SBMM1996 You have come a long way J.J. Our sincere Congratulations and our love, Mom, Dad, Christi and Meg ^MiaMuAamBHBJaJLsAea cnm iQOft KWti IsW Tiffany,..."a child is born on the Sabbath Day is fair and wise and good and gay." Since our most special Sunday 22 years ago, you have finely turned your very special, widely-loved personality, unique in all the world. Yours is a kelaidoscope of well-grounded values, warmth, compassion, senstivity, empathy. Your future is wide open and your stellar achivements, unsurpassed courage, persistence and intuitive foresight equip you to handle boldly all that life offers. Your treasures lie in your heart and soul. Keep laughter and song shining there. 'Punkin,' you're the Greatest! Sending you light and love. Mom and Popa WTWfWWIWTTTfl Ill SENIOR 1996 We are all proud of you Baby Brad I ggjjHjM | Jennifer S. Johnson ' Tiffany Erin Potter j?| |H H Bradford K. McNabb lil SENIOR 1996 Erica, Congratulations! You worked hard all your life and we are very proud! Mom, Rich and Kendra I' SENIOR 1996 From tap dancer to Carolina Coquette. We loved all of your performances. Congratulations to our beautiful daughter on your graduation day from USC. We are so proud of you. We Love You, Momma and Daddy SEHI0M996 Jarrett, We hope all your dreams come true. We are so proud and I . tl i \ A / iiuppy iiiui yuu uie uui 5un. vve love you with all our hearts. Mom and Dad Erica Stockman r i MHI N Nancy Leanne Gunnels IlilllKIHHI.'WilllPHIM Jarrett Grimes