Clin Bombs injures over 65 LITT MANCHESTER, England ? Preside Two bombs rocked Manchester annour during the morning rush hour econor Thursday, injuring at least 65 peo- ing a pie and forcing police to evacuate officii the city center. Police blamed the Comir mis aoesn i pui me oesi iace on siui government," she said. "But people get v emotional about homecoming. It strikes at heart of their memories as a college student." USC did not have a homecoming queen past year because of a decision made by homecoming commission. Education senator Marti Weaver said or yoi wor The C The Gamecock is hir the Spring. You must office to fi Gamecoi Room 313 i I You Could Be f 1 r This... i lnsn KepuDiican Army. oenise Most of the injured were show- specuk ered with glass shards when the But second bomb exploded as police Cabin< cordoned off a shopping district in close c response to a telephoned warning. And One person was seriously injured, that B hospital officials said. runner The first bomb went off in the for th city's Parsonage commercial dis- Devon trict at the height of the rush hour, just sp injuring four people and badly Eve damaging a tax office and other that C buildings. Police said it may have top ec< been a car bomb. He "There was a terrific noise and the te< an enormous surge of wind," said 14-15 Jim Watson, an officer with the which iniana Revenue service. promi econor QUEEN, GPA," he said. "A student may work very h and diligently for the USC community and c have a 2.2 or 2.3." Lister said she has never seen a quorum take place in the senate. Before Wednesday had never seen a senator run out of a meeting She said she observed some senators wai! outside the chamber and then come back in a the meeting was adjourned. While she was not happy about the sena leaving, Lister said she understands why sc have strong feelings for or against the hoi coming queen legislation. ton picks team Contractors rel LE ROCK, Ark.? mt-elect Clinton is likely to COLUMBIA ? Four ( ice several members ol his Seneca construction coi nic team next week, includ- ing bribery and ethics 1 treasury secretary, transition each were released o als say. Senate Finance Thursday after mz littee Chairman Lloyd court appearances in n has emereed. at least in rvu.r. iter 1 Wnly versyWeaver said she ran from the senate chamber cajj because she had to be at another location and she did not want to miss the debate on the bill. , "I knew I would break the quorum, but I [jng couldn't stay there any longer, and I have things T akrvnt tbic Kill cho COtH HH I N? He ma eased Conference at USC ass slu >wners of a College students from through- ^ mpany fac- out the Southeast will be in aw charges Columbia Feb.5-6, 1983, for the n $50,000 third annual Everyday Heroes ^f, iking initial Conference sponsored by USC. Richland The two-day event provides an opportunity for students to share a*, ft Brothers ideas and stimulates awareness and ^ largest road interest in volunteerism. at sed by the Experienced members of civic and no >nth of dol- college communities will provide ^a it favors to guidance and lead discussions on ^ nployees. issues concerning campus involvein Thrift, ment in community service. N om Thrift Conference registration will be lent during from 10 a.m. to noon Friday Feb. :es before 5. That afternoon participants will ga cones. go "Into the Streets" and work with ^a hrift were local community service agencies. rej taring by On Saturday Feb. 6 students will taj Iney Howe, be offered more than 24 workshops ded a state on topics such as leadership devel:harges last opment, marketing the volunteer ^ experience, Greek initiatives in ser- rei vice and seeking funds for commu- ra( nity service programs. a i Both Lovelace and Homecoming Commissioner liana Myerson said they were not against the idea of having a queen, but they do L_ not want one under the provisions of the senate T| bill. Lovelace said she would like to see a male J\ and female recognized. 0 Myerson also suggested creating an "ambas- J1 sador" which both sexes could compete for. Elam said the leaders of the senate were not Fro representing their constituents. He said senate q President Pro Tern Shine Brooks, Myerson and car Loveiace, wno eacn leau senate eoiminuecs, anu mg Weaver and Bangston, are voting against some- of thing almost 80 percent of the students at USC Ric want. son "They are using stall tactics and are refusing 1 to discuss the issues here." hell Weaver said she has apologized to Elam for ant running out. She said she did not hear Elam say Ric he would table the bill, and she thought it was ty 1 going to to be voted on at the meeting. "V7J Lister, who is in favor of the bill, said she expects the vote on it to be close. She encour- Fror ages all students to let their senators know how S thev feel about the bill. You say,' ^ ^ no c ~~2 Class is jfc OHs jjj^ You'll ne iHi am sgl We know. Vi Vaiiv nlnrm floflf HiHn f PO Ot IV/Ui U1U1111 V1V/V1V V?AV?.. JB now you only have ten minute J class. Too bad you live fifteen minutes away. You should be living closer t< campus. At Whaley's Mill, for example, we offer a location tl hard to beat. To live any close would have to live in a dorm ( serious student knows it's hare any studying done there.) But isn't all that Whaley's Mill off* provide surveillance cameras floors, Shuttlecock service arc r campus, either furnished or r OFFICE H 44W|V| M-F 9:3G liUliUUil 211 MAI! & ASSOCIATES 254-7801 ? following incidents were reported to USC Police through Dec. 1. OV. 21 An unknown person removed a bicyle secured to a rack. The estiAssault with Intent to Kill, mated value of the bicycle is ssell House. A male was v. alk- $655. [ through the west end of the Larceny of Bicycle, Columbia irseshoe and was assaulted. The Hall. An unknown person lie was pushed in the chest and removed a bicycle from the }ved to the ground. While the secured rack. The estimated value >ault was taking place, racial ot tbe b^e *s $685. irs were being made by the sus:ts. In the end, a handgun was 2d and the victim fled on foot. Larceny of a Necklace, OV 23. Maxcy. Unknown subject(s) removed a necklace from a drawLarceny of a Bookbag, Grand er a^ abpve location. The necklace arket Place. A unattended was estimated at 5/uu. okbag was stolen from a table Auto Breaking, E-l Lot. the above location. There was Unknown persons used an property of any value in the unknown object to shatter the g. The estimated value,of the ri?ht side window. Things were okbag is $35 scattered on the floor and cassetts were stolen. The estimated value qy 24. ?f the window is $500 and the cassettes were estimated at $150. V Illegal Use of Telephone, _ ^ ites West. An unknown caller l^CC 1. s been calling the victim leatedly. The victim turned in a Assault and Battery, )e of the phone calls as evi- Horseshoe. A victim was walking nce and was assaulted from behind. Larceny of Bicycle, Bates ^he vicdm was knocked to the est. An unknown person ground and suffered some irinvpd a Inrkpri hirvrle from a injuries. :k. The bicycle was locked with Altered parking decal, C-l U-bolt. The estimated value of Lot- While P?lice were on patrol j bicycle is $360. That includes ^ey noticed an altered parking j lock and bicycle. ticket. The matter was dealt with Larceny of Bicycle, Maxcy. *he ticket was changed. lotorcycle accident ? -4--% a 4- -a/% n ijurvb iwu ivviiz m Staff Reports 3:27 p.m., Rice said. "wo 18-year-olds were hit by a Tim Columbia Police Thursday afternoon while rid- Department said otticer Jetlery a motorcycle at the intersection Dickey and Sgt. Gordon Crews are College and Sumter streets, investigating the incident, hland County EMS spokesper- Neither could be reached toi Qeoroe Rice said comment at press time and fhe two men were not wearing Richland Memorial Hospital could mets at the time of the incident not release condition ot the vic1 both were transported to tims without knowing their names, hland Memorial Hospital short- CPD and EMS were not certair tfter EMS arrived at the scene at ^ the victims were USC students. oung changes his mind n Staff Reports discuss any racial concerns," in an tudent Body President Tom article printed Wednesday. ing said he did not mean to meant that nothing 'nothing has come across my concerning affirmative action has . .. i r?rvrr\ o hie /looT eiVi^a h a hoc : concerning race reiauons ana vu,i,v ?*?>?. ??vw ? .?? me has come by my office to ^een 'n ?^,cein ten minutes. :ed one of these. unfurnished apartments and more, f and And with a choice between s till semester, summer, and short term leases, you don't have to wait till semester oreaK tu ihokc yuui muvt. d So move to Whaley's Mill, park your racer, and walk to class. With lat's the money you'll save on speeding r you tickets, you can buy an alarm clock and any that works. 1 to get location 2i*s. We on all o..oc. I I ww,lw* y\ VV lliUJJL/1 . -m pv ilf HiW^H|E?|iH Where 1 Or i's/i 'tfar away.