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? I Bloom County mwars wfYMivo fey mmm HTTM cvm m&. mm r wt/ fiwvm sine's ocrr / STM'S OfVS PYVie NBCK.' *%rr\ pont nvme i nmxHe'5 mmg lfpjj\ WNPOVJL S<MWtN6.. ! (tlP^ Iceud /QUICK / -:s!W ' (TS Ml MR, ESCAPE -THIS I MHO. 5TEV6 v . MV fi6F0*6 ISlNStPe-. ^Mr He xe* ^ I <jgt* Ji ^JUii Shoe x PC>rtT KMOW "IW? A PAP 5K51 jM A0OUT11419 JfrlNT. 1 HL/M? J OVER THERE-... Ratt U. yioi7ci7x^^^^wJ!rwvr~l lwfi.L,y?^ 'N?/\TN?5S r///S ACTION roc/*. THE AAGSHtefS . ANt> Of HAH&W4 TCAA-\ fffot\ ARB fl0#? V/SIB/l,lT/ ' X?AOX?S Sl/awAy ?"/?- is *y HtTTO. ALL OVER GRAFFITI CATCHWG / M 6 fit Any CAMPOi ARTIST S THAN Sort IT ADAVRcb 'BOHBING ?. RAT X*K. Of TH?S? By omen. | ? ANt> we OTHSRS... RA&RATS... I c/u* TfteSf v r. fi . AA&SH??TS: 4 tee^ tlyly fUpW COPYEDITORS, BUSINESS NEEDED TO WORK ON THl A VAILABLE IN RUSS 1 ( # STUDENT LEADERSHIP THE UNIVERSITY C ! Qafiirrlaw Fp L^UtUl V4UJT f i V What is the student leadership training conference? } ? The Student Leadership Training ! Conference at USC is an opportunity for students to learn how to be more fective leaders. Experienced profesi sionals will discuss leadership issues in workshops and keynote addresses throughout the day. Who should attend? Students wishing to enhance their personal and leadership skill developi ment, and students actively involved ii ^ ^ campus organizations will benefit greal " ly from participation. What will happen? 1 Conference registration begins at J a.m., and the opening session follows 9 a.m. Registration and all conference sessions will be held in the Russell House University Union. Workships w be offered in the morning and afterno< by Student Affairs professionals from the southeastern region. The luncheon U H address will begin at noon. The con) - e 1 L.. >1 nf Qfli/Hon> I ifp Di * OpOll?UICU uy II1C ivcpauiIiv.u W. . ? NOTE:DEADLlNE FOR I 1987. Prepaid fees cannot date. i t - i REGISTf Name 1 Year in firhnnl Student Sti 01 a Position(s) Held Institution Mailing Address Phone Please make checks payable to: LeadersM Departme Boh 8512 O f L Berke Breathed Far i */7.?w csrm 1 awm or amis mat row* ?y noon or 1 "11 ^7 / pe/wANeur A wirwe wncvw F. j f Ik for NicoTiNt Ba^JI ; / \ y\SfcL rf MTHCWWfiL WflS 7T=T\\ v - ?Y ICS I ? Pisamtep... mm ^ Jeff MacNelly ?\ HF ~ g | THE WINE STEWARP i ^ l? CARRVIMe A I WHELPS? j [ PAIROF Pl^& ^J Robb Lane ytflH.. DO But you THIS 'SN't A / a a few 'cooes just XAGSHecrBET OF BOM&'HG R/PPBO 7-vy/r /* *tf \ ? T/QuETTEl- &*>" f^T /r/\H MAILS'OR ?xAHPLf, cvyt-? , I WS CAN T Tlr.f\K J I t>ow* R/\&s?rers -#?v /?V ' or Hen THAN OUR ^ J s 1 *** urnc"" JssiL^ * "NE WS FEA TURESSPOR TS, E GAMECOCK. APPLICA TIONS 'ELL HOUSE ROOM 321 TRAINING CONFERENCE >F SOUTH CAROLINA 9 bruary 7, 1987 ference will conclude at no later than 4 | p.m. What topics will be covered L in the workshops? Workshops covering basic personal j and leadership skills will be offered. Participants will have a choice of 1. _t r 1 1 wuiK.i>nups rruin guai seiung anu publicity to motivation and stress ' management. Who will be speaking? |S n Dr. H. Setzler, President of 8 f, t- Newberry College, will give the morn- j j | ing address. A key political figure from the I / southeastern region will speak at the | j 3 luncheon. He will address the educa- | j tional leadership issues from a unique, i 11 political perspective. ! ill How much will it cost? ; I jn The cost for the conference is $10 for USC students. The price includes a continental breakfast, refreshments, a lun- H cheon, and conference materials. j! [Vision or oiuucm midirb w i diu lor in pan uy jiuuciu rco w i REGISTRATION IS JANUARY 23, be returned after the deadline IATION FORM aff Member i p Training Proarams and return with this form to: nt of Student Life. 18. USC. Columbia. SC 29208 II I II ' I??MM??1 I I I????J < Side f'HI f >n-slnging canaries have to take wood shop Po ollegiate Crossword 27 a r< 28 F, ill * iw Hb- H 23; ?Edward Julius LOlltgltte LHA4.V0 jj 6 T 8 R ACROSS 13 Plant parts 22 Bridge words 9 H 15 " With My Aunt" 23 Arctic explorer 10 M 16 Annoy greatly 24 Russian river 12 S Chair part 18 Stirs up 25 Jail 14 H potatoes 19 Buck 26 Lois Lane's boss, 15 G Soviet peninsula 21 Slapstick prop White 17 W ,, I&jsPN l#i . 7940030 V* FEATURING DOUBLE-DEAL (buy one get one fri Imall Cheese additional items .arge Cheese Additional items 12-inch and 16-incl 2 for 1 and Free [ Italian Style ? Chee New York Style ? Chei flIso offering: Double Topper Pizza: a single pizza with Submarine Sandwiches: Italian or Ham Bee Cold Cokes [ $1 OFF ANY | < \ SMALL \ t rv i UUUUIC-UCdl Pizza \ Expires 2/1/87 0 794-0030 | Gary Larson i- LitNEKHUl =r- STORE f PA ?.^zSSUZMfmm Somethin's up, Jed.... That's Ben tier's horse, ai! right, but ain't that nry Morgan's chicken ridln' him?" larlton Heston 20 Head Inventory 3,e 23 Pet jrsighted female 24 Like Eric jsh violently ?6 Ja5s ennis term 27 Damp and humid ribbage need 29 Make ecstatic ong, abusive 30 Rosenary and Peech basil ctor M"ed1th 32 Advocates of laywright Clifford correct language 33 Rich cake ? and Joan 34 Expressions peculiar aucet to a language evitate 35 relaxation frican capital 36 Part of a pool table panlsh painter 37 mile iddie 38 Military gestures r. Bogarde, et al. 40 Compulsion utflt 42 organ end forth 44 Chanpicnship how of recognition 45 >oci*l event hows anger 47 Repair issolved substance 48 monster orce units 50 Negative reply ollege in Maine 52 Mr. Petrie DOWN ? i i i i i i i i rlters -i -i W A. ? Ji BB ype of candy |i ? ? -QjJ- 0 i ^ B -S- J. -M. iiJpB esided I AH IE ? A I 3. 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