The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, November 12, 1993, Image 1

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CPU sponsors j^j Fall Gala Southern stud By NEVADA McCALL Staff Writer USC ? Scholars from cities throughout the world, including Bonn, Copenhagen and Oslo, gathered for the first time in the United States to discuss the fascinating and intriguing region called the South. USC's Institute for Southern Studies program held a three-day international symposium on Southern literature and history Monday through Wednesday. European scholars have created the Southern Studies Forum to study aspects of the South. "I think it was a tremendous success," said Walter Edgar, director of the Institute for Southern Studies. use offer Editor's note: This is the second be in the ri in a two-part series examining the time and asl uses of Ovral as a morning-after make use of Dill. option. By JAY KING and "We do r PATRICK SHARBAUGH body," Eme Staff Writers knows that use ? With little fanfare, unprotecte< women's clinics across the coun- time of ovi try have been offering postcoital cerned, so contraceptives, the morning-after tiie one |n' pill, for years, and Columbia clin- tiiat servict ics are no exception. feNs betwee At USC, Thomson Student The C Health Center offers the postcoital Parenthood contraceptive Ovral, and in the offering Ov Midlands area, Planned Emerson sa Parenthood of Central South the office Carolina, Richland Memorial a^?ut twice Hospital and Baptist Medical Center pro- "If every girl on cai vide the drug. who was sexually a "There is 3 sirict protocol used condoms arte we adhere to birth control pill as scribing "the we wouldn't need pin," said Dr. morning-after pill." William Boggs, head thn Dr Will iam I VJ1 tliv ? TAAJUUAA1 JL women's clin- ? wi_ ic ai Thomson Thomson Health Student Health Center. "Before we dispense the morning- nor are th< after pill, we have every patient similar to complete an informed consent morning-af form, and we verify that she is construed not pregnant." Emei Boggs, like many other obste- But the 1 tricians and gynecologists, stress- aborti facie es that Ovral and drugs like it are widespread emergency contraceptives and are drug s fur not an acceptable form of regular ^ even s contraception. understand Doctors and researchers are not ^ spo sure precisely how postcoital con- Carolina traceptives work, but they believe, refused to if taken within 72 hours after clinic does unprotected sex, the drug inhibits P^- 1 sperm from getting to the egg, doctor ass< retards the sperm's ability to pen- believes th etrate the egg's outer covering wrong and changes the acidity in the msieau ui uterus to prevent the egg from to get pre implanting on the uterine wall. cates this 2 Jane Emerson, executive direc- fact, tor of Planned Parenthood of But Bog Central South Carolina, said that ? to some extent, a woman needs to S Alabama admin TUSCALOOSA, Ala. ? The except for administration at the University of toe front > Alabama has decided not to place maJe seat sanctions on the Coordinating of toe fer Council of Student Organizations ^ male\? for its involvement in the hiring of and down a male stripper. involved j Gene Marsh, associate professor co^eof law, reviewed the case for the e 0 Office of Student Life and com- over pared it to a case involving Delta 5 Tau Delta fraternity members. He or said the two events were not com- reP?rt dent at tf parable. i Marsh, who reviewed police Vin* reports, wrote about the Delta Tau e ^ Delta incident: "(Sgt. Dale Harsin) oMhe O observed two females unclothed t5ai k -< /% n n /^v 1 n ICd SCIIUICUS ? In 1991, Edgar presented a paper at the University of Bonn and was asked then by the forum if he would be interested in holding the next biennial conference at USC. 'The Europeans understand the importance of regionalism and can identify with the South as being the most clearly, well-defined American region," Edgar said. "The South, unlike the rest of the U.S., has been somewhat out of the mainstream, and Europeans can identify with this." Edgar said the Europeans view Southern culture as being closely related to their own. The opening session of the conference was at Harper College on the Horseshoe. The visiting scholars presented papers on various aspects of the South from fictional landscape to views of home. s morning ght place at the right OnBHIJI c the risht Question to -0? -1 the morning-after pill When a woman goes lot suggest it for any- Heai?n ? ., ... moming-after con rson said. A woman treatment, she is asked i she's recently had unprotected mid-cycle ir i intercourse at the Sedates foXralmus llation. She gets con- history of heart disease, b then she calls. She's chronic liver disei . c hypertension, and they hating a request for prepared to abort if the; i. It's a service that pregnant. Blood pressu n the cracks." .olumbia Planned office has only been Doc,ors wj|| ive 2 tab ral for a few months, tablets of LoOvral whe id, and she estimates follow with the same d< prescribes the drug will also receive 25 rr a month. hours for nausea. VT . A consent form is sig Mmmmm Nauonally, copy, and one goes the morning- Doctors will also TtDUS after pill has contraception alterna . hppn mn. return for another preg LCtlVe fll._H -th \ the treatment and rr I ru f"SeS WUh during that time. I the the French- " iafoII made drug Chris Muldrow/The Gameccx Wel1, RU 486, the Tk yr 1 tVlP SKnetl^n l\ /I 1 C 1 1 H L pliFloth IVllOUllUV Boggs and * wgsSr,.., women fDnt0f 0vral . and By SHAYLA STUTT! pills like it Viewpoints Editor are not abor- ~rr ? tion pills USC ? Althou8h r ;ir methods of action AIDS and P^nancy that of RU 486. "The exle,,slve med,a and ter pill should not be attention experts say as a method of abor- "omen 'ack kn?w < .. their reproductive heal! notion that Ovra. is an nt is hut nart of the ^ , . r OI ^erurai aoum I confusion about the ?Despite a? sex iction. Many doctors jjear about in the mi ome OB/GYNs do no college-age women ha the morning-after pill. knowledge. They don' keswoman for the (() lajk t0 tbeir sex pa Women's Clinic who needs and how t0 u be identified said the i),emse|ves." not offer the morning- said the ignorai She also said the only -s seen wdh unintend aciated with the clinic des an(1 STOs ^ e pill often operates in den(s Allhough wom6 way, making it more residence halls reque less likely for a woman Qn hQW (0 use contra gnant Research indi- how w ,essen ^ ri, isseruon has no basis in jng A,DS Lockwo() . ? ... "how-to" programs art ;gs and Emerson said it help ee OVRAL, page 2 Without understan. istration will no a u-stnng mat covereu * vaginal area. There was a fl sd in a chair while one nales was standing over s crotch area moving up as though the two were in an act of sexual inter- ^^ 1 ther female was leaning 311 audience of abot male kissing and licking staff members and > facial and neck area." and staff visiting (i ily sentence in Marsh's building)." intioning the actual inci- The stripper was t le Office of Student Life member Jeff Piask ? CCSO members said, OSL secretary Pam ! ale dancer evidently his shirt and cap in front The C SL office and danced to . .. The Universit nftrni IIUU Serving USC since 1908 gather at USC 'The topics discussed ranged from Williai Faulkner and Thomas Jefferson, African American burial customs to South Carolina bai beque, " Edgar saia. "The symposium covered wide range of customs." Jadwiga Maszewska from the University c Lodz read "Home and Homelessness" in Toi Morrison's "Beloved." Morrison was awarde the Nobel Prize for Literature this year. "The two motifs of motherhood and horn come together within the novel," Maszewsk said. The symposium also featured the contempt rary Southern films "It's Grits" and "Th Strength of These Arms." The next Southern Studies Forum will t held in 1995 at Cambridge, England. ;-after pill i to the Center for (receptive f she had itercourse f have no [HO I f P 9"an^ \he lood clots,- :fj . [? 9'y?n *e ase or // Health Center. must be -\ / become /irtL re, pelvic /j LP ?g also show / lets of Ovral or Orcon or 4 n the patient comes in, and 0?0<jp^;: Dsage in 12 hours. Patients Cy-A A Jp ig of Phenergan every 4-6 ned; the student gets one on the student s chart. ff viv discuss and encourage Til itives. The patient must inancy test two weeks after lust not have intercourse xv M. Source: Thomson Health Center I;. :k 4. i: i ;rsianuiiigs ciuuu s health issues S and the reproductive cycle, it is dangerous for women to use conisks such as traception as a safety net instead r ^ given ?f considering the future. Yet, this educational *s how college students handle that college contraception. >dge about "The problem runs deeper than a lack of knowledge," Lockwood director of said- "The issue of reproductive Parenthood health and sexuality must be olina said looked at in its wholeness, not just we see and hie sex act. This is much different idia, young hian just showing someone how to ve very low use contraceptives." t know how Comfort with oneself as a sexurtners about 31 being is essential to understandike care of inS one s body. However, female students who receive care al nee problem Thomson Student Health Centei ed pregnan- have little more than a basic college stu- knowledge about their reproduc;n in college hve health, st programs William Boggs, head ol ceptives and Women's Care at the health cen >ks of catch- ter' sa"h, "They know to get a pap d said such smear, but they don't know wha sn't going to PaP smears can and cannot detect ding oneself See HEALTH, page 2 t punish council [w SHg9SB ' j it 25 students, other faculty Tabloid publishers the Fergusson K , discover trash dispos lired by CCSO y to strip for COLUMBUS, Ohio ? A1 sewell. beginning a season with Lantern Stadium View disappt rimson White y of Alabama Sunny > , j jBhSk B ^ I I a jl, g. - i I| : B^B d pPB >e MBBMBBI^, WBM^Wl Bryan Mims/The Gamecock ^ Anne Jones, a professor at the University of Florida, discusses Southern culture with Peter Nicolaisen of Flensburg, Germany. 1 QtnVpe ciHrlrpeepc e^fptv U IU1VVJ UUUIVJUVU UUXVtJ at vice president's panel By SCOTT POWELL clothes patrol the area on a regular Staff Writer basis, though shifts are staggered to USC ? Students were given the avoid a set pattern, chance Tuesday to voice their con- "I feel we've done a better job cerns about campus issues at the without exposed security guards," SGA-sponsored Vice President's Stokes said. Since September, 20 Panel. to 25 arrests have been made for "The purpose was to find out tampering with cars, what student concerns are so stu- Stokes said the main responsibildent government can better^ priori- 0f jjjjc police are on campus, tize what needs to be done, junior including providing some funding Mike Moore said. for ^ ^pQ escort service. Concerning incidents in wh ch Th(, missjon of usc PoUce students have been shot by pellet . .. f ..... . . is to provide a safe campus tor stuguns and robbed at gunpoint, cam- p 1 r t r Utllld, 301U. pus safety was a major concern of students participating in the discus- lce residcnt rian sion Comer said legislation is being Carl Stokes, director of Law introduced to cover the cost tor Enforcement and Safety, said if paying drivers for a proposed shutstudents spot suspicious people on tie to Five Points, which would run campus at night and are concerned Thursday, Friday and Saturday about their safety, they should go nights. to a call box on campus. Other issues discussed included 'The only way we have to pro- possible changes to commencement tect people is to make sure people exercises, have business there," Stokes said. There is a possibility commenceIn addition to having nine offi- ment will be split between colleges cers on duty every shift, Stokes jn ^ eff0rt to shorten the overall said there^are 15 reserves available, ceremony, although concern was nc *uu u.c .ww.c expressed tha, Has wou!d not lUlow criminal justice majors who are . .. . ,. certified as constables by SLED, olh" s,udenls 10 ^ their fnends which gives them the authority to "^te* ^ arrest people. However, RPO's are SGA Chief of Staff Dav,d Ha,,er not allowed to carry guns. there were several myths surBecause of budget cuts, Stokes rounding commencement speakers, said a security contract to provide Haller said academic calendars guards for the Blossom Street are set in advance until 1999 and it Garage at night was eliminated this takes at least three to four years to year. get a nationally known commence However, he said police in plain ment speaker. Power loss inconveniences students By ROCHELLE KILLINGBECK north Horseshoe area near the Senior Writer Caroliniana Library, as well as > USC ? While students enjoyed Patterson and the Russell House, t "The Fly" Friday night at the Carolina Program Union leaders Russell House Theater, 12 campus had 10 about 60 people to go : electricians laid about 10,000 home at 9 p.m. when the electricity pounds of cable after a power loss went out in the Russell House, in a tunnel near the north forcing them to cancel "The Last F UrvrcocHrui QfPQ Action Hero." 1 1 1UI OVOIIVA/ UIVU. "A major (electric) cable failed "We lost ab?ut $20? in revenue, > and exploded inside a conduit but we were a^'e t0 s^ow "Ihe t about 8 p.m. Friday," said Cecile W at 11 P-m. after the power Sheppard, high voltage supervisor came back on, said Stephen for energy services. He said the Brown, CPU cinematic arts chairr cable was 25 years old. ? The power loss affected the See POWER, page 2 for funding male stripper Iing by the thousands, the publish- stadium. ers have discovered an official in Catalino said the throwing away the Ohio State University of Lantern issues has caused probAthletics Deoartment instructed , a stadium woricers to throw the spe- lcmj> 1UI u,c U1UIU,U s 5,14111 cial football tabloid in the "Last year, we had to refund garbage. approximately $2,000 to advertis "I told them to pick up any ers when the first issue was taxtrash lying around," said Michael en " he Dolan, athletics facilities supervi- Catalino said he is currently , sor. "You tell me, Is this publica- ,. , al tjon trash7? working on a memo to the director Raymond Catalino, the Lantern ?f athletics informing him ol the r business manager, said issues were situation and asking for $2,500 to being thrown away in 1992 and reimburse advertisers. that Dolan had said he would clear Stf- up the situation if copies of the The Lan,em Lantern remained outside of the . _ ,, . Ohio State University