nBafc Serving USC Sit Lee Clontz, Editor in Chief Chris Editorial I Erin Galloway, Wendy Hudson, Sus Jimmy DeButts, Ryan Wilson, Carso Ally Team wi * Homosexual Gays and lesbians on USC's campu support and help as they learn about The Ally Team, a group established give these students the assistance the world that might not be as accepting c The goals of the team are to help s create a haven for the students. The team will also work to educate have misconceptions about what horn Unfortunately, there are many of th haven't taken the time to leam about h One would think that students in an ir about the people around them. The day will come when a "haven" sexual preferences different from the ] that time, the Ally Team will be a well South nol as rumor mm LEE CLONTZ Editor in Chief For the past several years, three to be exact, I've heard how great it is to go to school in the South, where people are honest and upstanding, and you can "walk down the street at night." People from up North, I've always heard, lie and cheat and steal and are certainly not to be trusted. For a period of time, I even began to believe that I was safer here than anywhere else. After all, during the summer, when I was in New YorK, l naa to Keep my thumb on my wallet all the time to make sure I didnt get pickpocketed. I went so far as to tell transfers and freshmen, "You're very lucky to be here ? it's a lot nicer than almost anywhere else." Lucky me. I was had. My little adventure began Saturday when I was looking for my bike. I had finished the Student Leadership Training Conference and was going to ride into Five Points to meet some friends. I didn't see my bike where I thought I'd left it, but being the absentminded editor I am, I didn't think a lot of it. The next day I decided to look for the bike in earnest because I was going out to do such fun activities as laundry and groceryshopping. Oh, the life I lead. My bike was at none of the racks I typically use, and was very noticeably not at the one where I had left it Friday. It was gone. Now, we're not talking about a $700 Trek here. This was just a little Huffy mountain bike. It wasnt the most expensive or sturdy bike on the planet, but it was mine. I had taken all the precautions, putting the ever-popular U-lock around the wheel and frame, but to no avail. Some jerko had filched my bike. Having resigned myself to the fact that my ex-favorite mode of transportation was never to return, I meandered to my other favorite form of transportation. My car. Parked by the P.E. fields, my little baby sat right where I'd left her. Except the driver's side window was knocked out, and one of "t&ntcod! k Student Media Russell House-USO Lee Clonti Sawn Goodwin Editor in Chief Allbon Williams Chris Muldrow Features Editors Viewpoints Editor Jimmy DeButts Carson Henderson Ryan Wilson Radhlka Taiwan! Sports Editors Copy Desk Chiefs Ethan Myeraon Erin Galloway Ryan Sims Wendy Hudaon Graphics Editors News Editors Gregory Perez Kim Truett Design Editor Photo Editor Jason Jeffers Cartoonist The Gamecock is the student newspaper of th University of South Carolina and is published Monda; Wednesday and Friday during the fall and spring seme: ters, with the exception of university holidays and ex ax periods. Opinions expressed in The Gamecock are those of tf editors or author and not thojs of the University < South Carolina. TImQi cock ice 1908 Muldrow, Viewpoints Editor k>ard an Goodwin, Allison Williams, >n Henderson, Radhika Talwani 31 support KJ 1/M.Vf.VXJ.VKJ s will finally have a place to go for ; themselves and their lifestyles. . for gay and lesbian students, will y might need as they deal with a >f them as it could be. is many students as possible and students who don't understand or osexuality is all about, tese people on campus, people who omosexuality and what it involves, istitute of learning haven't learned ' isn't necessary for students with majority of thestudent body. Until ;ome addition to the USC campus. las safe s claim my speakers was pulled out. "You've gotta be kidding me," I said aloud to no one in particular. I also said several things unprintable in The Gamecock. But, no, no one was kidding me. Sometime over the weekAn/1 oAmnnnn Viarl lrnnplfaH in C11U) OVAlAVVilV HUU 1L1XWVXLVM %. $250 window to steal a $70 speaker. They only got one. Either they were deaf in one ear, had low standards for hi-fidelity sound or were approached before they finished the job. After reporting the incident to the USCPD and moving my vehicle, I then had the joy and glory of doing laundry. No, no one stole my clothes. The weekend wasn't that bad. But they didn't get dry. I just don't know how to wash clothes very well, I guess. Point is, the event is very disturbing. I've lived in South Carolina for 21 years and in Columbia for four, and this isn't the first time something like this has happened. My freshman year, someone knocked out my window, in the same car, and tried to steal my car. The funny side of that is that the car's battery was dead, so all they did was rifle though my tapes. At least those particular thieves were kind enough to only knock out the small vent window in the rear of the car. In New York, there was certainly crime, but there were ways to protect yourself, precisely because you didn't trust anyone. Everyone was potentially dangerous, and every alleyway was potentially your murder scene. Everyone eyed everyone else with suspicion, and no one spoke to one another. Locals contend that is the great thing about being in the South. You can smile and say "hello" to anyone you meet, and all is lovely and wonderful. But one day, I'm going to walk by the person who stole my bike or broke into my car. Ill probably never know who did it, but Pm expected to smile and say "hello," knowing that person could be sitting next to me in class. Maybe New Yorkers have a point after all. I hope not. I really do. But more than $500 in theft and damages over one weekend leads you to wonder. Lee Clontz is a journalism, senior. ___ __- , Chris Carroll ws. ///-//26 Director of Student Media vertising: 777-4249 Laura Day X: 777-6482 Creative Director Columbia, SC 29208 ArTttreTa THefTa Harper Elizabeth Thomas .n*lMworR*n Adv. Graduate Asst. Asst. News n James Ponce Renee G,bson Asst. Photo Marketing Director Ben Pillow Christopher Wood Stephanie Sonnenfeld Asst. Advertising Asst-Features Manager Larry Williams Erik Co|,ins KeHh^BouC.ux Faculty Advisor Circulation Editor Letters Policy e The Gamecock will try to print all letters received. , Letters should be 200-250 words and must include full name, professional title or year and major if a student n Letters must be personally delivered by the author tc The Gamecock newsroom in Russell House room 333. * The Gamecock reserves the right to edit all letters foi >f style, possible libel or space limitations. Names will no be Withheld under any circumstances. ?VIEWfl f YOU KNOW WE G TEST AT S'O SL 'frYMimwwj Ooon Uiwuon "If a gay or lesbian student h Celebriti Welcome to the middle of the we would like to express my views concei believable idolization of mere mortal "Mere mortals?" you ask. "What tl guy talking about?" Well, I am speaking about the w age person is willing to sell his or h support their favorite athlete, actor, at least for one friend of mine, Donali tually, what I am truly interested someone explain to me why people pi such high pedestals for simply havii en talent different from their own. When I was growing up, my fathi tertainment attorney. He specialize out contracts between musicians/ban coiqpanies. Once, my dad even pul event called "Music Court" that fe; cians and tennis stars playing tennis together. (Check it out. It may be video store.) Therefore, as you might much of my childhood meeting famo never-to-be-famous) musicians, prodi letes at my parents' house, at bars went to see an act, in recording stuc went backstage at a concert. You are probably saying to yours my *%&. Like who did he meet?" meet Santana, NRBQ, Blood, Swea Top (I actually tripped the drumme ? T 1.1 ?1 1_ X JtJoy was 1 giaa wnen ne got up uim Meatloaf, Tanya Tucker, Todd Ri Collins, Vitas Geralitas and John name but a few. So, your next question is, "So wl writing any of this?" Good question some of the people I met over the; to prove a point. In all of my years (I never requested an autograph, bow offered my firstborn to any of these for as long as I can remember, my n "The only autograph I want is on a Letters to the Editor Withdrawal policy needs clarification Thank you for Tieffa Harper Jan. 24th article about the "financi consequences" of withdrawals. I w; pleased to see the topic address< because I believe, as the article sai tfj? ?-J-I?? i? oniUJitnur r\ ITAtnJ OO1 UtXlUillg WJ WIUIUIOYY is a rcij oti ous decision, and students should g as much information as they can b fore withdrawing." The information Tiefifa offered her article appears accurate, bu should warn that it is accurate ai helpful only to students enrolled standard 16 week (C002) sessi courses. As you know, many Uf students are enrolled in other "s< sions," some of which end weeks e: lier than the last day of the C002 s sion. If a student assumes the poll described in the article applies 1 them, it could prove costly. Con > quently, I'd like to again urge s dents considering withdrawing [ . recognize there are many differ* Ilk&iM |piO Wednesday, 4 II" \0 ^ 3! A? 4J ^7 6 5^ t being harassed, it can be hard to < Dor Coordinator of Student ies shoul ek. Today, I /-ihik ning the unle hell is this * M * w/ i 'ay the aver- ?? er sibling to People are people, r musician or, a living. Some people s d Trump. Ac- athletes, others have i in is having ments well, talk (and I ace others on well, advise others witl lg a God-giv- with electronics, tools, point? ?r was an en- Everyone has a spe d in working in case you skipped the ds and record everyone, unfortunate! ; together an most people realize thi atured musi- ever, many people seen: and jamming demigod is just like u at your local ample of placing a per guess, I spent refuse to use O.J. as ? us (and many The supposed represen icers and ath- placed on a pedestal so when my dad the ones that had plac lios or when I en with remorse and a let them down. Hey, 11 self, "Famous, only people he let dowi Well, I got to ily. I like his music, bi t & Tears, ZZ too. Do you realize hoi r by accident, cide every day? None c \jured.) KISS, the paper on their be! mdgren, Phil dedicated to them, i McEnroe, to Well, now that I ha Cobain fans, let me m< rat? Why is he anyone read about thi l. I mentioned son (Charlotte Hornet years in order cently signed? Allow am 27.) I have signed a contract wort ed my head or (That is $7 million a people. In fact, dorsement deals.) WH lotto has been, of you really think tha blank check." $7 million a year? Doe sessions scheduled, so before relying entirely on the prorated refund sched ule described in the article, student should refer to the master Scheduli , of Classes to find the session code fo ? each of their classes as well as a char listing individual session deadlines Beyond financial matters, I'd al *7 so like to clarify items in the articl 7 regarding academic concerns. n" While it is true a student wh ^ withdraws from the university fc *e" one semester may return the fol lowing semester, as long as they ar in in good standing academically, a sti I dent who does not enroll for an er ad tire Fall or Spring semester mus m reapply to the university. on TTiis is clearly a fine distinctioi SC but an important one: undergradi -s" ate students who "sit out" an entii ar- major semester must reapply, es- Finally, the article mistakenly r ports that dropping a course or cour icy es via TIPS will result in a "WF to Students who drop via TIPS ( se- not automaticall receive a WF ft tu- their courses; the grade of WF ; to linked only to the date of the dro mt not the method by which the stude ; February 8, 1994 V , JII II ?\?l, --= . ~,Or ^ . n a c =HlT 13 ^ ' 'I | DONT W Wk?^~ some to terms with since they might ina Hight, : Development and Discipline dn't be it lion? I coulc and virtual WOTT KAPLAN makeacM Columnistf __ , How abi ally smart, io matter what they do for coming sei are smart, some are great who is real a great voice, play instru- are in conti emphasize TALK) politics the unbelie 1 a keen insight, are handy players in speaking - do you get the thege ^ icial talent (I mention this ' i first few paragraphs.) and ever> unllt ly, has a weakness. I think stay *n sh? is to be a valid point. How- ball playei i to forget that their favorite do stay in s ? human. A perfect ex- The tri son beyond our reach is (I that they ( in example.) Kurt Cobain. , ? tative for Generation X was dollarfi?u; high that when he fell down, av'era6e P :ed him up top were strick- years. Bo< Hocirp tr\ knnw hnw he could Last time hate to tell you this, but the getting in, a were himself and his fam- these folk! it I like a lot of other music, an(j th< n many people commit sui- rQeg from >f these people get letters in lalf or complete magazines e ime 11 job somet ve pissed off a bunch of Kurt I guess jve on to sports figures. Has with a dm e contract that Larry John- ent, knov s basketball player) has re- fer ) kut j me to due you in. L J. just day and ;h $84 million over 12 years, year, not including his en- lon sa ar AT!! That is insane!! Do any ma^ t this one individual is worth t? The Gi s anyone truly need $84 mil- Scott Kai i drops. Withdrawing may sometimes ap3 pear the best or only choice for stu3 dents, but, to be sure, I urge students r considering withdrawing to get the t best information they can from their i. adviser, their college's dean's office, the Registrar's Office or from our ofe fice at 900 Assembly St., suite 101, 777-4333 0 Jerry Crotty r Associate Director 1 - of Student Development e lWrite to soldiers serving in Sinai l-e My name is Brandon Lee Blick. I am in the United States Army serve ing with Bco 4/505th PER, 82nd Airs' borne Div., Ft. Bragg, N.C. Currently, my battalion is serving a six-month lo tour that began Jan. 10 in the Sinai Dr Peninsula. is We are part of the Multinational p, Force and Observers. Our mission is nt to insure that the Peace Accords of > "V 3 ORRY, X STILL J E TO STUDY J "y #X N not know who they can talk to." lolized 1 randomly pick 84 people off the street lly guarantee you that they would noi nbined $84 million in their lifetime out baseball players? If people were re they would completely ignore the up ison to show the players and owner ly in control ? the fans. Since the fan -ol, fans should also do something abou jvable amount of money being spent o: Major League Baseball. Just like L.J get paid an exorbitant amount of mor i GAME for only part of the year. Hov :e L.J., these guys do not even need t T? - ' T i. 1 1,4 11 ipc. IY iclA, 1 ill 11 IlUt IVIlUUIVlllg a 11 uao* s; I am sure there are quite a few th; shape, but that is beside the point, lly incredible aspect about athletes daim they deserve these mind-bogglir res due to the risk of injury and that tl layer only lasts in the majors about s 3, hoo. You have got to be kidding m I heard, there was a pretty high risk jured working in a factory or mine, b 3 do not get paid millions of dollars. 0 i way, what is stopping these sports h getting another job after they retire fro ght. The average American changes 1 hing like 10 times in a lifetime, i my point is this: There is nothing wro iring someone due to their obvious ti dedge or beauty (Hello, Michelle Pfe t is wrong to idolize people. Have a n good luck on your quest for an $84 n y. As always, you can contact me via ITSRULE@AOL.COM) or send a let imecock. )/an is a graduate student in educatu the Egyptian/Israeli War are being met. I am a medic for a squad of 10 men. We are pulling duty at a remote * * 1 ' i T 1 1 ana lonely outpost. Laie nere can ue slow and monotonous. We get very little news about life back in the United States. For example, we just learned who won the football games that were played Jan. 15. Not that the news lifted my spirits anyway ? I'm a diehard Dallas Cowboy fan, but life goes on. Basically, I'm asking that, if you find the time, please drop a line to my squadmates and me. Let us know what's going on back in the world of pizza, TV, weekends and, most importantly, flushing toilets. I honestly believe that your efforts will make life here more enjoy able. (Postage is only 32 cents!) Brandon Lee Blick US Army Medic US Batt, TF 4-505 (Bco) Unit #3153< APOAE 09831 '