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EXTENDED WEAR CONTACTS f Appro\ed up to 30 day continuous wear Wo use many brands and design lenses to fit your needs $ 1 7 5 .00 TOTAL FEE* ! DAILY WtAK UUNIHUia $ 145.00 TOTAL FEE* 1 'Includes Examination. caro kit and follow up \isits for 60 days. (Docs not include bifocal, cataract or special astigmatism lenses.) 1O0/n niQpnuiuT for iisr. stiiiifnts B V / V UIUVWMIV ?/ll www w i w COLUMBIA VISION SERVICES DR. ARTHUR Q- PEflKE Optometrist 1801 Hampton St. 254-6727 WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE FROM USC I * Saturday Morning Appointments Available* I & I sAk i ?7 RFMT VnilR liiiiffm STOCKADE / own ... for | | fttiwfim st0rage less!! i | space 10% OFF WITH 3 MONTH RENTAL t Size to suit your every need | "l Resident Manager Fully Fenced ; jv.?vrj 4 "j r> i ? i. i I o ll "J m uaru Muuvaieu uaie msiaiieu ouun fl 796 5160 F j 240 ORCHARD DR., 'Vt-W. Columbia j (I 26 to US 1 West. North on Woodside Pkwy to Orchard Dr.) * I I 1 (pantry! Tttt' Tttt W f j Date: April 10th | Time: 2:30 to 5:00 only j 1 MILLER SPECIAL - 6 Pack B Bears. Continued I dependent on the mother for warmth and milk. The mot tier and cubs remain in the den for three to four months, emerging only when the cubs are 20- to 30-pound miniature bears. To simulate the conditions of the wild, a special cubbing den was built within the offexhibit polar bear barn at Riverbanks Zoo to complete ly separate ine icmaic irom the male. In November, the female polar bear moved into Age. Continued from p true, our hiuhwav svstem is ii She also added thai figures <. lice of Highway Safety on yoi of the bill. In its 1983 report, this state under the age of 21 made u| Carolina drivers. However, tli percent of all accidents, w ith I 1"THK TIMK HAS conic to of these alcohol-relatcd accidi Sunglasses ? Outlet P( % (?? ? We Guarantee - 1 Lowest cash pri and a free cord with pure Popular Style Sunglassi ? Over 1000 To I OTt? mtSmJ Your Discc Visit fhe Pant and - -No ClIlL w pantry pro* (nthoise r fc^YT v P&NTBN OlNi_ , . *4- 4-1 /> r> jo no uuiecD - rom page 1 the new area. She was given access to a hallway and two UCI1S. I lie 111 cl 11111 Itt I UCJMIlment stall" maintained visual contact through a small onewas mirror in the den door. On Nov. 29, keepers noted that she did not lease one ol the dens. And on Dec. I, a distinct cry of a baby bear was heard. The polar bear ham was posted of I-limits, and mother and baby were subjected to as little stress as possible. On December 5, iage 1 i bad shape," Patterson said, rompiled by the Governor's Ofino drivers sw.-ived hoi sunnort organization found that drivers ? about 9 percent of all South lis age group was involved in 35 8 percent being alcohol-related. i raise the drinking age because :nts," she said. i Things. Inc. Dinte Mall 25% to 40% 4X OFF SUGG. RETAIL Classic Metals _ Wayfarers Cats ice anywhere :hase of any Ray Ban ^ 95 8. UP^W Choose From - qutletB iunt Sunglass Store ry jWoiz ! U?1\ VRtSt >tv vt ? ;d\" , ,vppEABA^CE f THE i IntMiuul irmiKi| much to the delight ol the stall, two separate cries were heard indicating the existence of two cubs. Al ter two months of fasting the first at tempts were made to feed the female. She began to eat slowly and was soon eating as usual. Until the cubs are much older, they will not have contact with the male bear. The female and cubs will be on exhibit during the day, and the male will have access to La en in the Iiyht of these ci lias refused to buckle under thi Sen. Thomas Pope, D-Newb asking Attorney General Travi iny on behalf of South Dakota, federal government for the m;i passed a similar resolution. II South Dakota wins its su other states to enact their own federal government inters en "nothing mote than blackmail I Stuffed Po . jj at lh iBuy one, gel [] , $' | only v i ivifh mil Student discount voic InmiiuMi BR5T _ IF3TAU1A5T till id1 BLa ai H ? I ? A '(( 0 NTS I n\ A AT) I will sign pictures, books and more!! 1200 WHAL nocir Rafnc $L R I IV/UI LJUHu-VJ V.A U a the exhibit at night. I he polar bear's native range circumvents the Arctic C ircle anil they exist on a diet ol" seals, fish, fox, plants and berries. At Riverbanks they are fed prepared meat, fish and vegetables. Males roach a weight of 1,000 pounds and stand about ten feet tall. Females ^ are slightly smaller. The cubs will reach their full si/e in (wo to three years. Dtnincing figures, one senator s federally imposed legislation, erry, has proposed a resolution s Medlock to file a legal briefwhich has filed sun against the % indatc. I he House has alreadv " lit. this will open the door for legal drinking age without the ing. which Pope labels as tato Skins !j top. S ? t one FREE. 3." i pon [j I on this spec 1.11 i | I xpirrs 4 17 85 ^ 1031 Assembly St. }' .ic ross Iroin Sl.ilt' I Ioum' EJ j|s<> | | 44^7 D^vinp St. m ???.I ? * autonranhs c? ?r ' , magazines EY ST., latoo \A/QCI 'UIV^O VVOOl I A _J*