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'Fad' classes devalue degree, study claims "m> ~4 EXTENDED WEAR C0N1 Approved up to 30 day continuous w We use many brands and design lenses to fil S 1 7 5 .00 TOTAL DAILY WEAR CDIUTAI $ 1 45.00 TOTAL 'Includes Examination, care kit and follow up visil (Does not include bifocal, cataract or special astigm 10% DISCOUNT FOR USC SI COLUMBIA VISION SER DR. ARTHUR G. PEfl Optometrist 1801 Hampton St. ? WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE FRO * Saturday Morning Appointments A v< CSV / HHtttttttttWttHftttl UNIVERSI liiiiiiiiiii?illinium By CoIIbbo Press Service College coursework is often full of "fads and fashions," and the growing number of non-essential courses students must take is wrecking the value of their college degree, said the authors of a three-year study released this week. The report, pioduced by an 18-member task force established by the Association of American Colleges (AAC), said colleges' tinkering with traditonal liberal arts curricula is rlillitino fhp wnrfh nf a lihcral arte rnllcop education. "Curricula are confused, fuzzy and drifting," said panel member Arthur Levine, president of Bradford College of Massachusetts. LOOK WH/ acts ^ /ear . your needs 2 Fresh FEE* * Hot Grits ,Tn Toast ITS ^ FEE* 1 W tfi for 60 days. iati8m lenses.) rUDENTS A I f INTERNATIONAL I I BOUSE ***** VICES I | [rktaoiakt KE I I 1 i BMMMKKfH ? >54-6727 j i! Gamecock Room j M USC available* Metro-Spe ITY OF S0U1 Buffeted by dwindling financial resources and a shrinking pool of potential students, colleges have "put their curriculums up for auction and sold out to the highest bidder," Levine said. The report said "non-essential" courses for mucking up traditional liberal education. It said remedial programs for students who are unprepared for college and technical classes ? eg., secretarial and police science courses ? typically obstruct, not advance, a college education. But administrators offer the courses with an attitude of "almost anything goes," the report said. "Fads and fashions, the demands of popularity and success, enter where wisdom and experience should prevail." lT YOU GET UBS Art >. lNL< I , : Vs-:; H: < ONLY flj . Served wit 99 *P IReg with coupon H SlIlC EXPIRES 3-4-85 U 1031 Assembly St. Served wil a across from State House HH Ppp 4467 Devine St. h| S FR| IP Phor Available for Students H 1725 Brc 1 1208 Kn< ^^200 Tw I edo g ? iniii9??iniBiiiiiiiiV?iiii ru rARni ia\i III uni 1UB.111J eg Panel members also blame the fogging of college curricula on professors who place a higher premium on research on their own advancement than on teaching. The report urges colleges to restructure their curricula to create practical liberal arts programs that combine core humanities subjects with career'skills. Levine cited Drosrams at Bradford. Alver no College in Miluakee, Scripps College in Claremont, California and Birmingham Southern College in Alabama as role models. He predicts colleges will begin following their lead in droves. 'Institutions arc learning that hunkering down, holding tight and just trying to get through this demographic onslaught is a slow slide to nowhere," he said. IHHltaiHHW thT^eek^peoal^^^^^B Small Shrimp & pj | Scallop Combo N j h French Fries, Hush Puppies and Cole Slaw I $5.15 Sp?cial $4.39 * ill Flounder Dinner U [h French Fries. Hush Puppies and Cole Slaw Ifffif $3.20 Special $2.69 Expires March 2, 1985 pjj EE Iced Tea with meal with USC ID ? m ahoad fnr ntiirk rarrv nut ?orvir>e? >ad River Rd Ph. 798-3032 I i >x Abbott Dr.. Cayce Ph. 796-1654 o Notch Rd Ph. 786-0160^^ Sol Blatt P.E. Center Natatorium , February 27, 28 March t & 2 ' Preliminaries 9:00 AM - Women j 11:00 AM-Men *> = 1:30 PM - Diving Finals - 6:30 Plw udiiy i lURUia $2.00 - Adults $1.00 - Students , ; * AHSession Ticket : $5.00- Adult lim $3.00 Student \ I