Calvin and Hobbe AH ORDIHAR1 CHEETAU CAH RUH OVtR 0 MWJES AH UOUR. A UUMAH CAR UARDLS DO A jf QUARTER OF "WAT. t vA\ ^AT A JOKE.' < ]HJe^ ?. nN f . ^ j^k J Shoe OffTG, 1H? ?eon& WtTW ^ LmI 6|^AM P?SK?..jg^ I Meetings The Fencing Club meets ev ery Monday and Wednesday frorr 8:30 to 10 p.m. We welcome new members anytime, so come ou and learn to fence. For more infor mation, call Brett at 544-1657. Campus Coalition for Literacy will be having a meeting on Wed nesday, Mar. 20 in RH Room 32"i at 8 p.m. Special Story Time Inor mational will be discussed. L.O.C.A.L. will be having c - - hi. -J I business meeting on weonesuay Mar. 20 at 5 p.m. in RH Room 203 Elections for New Officers will b< held. There will be a GAMMA meet ing on Wednesday, Mar. 20 in Rf Room 332 at 4:30 p.m. The Navigators meet ever; Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Russe House room 303. Join a group c Christians in fun fellowship. Every one is welcome. Call Becky a 544-2131 or Lew at 957-1357 fc more information. Want to know how you're reall supposed to use those hiking boot you wear on campus? Learn thi and more with the USC Mounta neering & Whitewater Club. W meet at 7 p.m. Wednesdays i Russell House room 304. The Sailing Club meets in Russel House room 201 at 7 p.m. on Wed nesdays. Anyone interested in sail Top 10 Reas< Wings on Wh 10. Too Lazy to Drive to r 9. The Gigantic Size ofr Wings. 8. All Orders are Indivii Heat For Maximum I] 7. Sick To Death of Pizz; 6. Coupon Too Valuable 5. The Size! My God, Th 4. The Phone Number. 3. The Pretty Fast Deliv 2. All of Our Side Orders Vegetables & Cheesei Own Special Ingrediei 1. I'm Starving", I'm E: phone! Wings On a { Wheels FAST, FREE, DELIVERY rttr r* r iSOO-t I FREE^Tde Order of " Your Choice w/any . Medium or Larger order (sampler not included) Expires 3/15/91 Please mention coupon when ordering s "IOTIVMTCMSI \F CMS ARE. SO GRS ARE SO GREAT/ CORE THEl OOHT HA ?--*l WEIL HUMAHS OR ROCKETS, OR E So OOHT HME TO , OR WOCIEAR...UM.. fi gS BE SO FAST OR | CR..OR.. I N\EJ SO STROHG j y wT BECAUSE MERE i xNl KOCHSMMUJ I SfTSi 1& H^l W HL Is y^GT }&30' AE ^ WWAT W TUeY) C IF THEfZg'^ h0TH , T?? ^ Mp if Date ing is welcome to attend. Nomina tions for new officers will be held i today. / The Seidokan Aikid*o Club t meets Mondays, Wednesdays and - Fridays from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Booker T. Washington Gym. Call f 777-4258 for more information. : Etc. The Student Employment Center will be offering a workshop on "How to Find an Internship" ev* ery Wednesday at 4 p.m. through the Spring semester. For more ' info., or to sign up, please call 3 7-2124. Need help applying for financial j aid? The Financial Aid Office is currently holding Weekly Help Ses sions every vveanesaay inrougn l', Apr. 17 from 4 to 5 p.m. in Room ! 202 of the Financial Aid Office. #The 1991 Earlewood Classic " PDGA Sanctioned Disc Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, Mar. r 9 at 11 a.m. in Earlewood Park. Entry: $10 - Amateur; $17 - Advanced; y $30 - Pro. 2 rounds. The park is los cated 2 miles north of Capitol on s Main St., turn left. For more info., i- call Randy Childress at 254-7357. e / n #The Counseling and Human Development Center will be sponsoring a workshop, "S'elfI Improvement through S e If - Hypnosis" on Tuesday and Wed nesday, Mar. 19 & 20 from 10:15 to ons to Order eels Tonight rhe Pub to Eat. rhe Holly Farms Chicken dually Sauced Over High mpact. a. To Pass Up (See Below), e Size! ery Time. 3 Are Made w/Fresh s and Breaded With Our nts. xhausted and I Have a ' Big?est ) Wings ^in Townly ? JOCK WZ ] ?i i $2 Off Any Large 1 i or X-Lg. Order I I Expires 3/15/91 Please mention coupon j when ordering Bill Wattersor LAT, WOW AND VIE CAM SEE S\X TIMES ^ cars, Better at might than iou ombs, -? , CAN.' SIX r?ffiS/ FACTORS, "\l Bcfl. TAUt sP" v-\ Aawr agility/ ^ JBfc (HMI PH.J 5 2 V7 ?* . THE THRILL OF THE CHASE IS 9a DIMINISHED WHEN ONES PREY HAS LITTLE LEGS. ^ ^ REN^ i Jeff MacNellj oMTrii m> \ -)y M ' i5| Book 11:45 a.m. On Thursday, Mar. 21, "Coping With Stress" will be^the topic from 2:30 to 4 p.m. For more info., call 7-5223. The Hartsville Community Players will present "Bye-Bye Birdie" on Mar. 16-18, 22, 23 at Center Theater in Hartsville. Showtimes are at 8 D.m. with a Sundav mati nee at 3 p.m. Tickets for adults are $6, students, $4. Come and find out more about the situation in Northern Ireland, and what some folks are doing to help. On Wed., Mar. 20 at 6:30 p.m., our guests for the Catholic Student Organization meeting will be the coordinators of the Irish Children's Summer Program from Columbia and Belfast. Meeting will be held at the St. Thomas More Catholic Student Center, 1610 Greene St.; for more info., call 799-5870. Everyone welcome. The USC Department of Exercise Science is conducting a study involving the physiologic evaluatior of exercise videos and is looking foi volunteer participants. Needed are healthy females between the ages of 25 and 45 who are or have beer regular participants in aerobic dance exercise and who have usee exercise videos. Financial compen sation will be provided upon completion of the study. Please cal 7-5267 for more information. THANK YOU WHO SUPI CONTRIBUTE YOUNG FOR VI CAMPAIG I I WESTSIDE WC OB/GYN CER" f p- " - Jk ' s m BIRTF Birth control servi $40 stude Call 798-9299 or 2301 F Bush River Ro? i Eek & Meek hey, thevre plamuiug "id fw up a mult1-milu0m dollar mouumeuttd the spirit of cocperat10u 6eiweew 0u3ues5 amd gouerumemt, ?j/?\^reauy i i sigmedopfor am ^1 ^eclaikobics class | r The Far Side "Hey, look ... you knew when ] that I was a non-working bi Attention Journalism Majors: All College of Journalism undergraduates have been mailed 1991-1992 scholarship information and an application form. If you have not received this information, contact the Dean's Office, 4105, Coliseum 4000. Application deadline is TODAY. Free College Tuition is available at The USC to all enlisted personnel and civilians who qualify. 4-, 3-, and 2- year scholarships are now available. Some enlisted personnel may be eligible to leave the army early and attend college and ROTC training. For more information, call Capt. Victor Holman at 7-6542. CPU is currently accepting applications for officer and committee chair positions on the 1991-92 Executive Council. Applications are available in RH room 209. The deadline for officer positions is TO DAY and the deadline for the chair f postitions is Friday, March 22. For ( more information, call Liz McMurray , or Tracy Skipper at 7-7130. Datebook Policy ^ Publication is free, but not ) guaranteed. Send your announce: ments to Kathy Heberger, Drawer I A, RHrUSC. Columbia. S.C. 29225 or drop by The Gamecock office. No announcements will be taken I over the phone. Deadline is noon the previous publication day. TO EVERYONE I ?0RTED AND !D TO THE TOM ICE-PRESIDENT IN EFFORT. Sincerely, =n DMEN'S SERVICE nHED PHYSICIAN Abortion & Counseling Services - Ask ibout the new, more comfortable, ip-to-date method Tee pregnancy testing Jltrasound jomplete physical - lab tests, blood jressure check & pap smear Culture & treatment of sexually ransmitted diseases i CONTROL ces plus one pack of pills nt rate (Reg. $75) toU free 1-800-922-3730 id - Across from Outlet Point Howie Schneider V WHAT STATE ARE. THE. ATTORNEY GENERAL IS THEY GONNA RTO> N GONteUNGAGRANDJOWTD \ IT 1(0? ( HARD TO A LOOK IMTO THE NEGOTIATIONS ^ V--~-y ^ ~ ~ ~ ( WHATS AM A I BOTTHEY DO (T ) Gary Larson I Is I I II JL I II U Ui\ HM x \ * I ? fi& Si I i ^ i U \V fell SLS^Sl221i2!lSCSS2Si ???????????? ^ou married me Houdini's final undoing reed." $50 Minimum I $160Minimumj| ~^ y Per Month .jilgf;- ~ Males with A and B blood types. Special bonus program for students. ?v^N 2719 Middleburg Drive I L 1 Suite 105 L t ' Columbia, SC lWr 254-6537 %T^ Serologicals 11 ? Peace Corps representatives are here... U/orlnocHnu Mnrr^h 20 at USC INFORMATION TABLE 9:00 a.m. ? 3:00 p.m. Russell House Patio FILM PRESENTATION & PANEL DISCUSSION (Enjoy free refreshments and meet former volunteers) ? ^ ^ A AA 7:00 p.m. ? o:ou p.m. Gambrell Hall INTERVIEWS Friday, March 22 8:30 a.m. ? 2:00 p.m. Placement Office (Please bring a completed Peace Corps application) For information or an application call: 1-800-241-3862