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digest Lava adds color to VOLCANO, Hawaii (AP) ? Like i Volcano Golf and Country Club has its s sand traps, but the hazards that can rei your game are the lava flows and botto Molten rock from Mauna Loa and hasn't actually reached the course, but tains do add a spectacular background t golf. "It adds color," said Bill Hayashi, su] course, which is located between the tw' island of Hawaii. "Where else could ; ;in priintino unlpann''" Club policy probably would not gra: lava flows were they to creep onto th said. "It's the earthquakes I find distractii On Nov. 16, a quake measuring 6.7 on t ground measurement rocked the island, long. 1 -foot-wide crack on the 18th hoi bottom, Hayashi said. The crack is mar III TA _ XX' jiionauran military ottic I I (,l C'KiAI.PA, Honduras (AP) ? duran military officer lias been forced I fifth victim of a high-level shake-up vvhii says will help ensure that civilians stav 1 I he chic! ol the Honduran armed for I \l* ii.w \ 1'it-f in.?v MI J.?l\ t man in the country, was ousted Saturda ilc. Within the next 24 hours. Hondur resignations of two generals and a eolom posts. On Monday, Gen. Marco Antonio H arim inspector general, became the fifth resign. I oreign Minister L-dgardo Pa/ Harni comment on the shake-up, told a I "f ): 11 niUi'i nniiMil it Ht'iir I lint not interfeie in political matters, nor sin terfcre m military affairs." "What happened is only logical," h at 101 having had military regimes in Hon Now we have a democratic government t popularly from the voting booths and confront a period of transition . . .th< consolidate our democracy." The military ruled Honduras for 17 y Roberto Suazo Cordova, a civilian, wa 111 January 19S2. Honduras, which shares borders wit Nicaragua, is an important ally of the Special U.S. envoy to Central Shlaudcman. on a tour of the region, that the United States "had nothing to c ings in I londuras." In neighboring El Salvador, leftist i llondnran and Salvadoran government CIA. were trying to infiltrate the large assassinate its leaders. The rebels ble leaving 300,000 people in northern I electrieiis. Window washer ir ATLANTA (AP) ? A window was 24-story fall from a downtown Atlanta the critical list and was in fair condition Memorial Hospital. Gilmer MacDougald, 38, was workii Ritz Carlton Hotel Sunday afternoon Monday's opening when something w iv.... i i i_ _ r .11 A. i saieiy Harness anci rie leu 10 me gn broken when he grabbed his safety life! wall two or three times on his way do Me underwent five hours of surger critical but stable condition Monday v ankles, a fractured elbow and rope bu Grady spokesman Jim Driscoll sai still in intensive care yesterday, but upgraded to "fair." k if I .111 1 . ' i* . 1. ne ii oe in intensive care lor anoui it there are no other complications. H< into a regular room. Until then no one terview him," Driscoll said. "He's been conscious, lucid, talka tabic," he said, adding that MacDou on his way to complete recovery. uSG today ' . it fiifiCOAii Iter 7.' ? ouu |jiay? ncwuouy a\ t ,< field. ' : ' v ::5 :':';v.31^ TENNIS -,USC fnari's team plays Furman 'twtrtis Stadium. '' < '/ ' . ^ A ' ."4 ' '^T^HPE SPUR "** Shadow fox performs at 1 DEBATE ~ The Athenian Literary and Of (he American legal system at 8 p.m. in t room in the USC Law School. 4M I inftii i ii ' I. ,??zz Dati Victims i nnnron I bUUIOC (AP) _ south Caroliniai most courses, the of this past week's tornado hare of creeks and into disaster relief centers th illy add strokes to yesterday in three of the h mless crevasses. counties. Kilauea volcanoes Eighteen people were kill the furious moun- were injured ana many i o a quiet round of left homeless this past week twisters ripped across / perintendent of the Laurens, Newberry, Kersh; o volcanoes on the field and Marlboro countie; you play golf and nearly $26 million in damage: those counties was declared nt a free lift from disaster area. e course, Hay ash i Disaster relief centers foi ig," Hayashi said. survivors opened at 8 he Richter scale of Newberry, Fairfield and opening a 20-foot- counties, said Mai Martin e.with no apparent assistance center coordinate ' * " ^ r- ?i i r* * m _ . keel oy small nags. rcuciai iziiitrrgcuey iviai . - , Agcncy. Centers in the th 131 0 U S16 U counties wcre to ?Pcn Frida; Another top Hon- "IN MARLBORO Count; from his post, the 150 people came in by 10 a.i ;h the government tin said. "lairfield County I n coinrol. the military should ' oil Id politicians in- ** c said, "especially j iduras tor 17 years. ' * *' hat has conic forth therefore we now *$# 9vlB!&''V it will allow us to fp- ? ears until President /!9 s installed in office h E:1 Salvador and " ,, p-1 United States. ' America Harry said in Guatemala io with the happenrebels claimed that i ^units, aided by the IjsSfttfl iflW0 ^ ?st rebel group and ^ ~ * up power poles, J " provinces without | ' T j ' v nproves h?, , Goina for a Sui hotel was taken off David Gloudemans, a marine i yesterday at Grady N.C., Sunday. lg alone on the new # JFJ " 1 in preparation for 1 i T | 1 f: ft 51 1 ' ent wrong with his BBS B 1 ^ ound. His fall was WASHINGTON (AF) ine, hitting the hotel . . . ' optimistic statements fron wn, . 1 . ... , .. . , . leaders, military manpowe y and was listed in . . 1 , , , warning ol ' clear si; /ith broken legs and . ,, . . . . ? . downturn in recruiting a irns on his hands. , . . . . . d MacDougald was ,r?ut'le ' .nU.mng . . ,.f. volunteer armed force, lus condition was c, , rr. Senior personnel officers . , the warning signals whi icr two to three days ~ . . .. .... . Department civilian leade : then will he moved 1 . .. ... , .. . . . successes by all services will be allowed to in- 3 tivc, but uncomfor gald appeared to be UUI1I|IUU 5sm5isi5$il daytona beach, i H.(j : >;kMhi,?; ;? M?.{;> pi Computer measurements < : ! !1 ! " ! ! ! of cancer cells have allc "h 1 1 1 . - 1 chers to predict which paii 30 p.flfK at Sarge Fryeyprove with chemotherapy ' ed light on how a normal : v, :?,-y '\ .cancerous. s?m'Daniel & The new technique cor mined which 15 patients fr ; \ ' group of 30 with pros 0 fm/?nd jnktMgtit. professor at the Johns Ho of Medicine in Baltimore sbate Society debates "We're not diagnosit he second floor court V Coffey said at an Amci .vV"f .. J J V / V. I v. I y ^VIIIIIUll I V71 OVIV > I "We're taking these p elirtE flock to relief ns victims 50 people and Newberry County aboi es poured the same." at opened Most of those at the centers yeste ardest hit day needed temporary housing followed by those seeking emergenc ed, about food stamps, and those interested i nore were obtaining low-interest loans, he said, when the On Monday, the 18th victim of tf Abbeville, twisters died in a North Carolir aw, Fair- hospital. Oneta Norris Deaver, 6 >, causing died of injuries she suffered when h< s. Each of mobile home was struck by a funn a federal cloud, said Marlboro County Coroni Dana Crossland. Mike Covington, spokesman for tf r tornado Emergency Preparedness Division < a.m. in ine siaie aajuiani general s omce, sai Marlboro Monday was the last day the Nation , disaster Guard would be actively involved i >r for the the cleanup. But the guardsmen, wh nagement numbered 232 at the height of tl rnn ntlior r?mr?ro*?nr,\; tliic r\oct ?->inl ? vv V/MIVI V..IV. UII.1 pu.ll 11151 y. and Thursday, will remain on standb he said. y\ roughly 11.," Mar- ATOLL-FREE information hotlii had about ? 1-800-922-1148 ? was set up M01 iday climb science student and president of the USC Mountaineering ? worry aoout ? Despite recruiting and re-enlistment goals. 1 Pentagon There have been three straight boi r chiefs are tiful recruiting years, with 1983 hai ens of a bv the Pentagon as the best ever. A nd looming the successes have continued into ea a quality 1984, according to Pentagon report Defense Secretary Casp have raised Weinberger has set the tone for ile Defense civilian leadership in the Pentagon rs boast of hailing these successes without in meeting dicating any difficulties ahead. ers help screen . ;la. (AP) ? already have eancer and asking 1 of the shape bad the tumor is going to be." >wed resear- Experienced doctors have long I ents will im- a^le to identify in crude terms w and have sh- cancer cells are more deadly, cell becomes pathologist told Coffey that ca cells "look anorv" nmlfr rectly deter- microscope, and the Pap smears om among a detect cervical cancer in women ar< trate cancer amined for just such angry-loo ed with anti- cells, Coffey said. aid Coffey, nkins School However, Cofiey has shown tha computerized system can pick ,.orw,?r " subtleties that can't be discerned I'b CcillCCI , ican Cancer bV lhe tramed <-'yc;nce writers. He uses an electronic tablet to t latients that the image under the microscope centers it day in conjunction with the centers, Covington said. r- In addition to offering temporary I, housing assistance, emergency food :y stamps or low-interest loans for in homeowners, businesses and farmers, the centers offer help in finding lost le Social Security, Veterans Administrala tion or tax refund checks and emergen 4, cy unemployment benefits for people sr not normally covered ? such as el farmers and the self-employed, sr Legal aid, mental health counseling and consumer information also would te be available at the centers, Covington Df said. id "They will be able to handle just al about any kind of problem," he said, in 10 THE CENTERS will also have state le foresters on hand to give landowners 111 a^i^iuiiv,^ in iiiai i\ci 11i? anu .^aiva^ui^ y, an estimated SI 3.8 million in woodland losses. Siatc Forester Leonard Kilian le declared a forest disaster Monday for n- nine S.C. counties hit by the storm. i. <v^H^B^1bG :'":VS^'-,?2.; : V?!^vK' '-;^^HflflK^ i v- " ^ ^-,. ' 4T 1 f ' * * .. > *- ..... Pholo by Oavid Talon LlUD, scales urowaers Mountain near uasiumd, recruiting As recently as tins past week, jn- Weinberger said in a speech to the led American Security Council, a defense,nd oriented organization, that "our big rly gest success story is our people, s. "Retention and recruiting successes ar are coming at a time when the the economy is improving, a time when in skeptics said young Americans would in- turn their backs on the military," Weinberger said. cancer cells how cancer's cell's nucleus, the central core containing the cell's genes. )een The computer then calculates how hich much the nucleus deviates from a One uniform, spherical shape, Coffey said, ncer The more distorted its shape, the more the deadly the cancer tumor of which the (|iat cancer is a part. - ex_ The research has not pointed the kiug way to better treatments, but it is a part of a broad scientific investigation |,js into the nature of the fragile Up "skeleton" that holds the cell nucleus even 'n shape, Coffey said. This structure, called the nuclear race matrix, is turning out to be very imporof a taut in the growth and division of cells.