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. Horseshoe c ? w 1 i -? .?????~?-????????~?\? ???_?-? ?? ? ?-?___?_?? Student to march p. 3 ^ | friday Tarzan's back p. 10 BE BBS &? April 6, 1984 Gamecocks win p. 13 H | j| University of South Carolina Hotel sale m By David Hill USC won first state government approval for dorm renovations yesterday, as the Commission on Higher Education approved plans to snend monev from the sale of the Wade Hampton Hotel on renovations to other dorms. Though university officials don't know how much money the sale of the hotel will bring ? and it won't happen until early summer ? they asked for CHE approval early to help the renovations begin early, said David Rinker. system vice president for facilities planning. Rinker said the state Budget and Control Board will also have to approve the plans, but seeking approval now will enable work to begin on time to have it finished by the beginning of the fall semester. THE COST of the planned renovations is $568,000. Health Enricl USC student body c scales toward good By Frank Sala i By knowing the basics of nutrition and ex* of choice, students can give their bodies ever stay healthy, whether they eat in the dorm, i in the Russell House, a Lexington County educator said. Janet McMahon spoke at USC Wednesday to choose their meals carefully no matter wh gave helpful guidelines for making the prop< McMahon outlined the Senate Select Cor mendations for a proper diet. They are: P'jf mnrp nnn-r>meessed fruits, ve^eta grains. Eat less meat; replace it with poultry anc j *Eat less high-fat foods; replace animal fs fats. Substitute non-fat milk for whole milk. Eat fewer eggs and other high-cholesterc Eat less sugar and foods with high-sugar Use less salt. "CHANCES ARE you like a lot of the fo she said. "Good nutrition doesn't mean things you enjoy." Moderation and sensible to healthy eating, and that sensibility can Russell House, she said. "Take advantage of what is there. Don'l with a sausage oiscuu 101 uiraMd.M wntn n.v whole wheat toast, orange juice, skim milk, McMahon suggested on-campus students g< When students are off-campus, she advise fooled. Be a wise consumer." If students eat in "nice" restaurants, Mi they make special requests. "Restaurants a I health-conscious, so you may have more c I HEALTHY REQUESTS would include rather than frying it, holding the mayonai: putting the dressing on the side rather than said. Diving into salad bats at restaurants m; calorie fun you thought it was, McMahon s on the cheese, ham, bacon bits, croutons have piled on a lot of calories, she said. T calorie meal that is less satisfying than a wicli, which has fewer calories. Salads ar J i;i vuvi. Bread is not the calorie culprit most pco adding that bread and other carbohydrate rice and grains should make up 50 to 60 p< Other infamous foods turn out to be not sc said. Pizza is not necessarily bad, but eat;n$ unhealthy, she said. "Avoid the meat topp I m,,Ckmn,?K " ch," vcgeiame tupping miu ihh.t..i wV....?, ' DKSFITi: TH1C high-sodium content, supply a nutritious meal, because of its at vegetables, she said. Mexican bean d nourishing, because of their high-protein, she said. McMahon said to stay away fu oney to be u: It will be spent on new roofs for Burney, Baker, Moore, the lower University Terrace, Wade Hampton, McClintock and South Tower. Gutters and cornices are to be renaired at Preston, Sims, Maxcy and Thornwell; waterproofing done on Preston and on parapets at Legare-Pinckney and Harper-Elliott; and exteriors repainted at Sims, Wade Hampton, McClintock and Preston. ^ Rinker explained to the commission that USC used a 3 percent loan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to buy the hotel in 1978. The part of the loan that has not been repaid, $2.9 million, will be transferred to renovation projects, he said. COMMISSION CHAIRMAN Fred Sheheen asked Rinker if the loan transfer would lessen the strain on student housing fees. Rinker said it wouldn't, because the hment Week c ercising freedom 8 ything needed to n a restaurant or j , urging students ^ its with vegetable ; , ?; V , : >1 foods. !;":/;;^i^;'.. > ""V^ content. H? ods on that list," never eating the jS meals are the keys ^ start right in the t say you're stuck jjwi :re are choices like 'A and fresh fruit." n a meal plan. :Mahon suggested joe| Goodman Humor is his prescription for broiling the meat a se and butter and ?? *1 I f I on your salad ,she U U U (J OCII I ly not be the low- By Tim Surratt aid. After you pile Healthy sexuality comes orwi Hrpccino vmi nositive self-imaee. and we < he result is a high- ccpt others until we car modest ham sand- ourselves, said a speaker e not as filling as Door's USC Health Enrichim pie think, she said, I.ois Park, director of inf< s such as potatoes, and education for Plannec ercent of our diets, thood of Columbia, said W > nasty after all, she one way to healthier sexuali people to leel better aooui u ; too much can be and tp accept themselves, tings and go for the said. "If we don't like ourselves ? if we aren't comforta Chinese food can ourselves ? how can we be nmdance of stir-fry table with others? ishes can also be lou-calorie content, "I I 'S SO easy to look in i and say 's uck .' lint t he I act >m al! you-can-eal get one bod,"she said. Pa: k Set 1 ! she was speakii See "Food," paye 3 ualitv. noi se\, aiul that se> sed for dorm cost of needed renovations will be "well fi more than" $2.9 million. s; Provost Frank Borkowski said USC officials expect several buildings, dorms and a others, will need substantial renovation work within the next few years. a "We do have major renovation needs, and that's to be expected at a university of our c size and our age," he said. a Some commission members lauded USC R for the plans. Harold Jacobs urged taking arluantaop of thf? ffHpral mnnev "I don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Let's approve this," he said. o B BIDS WILL be taken for the hotel, and "we won't seil it for a loss," Rinker said. s< He said about 500 beds will be eliminated h with the sale of the hotel. h "And you're not going to come back in b overs food, hi B^y John Oeinf ; VIIVJ "MV? J |g| game and sen Jm The editor ( A terSy Good ma 1|> persons on thi ^ many people Photo by Stephen Mofin "SOME PI perience with good health. _;_i_ i:i? image aias sex mt fects everyone from the moment the from a wake up in the morning right throng can't ac- their dreams at night. i accept "We are human beings, we're so at Open ual, and we just have to accept it. On ?ni week. sexuality is not something we get tc day, and then it goes away. It's part c * U.trvt ar* If CfQl [>rmauun yuu u.> u uumau unn^. u vi/m..) i Paren- dard," she said. ednesday Park also said healthy sexuality ity is for achieved not by expecting perfectio ?emselves out of others, but by accepting them SHE SAID people must be aware < as we are the effects the media have on how se ble with vial it y is seen in other people, usii : com for- magazine ails as examples of how il media play on people's sexuality. "How do the\ know gentlem< he minor prefer Manes? Ha\e they asked the is we onl\ guys what the\ like? I think it's the le thc\ want you to want. It's a play < ig on sex oui .sexuality," she said. audits al Along with acceptance ot othei repairs ve years and ask us for 500 beds," Sheheen aid to Rinker. Rinker said no, and Borkovvski said there re "no plans or discussions" on new dorms. BUT, HE said, housing needs cannot be bsolutely predicted. A tightening of entrance requirements has ut down USC's enrollment, and "we will see leveling off next year of the student body," :inker said. "We have 100-plus beds empty this year." "We do believe the enrollment will level ff at a head count of about 20,000," iorkowski said. Commissioner Louis Wright said there sems to be a perception among students that ousing involves a "hassle." He suggested ousing staff and officials communicate with uilding planners. imor, sex ia 'for health ~l v# l| lest medicine it \\ e sits in GambrcU Hall with coins stuck on \\ Is, wriggling their anatomies trying to drop another person'* cupped hands. :e goes on for thirty seconds, then a horn : game is over. may seem bizarre, it's only Joe I Goodgroup of people to share his ''cents" of hing he feels is important "just for the si, FOUNDER of the Humor Project in ngs, N.Y, gave the keynote address of Enrichment Week last night. He said a humor is the best way to relieve stress, d stress reminds me of a sign I saw on a once. It read 4A flush beats a full house,' u all know what that means," Goodman ? has to do. he said, is "to hold up a mir step back, and get a good laugh." To prole had the audience raise their arms as if scored the winning point in a basketball ;am *4I'm depressed\ of the quarterly magazine Laughing, Main said he has spoken to more than 40,000 e benefits of laughter and has decided that are afraid to laugh. lOPLE are 'fun shy' because their only ex- j | humor is that which has been used as a See "Speech," page 3' l sneaker savs ' i ?r - ? y healthy sexuality comes from good h decision making such as what kind of birth control device, if any, to use, and how often to have sex, if at all, Park ir said. >- "Sometimes we think everyone is >f having sex, and if you're not, l- something must be wrong with you. We have to have food, water, and we is have to have oxygen. But we don't n have to have sex," she said, adding i. that there are also choices to make on whether or not to be responsible about >f having sex. xlg "I'M NOT just talking about birth te control. You also have to look at the other things. Any two people have to :n realize there is a risk of pregnancy. II it sc occurs, someone has to take . <wiKilitt > i v. vi i 11 > 111 j . ">u "We also ha\e a rcsponsibilii\ not to let someone use us, and we have a