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Zillionaire By PATRICK JEAN Staff writer ABC, that constantly changing band from England, has returned to the music scene with a new album sporting 10 dance tracks and an attempt to regain a regular audience. - m/tv iv or u millionaire is an interesting, well-organized dance album at best. At worst, it's out of touch with any American pop audience. "Fear of the World" opens side one. It's a standard dance number, complete with the modern technology of synthesizers and dubbing. The song is nothing memorable, but a nice way to open up. The album's best track, "Be Near Me," is a staple on Top 40 radio playlists. It deserves to be there; it's a very enjoyable dance enno \i/it V-i or* mill an auuiiuiliicc UI keyboards and overlapping harmonies. Lead singer Martin Fry, who bears a slight visual and vocal resemblance to David Bowie, is at his best here. Unfortunately, the lyrics insist on rhyming, even if they becomc almost laughable in their "moonspoon-Junc" repetition. 1 J" I > video snov By BOB KUDELKA Staff writer Alternative music lovers in Coli soon watch their favorite bands per video show produced by USC stud< The new show, "Alternative Alt< will be co-produced by WUSC-FN USC Cable Connection. The developer of the project is U Kirby Formyduvall, who said "/> Alternative" will attempt to show \ usually seen on MTV. "People are getting tired of seeing videos over and over on MTV," "There is too much Top 40 and t Madonna." Production of the half-hour she this week. It will be aired Thursday Colunbia Cable Television. "'Alternative Alternative' will be fo nrcspnt pltpmoiii/? muf!" ? -- r. MliVIIIUVITV III Li.-) IV, Viutu \)\ ing, to be musically informative anc as a creative outlet for those invol\ production," Formyduvall said. The show's 10-member crew will perience in the video field by lean WOULD TO REM! "V I NOT LIKELY. WHEN YOU TR WANT THEM T( WHEN YOU GE1 KNOWS WHAT IF HE'S DRUNK, DO YOU. DONT RID ZiM CAMPtM iUJl ALCOMM >KOpmjkct 777 MM takes danc "Vanity Kills" speaks of the harms of egoism, with an interesting "you love you" chorus. A Chicago-like horn section is added at the middle but does nothing for the song as a whole. "Ocean Blue" relies on colors fO tnll itc ct Aru l^?'? 1 tvll 11.1 OIUI J Ul IVJYS WWII, lUVt lost. Pretty, harp-like background vocals are thrown into the synthesizer-laden sound. Again, it's an enjoyable but not memorable song. "15 Storey Halo" closes side one, dealing again with the dangers of false pride. Its clapclap percussion and twanging bass are reminiscent of Adam Ant's "Antmusic." It represents something of a musical deviation for ABC, making it interesting to listen and dance to. Side two opens with "A to Z," probably the worst song ever recorded by the band. The synthesizer is borrowed from "Uhostbusters," and the lyrics arc unintentionally funny. Each member of the band raps, or tries to. Despite its snappy background, it doesn't work. "Millionaire" deals with the gaining of goods to mask personal unhappiness. Fry sings canns offer al imbia can S aL^r^J form on a JH_ J m :rnative," 1 and the SC junior alternative 1 'ideos not / ? ^ ? 0 h ^ ; the same videos arc made, earner he said. said. oo much Johnson, a USC med may want to enter the >w began dustry after college, an nights on what he needs to know. Hard rock, punk, rc /4ArS<tnA<4 ' * ' *' 1 uiaigiiiu wave win oe snown. ogramm- Formyduvall said the I to serve native Alternative" will /ed in its MTV and WUSC. The s to introduce the vide gain ex- MTV's "veejays." ling how WUSC will obtain vide YOU TRUST A )VE YOUR APR msmi hH H i UST SOMEONE WITH VOUF D KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DC ' INTO A CAR YOII want a n HE'S DOING,' TOO. ' HE DOESN'T ? AND IF HE L< E HOME WITH A e music to didly at the start, "I've seen the future/ And I can't afford it." When asked who wants to be a millionaire, the background chants, "I do/ I don't." The song is an interesting paradox, denouncing wealth, then yearning for it. "Tower of London" is an audio postcard of London, praising the town's beauty and majesty. A few lyrics deal with the disllpnl nf vnilfh o?1^ tnnl' ??f W ; V/Ulll UIIU iat l\ \Jl understanding by politicians in England; sadly, the song never delves further into this idea. "So Hip It Hurts" talks of stylish trends of the past, present, and possible future. Fry sings about "Kinski eyes," "afro wigs on albino squares" and "calico and brocade shirts," among others. While the lyrics are fun to listen to, the song is not. "Between You and Me" deals with a personal relationship, then expands to cover a political relationship. "The stars and stripes meets the hammer and sickle/ Not for honor, but rubles and nickels," Fry sings. The song suggests that global conflict often comes down to two people. It's an interesting premise, but the ternative p aman Doug Johnson panies sucl send them ia arts major, said he In the f film or television in- videos for I d this will teach him jn Columb local band: ggae, jazz and new "This w wouldn't n : format of "Alter- Formydu I be similar to both reaches ab how will h'JUO o - " Alternative os, comparable to Formydu us from record com- The first ef DRUNK ENDIX? wm & t LIFE, YOU )ING. 'RIVER WHO DSES IT, SO DRUNK! Aftdn f KlO llQVtllf mc uaiin lyrics have too much to say. They're stuffed into a song that wasn't meant to hold them all. Still, it's the best song on the album other than "Be Near Me." ABC debuted in 1982 with The Lexicon of Love, a great rich white-boy pseudo-soul album, backed up by tuxedos and a 16-piece stage revue. The band later became involved in the age of conservatism in England and dronnpd thU imaop at I qc drummer David Palmer and superproducer Trevor Horn. Beauty Stab, their second album, confused everyone. Soul was replaced by machine-gun rock guitars. The twisted lyrics spoke of loss of identity among the British and denounced the age of conservatism, including their old image. However, the band had no new identity to claim, and the album was a mess. Zillionaire attempts to take the middle road. They still decry wealth and ego trips, but try to regain their old dance sound with new bass player David Yarritu, drummpr FH#?n onH o y UI1V4 (4 avil" produced album. The result is a record that sounds much better and more organized than the irograms \ \\ I h as Polygram and MCA that will free of charge, Formyduvall said, uture, Formyduvall hopes to film he show. He would like to use bars ia as settings for live footage of ould be an outlet for bands that ormally get exposure," he said, ivall said that because CCTV out 50,000 people, "Alternative " has a chance to be successful, vail hopes the show will catch on. >isode aired this week. Introducing th l' ! One week only, save $4 j selection. For complete Date: Oct. 21, 22, & 23 Place: University Book* S3 U \ * IV / A M e R I c K" [Tv; HyMnAKflhHHUH ABC's new dance music eHium How to previous one, and should be at the forefront of the new dance music revolution in England, which sounds a lot like old American disco. ABC has been throuah near constant personal and personnel Series opt jazz, rock, From staff reports Columbia's devoted jazz comm ton Quartet to Carolina Coliseum gram of the USC Cultural Series. The quartet, led by vibraharp Makoto Ozone. The group was f< cessful with rock and traditional Burton plays the percussion vifc except that it is played with four Ozone, famous for his "Ameri the group in 1983 and adds an < repertoire. Other Cultural Series events They 're Playing Our Song on No on Jan. 29, the Alvin Ailey Rep( Philip Glass Ensemble on Apri Theater on April 29. Student season tickets for the $25. Tickets for individual even coliseum. For more information, call tl 777-7130. . - , o e lower cost of hig] || | j|jlj| I Iliii?|| ii|| jj|j||j iM, Lb 5!!S!S!iSS -1 _Zjpu?_ (t> Af\ OFF I ALL 18K GOLD | 0 on your choice of any 18K go details, see your Jos tens repre: Time: 9 to 4:30 store Russell House Payment plans available. 1985 Jost W" I I J o 1 ii/1 : a s college I HB1 ^ i!Kf^Fvr!H^ ki ^JJ HHUH w lHj^V JJ DAVID DOTSON/Ttw Ganwcock ^ ba a Zilllonaira! ' change since its inception. The band changes too quickly and too , Af*on f/\?- ! ?. J ? ? - * VIIVI1 1UI 119 uwil HUUU, IIiaiMUg 11 difficult to find a worldwide au- j dience. How To Be a ZiUionaire is an improvement in sound and organization that the band should retain for its next album. ;ns with I % swing unity will welcome the Gary Buron Thursday as the opening proist Gary Burto, features pianist ormed in 1967 and has been sucjazz audiences. >raharp, similar to the xylophone mallets. % can swing" music, was added to ixtra dimension to the quartet's include: Neil Simon's musical >v. 12, "Cotton Club Revisited" :rtory Ensemble on Feb. 18, the 1 8 and the Netherlands Dans Cultural Scries art available for ts may also be available at the le Carolina Program Union at ^ - > ... .. , ** . ,4 ner education. Illlp:::. "iPliit,. ? 'iiuniiinih, .Dyw.. ! || | ^ Id ring in our *| sentative at: j Deposit Req.: $15.00 i ~ ~~ $ ens, Inc. NS RING ' L