The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, March 24, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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Top 10 Signs You Tak Tournament Too Seriously 10. You're transferring to Coasta 9. Instead of pretending you wei excuse for an absence is a phoi from March Madness. 8. You missed "The Simpsons Kentucky vs. Memphis State. 7. When coming to after being about me, how's Chris Webber?" 6. You always get a lot of fortui of them will tell you the winning 5. You write to CBS announce doing Mr. Cash commercials be< image. 4. You write a letter to the edii "babe" or make fun of fraternitie the Top 10 too seriously). 3. Some women invite you ov don't have a TV. 2. When hearing about the high closures, your first thought is, " the Final Four." 1. All your beer money's tied up Jupiter Coyote To Howl ; band Jupiter Coyote will bring tomorrow night. The band, form years ago, has gone from fratei label in its at times tumultuous c; The band has recently weath Grubb and drummer Matt Trevi Brightwell and David Stevens, v It has also undergone a name called Rockafellas, but encounte under that guise. Jupiter Coyote consists of Slpvpnc dinner with cmitnri<U Ms . wwo, UAV/t.g, " John Felty. Its music is drawn ir the road and is influenced by s and The Eagles. One of its more unusual featui five-stringed combination banjoMatthew Mayes and also used in Although the band's exhausi songs, it enjoys playing clubs a stage at one it used to share a nai bS ?i38r Cr i k. i g^BEBBasa Dale Eii''r"'liiTHl p|aCe: Living With Aids - A.Woman's TODAY, Wed., March 24,4 pm. ^ne'.il'Pi- l^)r Mnf'l RH1 Hirpclnr Bioethics & A Woman Living With AIDS. Sponsored b) Women Students' Association I Thursday, March 25, 6:30pm Russell House 302 "The African Queen" Sunday, March 28, 3 pin Wed., March 31,8 pm Russell H $2.00 admission.Sponsored by: C Cinematic Ai ts Committee Outstanding Women at USC R Presentation of the Outstanding \ Honoring die Women's Student i Tuesday, March 30 4:30-6 pm, i Capstone Conference Center Sponsored by: Women Students' Women's Student Services Tuesday Night Live with Robir Tuesday, March 30 7:30 pm, Ri Sponsored by: Carolina Progr Office of Worn Division of Student Affai Call e The NCAA Basketball r\ i because they always get in. e delayed by die snow, this week's ly doctor's note saying you suffer " and "Martin" to watch Western hit on the head, you say, "Forget ne cookies because you're sure one team. r Billy Packer, telling him to stop :ause it's bad for the tournament's !or telling me I can't use the word :s (oops, that's a sign that you take 'er, and you decline because they ily sensitive and controversial base I guess Charleston will never hold > in betting pools. ? Matt Hartley \t Rockafellas': Southern rock its alternative act to Rockafellas' ed in Macon, Ga., more than three nity-party cover band to a record ueer. iered the loss of bass player Ned tt, who were replaced by Sanders /ho have fit in well with the band, change. The group was originally :red rather obvious legal problems the aforementioned Trevitt and itthew Mayes and vocalist-guitarist i large part from its experiences 011 uch bands as the Doobie Brothers res is the presence of the "guijo," a electric guitar, created by guitarist other southern-rock bands, ting road trips are often fuel for nd tomorrow tonight will take the me with. t/je world's largest student JOSTENS : March 22nd-March 26th Dec )osi University Bookstore Time: 10:OC ) . Perspective Russell House Ballroom Wc for the Center for r Open Door Meeting P C ouse Tlieater Carolina Program Union, eception Voman of the Year Award Services Mentoring Network Campus Room, Association and The Office of i Greenstein jssell House Golden Spur am Union, Golden Spur Committee en's Student Services irs/Departnient of Student Life I 777-5780 Women aim By TONI TURBEVILLE Staff Writer gri Few mothers expect to hear their Ha daughters say, "Mommy, I wanna ins wear combat boots when I grow tU! up!" But women enrolled in the ROTC program at USC may have ll\ said just that. The women in the various ser- 11 vice ROTC programs have different motivations for being involved in the military. Cadet Captain ^ Michelle Gaines, an Air Force wc international studies senior, was j inspired by working around many t officers her age. ma "I saw them taking on a lot of ^ responsibility at a young age, and I fei] said, Hey, that's what I want," Gaines said. cei Cadet Staff Sergeant Deidre vjr Hartman, an Army junior majoring jSIT in political science, said she is fol- trij lowing a family tradition. att< USC Orchestra CONCERT PREVffiW H( 4 \ I ISC CHAMBER mi I I ORCHESTRA J|Q| Tuesday, March 30 ^ By DOUGLAS BELL ^ Staff Writer Lawrence Dutton will be the cc guest soloist with the USC ^ Chamber Orchestra Tuesday, ^ March 30 at 7:30 p.m. Dutton is a member of the Emerson String Quartet, which has won two Grammy awards, including Best Classical Album. Dutton performs and records th with many other musicians nationwide and in Europe. He has recent- h< ly recorded with the Guarneri and H Julliard String Quartets, the Beaux or Arts Trio and Cellist Lynn Harrell. th | SMOKE, DIE. IT'S TH ' & youth travel organization, i i o t; $30.00 'dttukIk HIHl )am-4:00pm mien's History Month Celebration 1993 Celebrating Our ist: Discovering Our Future" high in the r; 'My father was an officer. He itive iduated from West Point," your rtman said. "It'sjust been Bi tilled in me my whole life. At abou u, I joined to see what it was there e; then 1 decided to stick with with is Ve Fhere are many good as well bad an(j < ngs about being a female in m )TC, as some women were quick point out. Air Force Cadet weu urth Class Kelly Bush, a crimi- vj 1 justice freshman, said, "The jen-y irst thing? Our uniforms! The senjc iforms were not made for flat- an(j . y. yvt vfiiiy wtai uui ajvuo iybe twice a year, which sucks, jy^, e skirts make you feel more Qra^ ninine." ROT Hartman brought up another con- Uj n. "There's still a lot of chauiism, but it's really not chauvin- ' 1," she said. "It's more of an ego e d ) ? a male ego trip. But the ec01 ;ntion that you get from the pos- a i to feature visi i has been nominated for another [~~ rammy for his recording with ezzo-soprano Jan Degaetani. In his March 30 performance, he ill play two Viola Concertos, one r Vivaldi and one by.Hoffmeister. lso on the program is the Dmance in C by Sibelius and the |||| ivertimento for Strings by Bartok. B The USC Chamber Orchestra mtains some of the best players at SC. Hand-picked by conductor onald Portnoy, every concert 1^5 otlights virtuoso performers and chestra musicians the USC Music Chaj ;hool is turning out. al qt Dutton has agreed to play with is er e USC Chamber Orchestra T :cause of the quality and reputa- Cem )n of the university's musicians, perf is other solo performances are towi lly with professional orchestras, and roughout the country. The USC gent AT SIMPLE. PLEASE S Attention St*. Spring! 993 Camp Fridav, March 26, 12: Tuesday, April 13, 3:( In compliance with the University P representatives from each student orgar wine will be served must attend a Can member and the USC faculty/ staff approval may be granted to host an 777-6688 for more information. Do Sometn This s DUKE < G.P.A.: 2. Majors: C Class: Sop Interview' Applicatic Su sPRirac G.P.A.: 2.50 Majors: Manage Class: Juniors, Is Interviews: Thur Annliration Heat DELOIT1 Majors: Accounting (R Interviews: Friday, Api Application Deadline: For more information ple< 6th Floo] Sponsored B> anks of RC things you do helps boost k self-esteem." b jsh said her favorite thing n t being a female in ROTC was were "never any problems \ sexual harassment. Everyone b ry professional inside the corp <j *ood friends outside." t: en in ROTC have opinions v t their women counterparts as tl "They have a different point ew," said Cadet First Sergeant h Cubit, an Army psychology g >r. "Women are more sensitive c )ick up on more." eshman Navy Cadet v >hipman Fourth Class John 2 rer approved of women in 2 C. , 1 think it's a good thing," he c "It's cool because you get to tround women more. You n me friends with them. It adds g fferent perspective. It also n [ting violist ... w Dutton mber Orchestra has professionjality even though the orchestra ltirely made up of students, he concert is" at the Koger ter. Ticket prices make USC ormances the best concerts in 1. Tickets are $3 for students senior citizens and $5 for the jral public. TOP SMOKING. | pdent Orgcai us Alcohol Poui 00-1:00pm, Campus )0-4:00pm, Campu olicy and Guidelines on the I lization planning to sponsor an e\ npus Alcohol Policy Workshop. A advisor of the organization mus i event on campus where beer < ling Cons Summer! ummer Co-op i POWER O Iharlotte, NC 75 SCI, Mgmt. Science (MI! thomores, Juniors >: Tuesday, March 30th ui LTcauiuic. i iiua^, rviai' mmer Internship ;s IIUDUSTI Lancaster, SC ment, Mech. Engineering it semester seniors sday, April 1 st dline: Tuesday, March 3C iummer Internship "E AND TOI ising Seniors), 1st year V -il 2nd Wednesday, March 24th tse contact the Student Er r, B.A. Building. 777-212 / The Cooperative Education 1 >TC cadets eeps you in order, instead of it >eing like a bar scene from a novie." Freshman Army Cadet Private Vended Gooding said, "I think it's ad that males and females have lifferent standards in physical raining. The way I see it is if vomen are pushing for equality, hey should have equal standards." Some of the women in ROTC tad complaints not about the pio;ram itself, but about the lack of tther females in it. "We really need to recruit more vomen," Bush said. "It's harder for ;irls in ROTC to make friends with ;irls not affiliated with the military. Tiey don't understand why a girl an be interested in the military." Hartman said, "I think women leed to show they can be just as ;ood as or better than men and nove forward." In Monday's edition of The Gamecock, in the story titled-, "Paul McCartney to play Williams-Brice Stadium'' Cecily McKinney was incorrectly identified. She was the production office coordinator for IATSE in the G'N'R and U2 shows. Also scaffolding workers were hired from both North Carolina and South Carolina. Also in Monday's edition, in the story "Pro-choice organization spurs activism," Brad Bannon's name wa> misspelled. The Gamecock regrets these errors. nizations! _ I A / :ywqrk5hqps ; Activities Center s Activities Center Ise of Alcohol by Students, rent on campus where beer or n exectutive officer, a student >t attend a workshop before or wine will be served. Call tructive II b % D. S) ch 26th IIES ! , ousiness ith UCHE ITAX & MACC nployment Center, 4 Club