The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, April 12, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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New blood President Palms starting well in his leadership initiatives USC President John Palms can hardly lose. Palms is alread; being viewed by some as the F.W. De Klerk of South Carolin just because he isn't James Holderman. Let us hope he doesn' become USC's Gorbachev. Palms seems to be starting well. It is nice to hear that he i looking into the USC practice of not identifying students who ge scholarships. Holderman handed out scholarships without checkinj the financial or academic records of the recipients. Scholasti merit or monetary need should fit into the scholarship decision making process. That is why they call them "scholarships" in th first place. If Palms does decide to release the names of recipients to th public, it is a step toward preventing the corruption of doling oil money to preferred students. Palms also said donors would nc receive gifts. Palms hinted that he might rid the school of som administrators from the Holderman era as well, saying, "I ca make adjustments as I see fit." /4/\ao m rvi U or? rv.i r*L HTV* tiAiit *a ol r alius uuts iiui ciiuci^c nuiucimaii uiuugii. ?iit utw picsiuci. said Holderman's spending practices were exaggerated. Furthei more, Palms said the press neglected the good points of USC ani accentuated the bad. John Palms has the entire campus pulling for him to improv the image of the university. In that regard, Palms would have hard time doing wrong right now. Let's hope he continues what h has started. 11? AX. IGAMKC OCKJ News: 777-7726 Advertising: 777-4249 Kathy Blackwell robyn Thompson Editor in Chief Managing Editor CHRIS SlLVESTRI DAVID BOWDEN Copy Desk Chief Viewpoint Editor Lucy Soto Kathy Heberger News Editor Carolina Life Editor Steve Johnson Renee Meyer Sports Editor Photography Editor Aaron Sheinin Tige Watts Assistant News Editor Assistant News Editor Octavia Wright Patrick Villegas Assistant Carolina Life Editor Assistant Sports Editor jennifer jablonski julie bouchillon Assistant Copy Desk Chief Assistant Photography Editor Eric Glenn Wayne Williams Darkroom Lab Technician Comics Editor Ed Bonza Erik Collins Director of Student Media Faculty Adviser Laura S. Day ray Burgos Production Manager Assistant Production Manager renee Gibson Kyle Berry Advertising Manager Assistant Advertising Manager Carolyn Griffin Business Manager Letters Policy: The Gamecock will try to print all letters received. Letters should be, at maximum, 250 to 300 words long. The writer must include full name, professional title if a USC employee or South Carolina resident, or year and major if a student. An address and phone number are required with all letters sent. The Gamecock reserves the right to edit letters for style, possible libel or in case of space limitations. The newspaper will not withhold names under any circumstance. Sexually frank e I'm really forced to wonder sometimes how n society came up with such a screwed-up value system. I was trying to figure out when society it decided sex was a disgusting and heinous crime. d It seems like sex gets blamed for everything. My favorite lately is the idea that pornography e is responsible for the behavior of the nation's sex offenders. Somehow I was unable to accept the notion that if the average American watches e a porno-flick, he suddenly gets the irresistable impulse to go next door and flash the neighbors, and inevitably goes on to become a marauding rapist In fact, I was so convinced of this I decided to write a paper about it for one of my classes, and I unearthed some information that confirmed my theory. It might be of some interest that pornography a is not the culprit responsible for creating sex ofP fenders. The only thing that can be traced to their behavior is a predetermination to violence and a lousy childhood. But if one thing in the media could influence people's attitudes about ' Insider explaii The Board of Publications and Communica-, tions' selection process for the editors of Student Media was yesterday, and I thought you might like to know how they are selected since they serve this campus. The positions to be filled included Game cock, Portfolio and Garnet and Black editors as well as Station Manager for WUSC. All of the candidates considered had turned in applications j this past month and were then interviewed by | the Board of Pubs. ? The Board of Pubs consists of numerous fate, culty, administrators and students, who are ap^ pointed by the Student Government president. ? The current student position holders in Student c ? Media also attend regular board meetings to i f give progress reports. Wednesday's meeting i was attended by Franklin Ashley, Ed Bonza, i i?Tnri?j>q nrr* nr : JLtUt I I EilVkJ 1 \J 1 ^ __ [ Bible not bad > historic record SThS 643 manusd To the editor: In additic This letter is in response to Tige between the ' Watts' article in the April 10 edi- of the New tion of The Gamecock. manusc Mr. Watts, the Bible is the most only appn historically reliable piece of an- whereas the cient literature in existence today, is over 500 ) Many misinformed people say, The inten ine tsiDie is 11111 ui euinrauicuuns mmcs uuw 1 and has been mistranslated time af- tencies there ter time," but these statements usu- script Only ally come from ignorant people Testament t who have hardly read the Bible or 764 lines 0 studied the historical evidence for tioned. This the scriptures. Iliad's text To say the Bible is a "dubious" pared to \f. or "unreliable" book is an intellec- New Testam tually foolish thing to say. The his- discrepancie torical reliablity of the Scripture ters such as 1 can be tested by the same criteria gven ^ ?c which all historical documents are 0f tjiese qU tosted J , the Bible, "1 C.Sanders Introduction to Re- or morai pr, search in English Literary History perverted or lists three basic principles in deter- Warfield mining a manuscript's reliablity: ' l)the biographical test, 2)the inter- ^ . nal evidence test and 3)the external 8raPhy 1S 1 evidence test. When one examines test. This e. the Bible against these three tests, ?U. f 1 it becomes clear that it is the most ^ "lston' reliable piece of ancient literature chaeology. twe have. ^ test, the The biographical evidence test co^or determines how reliable are the co- f 0 e*tra" pies of Scripture we have in regard suds tan 1 to the number of manuscripts and estamen the time interval between the origi- jenaeus ( nal and existent copies. Mr. Watts, did you know there are over 5,300 ^ known Greek manuscripts of the As for ai New Testament, and 10,000 in the supporting Latin Vulgate? Watts, refer Add this to the 9,300 other early ces: Willia versions, and you have over Warwick N 24,000 ancient manuscripts con- Rowley. ^ taining portions of the New Testa- If a perso ; material no Shelley Magei sex offenses, violence would have to get blame. Now, these studies I read hardly stated I everyone who watched a slasher movie was ing to go out and chop off a head or two, eitl However, when men were polled after seein violent movie, a much higher percentage them admitted they would consider committ a rape if they knew they wouldn't get cau than did similar groups of men who saw mo> depicting graphic sex. For people who are informed about rape, i should make sense. After all, rape is a crime violence, not a crime of passion. It seems liumc a lui iiiuic 5^115^ isj 111^ uiai viuiuiu is media sele TPW X DENNIS SHEALY Jerry Brewer, Carol Degnan, Ronald Farr Patty Tomanio, Robert Wilcox and Kather Smoak. Also present were Kathy Blackwc editor of The Gamecock', Winifred Rogers, e tor of the Garnet and Black', Yon Res* WUSC station manager, and myself as editor Portfolio (see, I'm not just a liberal-comn columnist). What the board did was review the canc lates' applications for experience, grades ei rhen each applicant was given a form nterview. Then the applicants are decided on for tl HF FDTTOR 1 1 JL-> JLL/l X V/l\ stence today. No other the Bible is an j f antiquity approaches ment," then he mus rs. The closest compar- the rest of anciei ner's Iliad with only from which we fo ripts. . To quote John War in, the interval of time ery, "To be skeptic j original manuscripts tant text of the I Testament and the ear- books is to allow :ripts we have today is antiquity to slip ini Dximately 25 years, no documents of th time span of the Iliad are as well atteste fears. cally as the New T< nal evidence test exanany internal inconsis- My P?int is this: are in a given manu- ticle was an ign< 40 lines of the New piece of propaga ire in doubt, whereas shred of evidence l f the Iliad are ques- the future, Mr. V means 5 percent of the better to formulai is questionable, com- from facts inste I of 1 percent of the heresy, ent (and most of these s are mechanical matspelling and style). >u removed all 40 lines NohnHl estionable lines from lot one article of faith CC1 "17 ecept would be either lost," said Benjamin To the editor: principle of Historio- . Yuck! Pooey! H he external evidence finish vomiting be ^amines the evidence ^ sickeni he Scriptures such as laught of judgme sal documents and ar- homosexuality rec ^gain, when put under in The Gamecock. Bible comes out with sume, even though s. The following is a resents a small sc town, it does tO SO! D1U11U11 SUU1V/VS WlliV^II , portions of the New sent l^c v0ices ?f Eusebius (130 A.D.), stU(^enls acr?s JO A.D.), Clement of _ , A.D.) and Ignatius ? In u.m^ia' (\ from Marie Herndc lace who are sittir rchaeological evidence cozy little sinles the Scriptures, Mr. sumed heterosexi to the following sour- sake I hope so), f m F. Albright, John they can separate lontgomery and H.H. from their wills a pointing their Chu n says, "I don't believe at homosexuals, te t a problem more likely to breed violence than sex is. Of course, when you combine violence with pornography obviously it then becomes something p else, but sex in general is getting a really bad name, and it's innocent of charges. Mnw I'm finallv at th#? nart u/hprp T nnlain a little better my statement that society really has ? its values screwed up. Could someone please find for me the rationale behind rating a movie the X automatically if it shows a man's penis or a woman's vulva, when a psychopath can run arthat ound the screen skinning people alive and eatgo ing their intestines and die movie only gets ier. rated R. g a Personally if I was a parent, I would be a lot of more concerned by my child seeing a kill-aminute movie than I would be by him/her seeght ing a natural life function, ries Beyond that, a parent needs to take responsibility for educating their child about sex. When this sex is treated as something bad and dirty, child' ?f ren are much more likely to grow up with the 1 t0 wrong ideas about it, and that's where problems ' is begin. Not at the movies. ction nrocess r \ " . . _ . positions. This year it was easy because there was just one applicant for each position except Portfolio. Sorta made things easy. This, however, was a source of disappointment for the board. All of the applicants were qualified, but it would be nice to think that with J the number of journalism and English majors, ar, or students from any other college for that matine ter, more would be interested in these major college publications. di- The board hopes to raise more student inter;h, est in these activities in the future. And believe of me Student Media can always use one more tiie person no matter which area it is. Well, that's it pretty much for the selection li_ process and the board (which does a lot more, tc but that's not important for this), so if you have al any problems with Student Media, I guess you'll just have to come up and make a ie difference. iccurate docu- 5^ why? Because it is a sin, they it also throw out say. nt manuscripts Forget the millions of sins that rmulate history, had to take place in order for Mr. 1 1/ - __ _ _______ wick jvionigom- Herndon and Mr. Mallace to share ;al of the resul- their judgments. Forget about our ?Iew Testament slaughtering of Indians in order to all of classical find this new world. Forget about to obscurity, for the millions of lives we wasted in e ancient period order to stay here. Hell, forget abid bibliographi- out that cockroach you smashed sstament." this morning. Instead, let's get upset about homosexuality. Tige Watts' ar- t0 Mr. Herndon, Mr. Mallace urantly written an(j anyone else who shares their nda without a opinion, I say: you can twist and o back it up. In stretch the Bible all you want, but /atts would do didn't write it Human beings te his opinions ? wonderful yet eternally imperad of foolish feet and subjective beings ? interpreted God's word (if you believe Pete Kelly in (j0d) and passed this book English senior down for hundreds of years. We've got a case of hearsay that r r?Ofl just won't quit But I'm not angry at God, and r i._ *'m not ^dng 10 discuss religion. ID dvl I'm not saying the Bible is wrong cm- homosexuality is not a sin. I'm saying no one really KNOWS. A old on, I have to human being's sexuality is a lot fore I write this, more complex than conveniently ed by the ons- tucking one's Bible under one's mts concerning arm and making a simple end-all:ently published be-all judgment. Having one's beI can only as- liefs is one thing, but telling other your paper rep- people HOW to live because of hool in a small those beliefs, is quite another, me degree repre- We all have every right as indisome young col- viduals to try and make other peos the nation. pie happy. We all have every right as individuals to explore things 5 have to hear it that make us feel good about >n and Tim Mai- ourselves and feel good about the ig pretty in their world around us. Mr. Hemdon and s world of as- Mr. Mallace, stop making people lality (for their feel bad about themselves because eeling good that you're hung up on people's differtheir emotions ences and you don't understand, nd all the while You have no right to do that, rch Lady fingers Jimmy Flannery lling them not to English administration assistant