The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, March 30, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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Calvin and Hobbes 1 THIS ARTKLE SMS THAT I HAVENT XATCUED THAI MUCH.' HORRT! \F I WATCH TV UNTTL BN AGE S\X, MOST CWlDREN TH\U< Of ML THE. CHEAT SHOWS SEDT\ME, r CAN GET \N A HAVE. WATCHED SDOO HOURS I'VE MISSED' .I'VE BEEN, FEW PRECIOUS EXTRA HOURS s OF TV - A QUARTER OF TUEtR , DEPRWED OF CULTURAL AND CATCH UP A 8\T.' NAK\NG LWESJ REFERENCES/ I'M IGNORANT ^ f*Z>-?_ ^" OF COUNTLESS AMAZING A j^S I s I VAm OUR newspaper SEE, I'VE VsrapwiimMs |"DONT TELL ME VOUR ST\JP\O HEEDS * NEW M)V\CE WRITTEN S0ME\ AND GET K PROBLEMS. I'VE GOT PLEKTV ' COLUMNIST, SO I'M AWWWG SWAPLE LIFE, BOZO." v Of OWN." , FOR TUR AOB.' ?^==??^ ANSWERS TO ^ W- L y people WHO / ' I e^r\( " 0 [.. WRITE \N. / ri(l \ if , M HEKD, VOO BIG ' Mother Goose & Grimm Spring 1992 GREEK WEEK I ? Congaree Canoe Race April 1 at 3:00pm C Buses leave from guard shack on the ^ quad at 2:45 - until 5:00pm. Ejjj Sponsored by Pepsi and WNOK I B1 _ ' <1 THIS SUMMER, GIVE YOURSELF c SOME CREDIT. * " * Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, is famous for its sun, sand and surf, but do you know it's also a great place for summer earning and learning? You can make your beach break count by enrolling in I summer courses at Coastal Carolina College. Whether JL wanting to get ahead or just catch up, you can accumulate a full semester's credits through Coastal's May semester . and two summer sessions. Plus, you can live in our campus : apartments for only $75 a week, and our Job Placement ^ Office will help you in your search for a summer job. ( If you're taking a spring break in Myrtle Beach, stop by c our Admissions Office Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., or call us toll-free for more information. This could C be your best summer ever. V 803-349-2026 1-800-277-7000 J*? time! MlllHBfllllllflHIMl University of South Carolina System Coastal Carolina Col ago is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. Bill Watterson Shoe RENEWAL X wa? ME rr ~ T ~ VEGET AT\CM.) LEARM TW=> WHAT VlOVlV HOV VO 11 >r A TUEtAE SONG, Pti&UT TH? ZCO^O^7 V fr^9 V0<? ^ i}5?53?irrr?irI GUESS TUAT ^ CAN >(00 / ?Ag NAMES TWfcSE PAY* CODERS A8Q0T \N\AS\HE fEOMSAU &PUNCW& EMERMTWUG. / Do?HG TH\S -f^E PiT? WK? \ WW A i[Ke^/V M///' _" ' , ^ -B ? i? ? i if n /> V Mtke refers irte tar btae \ \ . iii wi.. ,.i i j i? in i?... hi; . , ? i it*,. w m meets ? f I SWfcMP THINS J| ^ ISMK "Well, here we are, my ^ TODAY 'Tootsie." 9 ^ Shield and Crest Drawing Contest, 1-5 p.m., 1 McBryde Quad. A1 Fitzp ^ "Get Vertical with Mountain Dew" three on Knight-Rid< three Basketball Tournament, 3 p.m., McBryde Newsroom' J Quad. Coliseum ro ^ Phi Sigma Pi service committee meeting, 8 CPU's C ^ p.m., Russell House room 305. "Tootsie," 9 J TUESDAY ItinJapa y Christian Science Organization meeting, 7 at P m5 p.m., RH 306. All are welcome. Hillel at USC meeting and shishkabob dinner, Burnout 7 p.m., RH 202. ram. 2-4:1: Omicron Delta Kappa forum on "Rape on Hines. Call Campus," 7 p.m., Currell College Auditorium. ment Centei '] U PRSSA meeting, 5:30 p.m., Reading Room. USC Pei Topics include PRSSA development and tips on jazz, rags a creativity. Hall. Free. ^ American Marketing Association presents psj Chi \ ? Barbara Rackes of Rackes Department Store fcrencc Rot ^ with the program "Dress for Success," 8 p.m., 11 carwash ? Belk Auditorium, BA Building. CPU's C . Students for Positive Change will meet at 7 "Doc Holly ^ p.m. in RH 305. Discussion of plans for summer k projects, Earth Day and the Hunger Clean-up, g CPU's C J Everyone invited. "Doc Holly ^ CPU's Cinematic Arts Committee presents show "Nigf UUIU i^ou Could Be Working at n r>i ? I I tie {jamecocKi \ccount Executives: Advertising sales! wlust have car. Summer and/or Fall. Dffice Assistants: Typing skills required, computer skills helpful. Fall only. )ampus Representatives: Campus adertising sales. No car required. Fall only. /ery Assistants: To deliver papers three 3 /week. Must be dependable! Car provided. Applications available in Room 313 * Russell House MacNelly "e>auuw^(2gINJ ^ (oi\ieee^\ ffur mez\ca ihto w pampmi^T.. J J A 17^^ WITH yij^ ^w ,azb?0 \ r^MT^THINK \ =* / ITSA^WEAV^METAL'' \ not HKS I "v&5ot0" 1$ A \ metal. I ie... j mmoalnamb-? i _ zt y' Gary Larson ~f? JL V/ WW ^ * vv^? M?/ I bV V W ^ ^ ? ? " recently have hoxi any of the following infections!!! 1) Mononucleosis 2) Strep Throat 3) Chickenpox or Shingles 4) Measles 5) Mumps 6) Chlymidia or Herpes imust be free of other STD's) 2739 Laurel St. I X 1 Suite 1-C I I Columbia, SC 29204 *1 f (803) 254-6537 Serologicals little chickadee." Custer's recurrent nightmare 1 p.m., $1, RH Theatre. g College Republicans: Wednesdays at 7 p.m., WEDNESDAY Gambrell 501. atrick, assistant vice-president of CHAMPS: Mondays, 9 p.m., Columbia Hall ler Inc., will present "Jobs in the L?t)by. 1 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in Carolina World Tac Kwon ?? Club: Thursdays at 6 om 3020-C P-m" Sundays at 11 a.m. New students welcome. kinematic Arts Committee presents Cal1 Shane at 779-6568. Theatre Carolina Cinematographer s Association: n r?iL?i F.*eh?n?,e Cl.ih will meet Thursdays, 7 p.m., Carolina Coliseum room in"Gambrell Hall room'258. 1 ?24" A11 media-oriented majors are welcome. THUDCnAV Assertiveness Training, sponsored by the 1HUKMJAY Counseling and Human Development Center, Prevention/Coping With Stress Prog- 5_8 p m^ Jan 28-Feb. 18, Tuesdays. 777-5223. 5 p.m., speaker Dr. Ruthann Fox- a Men's Support and Therapy Group, sponsored the Counseling and Human Develop- by the Counseling and Human Development r at 777-5223 for more info. Center, 2:30-4:30 p.m., Tuesdays. 777-5223. cussion Ensemble concert featuring a Adult Children of Alcoholics Support Group, nd African music, 7:30 p.m., Fraser sponsored by the Counseling and Human Development Center, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Thursdays, vill meet at 5:30 p.m. in Walsh Con- 777.5223 )m of Barnwell to discuss the April and the April 15 bake sale. DatebOOK Policy Tinematic Arts Committee presents Publication is free, but not guaranteed. Send wood," 9 p.m., $2, RH Theatre. your announcements to DATEBOOK, Drawer A, FRIDAY /?/V, (JSC, Columbia, SC 29225 or drop by The linematic Arts Committee presents Gamecock office. No announcements will be lawood," 9 p.m., $2, RH Theatre. Late ken over the phone. Deadline is noon of the preltbreed," 11:30 p.m., $2. vl0us publication day. -?-1 RiirilRfed Weekend sPecial* S $6 off w/coupon I LUXURY FOR LESS *offer good Fri, Sat, Sun. free continental breakfast children under 18 stay free w/parent swimming pool free in-room coffee makers all major credit cards accepted free local phone calls Please present coupon at check in Offer good thru May 16th -I J $50 MINIMUM EACH I DONATION Vm/r nln <zmn jq n 00 Hp ft if ami hni)R nr