The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, August 19, 1991, REGISTRATION ISSUE, Page 15A, Image 15

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Adieu Wonderful editor bids farewell This is it for me, folks. You are reading the last summer iss of The Gamecock and my reign as Editor in Chief is over. I w be passing the Helm of Authority over to the eminently qualifl Chris Silvestri. I can't say I'm exactly overwhelmed with gri< but it was a pretty interesting experience. My biggest disappointment is that we couldn't motivate mo people to write letters to the editor. I feel we weren't being co tmvprsial pnnnah in mir '?* tmi *? ?, wiiuiiot scuuuii, uui i 11 u y iu in axe i for that as Viewpoint Editor this fall. I've got an idea for a week column called "Women are demons from Hell." Maybe I shou ask Chris about that one . . . My biggest joy was being able to take chances with the pap that I had never been able to do before. I thought we ran son interesting articles and graphics in the paper this summer. Than! go to the great people that worked with me (in alphabetical orde Aaron, Dan, Jennifer, Laura, Ray, Rich and Tige). Special thanl to Renee for being sure Aaron didn't turn his desk into a tox waste dump; we really needed your help with that. Anyway, I hope the paper was written real good woth kno typos. In all seriousness, we will continue to strive to make 77 Gamecock the best damn newspaper in Russell House. Thank yc for your continued readership. David Bowde Former Editc 1991 Summer Gamecock Awards Worst Fashion Trend: Wearing sweatshirt hoods over baseball caps. Dopiest Movie Since E.T.: Dying Young ' Most Annoying Movie Fact: The vastly overrated Home Alone is the third highest grossing film of all time. Nicest Guy Named Newton: Steve Lamest Guy Named Newton: David "USC will be 1-10" Newton Smartest Guy Named Newton: Isaac / Gutsy Call Award: Sparky Woods for kicking Leon Harris off the football team. Woods enforced discipline where some coaches would not. Best USC President from Holland: John Palms The Offisur, Offisur, I Jus' Had One Beer Award: George Felton Best USC Football Player Ever: Sterling Sharpe, mknra 010 />ar<?Ar rA^pntinnc in Viip flrct ~ XTT7T ? ? vvnudv ju xx* vuivvi ivvvyuuiiij ill 11W iUOl UilCC l>rij bCtlSUXli is more than any other third-year player in league history Best USC Rookie in NFL: Corey Miller, who is surprising many with his success with the New York Giants ?. more 6000 news on the economy! THE R?Cf SS ION - NCYT-A DEPRESSION HAS [already rattened out/ ^ , i [a tec0vfry_has alrjapyjewn but May have^\ PtfcN btiotfi-ciKOMtU il aontiuvft CONSUMERS CAUSING THE ECONOMY 70 WORSEN EVEN A* IT ' r - I i ironically, unemployment and inflation are up?\ confirming that the recovery |$ in full Swing/ polls, however, confirm that most PEOPLE are not buying anything, {which has illNAllY, THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION IS PIANNInA "ID PUBLICIZE THE ECONOMIC gooM, SINCE HOST PEOPLE ARE TOO BUSY TO HAVE READ ABOUT fT. ^ II??r? mm jM0/lfChi^lrjUe 6/1 ? 11 " Lr" ?1991. Tribune Media Services 7V i^| illlfy>w . r=" r? ^^ 1 ' Jill *?-* m 7 \ i ^? \ ^* U \ I | " [fir.ifiwiiq | hoosik ButIhe'R TAILS I AUD&l APE siiLL I FbR ft? siuffed I ARE: WiTH BlACKS ATteb/ir r War was hollow I was looking through the newspapers from a r?-?? year ago and I got my hands dirty. Too bad the American military didn't. Almost a year to date, the world sat on pins %* ^ and needles worrying whether or not we would go to war. Everything turned out for the best (at least for pinhead, George Bush it did) as we kicked ass. Next vear. the rumor is that we're eoine to comfortal take on the Mozambique army. Gee, ( Because Bush wanted re-election in '92, we could gh finished the war during station breaks. How- rian of th ever, we did a half-ass job of finishing up the Let's r war. ment is. Remember how Bush said we should liberate ourselves Kuwait so they could live in a free, humane of the Ai world? We did such a great job, huh? Kuwait is fire, still under a monarch's rule and there's more It's kir freedom in China than Kuwait. erything What about how we said Hussein would be superior, held accountable for the rape and pillage of Ku- The tri wait. Last time I saw him he was reading "Bob ego trip. Villa's Home Course on Building the A-bomb" long as t f LMK.HOWW X GOTTA TEL HOT TWEVVHi ^ nott V I WHITE C jt' ^ bsessive Captain Nay ha /Zr1,r CiL.L / IH&W 01 ^ ? rnrnmmm 7 I & Do We. oo[S 8EALLV Vckc WA^T To Tfade With >05 \ wmt. 1 vi ptnrv fm T .VVV/? J IV! > TlGE WATTS f ?? r bly by the palace pool. 3eorge if you get any tougher, you it Jimmy Carter a run for Disciplinae Year award. lot forget how sophisticated our equipIt's so sophisticated we killed more of than the Iraqis did. A report said half nerican casualties were hit by friendly id of like the watch that tells you evbut the time. But hey, we're still ith of the matter is this war gave us an We don't deserve the ceremonies. As hat swarthy man with bad hygiene is WTIMES A -L YOV.: ITEONE, HE >NE? y ==~=:::^:::^^rnVTh] DlslW tRFi V J ...UK? UNITED States? 15^ r America still in power, we should hold our heads in shame. I will admit that we no longer hold the blame for Vietnam on our shoulders and makes me wonder if that was a reason for war. Why else would Bush bring up Vietnam vets in his victory speech? It also helped Bush take everyone's minds off the recession. Because the guy smells like barnacles in domestic policies, I again wonder if the war was nothing more than political. No one should beat us in a war. But when we go to war, we should be able to finish it and not withdraw without taking cruel, ruthless leaders out of power. Kuwait is still not free and Saddam's making nuclear bombs while killing Kurds who get in his way. But don't forget, this is a victory for the world (as far as Bush is concerned). So pull down the flags and get off our high horses because we should be ashamed of our war effort. We did a half-ass job and didn't get our hair messed.