Calvin & Hobbes Xou SM. WHEN VCXJ BECOME rCMr^^\T~i' ft FATUER, ^OU SET A SEE IT? A S ^OOK I 1 ? ^ Mb Dave I / V""*v / y > ( HALtoWgENJ ) <-^\ ( Y&UFE ) mmmmm Farside ^ rlr I J _J^U?t& The entire parliament fell dead silent. For the first time since anyone could remen one of the members voted "aye." Bmn Watterson 10PE, ^ \ \T TEUS YWAT \TE| NOT MUQMED (OWN. y NOT ? y UKE TO RA\SE A OC/.V J TO KNOW TOM UNTIL >r7^/ K,D ^-,# ( ITS TOO LATE NOT TO HME OlVi. . x * A IF r HAD X I\ A A yf SUOOLD BE REFLEXES LIKE VPt^rViCf / ">be Y\ t * * PREDATORS GLADRttTUE 1 1HS10E oFwawmto ^ OWtA HOUSE.' IMPROVE TUEM. f ? LSfc-. Miller i TM$ 16 THE 6aY/ j ^-~/O.K., LBT'4 \ tejioT ap^J ! ) / ii V^^ j?^ \il ( ^V7 /^rnVKUTrt 5? Larson Fortunately, even the Boy Scouts who iber, fail knot-tying get to go camping. < 4T* * ** .. -I ^*k. .?*?. **m r% ?. ?- ?itis I 3UUL LUUK5 BALK I ^IN WONDER^! - 01 > 5 \ mgmmF?li|? - IkI > l??ii^M I HHHHi staff members i it r V .. .... I I I rm^f J J - s,J J J J the garnet & black yeaibook is looking for interested people to help with the production of the 1994 edition. No past - yearbook experience is needed. Several staff positions are open. 1 , I >, Come by the interest meeting to become part of the University of South Carolina Yearbook staff. < . J \993-9Vi/ interest meeting Room 316 Russell House Tuesday, Nov. 2 7 p.m. .. A