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f'tige fi - April 26, 1985 . Opinion THE GAMECOCK Waitinn WW Ul till Jj USC's asbestos problem more than dangerous USC's handling of the asbestos problem has been adequate, but in a recent forum at Capstone House, l)a\id Rinker made quite a few mistakes. Rinkcr, systems vice president for facility planning, said the committee assigned to the problem had been working on removal plans for one year and that students in Columbia Hall, where asbestos has been found on the ceilings, arc in no real danger. "'Micro's nothing that requires the university to retinue the asbestos from Columbia Hall," Rinkcr said. "It's a very low potential for hazard, but it is a hazard." Kinker is right. I here's no law requiring USC to remove the less than 2 percent of asbestos from the dorm, but the administration is going to. Obviously. ihc\ aie concerned ? the question is. eonceineJ about what? Students? I he administration in probabl> al l aid of repercussions 30 years dou n i li line. < oluinbia Mali residents and summer school >tudeiiis will jiet the woist ciul ol the deal. Alter all, this L'toiip has to Ii\e with the potential ha/ard that Kinket relers to. Snmmct school students won't really escape the cR-aniiig pitKcss iiion' ii si 111 no sunjccicu 10 inc asbestos clcamip n the lowers . where tlvcy will he ex pee led 10 live. lhis doesn't seem like a cautious move on the university's part. Columbia Hall residents don't know what they arc in lor. And judging from the number of residents who showed up. thev apparently don't earc. They should. Students will he out of their rooms for up to six ?a'kv, thev may have to walk through plastie tunnels to then dorm rooms, and they will get no reimbursement t?>i their ineonvenienee. Relocation plans ma> include putting three students m ;i room, hut that hasn't been deeided for ?.ei tain \dministtutors have said they mav wail until Columbia 11.ill is renovated, pari ol a long-range plan to immove doi milnrirs. it> rt'inovc ilw :ishi?sf<?s Mm what about the other campus huildiugs. the ones whete the potential ha/ard is more than 2 percent? Maybe USC will wait to remove that asbestos, too. It's doubtful the administrators care. They don't live in Columbia Hall. A tarisa Porto, w ire'opinion pane editor Bloom County I ft\R.JONe$..IHflVeC(M w fw w Re$pecr5 to your MNf\W jr 6000 IN his rme Of peRsom oxter ne must ve ovtR me uNfimv pcmm 60t? vlcss mneRep... of we a _ you . CMfvrtR cmmHY /"" ^ \ / S- js_ I <$m , if Bloom County "73 " PtAce mm7Hey~" pour cry, urne / can meveK rmpw (WHAN MNANA JR.... h FLAY WITH WetR OTMR YOUR CORPORATE M$m / (XAP FRtBNM... COUCO... i !A,*~ s subs' / m <r/\ - ? -yiaajZV AJ/rmr/ suiarwr. i a.,a derrBR piaob... L. verm... fmnklm?ert..erc.. i v i &tc.. 6tc.6tc... -- ^ km: <*#) - -, kh. rnJU * ^ \w.'A)fc'%h&!Q t3paixan lav* Student pro To ihe editor: I musi commend my fellow students who have written to express their disapproval of the universty food seriYI'frtr ixi'iri /\l kiiortnn ' IVV. f lllkl JVHI.l \/? lltoi 1115 IIWT1 apathetic USC students are supposed 10 he. it is refreshing to sec that some students are taking a stand to protest Saga's practices. Upon institution ol 1 lie new requirement forcing incoming Ircshmcn to purchase a meal plan desired or not - Saga will have the uihorily 10 serve whatever and however 11 wants. As it exists mm. there arc two main problems, the lone! and I lie service. Saga doesn't of I o ihe ediiot: What is litis I hear that incoming Ircshrr next scar will he forced to buy a meal pi; glad to hear it. Many tinifs have I thoug because I could noi choose a meat plan. < happened 10 free will? I will be (lie first u> agree thai Ircshmei to make, but I do not feel (hat meal plans dv IllilUt I 1' 1 11IV 111. /\> Idl lilt IJIICMIIMI til by E ii i NOT NOW. j| cm i He's wire \ WHY? < 56 HIM? TRYINO TO 50Rf i WHY PC I s, * -L hu I . "I * ..A PlACe WfTH NO I vmmness / no wkm5 / i NO T?xe$ / NO O06OU6 - SA\/Atl [ C6NC6 / exmNMNO MMKert JnYl/Ni MP ncvbr, neve* m mew amrerinoH '-. FAfeweuHJ MM I //All? ^ its in Diplomacy* ] v||, SuJr^athat F~S^ iribokthe. XmmmrnM Af3v3nc6)n3tt. UzsJX 1 & J Letters tests Saga's While the quality may be all right, ihe preparation could use some improvement. Frequently, I have been served undercooked, poorly seasoned vegetables. There is nothing pleasant about picking nearly raw green beans out of one's teeth. The scrambled eggs could use a little work, too, since I don't like egg juice dripping off my fork, soaking my stone-like biscuit. Let's not discuss the veal at length, for "t suffices to say that food oozing with grease ^an make a fellow nauseous, The Service varies. While some cashiers are friendly and speedy, others are slow because talking to friends is more important than waiting fer free choice, i arc contusing, thai icn living on campus business making an from Saga? I am supported institutic ht ol leaving school 1, as a freshman Come on. What has meals, as many of their 10 or so meals i have mam i-lioift's. <*/! Uv t!?* .-ml nf il is one that should he smell a skunk, whether meal plans I am sure there a school, though I m :: seems to me thai lerke Breathed personally, have f< y room, taking adva cash card. When it OH ) UlV6f<N/.. TO * r-rr| I T|T mst ^11 f Editor in Chltf .I Lailte J. Dunton / |||U Managing fditer .. Jj John 0?n#f pfeiw"'Ami*-' Copy OmK Chiaf *mmmmmmmi Andy Duncan lerko Breathed "aTf" Ami. N*wt Editor Gregg latfcy Af% / Entortalnmont Edltc f{Kf\ f Robert O'Connor . NO/NO.' AMi.ERt.Wm \ NO owmse! ?!12!!" * i Milton I *,,t MH?i 4 J&T^SKw' WiralOpinian Edltoi Mwim PO,.O PHoto Editor ^ rJArl* L~ / Joieph Garrett '-' " "^'^''Hmmml * '- PH0t0 Editor ~ r m f, A 1 P!j iffgr liTl > new policy on customers. One server can't seem to make a simple taco, omitting the lettuce, and another has often told me that thev are "out" of hashbrowns. not merely that they will have more brought out in a minute. Perhaps it was only my imagination, but egg rolls seemed to be selling well, and sales were discontinued. Trie incoming freshmen have my sympathies. Most will be financially obligated to cat the meals for which they must prepay. I also hope they will A find that sense of unity that Saga has decided they need. Jonathan Fisher Psychology junior student says I should be a concern of Saga, a private a profit, not USC, a nonprofit state>n. i, used a cash card in order not to waste my freshmen friends did by not using up . It must he realized rh.'ii mi>al nnt nc le week turns into pure profit for Saga. 1 re more effective ways to keep freshmen in ust admit that I am not an expert on these, the only group that will benefit is Saga. I, >und it cheaper to combine eating in my ntage of specials off campus, and using a comes to food, let free choice prevail. Scott Gajda Criminal justice sophomore e Gamecock # " " D*1" The Gtmtcock welcomes letters end guejt editorials. AN lettars and gueit editoriife matt ba typewritten, tripte spaced on a 65 tpltpMp. " > letter* should be no longer than 300 wans and guest editorials should be limited to ona ntw? wotiny iuu|?c( nc xmgar man TOW ivpM pagai. Laltafi and guatt aditoriali MUST b? ?*flnad with tha wriltr'i nam*, taiaptono numbar, mailing ad oivw, ciasi aiancmg or faculty pomton ana ma jof. PMudonyms art unaccaptabia, but the writar'i nama may ba withheld upon rsquatt if tha cir cumitartcaa warrant. If We ratarva tNa right to adit guatt editorial and (attars ^ Address lattara and columns to: Opinion Pass Editor, Tht Gmteetk, Orawar A, (JSC, Columbia, S C. 29200. 1 , Gaaeral Manager Ad Mat*a?er Ron Eml?f Doug Tuwblood r Adviser Gradaata Assistant a At ?? ft -L L nm nuy?.'? n?n Dutneucm Hewtroem Advertising 777 7181 7774249 Builnma Offlca Production 777 3888 777 2833 I