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4t It . - ,* .1 I' IM' II U THE GAMECOCK Features April 26, 1985 ? Page 7 ^ Shoe CTfiO 10U "THINK ITS T 'l WHAT ABE <i |/ GONNA 06 A BOY? 1 YUR 1 NAMING HI; ' . />. ^r^ftrnr yn, : 1 I Shoe faI(M*V.[' Mee. 11wr ) \ usro I m&h J TMIMK<tt3UUgvg? I MIS&& Save a LIFE. I plgf Ikll No^ada^andn is the oncw, card sets. So here 2 1 m, j Baby Boomer' E I I Flower Power. I Silver Screen E< Tinseltown trivia Vi All-Star Sports ' nock a jock f /DO. Genus U,Ntoi the Genus Editi mRPWEtitk From Beethovf Young Playe Brothers C Get'em a"Every by Jeff MacNelly rtJO/wat.HES IfUS' 1 SO WE'RE W Wf AUfZEAPV WTML TOINMN&OF- kit TWOWEeKM^y^ . "ANYtRAK ^* 1| A> yfW J&K by Jeff MacNelly j *\?I JU6T 'OU&? 1 ON'T REAP THIS. 1 S R5ESMT MEAN I CAN'T KEAPMUSjC, I "Jiramn ? 1 Use your head ? Please don't dri '?mi 41 ll I owanights) the Big Man On Campus f ~ oiggest collection of Trivial Pursuit / ? ?- *^nre editions to pursue: . * mr to ire sia 11 ?vr. ^ dition?-From Eiscnnovw,. ^ Jition?A ton of titillating , Edition?Hcrejs your chance / right on rus irimrn to the Brothers j/tiuiakjTwuu> ttitled to liberty* I he Pursuit of Trivia. 125 The Far Side by Gary Larson C IW unniinil I'lW SynJi[:<le 1 u . i).im uII. i i "Well, here comes Roy again. He sure does think he's Hell on Wheels.'' nit and drive. 71 /? v?k? r* vM r US '*%? mUM M a ? ??Vx?r? -/ ?? , Min