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II KM?Mfl m' represen- ?!!!'?."?!' She mav ,hink she IBfln tatives voted on tvwo pro- V was played in 1958, the By* . " i-'Ji. . ha?o been queen," but to Collypl/VSPffl POS.IS to amend the law jMMS*/ h?M ,h ""T n k Qltntlnht umbi?ns wh? wi? ?? ?School Honor Code to allow M^jSSV S?'u ^ IT f'u ?5 OpOtliO III auditorium on Sunday night, S for mora faculty inunluammn Iffly S,",h r ~ ^ 9 Tina Turner is the queen of MJMMI 0000 2. T/ m:all those Thursday games, ^ V rock V roll, page 5. .j / Kickoff Magazine. ^ ? The Gamecock Founded 1908 _ Friday Volume 78, No. 46 University of South Carolina November 22, 1985 International _ law degree approved By JULIET NADER Assistant news editor A new graduate degree in international law was approved yesterday at the Academic Af lairs ana faculty Liaison Committee of the Board of Trustees' meeting in the Osborne Ad^ ministration Building. Master of Arts in International Legal studies degrees will be available to American law school graduates already holding a Juris Doctorate. Master of Laws degrees will be available to other participants. Program requirements are similar for both degrees. Law school Dean Harry Lightsey said the degree program was deemed necessary when he received 40 applications from in y lernauonai law students who wanted to do their graduate work at USC. He said there was no program to accommodate them. The program will require four more classes and one additional faculty member. USC President James Holderman said the program will add an exciting new dimension to the law school. ' SG Senate By STEPHEN C. GUILFOYLE Staff writer The proposed student activity Golden Spur received a blow Wedn< dent Government Senate voted i $60,000 to the project. Based on the findings of her comi ^ Sen. Babbs Henry recommended allocate funds to the project. She organizations on campus, only I survey to the committee. Eight organizations said they wa amvuits ccuici, nircc wanted a siuc one wanted it to be used for some Sen. James Brown said it was s that helped the committ< recommendation. NINETY-TWO STUDENTS retu committee had left in front of the 5 m ~ Burn, tiger, bum ) I Senior defensive end Tony Guyton toi |K?^? Gamma tororlty. a| ?i-4 ? Vs*,. *.*TT , adUHUHl fl jm r~ up , M||' I HBBHBBMntor*iJH^HBlH^^^BB Sfl .I j ? ;. ' ?jg H 9 ^^HBHHw ' j" 'HT? " 71"-/^v> ~-T~ ~?-~ I:.'"-.' j^-- . :-?-7". "~^~ * jl ' ' ^3 S ~^BMj B I hsss :aiSAiflj li_. 11 _ "^SSS^KiKS ^^^^^|fc&|Bhpap|W>WWf. "' ' ' '' ' ? . in tt?i, I I.I EB^HnPPjnE; HKWWJWIwi||1*!jB^MB32M3wfcC^jJ:>r'11 n ^^^ ? . t t[ a?v-^^*'"" <j"'7* ' ' .".. WmtiKl2ffiri??v:..' >.: ? -S*-f. . SEAN KEEFER/Tfra Gamecock Rain, rain go away Student* get firsthand axperiance of whaQhBjgMiomjmfllLJimaLh^ | like as the rain continues. > * votes not to allocate ,, Committee report ;sday as the Stu- ? _ 0 0 "oca,e of students surve nitee's research, the Senate not said out of 150 ment office, and 72 percent said they wanted the 12 returned the Spur to be a lounge for students; 20 percent said they wanted some other use for it, and eight percent nted the student said they wanted a student activities center. lent lounge, and Brown said other surveys were turned over to the other purpose. committee, including one with 592 names requesting tudent response the Spur not be turned into an office. 1 f* m Q A I t C U A ?lo/\ A ?U "-"*1 r u j ml aisu saiu ulcic was anunici survey irom me USC School of Medicine requesting the Spur be opened as a lounge. rned surveys the "I think the Medical School should be commenditudent Govern- ed for taking an interest in what is going on, because yJMP rchM the Ciemson tiger in the annual Phi Kappa P?i fraternity Tiger Burn pep rel Journalis by editor By MARISA J. PORTO News editor Joseph Shoquist, managing editor for spccial projects at the Milwaukee Journal, has replaced retired USC College of Journalism Dean Albert T. Scroggins. USC President James Holderman made the announcement to the journalism faculty yesterday. "Joe Shoquist enjoys tremendous respect among journalists thoughout the nation, and the Milwaukee Journal has been a pacesetter for outstanding journalism under his leadership," Holderman said. Shoquist is president of the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. The search for a journalism dean began when Scroggins retired last year after 20 years at USC. Shoquist received his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Iowa journalism school and began his career at Idaho Newspapers in th#? I Q4flc "USC is a dynamic institution, one that has achieved national and international recognition in money for finds 72 pa 'yed want lot they are all the way across town, was overwhelmingly in favor of a can decide what the students woul the Spur," Brown said. BROWN INTRODUCED leg meeting to move the $60,000 from into the general fund, and the Sen He said the finance committee m funds if they have a request for th SG Vice President Amy Hous rlr ~i <$ . 'R? M-;'? i < v? . *: V-^: . < ' I' JOSEPH GARNETT/Tt* G?r?cock lly co sponsored this year by Kappa ;m positio r Trom iviii Joseph Shoquist New journalism dean many fields, and it is an exciting prospect to become associated with it," Shoquist said. "It has the opportunity to grow and strengthen its position nationally as well as in the state, and I am looking forward to being a part of that growth." Shoquist, praising (JSC's journalism program as one of the best in the nation, said he viewed his appointment as a challenge and an opportunity. See "Dean," page 2. Golden Spui * force would cont rnPflT possibilities for th " I***' * I In other busine a resolution sayir r IJTV/VO the rights of all st J/fi/fc? in the Faculty Ser & tion students not? jurisdiction. Student reaction lounge. Now we THE COMMI Id like done with Senate's recomme stitution for judi resolution. ;islation in the The resolution ; the special fund student represent; ate approved. and Petitions Cc tion, the committi ay re-allocate the violations from tl e money. dent on the comn er said the task The Senate pas: 0 unit;11 is a police repc USC kidnap victin j BBs shot through 1 student, causing i I By HAL MILLARD I o??i# UIQII fVlllUI A male USC student was kidnapped and assaulted Nov. 19, according to a report filed in the University Police Department. The incident occurred when a USC student was approached by an unknown person and forced into a white Chevrolet Citation at Large Davis Field on 1300 Greene St. He was driven to the top level of the Pendleton Street Garage and became involved in a fight after exiting the vehicle. THE STUDENT received several cuts from a broken bottle during the fight. He was transported to Thomson Student Health Center and later to Richland Memorial Hospital. An assault occurred on the 5th floor of Douglas dormitory Nov. 14, where a female student was met by an unknown person who started verbally assaulting her. The victim was physically n filled waukee r% I - 1 Keiocation, fund-raiser in planning By JULIET NADER and HAL MILLARD Staff writers Now that the journalism school has a dean, a fundraising campaign and a relocation arc planned for the near future. "We're hoping we could raise several millions of dollars," said USC President James B. Holderman. "We're going to target some key people." When the engineering department moves into the Swearingen Center, its new building, the journalism department will move into Sumwalt College, the current engineering building. Money from the fund-raiser See "Fund," page 2. ' offices inue to meet to investigate other \e Spur. ss, Sen. Ed Sookikian introduced ig the Senate concerns itself with udents. He said certain legislation late would take continuing educa;eeking degrees out of the Senate's TTEE formed by the Faculty ndation "usurps the Student Conicial process," according to the also states that because there is no ition on the Academic Standards iminittee for Continuing Educaee should remove all student code heir jurisdiction and place a stulittee. sed the resolution. issa ulted, . _ ins say 7 receives cuts; windows strike njury to back assaulted when she tried to strike the suspect. THE SUSPECT grabbed the student's hands and pushed her against a wail, resulting in scrapes and bruises on her face and body. Two incidents of BBs shot through windows were also reported. One incident was reported this week and one last week resulted in a student being struck in the back by a BB. A grand larceny was reported last week when a computer at the USC Computer Annex was stolen by unknown persons. ACCESS TO the annex can only be gained by a magnetic card. Numerous cases of larceny on campus have been reported in the past week involving the usual campus items: wallets, purses, bikes, various personal items, phones and textbooks.