University of South Carolina Libraries
? I ' - '' I Classified Information Classified advertising is charged on a per ' word basis. All classified* must be prepaid IN THE EXACT AMOUNT with cash. * check or money order. Orders and pay- 1 ments are accepted either in person or < ikrniKrk ilio moil nnlv iWn tolonKnno nlor^. \ ments.) Classifieds are taken in room 323 of the Russell House: Monday 9-12 and 2:30-5 Tuesday 9-1:30 and 2-5 I Wednesday 9-12 and 1:30-5 i Thursday 9-1:30 and 2-5 Friday ' 9-11 and 1:30-5 Advertisements may be cancelled before 10 a.m. the dav prior to publication; however, NO REFUNDS ARE GIVEN. Rates Campus: 15c per word for the first insertion; 12c per word each consecutive issue without copy change. $1.50 minimum. Non-Campus: 20c per word for the first insertion; 16c per word each consecutive I issue without copy change. $2.00 minimum. Deadlines 3 p.m. Monday for Wednesday's paper 3 p.m. Wednesday for Friday s paper 3 p.m. Thursday for Monday's paper CAMPUS NOTICES Student Government Senate meets every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. in the Russell House Theater. If you are concerned about student life, we hope to see you there. Beginners Welcome U.S.C. Equestrian Team meetings at 7:30 pm Wednesday in the Russell House. USC Mountaineering & Whitewater Club meetings at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Room 304 in the Russell House. New members welcome. use FRISBEE CLUB PRACTICE MON. 7-9 FIELD F, FRI. 5-6:30 FIELD E. SUN. 4-6 FIELD F. $10-$360 Weekly/Up Mailing Circulars. No quotas. Sincerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Sucess, PO Box 470CEG, Woodstock, IL 60098 USC LACROSSE TEAM PRACTICE: W. 7-9pm, F. 4-6pm, Sun 2-5 Fields: A,F. SOME EXPERIENCE. Call 799-3520 or PE CENTER. USC AD CLUB Meeting Wed. 6:30 Room 3020C Coliseum. Speaker: KEN COOKE, Exec. VP. Newman, Saylor, Gregory. LAST FORMAL MEETING for SEMESTER. Everyone welcome. Important Clug Business. Members Please Attend. ATTENTION JOURNALISM STUDENTS! Freelance writers needed. Gain professional experience and make money in your free time. Call 356-4796 evenings. Presentation tonight "Echoes," Videotape of contemporary Christian Rock, focus on Petra and Amy Grant. Supper/Program 6 pm Presbyterian Student Center, 1702 Greene. NAACP Meeting today at 6:30 in Calcott Auditorium Rm 015. New meeting place for information or direction call 777-9100 or 777-1162. The Athenian Literary and Debating Society will be debating tonight at 7:00 PM in Russell House 332, "Resolved, Raisa Gorbachev dresses better than Nancy Reagan." A ROAD RAl.I.Y u/ill ho SnnHav November 24. Starts from Parkland Plaza shopping center in Cayce. Registration from 11:00 to 12:45. Any type car. More information call 736-3730 or 787-3272. Sponsored by South Carolina Region Sports Car Club of America International/American student association meeting 7:00 pm Russell House Room 327. All USC students welcome get internationally involved. ^pj II fi ST*" g comami ima Q _2 m?h1~ I I * - I PRESTIGIOUS COMMUNITY $50 SECURITY DEPOSIT i TOWNHOU5ES AND U GARDEN APARTMENTS |J -WOODBURNING FP's ff "TENNIS AND POOL I CONVENIENT TO 1-2-3 BR APARTMENTS \ EXIT 1-126' right on Gr?y?tone \ Blvd., Turn right at traffic light l7l f 'r" . Alpha Epsilon Delta meets tomorrow light at 7:00 pm in CLS rm 215. Dr. Stanley Fowler, professor of Pathology it USC School of Medicine, will speak on ;areer opportunities and requirements >f medical research. Nonmembers welcome. SUGAR MOUNTAIN SKI CHALET Complete efficiency apartment for :wo. 200 yds from ski run. $50.00/night minimum 2 nights. Bring your own inens. Contact Dr, Harris 777-2175. FOR SALE 1983 BMW for sale 777-7208. WALKMAN tape player, brand new by Sony. $48.00 or vest offer. 799-4658 after 3pm. Realistic scanner for sale. 50 prograniable channels. Used very little still in original box. Asking $250. Will negotiate. Call 247-2478 after 6 pm. HELP^ANTED OVERSEAS JOBS...Summer, yr. round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia. All fields. $900-2000 mo. Sightseeing. Free info. Write 1JC POBx 52-SC2. Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Part-time Satellite sales: $300 per week - must have car. Aggressive. Call Mr. Mooney anytime at 733-9791. $60.00 PER HUNDRED PAID for processing mail at home! Information, send self-addressed, stamped envelope. Associates, Box 95, Roselle, New Jersey 07203. GAMECOCK ADVERTISING Sales Account Executive Positions Available. Previous sales experience requested but not required. Car a must. 20 hours a week. Commission pay basis w/bonus. Apply M-W-E from 4-5 pm, Rm 323 Russell House. Great experience for all majors ? apply now! Experienced waiters are needed immediately to start working at Columbia's premiere international cuisine restaurant ? KALFON'S naturally. Serving lunch, tea time, dinner and after theater. Apply in person at 2605 Seminole Rd., Gazebo Village between 4pm-6pm. Exit Broad River Rd. off 1-20, V2 mile north on left side. Part time (days) positions available. Delivery, sandwich maker, counter help. Apply in person 8-10 a.m. or 2-3 p.m. The PicKle Barrel, 1301 Assembly Street, across from Cromers. Needed Part time Xmas sales help. Must have appreciation of fashion sportswear. Retail experience desired but not necessary. Apply in person THE REFLEX downtown Assembly at Lady. POSITION AVAILABLE Prestigious Advertising Agency seeks individual to perform data entry using time and billing accounting application on IBM PC. Part time, 15-20 hrs per week, requires individual who is selfmotivated, meticulous, works well with detail and is conscientious. Responsibilities include collecting time sheet information from manual forms, batching and entering information, and data entry from the pre-coded information. Monday through Friday, flexible late afternoon or evening hours; $4.50/hr. Contact: Claire Davis at 765-1323. College student to work in make up shop. Prefer 10-3 hut will vary hours or days to fit class schedule. Irmo area 732-1265. Godfather's Pizza has part time open ings for school students. We will work around your school schedule. Apply at 4722 Forest Drive or 1204 Knox-Abbot! Drive between 2:00-5:00 pm Monday Thursday. BRIDGE APART! ORDABLE STUDENT ALTI "~1 FIVE MINUTES FROM USC CARF CONTINUOUS CLEANING RANGE * ORAF NO FROST REFRIGERATORS LAUN s CALL ABOUT C STUDENT SPECI ? AA n \M A. I L.I. UIUU D AWC., VVtJtil wUIUmUlc PROFESSIONALLY MANAGED BY THI 1-2-3 BR GARDEN APARTMENTS $50 Security Deposit I V2 Off First Month's Classified , POSITION AVAILABLE: CAMPUS SALES REPRESENTATIVE Wanted: Students who know their way around campus to be Kinko's representatives. Flexible part time position. $3.50 per hour plus commission. High earnings potential. 25 hours per week minimum. Apply in person at: Kinko's, 933 Main nr\t\ ooat OUWl fSKT-OOUf. We are now accepting applications for our new location due to open on December 2nd. We have both full and part time positions available willing to work with school schedules. Day pay rate starting at $3.50. per hour. Apply in peraon only from 9am Noon, 4 - 7:30 pm starting Monday at Rax on Trenholm Rd. next to the Trenholm Plaza Shopping Center. HOUSING FOR RENT PLACE ON THE GREENE in FIVE POINTS - 2 BR/2 Bath $500 immediate occupancy. Call Cathy 765 0660. 3 bedroom house, Forest Acres, 3 miles from campus, private room, low utilities, $yu.uu secuntyflfyu.w rent. Non-smoking students/782-0762. Female roommate to share spacious apt. located across from Capstone and BA building. 1/3 or 1/4 rent plus deposit. 765-1050. 3 bedroom close $335/month 2-5 pm. 799-5594. Grad students to share 2BR, 2BDR condo, 1600 Park Circle furnished or un furnished, $325 month ? Vt utilities deposit. 256-4779 or 765-1256. Quiet study minded male roommate needed to share 2 Br 2B apt at River Ridge, 3 miles to campus. Very nice apt 200.00 per mo. Dec 1, available. LOST & FOUND Lost: White contact lens case with con tacts. 791-4672. Leave message. Lost, a Gold Omega man's wristwatcl probably near the Roost. A fifty dolla reward if found, I would appreciate i very much if it is returned, call 771-6247 LOST Gambrell first level restroom Ring white gold circle of sapphires raised diamond in center. Very sen fimnnfal Rnurai*^ nffurn/^ Poil Rnnnn n VIIIIV llvlti. IWTTmu VllViVU. VMi I IVVlItt a 796-2119. PERSONALS PREGNANT and need help? F? pregnancy,. test, counseling. Call BIF TH RIGHT OF COLUMBIA, 765 0165 KRYSTALNACHT Survivor YADZIA STI j and the destruction of TONIGHT 7:30 pm Russell House Room 203 I ill PARK I III A>*S?Lfl?csn hI Ivl JUBt ?" "vvy- 3'B. conve- u I (ft I niently located to Inter- II | !| states, Downtown, USC & II the I/exington Co. Hosp. If iH Office Hours M-F | yl 9:00-5:30; Sat. 10:00-4:00; I 11 Sun. 1:00-5:00 j 11 796-5079 Al ju 1036 Comanchee Trail Advertising Graphic/Artist, student or professional at USC wishing to enter a logo contest ($300 prize.) Logo design specifications sheet and entry form available from Harrison Greenlaw, 206-Russell House, Student Orientation Office. Desperatly seeking Susan. Middle of ramp 3 pm today. CI AO Mr X. HaDpy 22nd Russell Vereen. So old!! Watch those late nights at the library without your books and maybe you'll keep up with me. We'll have to work on keeping your feet warm. This Christmas give a gift you know will be appreciated. Do something Unique shop THE REFLEX Downtown Columbia Assembly at Lady. Overcome the "CRAMMING SYNDROME!" Take the PREPARING FOR AND TAKING EXAMS workshop at the Counseling and Human Development Center, Monday, December 2, 3:30-5:00pm. Call 777-5223 or come to Room 202 of the H William Close (BA) Building for information and sign up. TIPS ON BURNOUT PREVENTION - one session overview of strategies for preventing burnout and handling stress. Tuesday, December 3, 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Call Counseling and Human Development Center at 777-5223 for ini formation and sign up. I STUDY SKILLS Improve academic efficiency - reading, test taking skillscomputerized programs. For study skills consultation, call Academic Skills Program of the Counseling and Human Development Center 777-5223. Sweethearts, boyfriends, and just friends send a busnel of popcorn, imprinted with the Gamecock logo. It's a great snack for all occasions. For froe brochure write to "Pop Corn", PO Box 2782, Greenville SC 29602. SERVICES ~ IBM PROMPT PROFESSIONAL - TYPING. PROOFREADING INCLUDED. REASONABLE. NEAR CAMPUS. . 799-7587. i- EXPERT TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING: Term papers. Resumes, Legal Documents, Fast and accurate, h 787-5445 r t Windchime Farms horse rentals. $10.00 per hour, no guides needed. ALSO hayrides, bonfires, lesson, bori. ding and training. Call 754-3080 for reservations and information. It Typing Services Unlimited. IBM-PC; theses, dissertations, resumes (writing and typing), etc. Editing a specialty. 798-9325. THE MUSIC BRIGADE, music and light show. . . Call 776-6135, after 6pm. Computer typed papers! Edit to perfection. Theses, Resumes, Term >e papers, etc... 1 day service available, I- $2.00/pg. Call: Data Services Unlimited . 787-4462. and the HOLOCAUST i :RN relates her experiences our people In World War II. Refreshments served EVERYONE WELCOME Sponsored by Hillel THE COUNSELING 1 AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CENTER "The Counseling Service for USC Students" I Confidential Assistance Personal & Academic Concerns II. William Close Bldg. (2nd Floor) 777-5223 ^DO TOD HAVE A P IS TUBE A LETTS ?> FIRST OFFIC I SE1 [ 1419 G It Uolumbi f Phon Lmsmu Typist ? M. Conrad ? 798-9018. "jjjjjjj TYPING AVAILABLE for term ' papers, theses, dissertations and resumes. 772-1388, 8:00-6:00 p.m. EXPERT TYPIST (18 yrs/exp) uses ^ electronic/memory typewriter. Unlimited typing/editing services. I Satisfaction guaranteed. 772-1207. _P TYPING & WORD PROCESSING |" Starting at $1.75 perpage for copy work. TITLE PAGES FREE! CALL KEITH ^ 9-5: 777-4613, after 5: 799 0374. ^ Private Guitar Lessons. Lessons tailored to suit your style. Chord and 5>cale charts provided. For info Call Gary ! at 787-5267. ' LAUREL SECRETARIAL f " SERVICES. f Term papers, theses, resumes, etc. All W work done on word processor. Professional job at reasonable rates. 782-2004 am/pnv TYPING for LESS. For Reliable Service Call 252-3881. TYPING ETC. 732-1863 Resumes, A Term Papers, Theses, etc. Convenient weekly pick-up. Student discount rates! Jo Professional Typing, Proofreading, ^ File Copy, Reasonable. Jeannine Ward ? 256-3591 or 736-4934. TYPING/WORD PROCESSING on IBM. Guaranteed error-free. $2.50 page. ? Leave message 254-7574. i CASEY'S TYPING SERVICES. Near 6-points. I charge by the line - you save ^ on partial pages. Top quality electronic 1 typewriter and bond paper. SUBWAY R] NOW HIRING PART-TIME ^ LUNCH, DINNER & CLOSING N< 254-1386 / 256-3871 77 APPLY TODAY R] Command ^ Performance 77 Do It Up Right r< $6 PRECISION CUT! & WALK IN SPECIAL 77 In Five Points In 728 Saluda Ave. fi 254 9715 SKI NORTH U JANUARY 5-9, 4 Nigh Cost: 4 Day: $168.00 (2 D (own equipment 1 n subtract $24) ^ g ' All mi cqu FRENCH-SWll Co Sponsored by Sports Club Council ar ! Intramural-Recreational Sports Office 777 5261 LAWO?T STOCK 1PW 100% ARMVED ^ APEH DDE THIS WEBF* S TOD HAfEl'T SEIT? , Call '' E SECRETARIAL *VICES 1> iervais Street a, S.C. 29201 J > ie 799-9404 1 WORD PROCESSING ft REVISIONS EASY ! RESUMES h ~ I TERM PAPERS f Id I THESIS LEGAL TYPING 9 ,5 COPIES I 1813 Hampton Street 5 Columbia, S.C. 29201 ? ; (803) 799 5696 0 Mr OR NOT MOKING m NOV. iin the Great American Smokeout ,, k ursday, November 21. Quit for one lay and you might quit for good. I AMERICAN cbCANCER ? SOCIETY HANKSGIVING IDE BOARD IDER NEEDED: ark Mow istination: Atlanta, GA , | 3V. 26 at 4pm ? Dec. 1 7-5427 IDU WEKULU: ithy Stiller jstination: Wilmington, Del. dv. 26 - Dec. 1 7-8695 inee Ratledge jstination: Knoxville, TN 3V. 25 after 12:30 - Dec. 1 7-1769 [ I advertising for 1 iday's edition? Bring $1 to ussell House Room 323. kRnilNA ? *> Mm r*w 1986 ts Lodging ; of Skiing j ays Sugar Mtn. j ay Ski Beech ay Ski Hawksnest) ipment, boots, skis, and poles and lift fees HOUSING IS BASED ON 4 TO A ROOM. Registration: Doc. 4 - 5pm j r P.E. Center ?>* #102 $5 Checks to: Ski French-Swiss [ |(j A $50 non refundable deposit AAWJUI AS AM I vwiiwjwrtvvijvn^^ \ DUCKH1EAD f J KHAKIS / ?1800 affiHSlB Mil a See Classified J Campus Notice 2 CAROT.TNA f WOMEN'S ' CLINIC Pregnancy testing by urine or blood Abortion Counseling and Services with free medications ? All methods of birth control: Pill, 1UD, Diaphragm available VD, Herpes testing and treatment Pap test and other female problems All contacts strictly confidential, we care about you 3224 Millwood Ave. Across from Dreher H.S. ' i 803-256-0128