i "tBaifa'cock Serving USC Since 1908 J.T. Wagenheim, Editor in Chief Shayla Stutts, Viewpoints Editor EDITORIAL BOARD Jay King, Gordon Mantler, Rob Rodusky, Lee Clontz, Carson Henderson OIIUIUC ;;Safety is primary concern for students who travel between campus, Five Points Many evenings, USC students who frequent Five Points have probably found themselves trapped at an inconvenient hour in a restaurant or bar without a ride home. Granted, home might be a campus dormitory a few blocks away, but at 2 a.m., walking alone in the dark is an unsafe and dismal prospect. Ideally, people wouldn't be out late at night if safety and security were foremost in their minds. However, gravitating to Five Points as a socia] tenter on the weekends is an integral part of life for many students. Anc what could be more sensible as a safety bridge between USC and Five Points than a shuttle service that runs from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thursdaj through Sunday? The recent crimes against USC students indicate that walking is nc ' loiiger a safe alternative for students who are without transportation. The) need a safe, inexpensive way of going to and from Five Points. The con 1 ? *'? *? ?i? fnno rKnnlH \\?% ncoH trv fiinH fhit troversy IICS 111 WUCUICI MUUClll tfcuvlljr miuuiu uv uovu iv 1u..v. ?... sfervice. There are many hypothetical reasons why such a service shouldn't exist Shawna Wilson's comment in the Oct. 29 issue that "Five Points is not i part of the USC campus" is one of them. This is like saying tha Gamecock football isn't a part of living in Columbia. Five Points isn't an official part of USC, but this isn't the point. Then are plenty of students who find Five Points an attractive center that add: special times and memories to their USC experience, whether thei patronage be for retail or entertainment. Safety is the key. If we want to counteract the image of unsafeness 01 the roads between campus and Five Points and take a pro-active stej toward a truly safer community, a shuttle service is the answer. Since some students might object to a shuttle service that draws fron their activity fees, perhaps the service could charge a small fare for eacl student who rides. Recent budget cuts at USC demand that a shuttle ser ?1 c ? ; vice uc icii-suppuiuiig. i>2JSC, with the encouragement from student organizations, shouh approve a trial run of the service. How will we ever know the good tha could emerge from the experiment if we don't take the risk to find out? I students discover that the shuttle service isn't necessary, we can at leas ^ay we tried to improve safety conditions in our community. LTV is scapegoat 3 for violent society 'O What happened to the good J L > old days when people took ||fl rjt responsibility for their actions? II The recent controversies ! mm ~Z about television violence have stirred enough debate to prompt ! Attorney General Janet Reno to .1 nlead with Congress to inter K vene if the networks don't take the responsibility of cutting back on murder and mayhem. Reno, who once again is * meddling in affairs in which she < has no place, decided to go "That was a really dumb thing before Congress when a two- my kid did. How could he be so ?-* year-old girl was killed after her stupid." One mother said her ; five-year-old brother set fire to son couldn't have come up with ]' the family's mobile home. The this one on his own, but he's children's mother immediately not stupid. ^ blamed MTV's disgustingly With respect to the ' funny duo, Beavis and Butt- deceased's mother, he was a head. moron! The mother didn't think to People need to take responsive blame herself for leaving the bility for their actions and not r\ children home alone with look for scapegoats to excuse ? matches. Children like to their stupidity. I haven't heard explore and find things out. of anyone blaming dam-jumpWhen I was 5, there was no ingS 0n Harrison Ford after see> Beavis and Butt-head, but I still jng "The Fugitive." Did anyone ? figured out what matches are. I try to kill President Clinton after ? didn t set my house on fire, but Qjnt Eastwood's "In the Line ^ it I had, I guarantee you my 0f Fire?" No. And correct me if parents wouldn t have tried to Vm w but { reaily don>t blame a stupid TV show. think anybody blamed "Lethal In the Northeast, a few inc.- w .. for ^ bombi Qf ^ dences of rough-and-tough foot- World Tfade Center ball players lying in the middle Re ne?d of the road to psych themselves . . , . f . , 4 . . , copycat-crime kick and start up prompted Disney s ,,. . . r .. . . \ K. - , , blaming themselves for their Touchstone division to yank a ... * . . similar scene from the movie focy. And shame on Disney "The Program." Some of the for 8lvinS When " dld- ^ -. j u:. u.. company practically took siuuciiii> wcic mi uy tms. Imagine: They were lying in the responsibility tor something it middle of the road to toughen no contfol over, up and had to learn the hard way that cars are bigger than ^ ^ Wagenheim is editor in people. Shocker. chief of The Gamecock. His colThe students were teen-agers. umn appears every other Their parents chose to openly Monday. blame a movie for their children's actions instead of saying, The Gamecock will try to print all letters received. Letters should be 200-250 words and must include full name, professional title or year and major if a student. Letters must be personally delivered by the author to The Gamecock newsroom in Russell House room 321. The Gamecock reserves the right to edit all letters for style, possible libel or space limitations. Names will not be withheld under any circumstances. VlEV Shot "Yes, if it's for a thing. And it wo good also for peop can't drive home." Chad I Media arts i I I SGA seeks n SGA has taken a new tack i especially those active in studei There are three radical poim the way we now approach stud First, we're aggressively coir organizations at meetings. Sec t ing student leaders succeed \ use campus resources. We wai zations to work together for t USC community. Finally, we iccnpc onH crUiitinnc that wp p r year's administration. The possibilities of Internet tion device between student < SGA is under investigation t Affairs. Already, the S.C. Stud statewide student lobby for hi; planning its meetings with Inte More and more, student ( j teaming up to achieve com t example, service and enviror tions are working together ui t "Common Ground" to promote Organizational Affairs is al workshop series where expe teach newly elected organizati Fabrications shade battle flag's honor To the editor: One hundred twenty-eight ago, my great, great, great gra ther returned home from his as captain in the Confederate ; Like most soldiers, he didn't for slavery. He fought fo home, his family, his way o and for an economy which dying under the domination c industrialized North. Unfortunately, under the ance of the NAACP, the ACL occasional obnoxious "rednec the misuse of the Confederate tie flag by the KKK, the old ' has been made to look like a and terrible place that was fi hatred. Furthermore, the NjA has deemed the battle flag ai vestiges of the old South ! "symbols of universal evil." however, is a jaded and na: minded view. My family is not racist father marched with Martin I King Jr. in the civil rights i ment. However, we still stai many of the lofty ideals o ancestors who fought in On a naTiomai I tit ^yLJf\ UNPERsTMP 1i Vtf.TtSAfiJsHlP A OUiR GjoVERA/AIE TaxpayUME THEREFORE, WI MORE OPEWL DEMOCRATS... Aff tTTHIUIHinr VPOINTS lid USC fund a shu safety "Yes, but I feel it should uld be be one of the top concerns le who for students getting to and from Five Points." 'rater Bryan Mack i senior Music junior lore communicai to serve students, ZZ^ZZH^Z tit organizations. J ts of departure in ent organizations. m imunicating with W iqp :ond, we're help- , > v F vith projects that V ^=jr it student organihe benefit of the wdk jF ik 're recording the ncounter for next on skills. This pro1 as a communica- group transition fror organizations and ing rewarding and fi >y Organizational orate with student 1 ent Association, a compose a terse gui gher education, is tion. met in mind. In an effort to gel organizations are we're working witJ imon goals. For who may learn more imental organiza- President's Project nder the aegis of meetings and accom : Earth Day. organizational mee so coordinating a planning a compute irienced students record keeping, evei on leaders hands- SGA Executive Rep< Confederate army. The Confederate battle fl under which they fought is rep sentative of the noble beliefs a ideals of those brave men w y^fs lived in a chivalrous age whi< contrary to popular belief, was term dominated by slavery, hatred "universal evil." The Confeder; fight flag is a symbol of my very pro r his heritage. f hfe if someone from another coun was came here and asked me what I >f the flag st00(i for, I would explain historical significance and the s guid- nificance of what it means to j U? an god thousands of people, k" or Don't be misled. Think for yo 5 bat- selves. The Confederate battle fl South is not a racist symbol despite I dark misconceptions of a small minori jll of if the flag is taken down a lACP viewed as insignificant, then id all mockery will be made of the ir to be who fought so bravely and paid This, dearly with their lives for the h rrow- ideals and beliefs of the South. We can't erase history. We c . Mv however, trv to understand it bei * ?' ,uther rather than shading it with our o nove- views and misleading others w id by adulterated, darkened fabricate f our of it. i the Check the polls. A great majoi ss/oam/, kepobucans We Problems of fjp hon IT GRip 'lock '-nt- wasting both f~\ anpmonei... t I PlaN To WoRK 'V i i . /.-r: i -c i r~ Wl In IMt ittle service to Fn i "I think it would be helpful because a lot of students don't have safe ways to get from Five Points to campus." Vernica Downey International studies freshman i* *11- J . on wun siuat ? 1 Fii uci; ( can culea camp A: learn ^ repia __J place opini rides a template for good Vice n year to year while pursu- studei m projects. We also collab- al re] eaders, staff and faculty to discu: ide to running an organiza- tive s In t students involved in SGA, sociel ti three student volunteers betwe -i ? or< A i : .1? . T aooui ovj/\ oy assisting uic me u Cabinet, attending cabinet nizati panying cabinet members to that :tings. These students are contii r filing system to improve itually leading to an annual art. of the people of South Car* ag want the flag to stay atop the re- House. In a Democratic societ) nd majority rules. Try telling ho majority that their heritag :h, insignificant. Put it to a vote n't the people decide that this is or an issue of heritage, not hate, ate Don't, however, ever again md to the flag as racist, insignifica a symbol of "universal evil.' try not. the Matt Mc its History ji me Gamecock lacks ur. conservative views lag To the editor: the For three years, I have read ity. Gamecock between classes ? nd Monday, Wednesday and Frid i a have seen the good journa ten along with the bad. Many o so writers have given us their opii rue wholeheartedly on many diff issues, whether it be homosej an, ty, race relations, abortion, < iter rights and, yes, even wn Confederate flag, dth One thing I have noticed i: mis they always seem to tack on liberal views and make lig rity moral and conservative view; UNllU 1UEM SEE Tt4l n ^ OUR WAM. i ?e Points? "Yes, it would be a great idea. Since people go there to party, it would be safer." Rebecca Hoffmann Engineering freshman nt organizations 0/~> A A /i I r, ? i-nlnino iiany, OU/\ liupcd iu ucvtiv^ a uai?4,,o am that will teach student volunteers pubbaking skills. With this in place, students issist Organizational Affairs with the hern task of keeping in touch with nearly 260 ius organizations. > a member of this organization, I've ed that a diversity of opinions can't be ^ ced and that we must continue to build :s where we can hear students' diverse ons. With hope, the success of the Nov. 9 President's Panel will lead to a permanent nt council where students and organizationDresentatives may present their ideas for ssion and implementation by their respccenators. upcoming years, the emergence of a new ty of organizations and a new partnership sen SGA and student leaders will benefit ISC community. Ultimately, building orgaons that learn from year to year will mean USC's strongest asset, its students, will lue to grow and learn. ? Zac Moore is SGA director of Organizational Affciirsalina others may have. State I know that young, aspiring writr, the ers want to be the next to write f?r that The State or U.S. News, and 1 !e iS sure that they will fit right in. The ^et liberalism that they hand us week in and week out will go along great with the rest of the media we hear refer , . ? today. All of this brings me to point: Contrary to popular belie*, Cord not ^ us w^? attenri USC 310 a unior lree hugging, politically correct people who stand on the steps ot Gambrell Hall and voice our options. Not all of us see eye to eye? with Bill Clinton and A1 Gore-. Some of us go to church with our, 1 parents Sunday morning, like coun-. :very try music and still believe it's OK; ,.y" 1 to wait until you're married to have 'fll"n children. nions If yOU happen t0 see differently erent on subiects Iike pro-life, homosexcuali ualily or of the above, fine. Bat; 2quai maybe, just maybe, the next time * | t^e journalism major sits down to write * his next article in The Gamecock^. s that he could consider the other side ?C their the story as well, ht of Ben MerntC > that Music education junior 1 s a J \ a