The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, July 14, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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NSF RM 2BR/1BA Apt. Shandon area $175 per mo+1/2 util. CaH Susan at 799-0691 F RM needed tor very nice 2 BR/1 BA apt. in the 5 pts. area $250/mo + 1/2 util Senior or Grad. pret. available at Aug. 1. 2567437 lv. mess. M/F RM wanted, spacious 2BR apt. on Greene St. Carpeted, C H&AC, W/D, earning avail, r-au bem. aj & on. Hem $250/mo.+ 1/2 util. Call Pratish at 7794197 M/NS grad. stud, to share 2BR/1B Greene St. apt. $300/mo+1/2 util. 779-0210 M RM to share 2BR apt. non-smoking, grad or professional. 2 blocks from 5 pts. $215 per mo+util. 779-1698 Need RM by 8/1 for 2Br Apt. next to Roost. $210/mo + 1/2 util. 256-8360 NSM RM to share 3Br. furnished house. $210/mo. +1/3 utilities. Call 782-7057 NS RM to share 2Br,1.5 Ba. Rosewood Apts. $225/mo +1/2 util. 738-7985 Place on the Green $288/mo. + 1/2 util. 2BR/2BA, W/D Available Aug. 1,252-5537 Iv. msg. RM for 3BR/2BA house 2 m. from campus, C/A, furn. kit & livroom, micro, driveway. $270/mo. & 1/3 util. 254-5075 Roomate wanted to share 2 BR apt. Rosewood apt. available July 2. $225/mo. 1/2 util. Call 777-0010. Ask for Robert Room ava. w/priv. bath. Enough room for 2. Available Aug. 15, Greenbrier Apts (pool, aerobics, tennis courts, W/D) $176 + 1/3 utilities/mo Call 741-2589 Room for rent in private home 2nd floor BR, balcony, walk in closet. Pref. Senior or Grad student. $250/m $250/deD in eludes all util. expenses except for 1/3 phone bill + long distance. 782-8834. Rosewood 3BR, cent H&A, W/D, $160/mo + util., pets OK, leave message. 779-0355 ^R^!ardwood^3/^nile^<^SC^395. 799-5594 or 256-2184 4BR/2BA house close to USC $975 per mo. 799-5594 or 256-2184 1316 Pickens St. 1 & 3 BR Apts. DOWNTOWN/USC, Newly renovated, $400-5700 + dep. No pets. Leasing May thru Sept. Call 252-8282. Lv. Message. 1 BR apt. close to USC $350/mo.+ util. Grad. stud, or prof. pref. 252-5484 1BR Duplex across fm Med. Univ.Stove.refrig. Very clean.fenced yd, blinds, Hardwooa fl.,washer included, $345 per mo includes yd up keep. 1BR Condo 10min fm USC, stove, refrig, DW, DP, pool, tennis ct. very clean.$370 per mo. 776-8823. 2BR/2BA, pool. W/D conn., ueerwooa Knoll, $600/mo. 735-1842 2 mi. from USC, 3BR/2BA, centr. H&A, fenced yard, W/D hookup, garbage disposal $630/mo. 637-3209 available now 3012 Heyward St., 1Br, sfove, refrig, water turn., carpeted. $375/mo. 788-7171 AC 2Br Apt. w/fireplace near downtown. $395/mo. + dep. 782-4440 AC 1Br Apt. Near River Dr. $295/mo + dep. 782-4440 AC 2Br Apt. in Shandon. $450/mo. + dep. 782-4440 AC 4Br Apt. near dowtown. 740/mo.+ dep. 782-4440 A/C 3BR apt. 3blks from 5 Pts. $630/mo. + dep. 782-4440. Cayce Lg. 2 BR brick apt., downstairs, stove, refrig, A/C, mini-blinds. No pets. $400/mo.+S400 sec. dep. 10 min. from USC. 796-7799 ? ,'803)252-5709 H A ll m i I Ik ff * Consignment V H Costume Jewelry Home Accessories ^ fOiO'i. 1970s Avf Deco to D4sco 4 & 4 ~/T SELECTIONS 942 V2 Harden Street Columbia, SC 29203 I I I Furn room, bath, util. & kit. nice neighborhood, Rent by wk. or mo. 798-0938 Furn. room 1 3/4 mile to USC. All ameni ties. Quiet neighborhood, l-emale NS urad. Stud. Utilities Included. $275/mo.,$100 dep. Avail. Immediately. Call Randy 739-6960 Several 1 & 2br Apts available 8/1/93 near USC/5pts, central A/C and appliances. 2564151 1 BR apt. Skylights, tenced yd., deck, washing machine $299/mo Rosewood 886-6598 USC AREA: Park Circle: Studios/ Efficiencies Unturn. & Furn. S350-S475, 1BR $475-5600, 2BR $600-5775. Place on the Greene: 2BR 5600-UnturnPlaza Centre: 1 BR 5500-Furn., 2BR $550- $575Unfurn.1/2 off 1st month9 rent on select Studios & 1 BRs Deane Chavous Realtors 256-3111 Shandon turn, room w/priv. bath, F only. $300 inc.util. 254-9990 lmg/359-4929 USC 3BR, 1BA, Appl, $395 (includes water/ garbage/sec.) No pets. 779-3533 USC Lg 2BR & 4BR/Furn Eft $365 45735/ $300 324-6 Whaley 777-8458 Super end unit, owner says "sell", 2BR, 2 1/2 BA, all rooms large. Walk-in closet in master. Community pool. $41,500 Call Verdie 345-1094, Bob Capes Realtors Convenient end unit in spotless condition. 2 BR, 1 1/2 BA. Lexington 1 schools. Pool, tennis courts, $42,500. Call Verdie 345-1094, Bob Capes Realtors Dependable, strong-willed, adaptive person for after school care of boys ages 15 & 13. Must have car to take boys to lessons, practice, etc. Salary to be mutually agreed upon. Telephone at 6:00 pm 799-0688 Farm Bureau Insurance Co. Immed. opening in underwriting dept. for a permanent part time analyst. Working hrs 5-9 pm M-F. Duties inch: assimilating info, from auto systems, auto accts., worksheets referred by underwriters, calling the insured at home and answering questions on worksheet. Must work during 93-94 academic yr. If interested please contact Donna at 796-6700 ext. 201. Farm Bureau Bldg. 2nd floor Personell Office. 724 Knoxx Abott Dr. Hours are M-F 9-11 am, 2-4 pm Chester drawers (medium oak stain, 4 drawers, good condition) - $45, love seat (dark orange cloth, low back, good condition) $35, lamps (all sizes) $4-$10/ea. 794-8325 Duran Duran tickets for sale, July 24, call JoJo at 252-3969 Some tickets may not be transferable. It's your responsibility to insure the transferability of any tickets purchased. Perfect for USC student, Pandy 1000TL monitor, CPU, Keyboard, printer, dual drive, harddrive, software incl. $400 699-0947 w FULL SERVIC Includ Next day shoe repa Plenty or tr at our Assent (One block frc ! Special Shoe 3 ladies heels fc I o $3 Off men's h; offer expires Please present co ! Thieves Antique/ Flea market, Great Stuff, Tables, Chairs, Desks, Lamps, Nearly New to Antique. Classically Affordable. 502 Gadston, 3 Blocks West of the Coliseum. 10a-6p W,Th,F,Sat and sun ip-bp. i!b4-4yy/ mc/visa Used Furniture & Appliances... tor your dorm or apt. Exc. prices will buy back at end of school year. Odds & Ends Used Furniture 252-5122 we've moved closer to USC tor your convenience. We are now at 2757 Rosewood Drive. Mon - Fri 10:00am-6:30pm, Sat 10:00am-5:00pm? Sun 1:30pm-5:00pm 1989 Honda Civic Si., White, A/C, 5 spd, 16 valve engine, 32 mpg., great condition, highway miles, serviced regularly, $5500. 771-3196 between 1-8pm or 337-2701 after 8pm. Ask for Brian English M.A. will type, edit, & tutor in LitJComp. 252-1922 $20 resumes: $2.50/pg papers. Call Betty 254-9990 Img Desperate?! Fast, prof., 24hr. serv., pick-up/del., Engl. grad. 799-7587. ENJOY YOUR SUMMER! Prof. Wordprocessing saves you time looks great! Engl, grad., legal sec. with 12 yrs. exp.. Call Maiy at 787-5675. Good work, short time. $2/paae DS, Campus pick up & delivery. Prompt Pages 782-0813. Lv msg, call returned. Laura's Word Castle Word Processing Service Term Papers, Theses, etc. I DvlntA/4. Ill A ADA i_aoei r i ii ucu, ivii_r\, /~\r /-* Free Disk & Hard Copy Storage CaH Laura Sllgh at 951-9340 Professional typist near campus.Double space $1.50, Single space $2.00.Call 254-9204. Typing discounts for students. Disk storage, free revisions, laser printing.CALL IRIS EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAL SERVICE. 790-IRIS (4747). Typing-Quality Word processing. Downtown Cola. Quick turn around. Call Yvonne. 779-4420 ext. 355 or 957-8960. Typing/Word Processing IBM/Mac MAPA/MLA Styles will proof, edit. PU/ Deliver. $2/pg Olin 256-2245 ApTCieanin^aorTTi^nrafs^OTTKiiTBA. $30 + $5 for ea add. rm. Call 739-0861. COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE-LAST YEAR OVER $75 BILLION WAS AWARDED RECORDED MESSAGE GIVES DETAILS (803) 920-1412 Dentist two blocks off campus. Dr. John A. McGeary.International Students and faculty welcomed. Insurance accepted. 1226 Pickens St. 254-3383. Fast professional typing. Reasonable rates. 15 yrs. exp. No project too large or small. Call Lee 796-6412 & leave message Have professors who can't teach? Call THE PROFESSOR 957-0577 Chem, Physics, Alg, Calculus Uttfai E CLEANERS ing... ir by Old Cobbler ee parking bly St. Store im Coliseum) Repair Offer | thp nrtrp of 9 I r r | alfsole & heels August 30th | upon with order DMB Heading for EUROPE this summer? Only $229!! Jet there anytime for only $229 from Florida,$169 from the Northeast with AIRHITCH! (Reported in Let's Go! & NY Times). AIRHITCH r 212-864-2000 Horses boarded, Crowsnest Farm. New barn, large stalls, riding ring & trails. Eastover 353-0344 Quality Resumes-$20 Prof. Typeset 10 prints - Perm. Storage ^^^Vis^/^mEx79^93^^^ How to KNOW you are going to heaven (recorded message) 796-7014, Call Now. Cash paid lor used Cds,records,& tapes. All kinds music. Papa Jazz Records & Tapes. 2014 Greene St. 256-0095. CLASSIFIED J IRIFORIi Classified Advertising is charged on prepaid by cash, check, VISA, or Ma: billed. Orders and payments are acce Classifieds are taken in room 313, 1 Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Adv 10:00am the day prior to publication, I Classified Advertising for LOST OR F cost, with no guarantee. Classified advertisements will be plac which they apply. Position requests w Classifieds should include only the firs than the person placing the advertisei unless approved and verified in perso reserves the right to reject any advert due to subject matter or phraseology. Deac Maar Crirj<5\/ tr\r I^II/VII i nuay I>-? Noon Tuesday for1 Noon Thursday I Ra $1.00 per line f $0.75 per line for consecu Approximately 30 10% added for bold, 10% added 1 The Gamecock (cia P.O. Box 85131-C 777 Columbia's Big< UaIa in +Uo in* I Iwlv III lll^ vvc Large group 95' Acn i Smoke. Die. I / I It's that simple, i Please stop smoking. | _j ADVERTISING fl AT I O INI a per line basis. Classifieds may be stercard. Business accounts may be jpted in person, by mail, or by phone. 400 Greene Street. Office hours are: 'ertisements may be cancelled before however no refunds are given. OUND ITEMS are accepted at no ed into the classified category to ithin categories cannot be accepted. >t name or initials of persons other nent. Last names cannot be used n. The Gamecock Student Newspaper isement which it deems objectionable II! lines Monday's paper Wednesday's paper for Friday's paper tes or first insertion itive runs.Minimum 2 lines. characters per line or ALL CAPS, and 20% for BOTH. ssified Advertising Office) Columbia, SC 29208 4249 WE DELIVER Five Points Best! Pizza, wings, grilled sandwiches and fresh salads gest ill! ^ welcome 252-9464 I 0 Harden St. oss from Food Lion