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The Gamecock
Founded 1908 Monday
Volume 78, No. 44 University of South Carolina November 18, 1985
Two al
out of
Staff writer
It was just like the m<
men allpopHlv cvuin/tloi
Russell House last Wet
The "sting," which
to pull off, began at th<
when two men approac
campus police report s
The men asked the
escorted her to South <
Assembly St., and bad
for one of them while I
station 011 Gervais Stre
The other man ask
A money with his to gu;
took her money along
The man handed th
chief filled with newsp;
bills. The man told tin
Russell House and sai
The student waited
called the bus station tt
checked the folded ham
holding slips of newspt
She contacted the C<
which called USC cam]
In a statement to tl
might have been ph<
cameras while at SCN
recognize both men i
would be willing to tes
In her statement to ]
the men in detail.
between 25 and 30 year
feet and 160 pounds. I
beard and mustache am
ing a solid color shirt,
The second man was
He was black, about 1
pounds. He had a bear
afro with some erav h
printed shirt and jeans,
The men drove a lin
1970s model with a rus
Anyone who may ha\
formation about them s
at 777-4215.
I hope both (
will be closer t
than they were k
It's just a sho
Sbb ab
w anar
5 coed
_ ? M ? ?
)vie, "The Sting," when two
i $1,143 from a student at
took more than three hours
: north side of Russell House
hed a female USC student, a
student for assistance. They
Carolina National Bank. 300
k to Russell House.
itudent to keep some money
ne went to the Trailways bus
ed the student to put her
arantee its safety. The man
with his and wrapped it in a
e student another handkeraper
cut to the size of dollar
; student to wait in front of
id they would return in 15
until 11:30 a.m., and then
o contact the men.
,E to reach them, so she
dkerchief and found she was
Mumbia Police Department,
pus police.
le police, she said the men
jtographed by surveillance B
I. She also said she would S
f she saw them again and
tify against them in court. d
aolice, the student described e
er report, the first man was c
s old. He was black, about 6 s
ic had a small body size, a
d a short afro. He was wear- ti
faded jeans and a gold ring, s
between 35 and 40 years old. tl
5 feet 7 inches tall and 185 f<
d and mustache and a short
air in it. He was wearing a p
le-green Chevrolet, an early
ty white top. u
/e seen these men or have inhould
contact campus police Is
w. _____
nn Rarnn B
war?uui uvv
iy senior PrHppSlfS
8 i E ul B
SHE ^ HsiiKMii
Still marvelous
The 198B Gamecock football aeeeoi
ptycholftgy senior.
video phone
taff writer
USC's communications system is b
uring the next few weeks in a pro
ventually make video telephones a
ing to the university's director of cor
Pirector Charles Poole said current
rude, but transmitting video through
ystem may be possible in a few year
Poole said too much movement gi
are because of the difficulty of compi
ignal into phone lines because of th
ompressing a video signal into phone
he signal should "be down to a reas
cw years down the road."
Poole said USC's phone system w
atible with video technology becausc
mitn iiausums signals mucn laster
oice lines.
Video is just one of many things
pgrading of the system may allow, 1
The upgrading should be compli
Jovember, Poole said, and will cre?
nd enhance general performance witl
BS arms t
"^v Middle East.
Reagan and his
ggggggUH have made it clear
Bnine hours of talk
leader Mikhail S. C
United States
breakthroughs on t
of nuclear arms co
The summit be
when Reagan host
y' On Wednesday G
Ijligpl|?Mj receive Reagan, am
.. meet again briefly '
'G^r~~ jpBI It will be the
j U.S.-Soviet meetinj
? six years and th
World War II.
Gorbachev was
arrive in Geneva V
NKRBNR ing, Swiss officials
i hasn't changed the opinion t
v. -"W v
is in viev
use during
Poole !
eing upgraded software-c
cess that may stalling ne
reality, accor- The upf
nmunications. said, beca
technology is with AT&
the telephone better soft
s. the USC ;
ves a bad pic- great flexi
essing a video few years,
c difficulty of "The n
lines. He said overall uti
onable level a Poole s;
into the L
ould be com- by Christr
; of its wiring, install the
than normal calling th?
? that routine possibly c
le said. system," 1
eted by mid- tie to see
ite more lines Other f
hout affecting allow pen
v doesn't
ontrol so
missile o]
isident Reagan talists ar
eva Saturday through l
1 preparations handing (
nmit as Soviet superpow*
p a presummit stop int
irged joint countries,
rts to solve On Sat
iuch as in the fielded qu
whn u/pi
top officials "regional
that in about Most c
;s with Soviet with Sovi<
Gorbachev, the in Afghan
expects no has said hi
he major issue Gorbache
ntrol. The s<
gins Tuesday repeated F
s Gorbachev. the troop
orbachev will when a "
i the two may reached
Thursday. "outside"
first top-level by the Un
i in more than "Th#? <.
e 11th since aims," sa
one of the
scheduled to "Afghan
londay morn- neutral, n<
* JjjlH
if Scott Salmonsen, a
i" -*'rt ? ' * 4% ' V"V',
v with s'
5 the process.
said because this system
Iriven, upgrading is simply
;w program tape.
grading will cost the univer
use it is part of a mainten
T. He said as AT&T deve
ware programs, these will
system. This is what give;
ibility. He said this shoul
ew software is going to b
ility of the system," he sa
aid he hopes the system ca
ISC main computer for d;
nas or spring. He said he 2
t features of call waiting
it were taken out because
going to give people
an without jeopardizing tl
le said. "We're just watch
where everything lands."
uture possibilities include
?onal computers to "talk'
than 5,000 nuclear
Dponents, environmenld
pacifists marched
:he city on Saturday,
>ut leaflets urging the
2rs *to disarm and to
ervening in foreign
urday, Soviet officials
estions from journalists
e called to discuss
>f the questions dealt
:t troops fighting rebels
listan, an issue Reagan
; intends to discuss with
;ven Soviet officials
Cremlin statements that
>s will be withdrawn
political settlement" is
with guarantees that
interference, allegedly
ited States, will stop,
oviet Union has two
id Yevgeny Primakov,
Soviet representatives,
istan should be a
on-aligned and friendly
Se? 'Summit,' pagt 2.
greek inti
Staff writer
The names of students who will
lead study committees on the
C I IP/^> -
f/iauiiku uicigci ui use s raciany
divided greek system will be announced
later this week, the
greek affairs director said.
Two committees will draft a
constitution and make recommendations
for forming a
desegregated greek system, said
director Melody Hokanson, who
will serve as an ex-officio
member on the committees.
One committee will study
fraternities and the other will
study sororities, Hokanson said.
Under the current system,
Panhellenic Association governs
white sororities, Intrafraternity
Council governs white frater
nitics and Pan-Hellenic Council
governs black sororities and
The committees will be working
toward a May 15 deadline to
form the new structure.
"Basically, we're going to
develop a structure for a sorority
council and fraternity council,"
said Jerry Brewer, dean of student
life. Brewer will serve as
chairman of the committees.
"How we'll go about that is
going to have to wait until the
L/ctom nnnr
Y V 1UIII upijl
and the abilit
i is completely campuses.
/ a matter of in- Since the pi
system, which 1
sity nothing, he ceedingly relia!
ance agreement system for off:lops
newer and plaints earlier,
be installed into
s the system its There have
d happen every distance dialing
are being studii
e increasing the rected soon. ]
id. satisfied with tli
in be used to tie has not receiv<
ata applications problems were
ilso wants to re- "I think the I
anH fhrpp-wav tliini/
? tin11rw 11 a 51/1115
of problems. Poole pointei
everything we its size in the ci
he utility of the He said testi
ing the dust set- place for severa
this month. He
phone jacks to be on hand at al
' to each other sure it does not
SNI - " ?" jSwS:': - I
es to plan
committees are formed," Brewer
Dennis Pruitt, vice president
for student affairs and dean of
students, will appoint committee
members based on recommenda11
OnC Af nronl/ I*%r%A
iiv/uo \/i ^1 vvr\ icauvi d
The sorority study committee
will be comprised of two
Panhellenic Association
members, two Pan-Hellenic
Council members and one faculty
adviser and alumnus from each
The fraternity study committee
will be comprised of two PanHellenic
Council members, two
Intrafraternity Council members
and one faculty adviser and
alumnus from each organization.
Brewer said the committees
will "collect as much information
and as miirh inmit ac hip Mn "
In order to do this, Brewer said
the committees will look at greek
systems at other schools.
"We benefit from the trials
and tribulations other universities
have experienced," Pruitt said.
"We'll see the good and bad
other institutions have tried" in
conducting similar changes.
"It's a wonderful opportunity
for the students to get involved in
a decision-making process,"
Pruitt said. "It's a real compliment
to the student leaders."
y to tie into computers on other
oblems early in the semester, the
was installed in March, has been exble,
Poole said. He said the trunk
camDUS dialine. which ranc^rf mm.
is now working well.
been a few problems with longhe
said, but long-distance facilities
:d, and he hopes to have those corHe
said he believes students are
le operation of the system because he
:d any complaints since the earlier
5ad times are behind us," he said. "I
to be smooth sailing."
j out this is one of the few systems of
ountry, and it is working well.
ng of the new program would take
I weeks until installation begins later
said Southern Bell personnel would
II times to monitor the system and inaffect
Just minor differences
will be solved at the j
Sergio Chavez-Perez
Geology graduate
I hope Reagan won't !
blow it.
Todd Ramsey
Engineering sephomere