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MM j# | s^wfafcw i 1 ^xpSjffj OpUS 8 JOSEPH GARNETT / The Gamecock Calvin Hunter, a member of the band Opus 8, performs at the Golden Spur Friday night. The concert was part of the Black History Jam sponsored by the Carolina Program Union in honor of Black History Month. far-. TONIGHT * l^brthCaidira vvi w i icKets on sale now at 5g% n< The Township Sf; ^ (252-6530) fU A Ql'Vl Si I Vari transportation available to students to #tiiiawrc\ fOC |/ and from The Township beginning at JLC -Ji 6:45 p.m. Call 777-7130 | O teClC J for more information. ' jgj pif S Asv>k>r I I??t I.. < | fift TODAY & TOMORROW ? Cinem " ft PASSES to Rob Reiner's new movit tomorrow at 8 p.m. Tickets in C Candidates-^ HILBIJRN: The relationship of the USC SCi president and president of the university should be a relationship of pride and interest of the students. A communication link that will help facilitate progress of new programs for Carolina students. Not a relationship of dictation from staff and faculty. What will you do that Glenn German has not done? SMITH: Many things. Glenn worked hard; he simply placed emphasis on the wrong projects. Unlike Glenn, I will actively speak on student concerns by attending all Faculty Senate meetings. Also. I will work to provide the Student Senate with direction. As president, I will be visible and accessible. STROBLE: ! will be outspoken on the issues that concern the Carolina student and community, such as lobbying against the raising of the drinking age, and protecting the rights and nowers of the student I wmilH be more visible and accessible. I would give some direction to Student Government. HILBURN: With the help of the executive board and the Student Senate I will see to it that students are more informed and better represented on their interest and concerns. I will allow students more say on what goes on by holding forums and holding an open door policy. KOTTI: I ncrcasc the visibility of the president and communicate with the student body on a regular basis. Create an atmosphere among the executive officers based on team work and cooperation. Set a number of realistic goals and plan out strategically how Alcohol Task Force I uj nunoy wiioon USC hasn't gone dry yet. and the Alcohol Task Force is working to sec that it doesn't happen. "Going diy would be the easiest solution," said Laveta Small, a counselor at the Campus Alcohol project. "But it wouldn't be fair to those students who are of the legal drinking age." The task force has revised the "University SKSSSHMSSSftS B GUMBY'S COMING TH Ideas/Issues, Visual Arts am df / Thursday, Feb. 21 in the Russell Ho $2 Students / $3 ( Tickets at th iatic Arts is GIVING AW 3 "The Sure Thing." Ricf )PU office ? 2nd Floor St? AROLINA tf - ~~o" ~ from page 1. Student Government intends to achieve them throughout its term. What are the three things now affecting USC students most? STROBI-K: There is 110 real indication of what the three major problems affecting USC students are. As a student, I can only assume, because in rcri-m v/?nrc --- .-? .MHUtlll Government has become so separated from the student that it no longer serves as a representative for the entire student populace. HILBURN: Several things come to mind when thinking of things that affect us here at Carolina. First, the parking problem concerns on- and off-campus students. I have solutions and the solutions will work. Secondly, if you are old enough to fight, you arc old enough to drink a beer. KOTTI: Parking near Capstone and South Tower. Solution: Cannot be elaborated upon in the allowed space. Possibility of a dry campus. Alternatives: initiate use of hand stamps. ID bracelets and irK with tinHnmc' age. Housing costs. Solution: Managerial Efficiency Audit of Residential Life Services to determine where funds arc being wasted. SMITH: The parking fiasco, the unfair computer fee and the oppressive alcohol policy are the big three. I have programs 10 combat these problems. With the voters' support, I will work to create a problem-solving Student Government. A Student Government that is dedicated to benefiting students d:iilv looking for options Policy on the Use of Alcohol by Students," which was implemented l eb. 15. Studentsponsored events may now serve alcoholic beverages to those students who are of age providing they have proper identification. All social events of 10 or more people where alcholol will be served must be registered in advance with the Studetn Activities Center. A member of the host See "Alcohol." page 5. SSSSSSBSSBgg DRSDAT TO BSC EH j Video Tape present jSS rt Clokey ? jjljljj s animated films "jS king about the Sft ? of Gumby. (SWT MISS TVf 50c 3 7:30 p.m. use Ballroom General Public le Door. 5SS ?nrt AY FREE XK iland Mall, jKr RHUU. .? OGRAM WNION^