And you'll be a man, my son. ...Rudyard Kipling v. ^ SENN^1996 "You've come a long way baby, and keep going!" Love. Willie, Jalissa and family I SENIM1996 To the first USC graduate in our family. We are proud of you. You will succeed at anything. r- i I _ i- _ l r* ii li ^uiiyruiuianons ana oooa luck! We love you, Mom, Jack, Sisters, Brother, Aunts and Uncles lilllMUHmHHKMM BH 1 / M \ 1 % f f James H. Moss, Jr. lillMltMllilIEEW ' I All Delawese Delain Fulton IIIIMIdlMltllEETSl I *? K V I ; ^1 fl M Steven Blanchard I SINHHM996 Dearest Sarah, Our hearts are brimming with pride as you graduate! Your courage, warmth, enthusiasm and intelligence will take you to great heights. We love you and support you! Mom and Dad SENIOR 1996 We are proud of you! Times may have been quite challenging, but you stuck with it and overcame the obstacles. Now it is time for you to enter another level, and your accomplishments in the past years is evident that you will be successful in your chosen career. Again, we are proud of you! Aunt- Hattie & Family WWITTTMHfiWrTXP MMUi!iLllllhK111111 SENWR1996 Congratulations.! am so very proud that you are my son. Thanks for all the memories. Watchina you grow and mature and sharing your dreams has filled my life with happiness. Success is waiting for you - Go get it. The sky is the limit!! Love, Mom BBB^J ' III f VI k Ml Sarah Strait illlfeM.mi.IIMM ^rn/m^ *?la\ Jermaine Brttton miui.Mii.nWii . ?l nw!" s W$/BEm$? ?, % Hi yw ~ " M' [ Keith Hart