_4 Gett jr. 4 ,?a Brooks & Duiu From staff reports fi NORTH CHARLESTON ? They o rrmlH hp nllpH th#? "har/H wnrlrino 0 men" of country because, although they have been on the music scene for o just a few years, they already have two tl platinum albums under their belts, ^ plus many other awards. n With a string of consecutive hits ^ from "Brand New Man" and "Neon b Moon," to the "Boot Scootin' Boogie" o and "Hard Workm' Man," to their current hit, "She Used To Be Mine," the 8 country duo of Kix Brooks and Ron- C nie Dunn can only expert to see more of the same in the future. cl The high-energy showmanship, ii combined with world-class songwrit- ti ing has gained Brooks & Dunn wide- t spread acceptance from peers and a SPECIAL SUM1 From May 151< One and Two Bedro IKUbcwl Apartirr 504 South Beltl j (only 5 min. fror Columbia, SC For more informatioi Other lease terms SlIHIIIIHlMIHWPMWWWWIIgfW GRADUATING Put your education to v PARALEC "One of the fastest growing pro] -U.J The National Center for I American Bar Association 3-Month Day or 7-Month I Employment Assistance - < in 39 states have hired NCI Meet with our rep Wednesday, April < Contact the college Placement Of Call or write for a free brochure The National Center for P 3414 Peach tree Road, Suite 52 (800) 275-7842 (41 i ; * * time. ^following these basic guki jj&wK" enjoy youraquarium to ibe ft I :ing Ta P^SM^^K ^^!:i" ^bo^^ &^d l B :. awn the toilet* 'H* #0$& moresugges- .IM fl ' /' -" ii ' JBBP'WPxWn ..... _ & '^lil ii ii' 'H11 \\W11 |l|jji[ f I, jfp' m\ w*., v? ?>** ^ - *^AAr n 1 il 4:20 9:40 less ions uirougn zoud. tj ^: 5. Department of Labor ^ \ bht ? ? ? 'aralegal Training [ ^ j H Approved Program ;i Kl ($2 Evening Programs ;B8B j E3 >ver 1,200 employers j ? HSfl Cou 7T graduates = : K^H mm amm mam m resentative i All ' 6,9:00-5:00 I Plu. Ba,ga,n Day Ba 7 texf ""ta tf W"""y w1"" fice for an appointment. \ \ and more information. J CAMPU< KCJXb* 5 oet-OUT-OF. )4) 266-1060 * I * * * t:iie 6am crock Zarolina! nked! ,0| B| * .^|J?? i I^bJI^^JB 9Hb39H ? *IM^a ^ OiiLl,^>ml[llMllJl!!.. ^pyrLl^i^aMK:i?- v^@| ^LJ^K; jggjgsag k "^IMBi gM I ^ jlPi ( Ks I ;? n ?* C 1^.. , :-^H | IPif a ?. ^ ** c I^pp" , ' * s A r- X:w .. I v Jm, ? # "*' t/L. .? ' % <* * a # i , _ ,-?*/ ^ #?~ ? "v $r ??, ?sw F iston Wedding advic< ~ ? . ? By College Press Service t To Stand For ? - k;c BCt ?i GAINESVILLE, Fla. ? Even the ? his newest al- ... , ? . , most romantic intentions sometimes ( d, the chart- ? ? ? 8? awry. i s Ph.D. No That's what a University of Florida I music scene, employee discovered when he tried < ns to his cred- to add a little excitement to a Valen- < tinum, Tippin tine's Day gift. Jimmy Ross, who { lp the charts works at the school's physical plant, t string of hit tied a ring thathe had bought his girl mend to a helium-tilled balloon emDunn are on blazoned with the words "I Love < $20.50 and You " ( ie at the ColiA.T outlets or - DON'T I '' "iffik i :apitol o =! jnemas ] apitol Centre at Columbia Mall ? < 788-6051 ^^^ 30 1 0:00 2:00 4:30 7:20 9:45 ? iper 0 The Summer House ~i 20 9:45 2:00 4:00 7:10 9:15 J ntura 0 Monkey Trouble Zi JO 10:00 1:50 7:10 ^; ano 0 The Snapper ? 4:00 9:30 mm,: ii.i i A aai i : ipnia y naKea uun w/3 b__h 1:30 4:30 7:20 9:50 J J-.Y.Y.Y.V I Capitol 8 Cinema | H Columbia's Fun Place for Movies . " FREE 46 oz.Size Popcorn . \mmm\ !.00 Value) FREE with this Coupon I jj and any Ticket Purchase I Clip & Present at the Concession I t turn 3 pon Valid w/ticket purchase Expires 4/21/94 . I 2 For more information call 788-4638 I t Dnly $3750 Until 6:00~Pm" H ( rgain Hour, and Special Student Prices Daily! ! ; m 1111111111 iP 1 >*-? ***?*****************^ 5-PECPEAT10N-SAYS- * [-STONE-AGE-AND-WOPKOUTfl * _ 777-5261 J The City of Charleston's Office of < Cultural Affairs is pleased to an- ( nounce a special Piccolo Spoleto i and MOJA Arts Festival retrospec- ^ tive Exhibition of the Mayor's Pur- i chase Awards from both festivals s spanning 1984-1993. s This retrospective exhibition will be 1 held at the City Gallery, located in the t Dock Street Theater Building, at 133 Church St. This is a component of this I 2 Locations 1 7 Super Ta *when purchased t 806 Pavillion Ave. ? Five Points ? Former Outspokin Location (Pink building behind Eckerd Drugs) ^ rey2i9 If you're in the dark about I - - ? i ana oinn coniroi, you Dei Planned Parenthood offers c affordable services to help p So please... before you get h p| Planned P; 256-49( Off Forest Dr., 1/2 mile from Saturday, Lunchtime & Even pear's Piccolo Spoleto 1994 Visual Arts program. The exhibit will be open with a spe- 1 :ial reception from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. a May 21. Regular hours of the exhibit t during the festival will be from 9 a.m. s to 5 p.m. May 22 through June 5. Ad- t mission to both the reception and ex- c libit will be free to the general public, f Extravaganza Productions will pre- c sent the comedy, "Scrambled Eggs," p :o benefit Harvest Hope Food Bank, t rhe play, directed by Robert Harrel- y son, will be performed at Springdale y ilementarv School on Watline Road J - o n West Columbia. t; There will be two 8 p.m. perfor- c nances Friday, April 22, and Saturday, A ^pril 23, and a matinee at 2:30 p.m. b iunday, April 24. Tickets are $5 and may be pur- tl :hased in advance or at the door. A banned goods for the emergency V ;ood Box Program will also be ac:epted at the door. Items needed nost are canned meats, dried beans, j( iry milk in one-quart packages, infant C ormula and larger paper grocery e >ags. For more information call Robert tc larrelson at 957-4337 or Elaine Frick n it Harvest Hope Bank, 765-9181. tc Li Want to become a part of some- fc hine reallv soecial at a soectacular /I * )lace? Then join the excitement as a V( olunteer at the S.C. State Museum. 1 The museum is recruiting volun- it eers for many positions and will hold d >rientation sessions April 18 and 28 or those interested in learning more T bout the world of museums. ti Volunteer benefits include: a comirehensive training program, practi- 6( i: tie knot tight Ross put the gift in his truck, but af- g :er he got home, the balloon sailed p Dut of the passenger window. r "I ran inside the house and got my p jistol," he told the Independent Flori- ^ la Alligator. "I was going to shoot it down. But when I came out with the inn I fnront it KoH i Inrt nn it on/H ^utij m. iV4 o u 11 "mvi u ivvn vti iv uiiu an in the house to get the key." 11 Too late. The balloon was gone. s One of Ross'friends called a T jainesville radio station, which put s1 >ut an all-points bulletin on the rene- n Friday, April 1, 1994 ca :al experience, improved communi:ation skills, job references, excellent esume material, fun and fellowship vith a diverse group of people, free nuseum admission, 20 percent off itore purchases, 20 percent off mu;eum society membership, flexible lours and the opportunity to attend :xhibit and gallery openings. For more information, contact Nan ?ord at 737-4999. Do you have some spare time and ove the great outdoors? Looking for i rewarding experience or educaional opportunity this summer? Conider spending some time as a voluneer in a state or national park, forest >r other public land, where the need or volunteers is at an all-time high. The 1994 "Helping the Outloors," a directory of volunteer op>ortunities on public lands published >y American Hiking Society, can help ou find an opportunity to match our interest and schedule. American Hiking Society is a naional, nonprofit organization dediated to preserving and expanding merica's trails while promoting the enefits of hiking trails. For a 128-page directory of more bian 2,000 volunteer jobs, send $7 to US Helping Out, P.O. Box 20160, Washington, D.C. 20041-2160. If you're into swing and dancing, )in Tony Torre and the Tony Torre >rchestra at the following monthly vents. The orchestra performs from 3 p.m ) 6 p.m. the second Tuesday of each lonth at the Big Apple, 1000 Hamp>n St., behind the Richland County ibrary. Regular admission is 15, $4 >r senior citizens. The orchestra performs live on the 7SCQ morning show from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. the second Saturday of each lonth at the Western Steer on St. Anrews Road. At each performance, the Tony orre Orchestra accepts food donaons for Harvest Hope Food Bank. For more information or tickets, call 99-1957 or 252-7742. ter next time ;ade balloon. No sightings were re orted, so WKTK officials replaced the ing with one stipulation: Ross had to lace it on his girlfriend's finger inloors. ' The saga continued, though. A bus Iriver found the balloon and the ring i a nearby town two days later. Ross ince has exchanged rings with WKX, and he has some advice for other svains who might want to emulate his lethods: "Buy a lead weight, too!" li DRIVE fAN For You I ns $19* I I >y 4-10-94 M ( 519 Meeting Street X ? W.Columbia - Across From McDonald's ? 794-9100 J i J? y J H IVU#_L_^ things like safer sex ter brighten up. i onfidential and irotect your health. iurt, get smart. arenthoocf i jf )8 Povidence Hospital ing Hours Available ?????